It is rare that there is no sound of crying and howling in the ghost island.

A huge skull covers the island, and Kaido's huge horn reaches into the sky.

The skull's eyes glowed with orange fire.

Shine the newspaper in Kaido's hand brightly.

The big words about the Draco being kidnapped by the Joker occupied the most prominent position in the newspaper.

"Joker. Does he want to start a war?"

"It's crazy."

He muttered a few words, his eyes showing a bit of shrewdness.

Roughness is just Kaido's appearance. If anyone really believed it, they would probably end up like that idiot Kozuki.

"Are we going to participate?"

Beside him, Jhin, one of the top cadres, was wearing a black leather coat, and his entire face was covered by a dark mask.

From their standpoint, the bigger the war, the better.

Like the Whitebeard Pirates, it not only contributed to a large vacancy, but also weakened the strength of the navy.

"why not?"

"He actually wants to hold such a big event, how can we be absent?"

In words, Kaido has turned Joker from a subordinate he can accept into an equal object.

Not out of strength, but out of this crazy energy.

If this person comes under his command, there will be no stopping him.

Fortunately, Apu's plan did not succeed.

Kaido suddenly felt a little lucky.

He must have drunk too much that day to agree to Apu's plan.

They originally planned to subdue the clown when he was beaten half to death by Akainu.

At that time, Kaido's ships arrived near the Moon Guard Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, there was a reversal in the end.

The Joker was able to force Akainu to defect from the navy.

Looking at it this way, this is not the first time that the Joker has made a fuss about the Draconians, but what's interesting is that every time, the World Government responds with the most repressive attitude.

Otherwise, the face of the descendants of the Creator will be lost.

This time too.

"Let's prepare first. We need to choose a better time to enter."

Kaido said in a low voice.

It's not that he has no pursuit, on the contrary, he is too ambitious.

Seeking to seize the country of Wano, occupying the mines of Kailou Stone, and funding artificial devil fruits... these are all part of the pursuit of his ambitions.

He wanted a war that would sweep the world.

It was a good opportunity to go to war, but unfortunately, the red-haired guy stopped him.

Otherwise, the situation of war will definitely expand further.

Only this time…

How many trump cards can a Celestial Dragon reveal about the World Government?

Also, what will the red-haired guy do?

There are many careerists with similar ideas to Kaido all over the world.

Although the clown did a lot of crazy things this year, most of them lacked time to ferment and did not affect people's hearts that much.

Including the time when the Tianlong people were kidnapped by the Shampoo Islands, although it was equally shocking, there was a war on top, and the live broadcast was too short, so the impact was limited.

This time is different.

In front of the Navy and the World Government, the Joker captured a living Draco and slipped around the windless belt.

The World Economic News Service, which has returned to the world, has been following the report.

The more the world government blocks it, the more people think this newspaper is objective.

Otherwise, how could those nobles have such a big reaction?

This is also a little cleverness on their part.

More detailed news is slowly surging in the underground world, including the movements of the veteran Yonko and several Shichibukai...

And the Navy's attitude is also obvious - no matter what the cost.

Except for Marshal Aokiji, he will be stationed at Mariejoia to prevent clowns from sneaking attacks.

After all, that madman really did it.

Dozens of naval bases in the New World have all been mobilized. A large number of warships are coming and going, and there is a feeling that a storm is coming.

Except for the clown.

He was sitting around in a restaurant.

Have a heart-to-heart talk with yourself.

"For the audience, although constantly showing off your skills can attract people's attention, it will also make people's excitement threshold higher and higher, making it increasingly difficult to satisfy."

"So, a reasonable interval is the time for this threshold to fall again."

I said this to myself.

Those things in my mind have long been restless, and they are like dancing to a disco every day.

Well, these are actually all myself.

"I understand that this is also a critical time to let the news sink in."

Opposite him was Big News Morgans.

When there was big news, the birdman would come right over without Bucky saying anything.

"Although the news agency is still blocked, through the channels of the fishmen brothers, our newspapers can still be sent to all parts of the world."

