One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 339: Festival

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Seeing the scrolls of the sky, Sasuke’s eyes flashed a eager glimpse, that is, what he has been looking for, the dragon’s caves that can open the fate of reincarnation.

Immediately, in the middle of the assistant, under the control of the restraining force, the scroll flew straight into his hand.

"Is this the magic of Longdi Cave?"

Sasuke looked at the black scroll and found that there was a wave of power in the scrolls of his hand. He immediately used the technique of spiritual exploration and found that the scroll was still blocked by a layer of seal.

Sasuke hopes that this seal will be set by the White Snake.

Immediately, Sasuke delivered power to the reel. In the slight cracking sound, a layer of milky white brilliance appeared on the reel and then disappeared.

Very easily, the seal was completely lifted.

At this time, the scroll was turned into a white light and broke into the head of Sasuke.


The huge amount of information suddenly poured into Sasuke's mind, including not only the knowledge about the sacred, but also other kinds of information.

When I poured into the room in an instant, it was a shock to Sasuke.

After a long time, Sasuke returned to God, but he saw him look strange, just listen to him swearing: "This is the so-called reincarnation? The secret of immortality, about the real fairy. I understand, the so-called reincarnation, After all, it’s a different journey. The son of reincarnation, the son of fate, the big tree, the night, although you have difficulties, but you can’t easily destroy you.

In the end, Sasuke’s eyes flashed a glimpse of light. He decided that the future road will be decided by himself. No matter what the change will be the trajectory of Naruto, no matter what, he can’t shake his determination.

"Being a child of reincarnation, forbearing the world, all things, these things, I should protect them. The big barrels of the night, and the black, your purpose, will never succeed."

In the space of the magic wheel mirror, Sasuke is more clear about the future road, changing the fate of Uchiha, reviving Uchiha, taking responsibility for the son of reincarnation, and protecting the entire ninja!


Longdi Cave, the white snake immortal hit a sly, the huge white body is like a hill, and the vicissitudes of the python face keeps the inability to fade.

For centuries, the white snake fairy has often slept in an attempt to retain the spiritual power that is constantly lost in the body.

At this moment, the earth's spiritual power is lost. Hey, hey, the white snake. Although the three great immortals survived, they still could not stop the crushing of the historical grinding wheel. The spiritual road was exhausted. As a fairy, they should have died in that robbery. .

However, for some reason, they survived and depended on the remaining body to protect this world.

I don't know how long it took, and the sleeping power of the white snake fairy was suddenly clear, as if he had encountered something that made him feel excited.

"The seal has been solved, and it is really the son of reincarnation."

The next time, the White Snake immortal did not sleep, staring at the eye-catching mirror of the spirit wheel suspended in the air, looking forward, waiting, he firmly believed that the Sasuke will create an immortal miracle.

After two days, there was a sudden wave of space fluctuations in the spirit wheel mirror that had not been moving. The white brilliance poured out like a stream of water, and a man’s figure appeared in front of the White Snake.

"Sasuke, you are finally out."

The white snake fairy stared at Sasuke under the stage, and the eyes of the eyes flashed a strong curiosity.

"How, you got the fairy tales of Longdi Cave."

For the question of the white snake fairy, Sasuke did not answer directly, but he asked the other person, "What do you say?"

"Hey, Sasuke, I know your strength, the magic of the dragon's hole, you are determined to win, it will only belong to you."

To the white snake immortal on the throne, Sasuke has a slight jaw and a smirk in his mouth, but it is a knot in his hand.

Suddenly, the white brilliance emerged from Sasuke's body, visible to the naked eye, the ground squirming, and a steady stream of natural chakras pouring from the earth into Sasuke's body.

The huge natural chakra is constantly being injected, and the familiar feeling makes Sasuke feel shocked. It is like a heart-warming, and after a long time, he finally has the feeling of past life.

The white brilliance gradually solidified, and the momentum of Sasuke was instantly raised to the extreme. The natural Chakra statue full of earth properties became a flashing electric huahua.

"Sasuke, your dragoncraft..."

The white snake fairy looked at Sasuke with doubt. In its subconscious mind, the technique of dragonization is not the case.

"What about Longhua..."

Sasuke’s mouth was light, but he saw that the white brilliance began to fluctuate, and the surrounding air was squeezed and began to mess.

At this time, I saw Sasuke's hands begin to change. The white dragon scales covered the entire palm like a armor. The dragon scales spread all the time, and it stopped until the arms.

At this moment, Sasuke's hands are exactly like dragon claws. The power contained in it is self-evident, and it is almost easy to pinch the boulders.

Seeing the changes in Sasuke, the expression of the doubts of the White Snake fairy became shocked. "It turned out to be part of the quadrant..."

