One Piece Dark Emperor

Chapter 494 Actions of the Fifth Division!

In the air, the scene of Mango Island is all clear, what is the specific situation of the battle, and the pirate ships that have the intention of encircling the sea...

Ollie has to look here, look there, touch his chin, and think hard about what he should do now...

Go directly to the reinforcements? Just the two of them, or can't beat the entire Whitebeard Pirates, is there any other better way?

His overall situation is not as good as Wei Laki and the others. After thinking for a long time, he can't come up with any good solutions. Those strategies that even he himself can overturn should be saved...

The members of the fifth division behind him did not bother him.

They know that, as subordinates, it is obviously not what they should do to disturb the captain's thinking at such a time. What they need to do is to immediately raise the question of what is wrong after Olide's "three-three-seven" conclusion. , to correct his erroneous thoughts in time, and if it is right, it is enough to directly execute the order of Olide.

Olide was still thinking, his small eyes were rolling, and his eyes finally stopped on the sea not far away, on the ships of the Dark Pirates that had been reinforced, and the seaside, where several pirates were sunk. On the wreck of the ship...

"Got it!" Olide's hesitant eyes turned firm, and he immediately made a decision: "Let's help the guard team and the pirates under our command to clear the way first, and we can't let the Whitebeard Pirates' encirclement successfully complete! 35

"Yes!" The fourth division behind Olide looked at each other a few times, and nodded with flickering eyes, but did not object.

They didn't have any reason to object, they just went to rescue like this, and under the attack of thousands of people from the Whitebeard Pirates, they would definitely not be able to please them.

Although they didn't want to admit it, they also knew in their hearts that Fujitora's second division had far more combat power than them, and they were the most powerful division of the Dark Pirates.

So instead of helping them, it might not work at all, it's better to disrupt the deployment of the Whitebeard Pirates first.

The idea of ​​the Whitebeard Pirates, they knew at a glance, surrounded Mango Island, and then blocked all the people of the Dark Pirates who came to rescue, and then wiped out all the Dark Pirates on Mango Island.

Although they can escape from the air with the Explorer, but what they want is the Dark Pirates to escape?

Obviously not, they want a full-scale war!

According to the previous contact with the headquarters, only this ship and some members of the guard team came by transport ships and explorers, and most of the guard team members and the pirate group under their command were still on the pirate ship for reinforcements.

Therefore, it is necessary for them to open a gap to stop the encirclement of the Whitebeard Pirates, so that the large force can be reinforced to the island.

Although their own strength is limited, in such a large-scale war, grassroots combat power is indispensable, and can even be said to be particularly important.

"Action! Go to the seaside that has not been surrounded by the Whitebeard pirates, and notify the reinforcement pirates that are coming nearby, all rush to where we are!"

"Defend the breach! Rescue the brethren on the island!" Ollie roared loudly.

The Explorer 5 at his feet also immediately turned the bow and headed towards the seaside where Mango Island was not yet surrounded.

However, at this time, the Explorer 2 in the air had already approached, or in other words, they had already approached this way as early as the arrival of the fifth squadron's ship.

"What decision have you made at this time?" The female doctor under Wei Laki came out and asked.

"Let's go to protect the gap first, so as not to be completely surrounded." Olide hurriedly replied.

"Okay, you can bring some of the medicine on your ship first. There are too many wounded here on my side. Most of the wounded on the island are here. There is not enough medicine. It might be too late." The female doctor looked like she was asking for medicine, but she was kind in her heart.

"Yes, give them the medicine." Orid was also unequivocal, and immediately ordered.

Fortunately, each of their ships will bring enough emergency medicines, but this time, the number of casualties on the Explorer 2 is really too many, and it seems that it is not enough.

However, when they handed over the medicine, a bird with a blue flame all over its body was flying towards this side with murderous intent...

"That's... Whitebeard Pirates, captain of the first team? Marco the Phoenix?" Olide raised his eyelids and looked towards Marco.

It's just that they didn't make any movements, because as far as they could see, a dazzling blue electric light was galloping over.

The speed can be much faster than Marko's, and in the blink of an eye, he is blocked in front of Marko, and the thunder light shines, forcing Marko's forward trend back.

"You guy, you can really do everything, but this time, did you actually use such a little cleverness..." Wei Laki's figure appeared on the two Explorers. forward.

"There is no way, only in this way will you choose to fight me head-on, right?" Marko raised his head, Kaidō's expression remained unchanged.

"Are you attacking our backup just to prevent me from continuing to attack your subordinates?" Wei Laki seldom sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Not only were there a large number of wounded on these two ships, but they were also the last way to leave, that is, the last way back.

Although Wei Laki doesn't think they will lose this battle, it is better to leave one more safe way.

"You attacked my subordinates, can it be considered a sneak attack? What everyone does is injustice, so there's no need to say it so nicely!" Marco's tone also cooled down.

"You are a big man, what kind of benevolence and righteousness are you talking to me? Is it inappropriate?" Wei Laki continued to smile.

"This is war! Only the enemy and me, not men and women!" Marco said coldly.

"Then come on..." Wei Laki was no longer ready to avoid the battle, and turned his head to the Orid and the others behind him and instructed: "Olid, you bring your people to make a gap below. , Hold the gap, let the reinforcements come, and make sure that they can get reinforcements to Fujitora on the island.

When she was playing hide-and-seek with Marko, she was already watching the whole situation, and this was the best way she could think of.

"Understood, that's what we're trying to do." Ollie smiled happily, this was the first time, Wei Laki's thoughts were the same as his, and his heart was still full of joy.

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