One Piece Business Empire

Chapter 274 "Samsung That No 1 Dare to Buy"

"That's right!"

These two words shocked everyone present.

Even Shanks, Whitebeard and others were a little surprised, Ye Quan said this in front of everyone, is he going to declare war on the World government?

"Boy, what did you say?"

Of course, Spandam also looked at Ye Quan in disbelief as if he had heard it wrong.

"How can the communication equipment explode, and it has enough power to sink 18GR."9

Ye Quan ignored him and continued speaking after a big gasp.

"This guy.

Whitebeard grinned, wanting to laugh at Ye Quan's bad taste.

"But what happened just now?"

Spandam's face became even more gloomy. He finally realized that, from the beginning to the end, he was being played by Ye Quan, his face flushed, and he almost shouted out these words.

"Good question!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Quan shouted for the rest of his life, ignoring the extremely angry face of Span 22 Damm at all.

"As the guest of the World government said, as a communication device, how could such a scene happen? Then we have to say, in our world, in order to avoid people's confrontation, we call this thing a mobile phone in this world. As the name suggests, the Master's machine is in our hands. In order to prevent some guests from being too enthusiastic about the mobile phones produced by our company, we have added an anti-addiction mode to it. The explosion just now is the means of the anti-addiction mode. , Once you stare at the screen of your phone for more than four hours, you will start such an anti-addiction mode."

Ye Quan said a lot in one breath, but every sentence was the key point, and many reporters drew notes below.

"This is the key point and will be tested in the future. 35

Ma Xiaoteng looked at the notes of his colleagues next to him and used a pen circle next to them. They made up their minds. Ye Quan is a world-class press conference. used.

Of course, there are also many businessmen and pirates, all of them are extremely ashamed of Ye Quan's words, anti-addiction mode? Just to prevent others from being obsessed? As for the killer?

"In order to prevent a certain prince from being addicted to mobile entertainment, he activated the mobile phone anti-addiction mode, and the mobile phone exploded on the spot, successfully blowing up the entire Wangcheng."

Thinking of such scenes and news that will appear in the future, many people have cold sweat on their foreheads, Fuck, it's terrible, many rich and powerful people who cherished their lives first threw this Samsung phone into the list that they must not take back, and even , and even the city where they are located must not exist.

But there are also many war madmen who have noticed this. Although it takes several hours to prepare, this thing is definitely a weapon of war. If used properly, it can even become a killer in the kingdom.

"Interesting gadgets, give me some Whitebeard Pirates."

Whitebeard still gave face, Ye Quan said that it was communication equipment, and of course Whitebeard also joined in, directly blocking what Spandam was going to say.

Afterwards, the scene fell into silence. Except for Whitebeard's support, the others were not very happy to ask for the bomb that was tied to their side at any time. In addition, from the performance of Spandam just now, the World government was eyeing this place. In this case, Few people are staring at pressure buying.

"I want twenty."

Just when the scene was extremely embarrassing, a person suddenly raised his hand and shouted loudly.

Everyone, including the Four Emperors, followed the prestige and found that they were still young people.

"Prince Kita of the Kingdom of Kas?

Many people seem to be no strangers to that person, and they directly said the person's name.

"What is the Kingdom of Cass, the prince, the kingdom is about to be destroyed, and they still come here to participate in a press conference, with their only remaining financial resources, are they still thinking of using the money to let heaven and earth help them.

Afterwards, someone started to sneer and sneer. Obviously, this prince was very aggrieved.

The young prince raised the ridicule of the people around him, and his face was not very good-looking. He originally hoped to bring the only money of the royal family to see if he could seek help from heaven and earth, but when he got here, he realized that he really is Underestimate the power of heaven and earth.

In just over half an hour, a business myth of hundreds of billions was actually created, but he only brought a few hundred million. Thinking of that little money, he wants the heaven and earth to help him save the country, which is really a fool's dream.

Seeing that the prince didn't make a sound, the people around him became more and more intense.

Ye Quan didn't say anything about this. He is not a saint. There must be a reason for a country's demise. solve.

Seeing that Ye Quan was indifferent, the prince finally despaired. Looking at a sign with the number 10 on it handed over by the silly girl next to him, he finally sighed and left the stage.

This is just a small episode, most people don't care, many people start to guess, other mobile phones worth tens of millions, of course, countless eyes are constantly scanning the window of the 10 million and one Bailey.

713 "Okay, the introduction of the Samsung mobile phone just now has been completed. If you are interested, you can also go to the commercial street to buy it after the press conference, but the number is limited. Each store in the world will only sell ten units at present."

Ye Quan looked at the crowd below and returned to his side again, Ye Quan nodded and said softly.

Ye Quan's voice just fell, and there were scattered laughter from the people below. After all, this thing is too dangerous, even if there is no limit on the quantity, it is estimated that few people will buy it.

However, these Ye Quan didn't care. Wasn't the beer kept in his tavern for so long back then, it's gold, it will shine sooner or later.

It is estimated that even Ye Quan would not have thought that Prince Kita, whom all of them did not care about, would do a crazy thing after returning to China, and would set off a frenzy of buying Samsung. Not to mention for now.

Ye Quan suddenly moved his hand, and the screen behind him changed again.

This time, in a desert, the one who appeared in the camera was still a ninja, holding a Samsung mobile phone in his hand.

"Now, let's look at another tens of millions of mobile phones, the so-called fighter among mobile phones, Nokia.

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