One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 465: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!


The entire dojo trembled, and the endless shock wave hit the transparent barrier on the outside, and the raging power shock was bounced off.

For a long time, everything went to silence, all the Chakra storms disappeared, and under the barrier protection, the whole dojo avoided the fate of being destroyed.


Stop the water and look at the barrier that protects the surrounding area. The eyes are horrified, but he knows it. The horror of the spiral shuriken can destroy the ninjutsu of a small hill, but it can't damage the thin barrier!

"How strong is the strength of the master?"

I don’t know if I stop the water. He only knows one thing. The man opposite is like a mountain. It is a kind of existence that can only be looked up.

"Today's cultivation is here."

The thunder in the assistants disappeared, and the water stopped laughing: "It's a very good power, as long as you study it again, it will definitely become more powerful."

When I heard the approval of Sasuke, I stopped the water in my eyes. Sprinting to the side of Sasuke, pulled the latter's arm and said: "Master is that this power is very good? Great! I am so happy! I succeeded! Great!"

"Don't be proud!" Sasuke took a look at the head of the water stop. He didn't get angry. "Give a little color to open the dye shop. Your tricks still have a lot of shortcomings to improve! The enemy will give you so long storage time. It’s really on the battlefield, and it’s been killed by others before it’s started!”

"So that..."

Stopping the water is like a deflated ball, but after a while, I will cheer up again. "I will continue to delve into this trick and will never let you down! Master, you look at it, my strength will become even more powerful!"

Sasuke is very satisfied, as long as Sasuke is always satisfied with this kind of energy, the achievements of the water stop in the future are immeasurable.

Subsequently, Sasuke asked the water to open the writing wheel, and he intended to give some guidance on the water stop.

The double-twisting transformation, the formation of the three-jaw jade, followed by the three-jac jade continued to merge, turned out to form the shape of a shuriken!

That's right, the water-stop writing wheel has been turned on to the kaleidoscope. At this time, the water stop is only fourteen years old, and he has to say that he is indeed a peerless genius in Uchiha’s history.

Looking at the familiar kaleidoscope, Sasuke nodded, and the water did not live up to his expectations, nor did he teach him personally.

"The power from the kaleidoscope is almost the same."


! "Stop the water and say: "Although I can't use it, I have been simulating the display method of 'Don't God' in my head, and now I'm handy. ”


Sasuke once again applauded: "‘Don’t be gods’ is quite powerful, even if I have to avoid it, stop the water, with these strengths, you are the first person in the world of martial arts. But...”

Sasuke continued to say that he had not been able to stop the water. Sasuke said: "It can only be used once in ten years. This restriction is too harsh. In some respects, 'Don't be a god' is just a chicken rib! If you encounter a deadly enemy in the cooldown of 瞳 瞳You can only be a dead end!"

Sasuke was very strict, and the water was scared to be cold. He said: "I will try to improve my other strengths. Even if I don't use ‘Don't God, I have to be a ninja.”

"Good, have aspirations!"

Like magic, Sasuke’s harsh tone was replaced by a thumbs up. “I’m not mistaken for you. It’s a good idea. Writing a round eye is just an aid. It’s not the only means of attack. It’s a powerful technique. The most fundamental way to improve your own strength... stop water-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

As a reward, I am going to give you a photo of the sky. ”


Stopping the water and swallowing, the eyes can't hide the joy. "Master, are you telling the truth?"

"Can I still lie to you?"

Sasuke is going to shoot the head of the water, scaring the latter to evade. "Ah, Master, don't fight, it will become stupid."

“Don’t dare to hide?” Sasuke ordered in the tone of the master. “Come here, stand here!”


I thought that Sasuke would be angry, stop the water like a defeated duck, and quickly went to Sasuke.

The palm of the hand hit, and the water stopped panic and closed his eyes.

"Good boy, I can still eat you."

Sasuke shook his head, but the palm of his hand was a change of action. The long index finger was straight to the forehead of the water stop.


I still didn't realize what was going on in the water stop. The next moment, the torrent of heat came together and gathered all the way to his left eye!

Like the needle-like general force injection, the water stopped snorting and looked pale. However, the water stop did not dodge this time, he knows that Sasuke is to pass the illuminating method to teach the sky.

At this point, a lot of sweat oozes from the water-stopping face, and the blue-strength of the knot gathers in the eye, and the blue force is continuously transmitted from Sasuke's finger.

Ten minutes later, Sasuke stopped the perfusion after reaching the limit that the water can withstand.

"Open your eyes."

Sasuke’s voice came, and the water stopped in the clouds, and there was a feeling of awakening.

When I opened my eyes, I felt that my eyes were different from before. There seemed to be something more hot and hot. Moreover, things that have not been seen in the past are now clear, and they are completely two worlds compared with before;

"This incredible..."

Touching the water and touching his own eyes, he can feel the powerful power contained in it, especially in the left eye, as if it is a contract with a wonderful existence, the power of looming summoning continues to emerge.

"Your kaleidoscope has accepted my strength, although it will take some time to run in, but now you can use the sun."

“Besides this.” Sasuke went on to say: “Accepting my strength, your writing eyes may be further changed. Stop the water! Put all your strength in the eyes, and the power I give you. Mutual induction!"


Stop the water and act in the order of to mobilize, operate, perceive, and gather!

Four steps in one go, I saw that the kaleidoscope writing in the water stop was slowly changing!

The original form of the shuriken kaleidoscope began to spin, and gradually speeded up, as dazzling as a windmill.


The big bang-like slamming impact spread in the water-stopping eye, and the water-staining complexion became paler, which was obviously painful. However, the water has always persisted, he will not give up, and he is not willing to live up to Sasuke's expectations.

"Must be successful!"

Stop the water and shout in my heart: "Give me the fusion!"

Miraculously, the changing kaleidoscope rotation speed is slowing down, and the trend of the force explosion is actually stopped successfully!

"The incredible kid can actually do this." Sasuke’s eyes flashed, and he still underestimated the willpower of stopping the water.

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