The white snake immortal is very upset. You must know that some quadrants are a more advanced change than the whole body, unless the understanding of the immortality reaches a very high level, otherwise, this step cannot be achieved. -->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

"I didn't expect to reach this step in just two days. Is it really a genius?"

The white snake fairy was indulging, his eyes were slightly condensed, and the evaluation of Sasuke went up again.

In fact, it is no wonder that after Sasuke’s past life was a fairy, the theoretical knowledge of various forces has reached a very deep level, and it is not impossible to comprehend the technique of dragonization in just two days.

This is equivalent to standing in a commanding height to overlook the low places. Naturally, it is a small view.

"It’s terrible."

The white snake fairy looked at Sasuke under the stage and spit out the serpent letter: "I really can't imagine your achievements in the future. As a child of the reincarnation, I can look forward to it. I am looking forward to it."

"You will see it."

Sasuke smiled and waved his hand and said: "I have already got the magic of the dragon hole. Now I have something to do, you are not with you."

Say, Sasuke is turning and leaving.


Seeing that Sasuke is about to leave, the mood of the White Snake immortal is not nervous, and he said, "You will do what I promised."

The voice of the white snake fairy was introduced into Sasuke's ear, and at this moment, his footsteps stopped.

The figure is facing the white snake fairy, but there is an inscrutable feeling.

Ode to the ground, Sasuke turned his head, and his handsome face glared at a smile that only he could understand.

"That is natural, look forward to that day."

After that, Sasuke’s body turned into a purple streamer and disappeared into the Dragon Cave.

"I really hope that you can do it. If you can't, it can only be done by myself."

The sounds of vicissitudes and grotesque sounded faintly, and a long-standing tone echoed inside the hall.

Within the vast palace, the white snake fairy's huge body slowly curled over the throne, and finally looked at the direction of Sasuke's departure, hanging his eyes and starting to close, and fell into a deep sleep again.


After Sasuke left Longdi Cave, he did not return to Yin Ren Village, but went to a hidden forest.

In the Longdi Cave, Sasuke was the first real magical technique. At that moment, Sasuke clearly felt that the huge natural property Chakra was pouring into his body.

The natural power of Sasuke is very familiar, almost infinitely close to the power of heaven and earth.

These are the verifications of Sasuke’s conjecture four years ago. The so-called natural attribute Chakra is simply the strength of heaven and earth and belongs to the world.

Since there is a world of vitality, then the real world can be re-run.

Thinking of this, Sasuke’s mood is eager to rectify, and this is what he has been waiting for for a long time.

Through comprehension, comprehend the immortal power, break the reincarnation, solve many mysteries, past lives, this life, everything.

Sasuke believes that at the moment of his great accomplishment, it is time to cut off all the shackles.

In the mind, Sasuke sat down in a clean spot, his hands to the sky, calm and calm, and in a flash, he reached the realm of Kong Ming.

Now, what Sasuke is doing is the method of comprehension.

One heart and two uses, Sasuke on the one hand to open the dragon's technique, relying on the power of the fairy to absorb the natural property Chakra contained in the earth.

On the other hand, after running the method of comprehension, a little white brilliance emerged from Sasuke, and the brilliance of the starlight merged into his limbs.

From the tail of the acupoints, from the Xiaguan Pass to Zhongguan, Zhongguan to Shangguan, from Shangdantian to Zhongdantian, Zhongdantian to Xiandatian, through the Milky Way, the rivers and rivers, the true water reservoirs, the yin and yang. .....

Visible to the naked eye, the white airflow emerged from Sasuke's mouth and nose, turned into a true yin and true yang, condensing the strength of the heavens and the earth, like a snake, he got into his acupuncture points.

This little snake continued to flow in Sasuke's body, absorbing the residual power everywhere. Soon, the little snake grew up, but it became a giant python. The whale swallowed water and swallowed the heavens and the earth.


Sasuke's white brilliance suddenly thrives, only to hear a dull crushing sound from Sasuke's body from the inside out from the outside咔嚓!

The barriers that block the operation of the heavens and the earth are opened one by one, and the situation is like a broken bamboo. Under the control of Sasuke, the barrier is easily disintegrated.

Two hours later, Sasuke opened his eyes and the dark eyes flashed through a light.

At this moment, his spirits are condensed together, and the temperament that was originally like a sharp-edged sword converges a lot and gradually becomes calm.

"At the end of the eight-layer refining, this natural property Chakra is really good."

Now, Sasuke has finished the cultivation and has not been eager for the cultivation speed.

Sasuke is familiar with the cultivation method. Although he is sure to break through the refinement and even strike the foundation, he still suppresses this impulse. After all, the speed is not up, and the eagerness to pursue strength and neglect the stability of the realm is not good. .

Out of the air and the state of mind, Sasuke stood up, his body flashed, the purple light flashed, and the blink of an eye disappeared into the distance.

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