Morgans adjusted his tie, looking excited.

He will follow the clown largely because the clown will make big news himself.

The world is agitated by their actions, but they sit here as if nothing happened.

This world-shaking feeling of lifting a weight with ease made Morgan's feathers all stand up.

"Can it be broadcast live? I'm looking forward to this scene."

Bucky's lips curled up.

He held a small round bag in his hand.

Cornwall pie is said to be a traditional delicacy of the Kingdom of Prodence.

He took a taste.

I found it was a pie filled with fish.

And it’s not chopped.

The aroma of butter is mixed with a bit of fishy smell.

Not very tasty.

Fortunately, Buggy was not very picky and did not cut open his esophagus to take out the food before it reached his stomach.

"No problem!"

Morgans nodded vigorously.

He also found that live broadcasts were much more direct than newspapers, but the World Government was not just for show.

After the incident in the Moon Guardian Kingdom, many restrictions were imposed on the screens installed in various member countries.

So he spent a lot of money to find the Vinsmoke family and hired them to handle this matter.

Well, find a killer organization to solve technical problems.

This was the first time the Vinsmoke family had ever met one.

But after all, Old Wen was also a member of MADS and a colleague of Old Bei.

The technology was remarkable.

In addition, Morgans was willing to spend money, so the task was completed quickly.

"Use this special Den Den Mushi to transmit the signal to all the image Den Den Mushi in the world."

He took out a palm-sized smoke-gray Den Den Mushi, which looked no different from a regular Den Den Mushi, but wore a pair of brown tactical glasses, and the spiral pattern of the volute was several turns more complicated than that of a regular Den Den Mushi.

Morgans mentioned that the ability to be transmitted to all screens around the world is the special feature of Den Den Mushi's biotechnology.

"Really good."

Baki narrowed his eyes, stretched out his fingers and tapped on the snail shell a few times, and the echo was dull.

On the contrary, Den Den Mushi couldn't help shrinking his neck when he saw Buggy's actions, as if he was afraid.

"And it's very sensitive."

Baki said while teasing the Den Den Mushi: "You know, I have a... um, melody in my mind now, a melody is playing."

After teasing the terrified Den Den Mushi, Buggy tapped his fingers on the table.

"It sounds like the whistle of an oil tanker coming from a very far place, weak but able to arouse people's panic."

"As the oil tanker approaches, the whistle becomes louder and more and more mixed."

"It sounds like... an alarm."

Baki tilted his head, his expression intoxicated.

"Well, does this Den Den Mushi have a backup?"

The topic changed a bit quickly, and Morgans was obviously stunned for a moment, then nodded.


Although this thing is expensive, it is nothing to the current clown.

Nearly half of the wealth accumulated by the Don Quixote family over more than ten years belongs to him.

Baki nodded with satisfaction.

At the same time, he stood up.

Opened the closed door of the restaurant, letting the sunlight penetrate in and shine on his face.

"Please clean it up."

Outside, a team of soldiers wearing full silver armor was stunned for a moment.

Passing through the figure of Bucky.

The restaurant was full of broken limbs.

It can only be barely distinguished that there are many CP agents here.

These flies have finally learned to chase people.

He shook his head, and his steps in the sunlight were somewhat cheerful.

The Silver Knight did not dare to stop him at all.

It is not difficult to see from his unconcealed appearance and smile that this is the clown.

The bounty is 3.2 billion Baileys, and the clown is known as the devil.

They are just guards who rushed over after hearing about the riot.

But the Silver Knight's first impression of the clown is that this madman...seems to be quite polite.

After walking a few steps casually, Bucky suddenly turned around.

"Excuse me."

"I heard that there is a private banquet held in Prodans City today. Where exactly is it held?"

Private banquet?

Nobles hold banquets in the royal city every day, but the Silver Knight thinks that the only place that would interest the clown is that...

She stretched out her hand and pointed to a towering castle.

"Thank you."

Bucky bowed politely.

Then he turned around and continued to half-dance and half-walk to the melody in his mind.

He planned to borrow a stage from the owner here.

