One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 401: Festival

Sasuke put his hand on the dragon head and felt the power contained in it. This level of power was not even possessed in the most prosperous period of his previous life.

Feeling the desire of the body to force the dragon pulse, Sasuke secretly absorbed the power of the dragon vein. In a flash, the purple light in the whole space was more prosperous, and the dragon vein seemed to live alive.


The dragon's head opened its eyes, and the amethyst pupil of the bronze bell exudes a great pressure.

"It turned out to be alive!"

When Sasuke’s heart was shocked, he immediately got rid of it, but found that there was a strong suction in the dragon vein. For a time, he could not escape.


The dragon’s head screamed, and the purple force exploded, and the general flood of the storm completely swallowed Sasuke.


The shock wave spreads and the space oscillates. The periphery is like an earthquake. The entire underground world is covered with cracks.

For a long time, the Yuanli storm ended, the dragon head returned to normal, and it became dead again. However, where can I see Sasuke?


The sudden outbreak of the earthquake has caused Loulan to be implicated, and many buildings have been cracked.

At this time, there was a strong wind between the heavens and the earth, and the yellow sand creaked.

A ruin, a man with a ruin, finally found something he had been looking for for more than a decade.

"Haha, Dragon Pulse! Finally found it!"

When the man was proud, a male voice suddenly came.

"Hundreds! Give me a stop!"


I was so surprised that I was so surprised that I was so easily attacked by the army.

Followed by Naruto, there are two people, Sakura and White. They are here to perform the task. The purpose is to bring the ruthlessness of Loulan to justice.

"Oh! It’s late!"

Seeing a hundred full-bodied, the three-pointed knife in his hand stabbed the amethyst rune on the high platform.

In an instant, the purple glory is flourishing, and a faint dragon is spreading, and the purple light beam that passes through the heavens and the earth will cover the moment.


Seeing a hundred feet will disappear, Naruto immediately chased up, but was also swallowed by the purple light column.

Immediately, the light column that ran through the heavens and the earth dissipated, leaving only White and Sakura to face each other and wondering what happened.

After the purple brilliance, the line of sight became clear, and Sasuke found himself in the forest.

As soon as he came to a strange land, Sasuke immediately planned to explore the surrounding environment. At this time, there was a broken shuttle sound in his ear.

By writing the wheel eye, Sasuke can easily see that the three ninjas are moving fast in the distance, and the appearance of the dust is like just coming back from the outside, and the protection they carry is the leaves!

"Ninja of Konoha!"

Sasuke’s eyes flashed in killing, and his body shape flashed, and he immediately chased it up.


"Hey, when hemp, after the task is presented, I will confess to Yu Yu."

The white-haired youth named one side shouted at the front of the slap.

"Expression? Hey, what about me."

When Ma was screaming and ignored one side, he said to the **** around him: "I will ask you to eat ramen after returning to the wood leaves. It is said that the newly opened business is very popular."

God is a long-haired beauty, when Ma invites her to accept it.

"Okay, but you pay the bill."

"Of course."

When you smile and make a big man's demeanor, "It is my pleasure to invite you to dinner."

One side sees that he is not in the heart of himself and the imperial concubine, secretly hilarious, heart, and less of your opponent, Yu Yu is a good Raiders, haha, really help me!

Just as the three were busy on the road, there was a strong sense of crisis in the rear. The next moment, a man in light-colored costume stood on the opposite canopy, it was Sasuke.

Watching the strange man, when Ma and Shen cracked together, he said, "Who are you! What is the purpose!"

Sasuke did not bring any care, it seems to be a rebellion, so the three are particularly nervous.

"Ninja of Konoha, hey! Kill innocent!"

The purple airflow rises from Sasuke. The next moment, the purple arms of the demon appear from behind him, breaking the air and catching one side.

There is no warning in the shot, one side is easily caught, and the purple arm is squeezed hard.


The blood was shining, and the minced meat and the bones that had been pinched together were scattered.


The **** scene makes the numbness white, and the split is spit on the spot.

Sasuke did not feel the same for such a scene. Instead, it was a bit of fun, killing was really the most comfortable thing for him.

"It's your turn!"

Sasuke saw the purple arms and continued to grasp the two people, and the horror of the sun, the forest was full of chills.

"Destroy, run!"

When he was desperate to smash the gods, he greeted the magical arms, but it was the seal of the hands, the fire. The fireball!


The big fireball hit the purple arm and explodes quickly. In the flame, the strange arm continues to grab, and when the hemp does not react, it is caught again.

Like the end of one side, when hemp is also pinched.

God's cracked face is white, desperate to escape to the distance, she is terrified, this man like a devil comes from There is no such a guy in the world. .

"Are you running away?"

At the time of the splitting thoughts, the sound of death came, and in the front, Sasuke was waiting for her.

"You! Who are you!"

The splitting of the gods stepped back, and there was a lot of cold sweat in the back. I didn't expect to encounter such a comet when I returned to the leaves.

"The person who killed you."

Sasuke smiled and smiled, revealing his white teeth, but he heard him say: "The people of Muye should kill!"

Seeing the situation is not good, God can not be afraid of tears, body shape, turn the whole body Chakra will run away.

"Can't run away."

Sasuke’s voice followed.

The next moment, the cold behind the crack, suddenly hit a strong attack, but was helped by Sasuke from the back of the neck.


Shen cracked his leg and struggled. She was mentioned in the three-inch ground and she was very painful. Her chest was full of suffocation.

"Let... let go of me."

The face of the splitting of the gods has become red, and the eyes are dizzy when the breathing is not smooth.

Looking at Sasuke, the cleavage is like facing the devil. It is a sudden mirror of the water, she saw, Sasuke's eyes changed for a while, **** and dark outline the mysterious six-pointed star.

"Write.....write the wheel eye..."

The splitting eyes of the gods are full of shock. She has insights and recognizes the kaleidoscope. She knows that Sasuke is a Uchiha family.


Sasuke’s six-pointed star is filled with bloodthirsty colors, but sees the dark hooks spin quickly.


Under the force of the kaleidoscope, the gods were hypnotized, and Sasuke tortured her and learned many things.

After that, the splitting of the gods was crushed by Sasuke and killed.

"Woode leaves twenty-six years ago, oh, interesting. Speaking of it, Uchiha has not been annihilated."

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