One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 393: Festival

The mountain wind and the oil female roots were both burned by lightning, and the demon property carried by the devil's power constantly destroyed the body tissues of the two.

With one hit, Sasuke stepped on the foot and leaped high, and he took advantage of the vacuum that was like a broken bamboo.

The purple thunder that swallowed the mountain wind and the oil roots gradually dissipated, but they saw a blackened body. The next moment, the peristal motion, the large black solids fell.

Seeing the change of the mountain wind and the oil woman taking root, Sasuke was slightly surprised, "blocked. It is really the elite of the dark department."

"so close."

The oil woman took a breath and tried to recover the bad insects, but found that the body of the bad insects collapsed. A force that does not belong to Chakra has already killed the bad insects.

"His chakra has ghosts!"

Subconsciously, the oil woman took the root and exclaimed, and found the unusualness of Sasuke Chakra.

The middle of the mountain is pale and white. He is not a type of ninja in the battle. If it is not for the oil woman to take root, he will end up with the same bad guys.

"I really want to be a ninja who can kill cockroaches. I will see him for the first time. Even Chakra, which can't be swallowed by bad worms, how powerful it should be."

Immediately, the oil woman took root and the mountain stroke came to the side of the group. The three men looked at Sasuke with a dignified look. They knew that the next is a real death battle, and it is the kind that will definitely die if not desperately.

"Do you want to be singled out? Do you want to be a group? It also fits your character. Old dog, remember 10 years ago? You ordered the dark department, eradicate Uchiha, and eliminate the family that you think should not exist. I clearly remember that day. , slaughter, kill, like a **** scene in the world..."

As if to recall something, Sasuke closed his eyes. "Their souls are around me. As long as they close their eyes, I can see their faces. I am unwilling to linger in my ear. Desolation. Three hundred and twenty-eight **** souls! These are the people killed by you... Old dogs, your dog’s eyes are clear, the people you face, Uchiha’s survival Uchiha Sasuke!"

Sasuke screamed and suddenly opened his eyes, but it was a **** red six-pointed star.

Seeing Sasuke's kaleidoscope, the group's heart sinks. He knows that the kaleidoscope is so powerful that only the kaleidoscope is opened, and the power of writing the wheel eye is really played out.

Sasuke's look is a bit strange, both eyes are missing, but it seems to be controlled by something.

"The cycle under destiny is irreversible, and the Blade of Time engraves the curse of hatred, fate!"

In an instant, the purple air flow continued to rise, and Sasuke was already covered in a layer of purple.

"This power! The ban of the Uchiha family!"

The group took a step back and there was infinite greed in the left eye.

I saw a samurai phantom wearing a hyperthyroidism shrouded Sasuke, and the bronze bells under the helmet covered the bloodthirsty coldness.

In fact, although as early as ten years ago, the true Sasuke has returned to the Kingdom of Heaven, but the powerful resentment at the time of death is like the remains of the bones.

After 9527 inherited the memory of Sasuke, the kind of resentment was also imposed on his consciousness, which is one of the reasons why he clings to killing all those who are sorry for Uchiha.

In order to prevent this resentment from affecting himself, as the original work has become an out-and-out avenger, Sasuke seals the resentment in the deepest part of the heart, and does not let it have any chance of riot.

But now, when I saw the group, this one hand promoted the initiator of the genocide, and the resentment that should have been sealed broke out.

Sasuke was completely unaware of the strangeness of his body. Under the resentment of that resentment, he arbitrarily vented his inner hatred.

"Old dog! You caused it all! Sorry, Uchiha, everyone must die!"

Sasuke yelled, and the blushing six-pointed star flashed thousands of killings, and the foot stepped on it, covering the men’s violent plundering of the whole body.

In the hands of the male, the blade of the thunderbolt is condensed, and the blade of the three-footed sword shines with a violent arc.


I saw the men’s hands holding up, the gas field locked the group of three people, and the thunder and lightning blade slammed down.


The tremors of the ground smashed, the yellow sand flew, and the tens of meters high sand dunes were actually intercepted by the waist.


Sasuke’s gasping gasps, slamming on the ground, slamming his head, and violent pain came. He felt that, besides that resentment, there was another force that controlled his emotions. To push him completely into the abyss.

"It will be at this time...calling... Is this destined, inheriting your body, or inevitably embarking on an established trajectory."

Sasuke was pale and tried to resist the indiscriminate power of invading the sea, but even if he did his best, he could not suppress it.

"Sure enough, you, feathers, old and undead, and now you can't live!"


The group and others are able to escape the horrible sword of the man who wants The three people crouched in the distant sand dunes and watched all the actions of Sasuke.

Seeing Sasuke's attack stopped, the left eye of the group was slightly stunned, and the heart was, what kind of ghost is he doing, and what kind of look he is, is it schizophrenia?

The mountain stroke is the type of ninja of the investigation type, and I saw what Sasuke’s performance immediately realized.

"The group of adults, Sasuke seems to be resisting the erosion of what power, now is the time to attack!"


The group’s eyes were condensed, and it was ordered immediately. “The mountain is in the middle of the wind, and the oil girl takes root. You must use this means, you must kill this child!”


The mountain wind and the oil female take root and follow the sound and the group to fly out. The three men become the corner of the horn and will be surrounded by Sasuke.

Detonation, insect jade, wind smashing, all kinds of attacks one after another, the huge impact force that Nasuo's man is constantly retreating, only to hear the fine humming sound, the sternum of Sasuke's sternum is actually a sign of fragmentation .

"Three **** guys!"

Sasuke's gaze continued to flash, and the killing and bloodthirsty gas began to rush out, and the sacred spirit was gradually swallowed up.

"If you can't stop it, let it develop! Destiny is attached to Uchiha's shackles, all this, the fate of the reincarnation!"

After all, Sasuke no longer resisted that force, letting resentment erode the mind, Chakra's breath suddenly changed, cold and dead.

The six-pointed star writes that the round eyes are more bloody, and the dark tick is like the purest evil.


Feeling the change of Sasuke, the man must be screamed, and the purple air of anger is rising.


The enchantment was broken, and the man's body shape was a bit bigger. The armor on the top of the head disappeared and replaced with a bird-like structure like a bird.

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