"Captain... are you just letting the clown go?"

"Otherwise, are you sending you to chase him?"

"Do you have the strength to do that?"

The Silver Knight who was pointing the way retorted angrily, and at the same time reached out to take off the helmet covering his face.

"The clown actually showed up in the royal city at this time... and I showed him the way!"

Tracy scratched her short golden hair in annoyance. If it weren't for her soft face and the slight protrusion on her chest, few people would think she was a female knight.

She was annoyed, but Tracy didn't regret it at all.

Instead, she looked up with a helpless look.

"Things are going to change!"



Tintagel Castle.

The most important social place for the upper nobles of this kingdom.

Especially after they conquered the neighboring countries, the banquets here have almost never stopped.

Even the officials of the kingdom know that if they need to find the king for something, they should not go to the cold palace, but to the brightly lit Tintagel Castle every night.

This place once belonged to the Don Quixote family, but after the decline of that underworld family, it was taken back by the king.

But the essence of this place has not changed.

"Today's theme remains unchanged."

Baron Tintagel picked up a glass of red wine, with one hand behind his back, and his demeanor was solemn.

He was recently conferred the title of baron. Before that, he was a businessman. In order to blend in with these nobles, he even studied aristocratic etiquette and manners for a period of time.

He first raised his glass to express his respect to the most distinguished person on the scene, King Schorlemmer VII.

"Everyone can exchange their own collections here, or propose conditions to exchange for other people's collections."

This is a social place, and also a trading place.

"I'll go first."

At the signal of Baron Tintagel, a sturdy middle-aged man stretched out his hand.

He clapped his hands.

The servants pushed a prisoner cart covered with black cloth in.

"This should be the most special collection I have found in the past two years, a dog-headed fur tribe!"

Well, the original function of this castle was a small...human auction venue for the nobles.

At his signal, the black cloth was pulled open.

A creature with a dog's head and a human body, with shiny black fur, grinned, with an extremely ferocious expression.

"I didn't expect to bring out the Fur Tribe at the beginning!"

"What an ugly species, not as interesting as the child last time."

"But it's rare. In the former Shampoo Land, the price of the Fur Tribe is also 700,000 Baileys."

"If it is used to guard the door, the effect must be very good!"

The nobles talked about it. The effect of using the Fur Tribe as the opening was quite good, which immediately raised the heat.

Baron Tintagel was secretly proud of himself, and silently gave up the main seat.

Rare slaves are far more precious than antiques and calligraphy and paintings among the nobles.

After all, they are on par with the Celestial Dragons.

Soon, this Fur Tribe was exchanged by a noble for four female humans and 500,000 Baileys.

Other nobles also showed their collections.

Generals of neighboring countries captured in the war, a pair of twin girls, beautiful female slaves... These are all their collections.

"How is the last collection prepared?"

"I've seen it, it's in good condition."

"Okay, don't remove the cloth when you go on stage, but open the cage so that all the nobles can touch it and guess."


Seeing that there was no problem with the last collection, Baron Tintagel finally showed a satisfied smile, but his left hand behind his back was shaking all the time.

He turned his head again and glanced at a corner of the banquet hall.

Something was stuck on it, and the angle was just right to see the entire banquet hall.

Soon, the nobles' transaction of collections also came to an end. The waiters kept serving wine, and the topic of how to train and use these collections was very heated.

"If no one wants to exchange, then next, please appreciate my collection."

Baron Tintagel clapped his hands and took the rhythm of the banquet back into his own hands.

"But I want to keep you in suspense."

"Let everyone guess what this treasure is."

"If you guess it right, this treasure will be given to him!"

Baron Tintagel looked very proud.

But there was unstoppable cold sweat on his temples.

At his signal, another prisoner car covered with black cloth was pushed up. The slight difference was that this black cloth was attached to the inside of the prison car.

"As long as you don't uncover the black cloth, you can touch it at will."

Baron Tintagel opened the door of the prison car with a key and stretched out his hand to greet the nobles present.

He wanted to give this treasure away immediately.

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