One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 369: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

"What is your condition? The cost of using three tails to exchange is not small."

Seeing Tiandao Payne tempted, Sasuke took back the seal scroll without traces and said: "The price is the news of Uchiha, as long as you tell me about his hiding place, the three ends are yours."

"Sure enough, is it to find revenge?"

Between Sasuke and Sasuke, Tian Dao Payne generally understands that their brothers are involved in the **** sea enmity of the Uchiha family. The relationship during this period cannot be reconciled.

After all, he was a member of ‘Xiao’, and he couldn’t do it if he wanted to sell his companion in exchange for three things, and then refused Sasuke’s request.

"Sorry, I can't agree with your conditions. We don't know where we are now."


Sasuke whispered to himself, and there was no faint expression on the calm face. However, his heart was thinking that it was a good companion. However, I already know the hiding place of the cockroach. Even if you don’t tell, I am also There are ways to find him.

"That's a pity, I can't give it to you at the end of the three."

When the words fall, Sasuke turns and leaves.

Behind him, Tian Dao Pai’s foot moved and he was about to stop. However, at this time, there was a wave of space fluctuations on the high platform beside him. The next moment, a man wearing a whirlpool mask appeared on the field.

"Sasuke, we promised your condition."

The low voice screamed, and Sasuke’s step just stopped, and turned to look at the mask man on the high platform, and his eyes flashed in the light.

"With soil, have you finally appeared?"

The sudden appearance of the mask man suddenly changed the situation of stalemate on the field.

"Your conditions we promised."

The sound of the soil is a bit hoarse, and the low voice shows a vicissitude.

Sasuke looked at the soil on the high platform, the black red cloud robe, and the mysterious hidden under the orange-red mask.

Although he knows the identity of the man in front of him, Sasuke still shows curiosity.

"Who are you? Can I trust your decision?"

"I am A Fei, Sasuke, you can believe what I said." Because it was covered by a mask, there was no expression on the surface of the soil. "As soon as you hand over the three-tailed scroll, I will tell you the news immediately." ”

Seeing the soil ready to sell, Tiandao Payne flashed a bit and said: "A Fei, hey is our companion, really want to sell him?"

"How can this be calculated and sold?" The written eyes under the mask of the earth flashed a sly look. "My brother wants to see his brother who has not returned for a long time. How can I not help with such a touching brother?" I think it is also very desirable."

Said, with the earth shape illusion, the force of space directly appeared on the opposite side of Sasuke, a blushing three-hook jade writing round eyes slowly emerged.

Seeing the wheel with the soil, Sasuke took a step back. He knew that the soil was also the initiator of the Uchiha genocide.

Sasuke forced to endure the urge to kill the man in front of him, and he said with surprise: "How can you write a round eye! Who are you!"

"I was discovered. My relationship with you Uchiha is not shallow, since you have to ask." With a sigh of yin and yang, I laughed. "In fact, I am Uchiha!"


Sasuke showed an unbelievable look and immediately made a prepared posture.

"Yes, I am a spot!"

Bring a glance at the soil -->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Not far from Xiao Nan and Payne, I saw them are also an incredible expression.

"Since it is exposed, then I will tell you everything."

Immediately, the talent of showing the gods with the soil, told the people the fabricated information, just right to make up the things after the battle between the spot and the column.

Under the illusion of the virtual and the snake, Sasuke and the soil reached a consensus, and exchanged information with the three tails.

From the building of the rain, Sasuke did not delay the time, and rushed to a place in Yuren Village. According to the information of the soil, he was there.

During the time when Sasuke was looking for cockroaches, the top of ‘Xiao’’s headquarters was planning another plan...


The deep cave, Sasuke is walking through the rampage of the hustle and bustle. Here is a stronghold for the meditation, which is used for the cultivation and refueling of the weekdays.

After a while, the cave became wide open, and the space of one hundred and ten square meters was manually excavated. A little shimmer was sprinkled from the gap at the top of the cave. A black figure was visible on the seat of the high platform.

When I heard the foot sounds, the man in the seat woke up from the false squat, and the familiar figure gradually appeared in the field of vision.


The man couldn't believe what he saw before, and the voice had a little trembling. It was full of long-lost memories on the face of the vicissitudes of life.


Sasuke looked at the man in front of him with a cold mood. It is not him four years ago. At this moment, Sasuke no longer had the embarrassment and hesitation of the original. The only thing in his heart was to defeat the man in front of him and kill him and let him repay everything he owed.

After the loss of consciousness, he quickly recovered the plainness of the past and said: "I really didn't expect it, so soon you came to me... my message is that you are telling you."

Sasuke knows that the spot in the mouth is soil. At this time, even if it is a cockroach, it is brought to the drums.

"Yes, hey, I am coming to kill you."

"The spot is still to deal with me..." 鼬 鼬 , , , , , , , , 审 审 审 审 审 审 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐 佐

"You have grown so big, Sasuke, I don't know how much your strength has grown."

His tone was very dull, and there was no slight emotional fluctuation. However, at this time his heart was aroused by the waves, and when he saw his brother grow up, a touch of happiness emerged.

For many years, the indifferent cockroaches have forgotten what joy, anger and sorrow, and the only thing in their hearts is their own brother. Once again, it is a rare gratification.

"Strong strength..."

The silent expression is to let Sasuke laugh at I won't let you down, for you, I am strong enough now. Hey, I am looking forward to seeing you at the moment of my true strength. I will use all my strength and hope that you will not keep your hands. ”

"I am confident, Sasuke, you are still the same as when you were young."

He slowly got up and some of his dry body was immersed in the shadows.

"However, this is not a place to fight. I am waiting for you at Nanga Shrine. Sasuke, the shackles between you and me will end there."

The voice fell, but the body of the scorpion turned into an unreal crow and disappeared into the air, leaving only the next chakra fluctuation.

"Naga Ka Shrine?"

Seeing that the cockroach disappeared, Sasuke’s gaze was microcoagulated. "It really is the end of fate."


Muye Village, a place of partiality, seals and inherits the mysterious power of the Nanga Shrine.

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