One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 131 What secrets can exist between us?

"Hey, Ace, what are you thinking? Jiger's master has promised to be our master!"

Luffy finally noticed something was wrong with Ace, shaking his shoulder and said.


Sabo, who was beside him, punched him on the head...

"Stupid, Jiger agreed, but Jiger's master hasn't agreed yet!"

"Speaking of Ace, what's wrong with you? You've been depressed since just now."

Ace, who was called, seemed to wake up from his own consciousness, as if awakened with a start.

"Ah? Ah! It's okay, it's okay, I just thought of something."

Ace waved his hands hurriedly.

And Jiger looked at him suspiciously, thinking of what Bahn had said to him before.

"Jig, Ace, you are a very lonely person."

"Hey, by the way, let's go to the town once. My master said there is a restaurant there that is very delicious!"

Giger suddenly suggested.

"Hey! Delicious! Good, good, good!"

Even though he was full just now, Luffy's saliva still flowed down involuntarily...

"Haha, Luffy, you are really greedy!"

Sabo patted Luffy's head and said with a smile.

"But the guards at the gate won't let us children in."

Ace said calmly.

"Hey, of course I have a way."

Jiger showed a mysterious smile and said.

The harsh environment of Mount Colpo has prompted them to grow up, and the north of this mountain is the indeterminate terminal, commonly known as the garbage mountain, and at the farther north, there is a small town, but it is surrounded by thick walls. Blocked, there is no way to pass.

The city gate, known as the gate, became the only way in and out of the town.

A large amount of garbage generated in the country is dumped into the garbage mountain twice a day...

"Oh! Here comes the trash! Let's go! Go Taobao!"

"Hey, how's the food today?"

At this time, the people living in the garbage mountain are often the most active.

The folks at Garbage Hill would come to town from time to time to sell their recyclables, but they never prayed to live in town, because no one wanted to live that uncomfortable life.

Passing through the gate is a road that can be seen by passers-by, leading to the border town that still has a little stench.

In the border town, people living in the garbage mountain were not allowed to stay after evening.

"Listen! After dusk, garbage hunting troops will come and go in the town, watch out for your lives!"

Because in their eyes, there is an equal sign between those who live in the garbage mountain and the garbage they usually throw away, just like they clean up the garbage twice a day, these people should also be cleaned up...

The border town is the gathering place for the outlaws and gangsters in the town. Going further inside is the clean and tidy central street, and in the center stands a tall city wall, inside which is the high town where the royal family and nobles live.

The name of this country is Goya, which is spotless and known as the most beautiful country in the East China Sea...

This country is a successful example of a segregated society because of the complete abandonment of what is not needed.

The town of Windmill where Luffy was born seems to be forgotten, but he also belongs to this country...

At this time, an unusually tall man came to the gate with four huge crocodile skins unsteadily...

"Hey, what are you holding?"

The soldier guarding the gate was wearing a huge gas mask, as if he was afraid of smelling the people from the garbage mountain, he stopped the unusually tall man from asking.

"The crocodile skin is for sale."

The 'tall' man pressed his voice and said...

The vicious-looking guard paid more attention to him, but didn't find anything wrong, so he let him in...

But as soon as he arrived in the border town, there were a few gangsters who were planning to do something wrong, holding the knives in their hands, swaying towards the 'tall' man...

"Hey! You came from the garbage mountain, what's in the bag, open it and have a look!"

The 'tall' man trembled violently when he heard it, and suddenly his clothes slipped off, revealing the four little kids inside!

It turned out that they were stacked together and pretended to be the gate for adults to sneak in!

"Hey, shut up, little bastard! Bring the money!"

And the little gangster who was still full of air before had already sat on the ground, and his legs were still rubbing backwards...

"Ah! It's them!"


The glass in a certain restaurant broke again... Hey, why am I talking again and again, I saw Sabo, Ace, and Jiger jumping down from the fourth floor holding Luffy in their arms!

"Ah! Catch them quickly! Let's eat the overlord's meal!"

Along with them comes the roar of restaurateurs...

I saw Luffy grabbing the flagpole downstairs, and his body was stretched by the weight of the other three until they fell to the ground...


As soon as Lu Fei let go, he returned to his original state. I have to say that his ability is really convenient...

"Puff! It's so delicious!"

Sabo said with a smile.

"I'll just say it!"

Ace responded.


Jiger also glanced at them and said, only Luffy had to cover his mouth with his hands to prevent the food from leaking out because of stuffing too much in his mouth...


"It's those four people again! Reverse esophagus! Why did you let them enter the store?"

The police uncle downstairs shouted, it seems that it is not the first time they have arrested them...

"Don't try to escape! Stop those four children!"

"Hey, come chase after me!"

Jiger turned around and said with a smile, and Luffy, who had already swallowed what was in his mouth, also turned around and made a grimace...

But when the four of them passed by a man in a luxurious suit, something unexpected happened...

"Sabo? Isn't this Sabo? Stop me! You're still alive!"

"Come home with me!"

The luxuriously dressed man shouted loudly, but Sabo looked back at him with a look of horror.


After only one glance, he immediately turned his head back and ran away sullenly.

But Ace noticed the man and immediately asked Sabo.

"Hey! Sabo, someone called you!"

Hearing what Ace said, Luffy also looked over.

"Who is it? That person..."

But Sabo didn't look back and just ran forward.

"Probably... you have misunderstood the person, let's go! The police are about to catch up!"

And Jiger, at the end of the team, took a deep look at Sabo's back...

Ace and the others left, but the boss who stayed in the restaurant had a look of remorse.

"I didn't expect to break the window and escape. This is the fourth floor?"

"Losing 32 bowls of ramen and a piece of glass..."

A fat man dressed like a chef next to him is reminding at the right time...

"The store manager! Here is a note..."

The clerk ran over and handed the note in his hand to the store manager...

"Pay with treasure later, Luffy."

Here's what it says on the note...

"Pay with treasure? Ah! Barre all my windows!"

And now in the central forest, Jiger is lying on a big rock watching Ace and Luffy below to force Sabo to confess...

"What? I didn't hide anything!"

Sabo argued.

"Oh... is it?"

Naive Luffy believed it...


After slapping Luffy on the head, Ace asked Sabo again.

"Impossible! Say it! Sabo!"

"What secrets are there between us?"

"Say it!"

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