One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 403:

Seeing the situation is almost the same, the mirror introduced the protagonist of today, the new Uchiha member, Uchiha Sasuke.

I saw a large age of the mirror, stood up and let Sasuke stand by his side, and said to everyone sitting down: "You, there is a big happy event today! We Uchibo, a new member, he also Like you, it is straight blood."

Said, the mirror let Sasuke go to the front and said: "His name is Uchiha Sasuke, it is the genius of our Uchiha family!"


Many people in the room are scornful. Uchiha is not a genius. In the outside world, Uchiha is known as the strongest family. The genius is like a genius. You are a newcomer. Where can genius go to the genius?

Seeing the performance of everyone in the sitting room, Uchiha mirror was a little angry, the white beard shivered slightly, was about to talk, but was robbed by Sasuke.

"You, I met for the first time. The patriarchs only said that they are serious. I am not a genius. We are geniuses of Uchiha. It is because of everyone's reason that Uchiha is known as the first in the world. One's talent is really impossible. What, this is what I have always insisted on, and Uchiha can only make it more brilliant if everyone works together!"

Sasuke is very polite. He knows that the first-time clan is still polite. Uchiha is a proud person. He refuses to bow his head easily. It is not what he wants because he is too arrogant.

Seeing Sasuke’s so pertinent, Uchiha’s mirror smiled slightly, and he was more satisfied with the white-haired beard and the dim yellow eyes.

At this time, a man in his twenties stood up and looked like a dog. He was called Yu Zhibo, and he was also a direct child.

Yu Zhibo looked at Sasuke in a moment, and his mouth was arrogant. He said: "Uchiha Sasuke, you said that you are direct, you have to come up with evidence. We can't accept an outsider for no reason. Everyone says it is not."

Uchiha’s popularity in the crowd was quite high. When he finished, someone responded immediately.

"Yeah, Uchiha Sasuke, I have to come up with an evidence, show your writing eyes, let everyone open their eyes."

"Everyone is waiting, hurry up!"


The room was noisy, Uchiha mirrored and smiled, and his children were really difficult to discipline.

"Want to see my writing eye?"

Sasuke chuckled, "Yes!"

The black and white distinct eyes are replaced by blood red, and the three hooks are rotated and opened. The crystal of the red crystal is beautiful.

"Three hooks jade!"

Many people exclaimed during the meeting. Even if they were direct children, there were less than one-third of them who could open the three-jaw jade, including the Uchiha wave of the talented person. He also recently opened the three-jaw jade.

“Is it really just three hooks?”

The old face of Uchiha Mirror has an inscrutable smile.

"Look! His three hooks have begun to merge!"

During the sitting room, a sharp-eyed person discovered the change in Sasuke.

The blood is condensed, the black veins are formed, the sharp edges and corners are distinct, and the straight hook jade writing wheel eyes appear quietly, the six-pointed star!

"God! What is this!"

"I am not blind!"

"Is he writing a round eye!"

After talking for a while, I heard a sudden scream in the room. It was Yu Zhibo.

"Is it a kaleidoscope!"

Uchiha’s voice was falling, and the seats were in vain.

"It turned out to be a kaleidoscope!"

"The Uchiha family has not seen it for decades!"

"It’s a miracle!"

During the sitting room, everyone looked at Sasuke’s eyes full of envy and hatred. They did not expect that a newcomer in the district opened a kaleidoscope!

This time, they completely served Sasuke. The Uchiha family is a group that speaks with strength, or a group that speaks with the eyes. As long as your eyes are more advanced, you can serve the people. Otherwise, play with you.

Someone asked about the age of Sasuke during the meeting.

Sasuke answered, 18 years old. (It’s no wonder that Sasuke’s age has been adjusted by two years.)

This time, the seats are even more dazed, except for the Uchiha wave spot and Uchiha Izumi, who can open the kaleidoscope before the age of eighteen!

At this time, sitting, a beautiful woman with a mouth open, looking at Sasuke's gaze is full of envy, she is already seventeen years old, but the writing eye is only open to the double hook jade, compared with Sasuke, one in the sky One is underground.

Around, a charming woman of almost the same age pulled the sleeve of the beautiful woman, only to listen to her whispered: "Mega, this is called Sasuke's outstanding, I feel that I have begun to like him."

"You are crazy!"

Meiqin did not take a good shot of a woman who pulled her sleeves down. "Meiling, don't touch me in the future, I want to marry the future patriarch, you are also self-cleaning!"

Meiling giggle and said: "Then I will be welcome. It is a pity that such a good man has been taken over by others."

Knowing Meiling’s private life chaos, Meiqin scorned: “I’m not shy, you’re a little bit sloppy, beware of your father’s day looking for you.”

"Giggle, it’s not you, it’s really the day, you have to help me."

"Who cares for you!"

Meiqin took a look at Meiling’s arm and was very helpless to this unsatisfied sister.

A lunch is over in a lively atmosphere. Everyone is very welcome to Sasuke, a member of the power-minded family who has this advantage. The powerful strength can get everything and be respected by people.

In the afternoon, Uchiha mirror prepared a ceremony for the ancestral return of the ancestors for Sasuke. The grand ceremony was held, and everyone in Muye Village was known. Folks are circulating, Uchiha has a new genius, Uchiha is about to rise!

This matter was quickly passed to the Huo Ying Building. At this time, the three generations of Huo Ying are discussing with the Feng Shui Gate about the development of the spiral pill Nymph. Looking at the information about the fluctuations of Uchi, the three generations took the mouth. The cigarette bag said: "Watergate, what do you think of this thing?"

The three generations have long been interested in cultivating Watergate, and I want him to be the fourth generation of Naruto. Therefore, many government affairs have the participation of Watergate.

"Huoying adults, I think it is best not to act rashly. Now it is the period of sensitivity. If the anger of Uchiha is stirred up, the whole wood leaf will be implicated."

Three generations of sputum smoked a cigarette and said: "Yes, when things are nervous, one will be overwhelmed if they are not careful."

Seeing the worries of the three generations, Watergate tempted and said: "Huai Ying adults, that thing, what did you discuss with the mirror?"

"He is also an old stubborn, persuaded not to move."

The three generations put down their pockets and said: "It is not easy to let Uchiha hand over the police station. After all, this is the only way they can directly participate in the management of Konoha. Everyone knows that if even this right is No, Uchiha’s development in Konoha will be greatly hindered, and the decline of their families will be more rapid;

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