One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 114 The World Five Years Later

This person is none other than Bahn. Except for the long hair, time has not left any obvious marks on his face. The green one looks like a very heavy iron chain, and there is a big iron pendant tied to the heavy iron chain on it.

This is the suppressor that Barn asked his little apprentice Leah to build in the past five years. This suppressor can help him suppress the ghosts and gods in his body that look for opportunities to run away from time to time.

At this moment, he is still the same as before, facing the sea, holding a fishing rod that looks like it has been used for a long time, in a daze, yes, he is really in a daze, because he still can't catch any fish.

"Master Barn!"

Jiger suddenly appeared behind Bahn with a smile on his face, but Bahn didn't seem to care about him.

Still holding his precious fishing rod, with a smile on his lips.

However, Jiger's face changed. The face full of childlike innocence before suddenly turned cold, his eyes became sharp, and the long knife in his hand had been unsheathed at some point, and a flame-like black flame suddenly appeared on the black knife. inflammation.

This is the good sharp knife that Baan asked Leah to make for her younger brother Jiger, "Ming Ling". From the black flame burning on the knife.

With the sound of wind and the sound of cutting the air, the black flame on the knife slashed towards Bahn!

But Bahn still remained motionless, sitting in place, with that enigmatic smile still on the corner of his mouth.

The blade that was burning with black flames slashed firmly on Bahn's arm, and the arm snapped off, but not a single drop of blood flowed out. Even the severed arm fell to the ground and gradually disintegrated. disappear.

But Bahn, who was cut down, was still holding the fishing rod, the smile on his face remained undiminished, but he didn't say a word.

I saw that the chopped shoulder gradually reconstructed an outline, like a jigsaw puzzle, and the flesh and blood reappeared in the outline.

Five years ago, the battle between Bahn and the Tyrannosaurus King made him know another level above the fruit ability, awakening, and in the past five years, Bahn has not been idle, and successfully developed the fruit ability to the level of awakening. The degree, and the ability of the fruit of life after awakening is like this, super-speed regeneration...

Bahn didn't speak, but standing behind him, Jiger, who still had a cold face, made a sound.

"No matter how many times it is, I can't believe it when I see your ability."

This voice came from Little Jiger's mouth, but it was different from the previous voice named Barn, it was more mature and cold. sound.

"Hey, hello! Master Jiger! Why did you take my body for use again, please tell me next time, okay?"

But the voice changed immediately, and became the cute Zhengtai voice before.

It was Little Jiger. At this moment, he frowned on his delicate face, and said aggrievedly.

"Okay, I see."

It was replaced by that relatively mature voice.

"Every time you say that..."

Little Jiger's voice came from Jiger's mouth, but there was some helplessness...

At this time, Barn's severed arm had recovered, and he stood up slowly, and began to take up the fishing line leisurely.

At this moment, a huge shadow appeared on the sea surface, slowly revealing a black shape that seemed to be an island. With a huge jet of water spraying out, its face was revealed. It was Rab, maybe During the past five years, the nutrition has been very good. At this time, Rab is not much different from an adult island whale.

"Yo Rab."

Little Giger looked at Raab and said happily.

Rab also yelled happily in response.

"Rab, you really are, why can't you take the initiative to bite the hook and let me catch it once?"

Bahn said leisurely while putting away the fishing line in his hand, Rabna actually had an aggrieved expression on the whale's face.

"It's been so many years. I've never seen you catch a fish. I really don't know what makes you insist on sitting by the sea every day in a daze."

Giger sarcastically hugged his shoulders behind Barn.

Bahn raised his eyebrows, and turned the corner of his mouth to one side.

"You are not the same."

I have to mention here that Jiger chose the path of Devil May Cry guided by Jiger in his body. It can be said that he doesn't know anything about Bane's Shura power. In the past five years, he has inherited part of Bane's swordsmanship However, the ability to catch no fish has been learned by ten percent.

"Oh, by the way, Jiger, what did you call me just now?"

Bahn turned his head to Jiger behind him again. Although he couldn't see it, he could still accurately locate Jiger's position.

When Jiger heard it, he patted his forehead suddenly and said.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Just now, my sister's phone bug called, saying that the knife you wanted has been made, master, and asked you to go back and get it."

The corner of Bahn's mouth turned up when he heard it, and he touched his empty waist and said.

"It's been five years. It's been too long since I disappeared. It's time to show up. My old friend has also changed."

Barn said with a smile.

Jiger ran to Bahn's side, tilted his head and asked.

"Master, I really don't know why you have been hiding on this island for so long when you are already so strong. The captain has already started gathering pirates from all over the world, and the white beard uncle has also occupied a large area of ​​the New World. Hai Yu, even Uncle Raleigh has started to teach the people in the guild together with Uncle Leonard, only you have been disappearing."

"Okay, okay, I don't know you yet? Do you think you are strong and want to go out and see?"

The corner of Bahn's mouth curled up and said, but Jiger hugged Bahn's arm childishly, shook and shook, and said.

"Then, Master Barn, when are we going to sea?"

But Bahn turned his eyes to the cloudless sky, touched his lips, and said softly.

"Go and prepare, this day will change."

"Hello, Leah."

Far away in the FFF guild in the Chambord Islands, on the balcony on the second floor, a man with long black hair and a wine red suit further highlighted his charm as a man. A glass of rum, a handsome face reflected in the constantly shaking drink, not far away, a long knife that seemed to exude a substantive and strange aura was placed beside him...

It is the nominal head of the current FFF regiment, and Adam, Bahn's big apprentice.

The past few years have been enough for him to grow from an impulsive boy to a stable person.

The Leah he called was Barn's second apprentice. The little blacksmith on the Chambord Islands had grown into a beautiful woman at this moment, but her pink suspenders and short sleeves couldn't cover her beautiful belly button. With long golden hair tied into a ponytail on the head, a delicate iron ring on the lips, and a seductive rose tattooed on the exposed arm... Hey, there seems to be something wrong, this is the innocent and romantic little girl from before loli?

Now she is stepping on a stool with one foot, holding a bottle of rum in the other hand, and pouring it into her mouth without any image. The lips with iron rings are even painted purple, and the eyes Also painted thick eyeliner.

As soon as she put down the wine bottle in her hand, she looked at Adam who was standing on the balcony, leaving only her back. When she opened her mouth, Taimei's breath rushed towards her...

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