One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 391 Recruiting new recruits, demanding captains with high thieves......

As for why so many people signed up, it is related to the policy adopted by Rutgers.

Article 1: Reserve members of the Dark Pirates can enjoy a 10% discount on the purchase of goods under the Dark Pirates, and have priority over other people, with the same family status.

Article 2: Members of the Dark Pirates can enjoy a 20% discount on the goods of the Dark Pirates, free airships, and special passages, and the status of family members is the same.

Have the right to live in the capital of Totto Land (the four man-made Sky Islands), and distribute free houses for the family to live in.

Enjoy the highest purchase authority of the Dark Pirates, and can purchase all goods, including the auction goods of the Dark Pirates, which can be purchased at cost.

Also enjoy the benefits of a current reinforcement.

These two alone are driving most of the people in the Totto Land waters crazy!

How did Big.Moom rule the Totto Land waters in the past? The ministers are basically his children. If you want to join the Big.Moom pirate group, you have to marry your aunt's children and become her so-called family... .

Moreover, there seem to be few normal-looking children of auntie, who can stand it...

That said, they're both hard-to-get ahead, and now, the Rutgers' hiring, gives them that chance.

Everything is determined by your own value...

There are powerful people who are willing to be silent?

There is also that discount, although the discount of 20% and 10% is rare, but this is permanent. . . . . . .

They also all know what the Dark Pirates are selling. Many of them are necessary, they are permanently discounted, and they are also discounts for the whole family. How much can you save?

Even if you don't do anything, your family can make a profit by reselling these goods...

The most important point is that, as a full member of the Dark Pirates, the whole family can live in the capital of Totto Land......

New World, the safest place is the base camp of the Four Emperors, right?

The family lives there, and as long as their Dark Pirates are still around, they are absolutely safe!

Of course, the foundation of the Dark Pirates in the waters of Totto Land is still relatively shallow, and some people are still watching, but it cannot prevent the arrival of a large number of strong people...

But what they don't know is that they don't know what kind of current reinforcement is the biggest benefit of their strong...  

"Is this the last one?" Rutgers sat on the podium in the performance field of Cake Island School, rubbed his forehead, and said with a little headache.

His left and right sides were also filled with the eight captains of Wei Laki and the others. In the martial arts field below, a guy with a mediocre body was fighting against an iron cloud robot.

It's just that he has been dodging the Tieyun robot's attack, it feels like a cat and mouse...

The huge viewing platform around is also full of people, most of them are children, they are also the first batch of students of this school, of course there are some people who come to join in the fun, as well as some businessmen and nobles...

It's time for others to watch this kind of recruiting, and it's time for them to see the power of the Dark Pirates...

"What is this white monster...

"The broken chest can actually be restored...

"And when I was at the entrance, I saw dozens of such things..."

"Dark Pirates, it's terrifying... 35

"The man just now, who once guarded my caravan, killed pirates with millions of bounties, but he didn't win the battle just now... The merchants and nobles are all unbelievable, and they all know each other. The powerhouses were unable to pass this final trial, further realizing the power of the Four Emperors...just a product of their machines...

"Awesome, this robot! So cool!"

"As expected of Lord Rutgers, so powerful!"

"Idiot! Don't you know the analysis? We also need to fight this thing when we join the Pirates!

The students shouted enthusiastically, of course, all of them were boys and girls, and their expressions did not fluctuate in the slightest.

"Ah, it's been (cccg) a week..." Ai Qi cried out in a groaning voice and spread out on the table bored.

"Isn't it enough for you to pick seven or eight?" Yarrow glanced at the battle on the martial arts field, and then he was lacking in interest.

"I'm not like you, I need guys with sailing talent! If you have combat power, some are enough!" Ai Qi Kaidō dissatisfied.

She picked 8 of them, 7 of them were women, all of them were guys who knew how to sail. In terms of combat, they could barely greet Tieyun Robot a few times, and 3 of them won.

There are still a lot of strong men, and 3 girls can actually have such a sturdy fighting power...

"So, what do you think of this guy?" Wei Laki pointed to the guy below and asked the others.

Her situation is similar to Ai Qi's, doctor, or medical skills are more important...

"The old man's people are almost there, so I don't need it..." Fujitora said without opening his eyelids.

His second team already has more than a dozen people, and it is the most recruited this time, and the quality is also the best. After all, the second team, the numbers are even more attractive...

The first team is the medical team, and the strong guys can only focus on Fujitora's second team...

"I don't care about this guy, his strength is not enough..." Yarrow looked a little resentful, and several people he saw were snatched by Fujitora...

emmm, the second team looks better than the third team...

"Forget it, I don't look like someone who plays with technology." "Oder also shook his head.

"Well, I'm the same..." Orid was the same.

Weber didn't even say a word, he just didn't look at that person, and he also had the least need to find someone. His team was all Sandia warriors.

"Then it's over, the first recruit..." Rutgers had a headache, and these guys would dislike each other one by one.

After such a round, only a hundred people were recruited...

There are thousands of people, and only a few people passed through...

These guys don't need Rutgers to think about the quality of the crew. All of them have high vision, and when they encounter talent, they grab them faster than anyone else. .

For example, a swordsman with superb swordsmanship in the past solved the Tieyun robot with one strike, and the killing sword intent directly destroyed all the parts.

Then, Fujitora and Yarrow grabbed it...

In the end, it was that person who was Fujitora, because he felt that Yarrow was too noisy, and he still preferred quietness...

It can make Yarrow pissed...

No one wants it, the guy who persisted for a long time also smiled bitterly, it seems that his efforts are not enough...he is still very good.

But he thought about it, this time through the second trial, it can be considered a bit of an explanation, there is still a chance in the future, he is still young...

Moreover, thousands of people passed the second trial, and only more than 100 people passed the final trial, with a probability of 1 in 10...

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