One Piece Business Empire

Chapter 381 shameless

"Hehehe, what a joke, do you think you can banish my Dark Fruit's ability by yourself?

Hearing Unohana Retsu's words, Teach couldn't help laughing like he heard the Arabian Nights.

However, immediately, the smile on his face became a little unnatural.

Because, Unohana Retsu and the others looked at him like they wanted to stare at a fool.

"What a joke, you must be talking nonsense."

Teach was also seen to be unsure, and finally took a deep breath and said calmly.


Unohana Retsu nodded and said nothing.

"Meat concubine! All are exhausted!"

As Unohana Retsu said, Minazuki's body rolled into a circle and turned into Zanpakutō's form again. At the same time, blood began to appear out of thin air on the blade and around the blade. Everyone was stunned once again.

"What is this,"

Teach watched Minazuki suddenly turn into a blood blade that could rush blood, his pupils shrank suddenly, and at the same time, he also felt the sense of crisis from above.

After Bankai, Unohana Retsu was holding a blood blade, and the gentle eyes combined with the long knife that kept dripping blood, looked weird - incomparable.

"Damn, I have a hostage in my hand, I advise you not to act rashly."

After being glanced at by Unohana Retsu, the persistence in Teach's heart was defeated at that moment, he couldn't help but take a step back, and then said seriously.



Unohana Retsu nodded, and then, the blood blade swung in front of him, the powerful Reiatsu pressed down directly from the blade, and the black shadow on the ground was cut out of thin air by Unohana Retsu's Zanpakutō.

Being cut open by Zanpakutō, the shadow lost the part of the Teach ability support, and quickly began to dissipate, and in the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

As for the spectators who had just been wrapped in black, they were all revealed, but all of them were pale, as if they had just passed through the gate of hell.

"Since everyone is all right, let's continue to watch the performance of the Empress. The matter here will be left to us in heaven and earth to solve. I still promise in heaven and earth that the guests here will not be hurt in the slightest. 99

Seeing that those people were all right, Rayleigh was relieved. After all, he just made the ticket, and if someone was really injured, he would be slapped in the face,

Hearing Rayleigh's words, many people nodded, Rayleigh's meaning was obvious, and they could already see it, the result was no suspense at all.

Now that Rayleigh said so, and those people didn't insist any longer, it was dangerous to contact them, so let's continue to watch the goddess sing.

In particular, the Empress finally spoke up now, and her singing was melodious, reaching her ears. The original nervousness was also dispelled, and her attention was diverted. Soon everyone left Blackbeard and the others behind.

"Yes, Damn it, 0"9

I didn't expect that my ability was actually cut off by this woman, and the audience who were originally afraid of him now ignored him. Blackbeard didn't know what to say, he could only blushed and secretly said. abuse.

"Give it to me and kill this woman.

Teach snorted again, and then ordered to a few of his subordinates.

"Damn, where did that Shiryu guy go. 35

Then, Blackbeard whispered again.

"give it to me!

The navigator of the Blackbeard Pirates, Lafayette walked out on crutches.

"Woman, let me meet you.""

After Lafayette stepped forward, he did not attack immediately, but pressed the brim of his hat, then stared at Unohana Retsu's eyes, and said in a seductive voice.


The answer to him was blood, and Unohana Retsu was not affected at all by Lafayette's Hypnosis.

The blood flashed, and Lafayette was directly cut in half by Unohana Retsu.


After Unohana Retsu's blood blade was cut from Lafayette's body, Lafayette's body immediately turned into a pool of blood.


Looking at Lafayette's end, Teach and the others finally realized the gap between them and this guy, and with a cry of surprise, Teach turned around to run outside.

However, the next moment, a figure blocked the way of several people.

"You are?!

Looking at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, Teach was startled, because he noticed that the man was holding a long sword similar to the one in Unohana Retsu's hand just now.

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"Captain of the Heaven and Earth Guard, Byakuya Kuchiki."

Byakuya Kuchiki didn't move, and replied softly.

"Damn, don't be here, bastard!

But Blackbeard's crew were not so careful. Seeing someone blocking them, their desire to survive made them choose to attack Byakuya Kuchiki without hesitation.

The only female in the Blackbeard Pirates, she scolded directly, waved her weapon, and charged the others towards Byakuya Kuchiki.

"Huh! 35


"Bang!" 9


With several bursts of knife light, followed by a few muffled sounds, the crew of the Blackbeard Pirates all fell to the ground, and at the same time, they lost their breath and turned into corpses.


"Damn, how can you be so strong.

Looking at Byakuya Kuchiki, Teach finally didn't hesitate to be frightened, watching Byakuya Kuchiki cursed secretly, and, this time, Teach didn't run away, because he knew that he had no hope of running away, and as for Shiryu, he could also Guessing the fate of that guy, he should have been killed by the man in front of him. ,


"Sir, forgive me! I really didn't mean it, we all misunderstood! I was forced! They forced me to come here.

Blackbeard immediately fell to his knees and cried out in a spineless manner. He kept crying and begging for mercy towards Unohana Retsu and Byakuya Kuchiki. In the end, he shamelessly threw all the responsibility to himself. on the dead crew.

"This kind of person is not worthy of my knife, you solve it."

Seeing Blackbeard's sudden spineless appearance in order to survive, Byakuya Kuchiki frowned, said a word, and turned away.


Looking at Byakuya Kuchiki's handsome back, Unohana Retsu smiled helplessly, and the inadvertent touch of amorous feelings made Teach feel good in his heart, and he felt that he was saved all of a sudden.

"Since that guy doesn't want to do it, then you should become our captive first. The boss should like your abilities." Cai.

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