One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 405: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

It was also quite straight, and only he was bullying, no one dared to bully him. After being stunned by the Japanese football, an instant broke out. A boring fist was hit in the left eye of the Japanese foot.


The Japanese foot fell to the ground, and the eyes were staring at Venus. The pain that spread from the eyes made him angry and refused to take care of others. He shouted to the brothers who were next to him: "Give me a fight! Hey, hurt. Dead Laozi!"

After all, the Japanese is a patriarchal son, the future patriarch, the other three do not dare to neglect, but when they see the home pattern on Sasuke and other people's clothing, they have stopped their hands and feet.

"What! It turned out to be Uchiha's family!"

"What are you doing! Give me a call!"

The three men bitterly face, the heart, the other party is Uchiha, my good brother, if you have a problem, how to explain to Uchiha.

One of them, Xiaobo said to Xiaobo: "They are Uchiha, big brother, still playing?"

The Japanese did not listen to the words of Ming Bo, and immediately angered: "Let you hit you to fight! He * mother abolish so much!"

As a last resort, the three men shot, Chakra condensed, the gas field locked, they are really not afraid of killing people, one shot is the gossip;

Locked by the soft fist, the three brothers did not react at all, and the paralysis of alcohol made them completely unaware of what happened.

Sasuke took the shot, and the seal in his hand was a purple enchantment. The soft box couldn’t break through. After hitting countless fluctuations, it disappeared.

"You three wastes!"

The Japanese and the Japanese screamed, and the three of them couldn’t pick up one. They really raised a group of vats!

Immediately, the Japanese foot will be shot, the posture will be opened, and the more intense soft fists will fall.

After all, it is a soft fist, and even the gods can kill the boxing method. Under the joint force of four people, the purple enchantment breaks.

"Haha, see what you are holding!"

The sun and the face are stunned, and the three families are all greeted together, and all the tricks are greeted by Sasuke.

Sasuke was also beaten fiercely, and the killing heart he had already pressed down came up.

"You are looking for death!"

Sasuke whispered, and the thunder flashed in his hand. The flashing figure was to break one's chest.

"Get away!"

One of them was transported back to Tianlichang, and the figure locked by Sasuke was knocked open, which avoided a blow.

Although the Thunder of Sasuke is powerful, the acupuncture attack of the Japanese family is also unambiguous. When Sasuke is going to kill one person several times, it is blocked by the soft fist, and the condensed thunder is also dissipated because the Chakra acupoint is sealed.

Seeing everyone is difficult, Sasuke's gaze gradually emerged in the blood, the bloodthirsty heart, the impulse to kill a few people even worse.

"If this is the case, then take your day to the family!"

The six-pointed star is condensed, and a purple stream of air emerges. The huge crow's dog must appear in the night sky.


A series of attacks were blocked by the Ravens, and Sasuke’s face was stunned.


Adding the sword of the earth to the bright wave of the day, in a critical moment, he made a return to the sky, trying to resist the black blade with the blue Chakra storm.

But is it so easy to block the addition of the sword?

Black inflammation, can burn everything, Chakra is no exception, I saw that the sky is quickly covered with black flames.

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Under this, the Tianli field has completely turned into a crematorium. In the flames of the sky, the daily Mingbo was burned to ashes.

The companion was killed and the other three were angered and one of them was going to rush to the man.


If the Japanese foot has not been shouted, he will see that the man is caught by the third arm born behind him. The sour bone friction is heard, but the person is pinched into a meat foam;

The two were killed, and the Japanese became aware that the situation was wrong. They immediately took another person to escape.

Just, will Sasuke give them a chance?

But see the black blade in the hands of Zuo Zuo disappeared, the purple spiral shield is condensed in the left hand, it is the eight-foot mirror!


The space trembles, the eight-foot mirror changes the longbow, and the male right hand appears to be the devil's vector, and the arrow full of destruction is shot!

The two had not escaped a hundred meters, and a strong sense of crisis came from behind, and they saw the smashing star of the devil.


The space was cut, and the Japanese and the tribes did not realize what was going on, and they were broken through the body.


The chest of the Japanese foot completely disappeared, and the force of the demon eroded his body, but saw that the exposed skin quickly senescence.

The loss of life, the Japanese and the other fell to the ground, the big hole in the chest broke.

Killed four people, Sasuke's **** gas in the eyes dissipated a lot, the six-pointed star rotated, the Zuo can disappear immediately.

At the moment, there were a lot of shouting voices around, and the movements that had to be able to do so were too big. The patrol team of Muye was attracted.

Sasuke didn't want to be entangled in the patrol, and he tried to force the three men to leave the place quickly.


The next day, the news of the death of the Japanese and the three tribes spread throughout the wood, almost forming a storm that swept through. We must know that the death of the patriarch of the future of the family, as the second largest clan of Muye, the death of the young patriarch is simply a general incident.

The current patriarch of the Japanese family has a high age. He heard the news that his son died. On the spot, he was fainting in the past. After he was finally awakened, he said with a sigh of relief: "Be sure to take the murderer, no matter Who! Don’t kill this person! It’s hard to vent my hate!”

The Japanese family, the Zong family, and the family were simultaneously dispatched to investigate the murderer, and even put pressure on the three generations. At this point, the whole wood leaves formed a storm. In order to find out the real murder, they even dig the ground!


"What! People are killing you!"

Yu Zhibo trembled and trembled After a long shock, he came back and said, "Come and clean up! Just be it if they are detected by them!"

Good guy! Uchiha mirror cares for Sasuke, but he has to take the initiative to let him run!

Seeing the tension of Uchiha mirror, Sasuke did not agree. He took a sip of hot tea on the table and said slowly: "It is only one of my plans to kill them. If I dare to kill, I will be able to cope. This thing, hey! Uchiha has been for a long time! The patriarch, don’t you want to be a fan of fire!"

"Fire Shadow!"

Uchiha’s gaze gaze, and immediately screamed: “What are you talking about! What do you want to do?”

"Nature is the right to squat!" Sasuke said: "It is the right time for Konoha to start chaos. We should take this opportunity to seize power! Bring Uchiha to the peak!"


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