One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 138 Burnable Garbage Day

"But you're really lucky. Tomorrow night is Burnable Garbage Day... If you stay in the garbage mountain, you will definitely die."

"But, for me, it would be better if the biological son of this family doesn't come back!"

As Sabo's substitute, Staley sat on the bed in a very disfigured manner, with a stupid breath blowing over his face, and he seemed to have not anticipated the consequences he would face after saying these words...

Sabo has already pounced on him. Years of exercise have made his hands rough, but they are also stronger. At this moment, he is holding Staley's throat and pressing him firmly on the bed. His head even sank into the bed.


Obviously this idiot has not realized the seriousness of the matter, and is still provoking Sabo, even though his neck has been held by Sabo...

But Sabo is not interested in ending his life, he cares about more important things.

"You... What do you mean by what you just said? What is going on! Tell me clearly!"

"Do you want to set fire to the unsure terminal?"

Sabo grabbed Staley's clothes with both hands and kept shaking them, his face became more and more gloomy, even panicked...

"Yeah, because you've been living in the garbage mountain, so you don't know. It was settled several months ago."

And the substitute's head figured it out, maybe out of fear of Sabo, he told the truth with a trembling voice.

"Did you know that the inspection team of the world government is patrolling the East China Sea? Three days later, they will come to the Kingdom of Goa."

"This time, the world's aristocratic Tianlong people are also on it, so there is a lot of movement. In order to please them, the royal family decided to burn all the stains of this country in one fell swoop!"

But while Staley was talking, the look on his face was no longer the fear before, but a kind of madness, maybe it was out of the perverted sense of superiority, or maybe it was out of the feeling of violence against him just now. The thrill of Sabo's revenge, in short, a crazy, sick smile appeared on his face, it is hard to imagine that this is the expression on the face of an eight-year-old child...

"What the hell are you farting! That's simply whimsical!"

"There are a lot of people living there! Then everyone will have no place to live! Everyone lives off the garbage mountain!"

Sabo's hands holding Staley's clothes shook even more violently, because of anger, because of his disgust for this nobleman, and because of his disgust for this country!

But Staley suddenly erupted, reached out and swung Sabo's hand away, and shouted loudly!

"Let go of me! Have you grown ears yet?"

As he said that, his face became even darker and crazier!

"Didn't I tell you that I want to burn all the stains of this country?"

"Even people are not spared! Because those who live in the garbage mountain are all human-shaped garbage!"

Sabo was shocked. Perhaps from now on, he has been completely disappointed with this country. He couldn't believe that those words before were spoken from the mouth of an eight-year-old child. What kind of person will become like this in the future? Don't even dare to think about it!

Sabo didn't talk nonsense with that idiot, he opened the window directly, took the iron rod he carried with him, and jumped out!

"Hey! Where are you going! What floor do you think this is?"

"Hey! Brother!"

Sabo didn't even have the slightest intention to talk to him, so naturally he didn't respond to him, but Staley smiled slyly and closed the window silently.

"I'm too lazy to care about you..."

Sabo quietly came to the police station in the border town. It was already late at night, but the lights were still brightly lit here. Sabo hid in the corner, listening to the voices coming from inside...

"Is tomorrow's deployment complete? There must be no negligence!"

"We are safe, but the question is whether the pirates can successfully ignite the garbage."

"They're putting fuel and explosives all over the garbage mountain..."

The room was solemnly talking about the 'extremely plain' murder incident, but it fell into Sabo's ears outside the window, making his face even more gloomy.

"Is Lan Jiang and the others involved? It seems to be true... What a ridiculous thing..."

And in the tree house in the central forest, Ace, Luffy and Jiger were all lying there, but none of them fell asleep.

"Sabo... what are you doing now?"

Luffy looked out from the broken ceiling, looked at the imperfect moon and said.

"...It's so noisy, go to sleep! Didn't you say that you will forget about Sabo for the time being? Maybe that's his happiness..."

Ace lay next to him and said loudly, even though he was a little lacking in confidence behind the words.

"Didn't you sleep too, I... always have a bad feeling."

Jiger, who was lying on the outermost side, didn't sleep either. With his hands crossed on the back of his head, he was looking at the four wine cups hanging on the wall, which they used when they were sworn brothers...

Sabo finally returned to his "home" and came together the next day, only to find that he was out of tune with this world. It was too peaceful and everything was as usual. Is it because everyone didn't know? It's too peaceful, what happened yesterday is like a dream...

At this time, in the palace, the bloated but very noble king was still lamenting the weather...

"It's so windy today."

"Indeed, king."

"This kind of weather is prone to accidents, so we must pay attention to fire prevention!"

"You are so perceptive."

The ordinary dialogue between the monarch and his ministers has decided the life and death of countless people, as if talking about a trivial matter...

And Sabo, in order to verify his own ideas, escaped from the 'home' he had just returned to.

"The garbage mountain is going to catch fire tonight?"

Sabo stood in front of a table, looked at a nobleman who was drinking coffee and asked.

"Of course I know about this kind of thing, so what? Which family are you from?"

The nobleman spoke very calmly, without even shaking the coffee in his hand.

But Sabo was shocked...

"I know..."

He seemed unwilling to give up and asked another person, an old man who seemed to be highly respected.

"Ahh...we know about the fire, it's something that everyone agrees to!"

"It would be bad if it spread to the ears of people outside Gaozhen... We are special because we are nobles..."

It's hard to believe that such cruel words came from an elder, but with the facts in front of him, Sabo couldn't help but not believe it...

"Found it! It's that child! That boy who ran away from home!"

The police came, and Sabo's father, who couldn't find Sabo, called the police in a panic, maybe out of concern for his son, hehe...

And Sabo didn't have time to think so much, he just wanted to escape, leave this indifferent high town, and tell those people living in the rubbish mountain of the coming disaster.

"Run away from the garbage mountain! The people of this country are going to burn the country's stains tonight!"

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