One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 491: Festival

"Must be related to them!"

Zhaomei has such a judgment in such a moment. Immediately, according to the United States, the case of the missing Ninja in the village of Wuyin was thoroughly investigated, and the black hand was found in the shortest time.

When I was really afraid of what was coming, less than half an hour after the order was issued, news of unidentified ninja attacks came from all over the village, and the casualties of the fog were constantly expanding.

The situation was urgent, and she immediately rushed to the scene, and when she saw the red cloud robe worn by the attacker, she stunned.


"Everyone is totally resistant! Never let this group of people harm the village of fog!"

As the beauty of the meditation on the surrounding fog, they will rush to stop the member of the Xiao organization.

“Five generations of water shadows?” The member of the Xiaohua organization sneered a sigh of relief, licking a snake-like forked long tongue, and squinting at the brutal color in his eyes.

That's right, this person is a pocket.

Immediately, the pockets were printed, and when the beauty was about to be attacked, the ground continued to tremble, and only eight black eucalyptus trees suddenly rose from the ground!

"The process of reincarnation!"

Zhao Mei recognized the movements of her pocket, and her heart glimpsed, recalling Sasuke’s introduction to the members of the ‘Dawn’ organization, and the attacking action suddenly stopped.

"You are the ‘ pocket’ in Xiao!!”

Was recognized, the face of the narrow snake appeared amazed.

"I didn't expect that I was so famous. It is worthy of the Five Dynasties. I can't leave you in that way!"

The voice fell, and the eight cypresses were brushed open, and as the white smoke rose, the figure gradually stepped out from the inside.

Among the eight earthen bodies, I recognized a few in the beauty of the earth. "Is it..."

The tone of the beautiful meditation is incredible, "The first generation of water shadow! The second generation of water shadow! Three generations of water shadow! Three generations of Lei Ying! Four generations of shadow! How is it possible!"

Seeing the surprise of the beautiful, I took a look at the python letter: "I forgot to introduce you, in addition to the people you just said, there are two generations of shadows, three generations of Huo Ying, the first generation of shadows, and the first generation of Lei Shadow! They are the most powerful ninjas in history. According to the beauty, how will you face it and let me see it. Don't die so soon, I want to have a good time."


According to the beauty of the face, not to mention her, even if all the people in the fog-bearing village can not beat the enemy in front of them, after all, that is the shadow of the past!


In the village of Wujiu, the war quickly spread, and the white army constantly emerged from the ground, attacking the ninjas and civilians in the village of Wuyong. In the fierce slaughter, the shouts became fierce, the limbs broke, and the buildings fell. The blood-red liquid sways through the ground.

Just as the battlefield of human tragedy swept the entire village of Wu Niu, and the beautiful voice heard the voice of the people, her heart twitched, and then, according to Mei Ming made a decision, even if it is dead, also to stop this group of guys, As she said in the inauguration statement, I contributed the most precious things to the village!

Zhaomei still rushed up, facing the eight shadows!


In the shock of the sky, Zhaomei was shocked and flew out. The shock wave caused by Ninjutsu caused her chest organs to be instantly dislocated, and the black blood suddenly spewed out from the mouth!

The air above the battlefield was suddenly taken out when the order was made to be beautiful.


Thousands of purple arrows in the low-pitched sounds like dragons!

"There is still a helper! Block me!"

Under the command of the pocket, the eight earthen bodies launched a joint force, and the Chakra airflow swiftly rotated. Under the powerful attack of the five-nature ninja, the thousands of arrows collapsed, and the shock opened and the ground will oscillate. The earthquake was torn apart.

The smoke disappeared, and I saw a few figures who came to the rescue, but there were several people in the outline and the Eagle team.

On the court, the hand immediately used medical ninja to treat the beauty, and the three eagle squads on the pocket and the eight shadows he made.

Shuiyue looked at the fierce battlefield, and the prophecy of the heart of the asters was really powerful. If not, they did not know that the foggy village was attacked.

In the face of strong enemies, Xiang Pho and Water Moon are somewhat timid. They can only guess how strong the other side is from the opponent's gas field. I am afraid that no one in the entire ninja area can block the combination of those people.

Sasuke is not, the strongest Aster has become the backbone of the team. Xiang Pho pulls the sleeves of Aster and whispers: "The opposite is strong, can you deal with them?"

"I'm still a little bit worse, but she can't be a 16-night adult."

Asters said, immediately communicate the 16-night consciousness, let the latter take over the body to deal with the strong enemy in front.

Spiritual exchange, 16 nights in charge of the body of the asters, in a flash, a smashing devil's power from the devil's interest derived from the purple enchantment emerged, the people are guarded inside.

Sixteen nights looked at the opposite nine ~ ~ secretly mobilized the power of the devil, ready to launch the strongest attack to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop.

However, at this time, there was a wave of fluctuations in the air not far away, and it was seen that the white figure slowly emerged from the space, and it was frowned when it was seen in the 16th night.

"It turned out to be that guy, his breath is stronger than before..."

He also saw the sudden appearance of the figure. Compared with the vigilance of the sixteen nights, he was busy stepping forward and said: "Jun Ma Lu is coming."

Jun Ma Lu did not pay attention to the pocket, his eyes fell on the face of sixteen nights.

"I know you, you should be Aster, and the guy who is with Sasuke. If you remember correctly, the big snake pill is killed by you."

Jun Ma Lu’s tone is very cold, and he can almost fall out of the slag. One of his constant cultivation goals in recent years is to avenge the big snake pill and kill Sasuke and Shion.

"Very good, you don't want to leave today."

Said, Jun Ma Lu took a step, the ground shocked, the white Chakra airflow skyrocketed, I saw his forehead gradually cracked open, a reddish nine hook jade hole suddenly opened!

The complete Jiu Jade appeared, and the people present were affected. Even the 16th night was a spirit.

"His power... terrible..."

The sensibility of the fragrant phosphorus can best feel the horror of Jun Ma Lu at that time, the strength far exceeds the ninja category, no one can match it in her impression!

"There is something wrong."

On the 16th night, she was alert to Jun Ma Lu, who was likely to launch an attack at any time. She also looked at the nine figures who were waiting for the opportunity to move across the plane. She knew that this time was absolutely dangerous.

Taking into account their safety in the phosphorus, 16 nights gave up the idea of ​​attack, the shape of a turn, the purple enchantment suddenly lifted off, actually with a few people around to escape this place!

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