One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 333: Festival

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Just listen to the big snake pill and mutter to himself: "Is this not a aster? No! The aster is not so powerful. She is... Sasuke, how many secrets do you have..."

"How come you are sixteen nights."

Sasuke subconsciously glanced at the sixteen nights, but saw her still so cold. At this point, the latter noticed Sasuke's gaze, and the purple pupil flashed a touch of unnaturalness, and when it snorted, it rushed straight to Jun Ma Lu.


Knowing that I was ignored by sixteen nights, Sasuke’s heart sighed, and my heart was fine. Her performance was still normal. At the very least, there was no such thing as going to be cut.

Space fluctuations, purple brilliance flashed, and saw the three-footed arrow in the hands of sixteen nights.


Containing the power of terror to pierce the air, the incomparable sharp atmosphere will cover the Jun.

This trick is basically the purple that has been displayed by Sasuke. However, in the 16th night, it is a lot stronger. It almost does not give Jun Malu reaction time. The horrible arrow is the defense that penetrates his whole body. .

Piercing, bloody, but see Jun Ma Lu left shoulder completely cracked, the shoulder blade is disconnected from it, the white bones of the skull exposed, but also with **** pork, the surrounding blood is fuzzy, almost impossible to distinguish.


The intense pain swept all the nerves of Jun Ma Lu. Under that arrow, he only felt that his body was like being torn, and that it was only an arrow, but the power of the devil The purification properties are still eroding his body tissue.

"A wonderful woman..."

The sweat of the big ball dripped from the front of Jun Ma Lu, his face was paler, and the blood was pouring from the corner of his mouth, but he was seriously injured.

Taking a breath, Jun Ma Lu looked at the sixteen nights floating in the air with a dignified look. He knew that the woman in front of him was not the asters she had known. The power almost exceeded his cognition.

"I didn't expect Sasuke to have such a card. It was really troublesome."

Immediately, Jun Ma Lu's left shoulder white light appeared, the gel-like bones surging, but it was to fill the broken parts of his body, and there was no injury.

"Is it not dead?"

Seeing the recovery of the injured Jun Ma Lu, the sixteen-night purple double-twisting micro-microwave, for the general understanding of the strength of Jun Ma Lu, but see her hands again to seal, stunned, more horrible demon power, It is almost necessary to break this piece of space.

"It will be so strong..."

Sasuke saw the performance of the sixteen nights, but he was also amazed. "As long as she gives her enough power to break the devil, I am afraid that no one is her opponent."

Thinking of this, Sasuke is very helpless, he has a sense of frustration, the feeling of being overtaken is very uncomfortable. However, after all, 16 nights is his intimate person, and this kind of mind is quickly suppressed.


The space trembles, the purple streamer spreads out, and the incomparably powerful force reappears. This time, it is still a three-foot purple arrow, but the power contained therein is more solid.

It can be seen that the purple arrow is overflowing with light, like a crystal. The arrow is engraved with a mysterious rune, and the sharpness of the tip is almost through everything.

On the 16th night, overlooking the Jun Ma Lu on the high platform, the Indian-style change in the hand, in an instant, the broken magic arrow burst out, where the space fluctuated, flowing like water.

In the face of a strong arrow, the feeling of death floated on the heart of Jun Ma, the first time in his life, this feeling of incomparable danger, since the power that inherited the great night, the first crisis sense.

"Be sure to block!"

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Sp; Jun Ma Lu Xinshen giant earthquake, crazy running yin and yang sorrow, in an instant, a huge void of black holes emerged, trying to block the irreversible arrow.

The broken magic arrow hit the black hole, and the whole space trembled. The purple demon power swept out, but it gradually disintegrated the black hole.


Jun Ma Lu screamed, calm indifference can no longer be maintained, and then all the strength of the body to resist, he definitely does not recognize the power of the goddess of the goddess will be defeated to a witch.

However, this is only in vain, and the yin and yang sorcerer still collapses, just like the long-dead ending, and no matter how hard he works, he can't change.

The broken magic arrow is not reduced. After passing through the black hole, the streamer flashes, and you will once again wear Jun Ma Lu through your chest.

Jun Ma Lu looked at the strong arrow in the line of sight infinitely magnified, at this time, a black shadow blocked in front of him.


Lee arrow passed through the chest, the bright red blood was soaked on the ground, and Jun Ma Lu was incredulously watching the man who blocked him for the next arrow.

"The big snake pill adult..."

Looking at the big snake pill like a gray-faced look, Jun Ma Lu double eyes, his breathing almost stagnate.

"Great Snake Pills!"

"Jun Ma Lu..."

The big snake pill screamed, "cough... I didn't expect it, I still came to this step..."

"The big snake pill adult... you won't have anything..."

Jun Ma Lu completely lost the square inch, cold and silent, but instead of fear and overwhelming.


At this time, the smell of the big snake pill became more and more chaotic, and the blood mixed with the broken internal organs was sprayed out, and the clothes of Jun Ma Lu were dyed.

Seeing the big snake pill breath, Jun Ma Lu hurriedly supported the body that the big snake pill was about to fall.

"Jun Ma Lu..." The big snake pill, like a golden paper, was held in the arms by Jun Ma Lu. The corner of his mouth showed an inexplicable smile. "In this way, I have fulfilled my promise. I already know." There will be such a day, when I was in front of the adult, I had expected it."

"Da snake pill adult, don't talk, you are fine..."

During the speech, Jun Ma Lu’s tone was a little hoarse. He watched the adult who he respected died, and the sorrow in his heart was like a whirlpool that torn his body apart.

On the court, Sasuke and the 16th night went to the high platform, silently watching Jun Ma Lu who would hold the big snake pill. At this time, the two did not shoot.

"Jun Ma Lu, do you still want to do it?"

Looking at the tragic two people ~ ~ Sasuke suddenly emerged a sympathy, but this feeling is only a moment, and soon he was pressed down.


Jun Ma Lu hated and saw Sasuke, and looked at the 16 nights around Sasuke. It seems that they have to engrave the figure of both of them into their minds.

It is them who killed their most respected people, killed their benefactors, and killed the people they cherish most.

At this moment, Jun Ma Lu can't forgive Sasuke and 16 nights anyway. The anger in his heart is almost to burn everything in this world.

"I want to kill you!"

Jun Ma Lu screamed, but he was desperate to rush forward.

"Jun Ma Lu! Keke..."

The big snake pill took the sleeves of Jun Ma Lu with Yu Li.

"The big snake pill adult..."

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