One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 166 The Madness Has Ended

Bahn didn't say a word, and he didn't do anything special. He just walked onto the stage so ordinary, maybe it didn't match his previous style, but now Bahn really needs to keep a low profile.

Perhaps to hide his identity, Bahn's clothes are very different from before. His upper body is a sea blue shirt with yellow flowers on it, and a casual white vest inside, while his lower body is A pair of light green beach pants and beach sandals on his feet. Those who didn't know thought he had just returned from fishing at the beach. The original black ribbon on his face was replaced with a big sunglasses. The first generation Onikiri, who was used by him as a walking stick, had a scepter-like scabbard that could really be mistaken for the real one. Just like this, he walked on the stage, and no one recognized that this person was the great pirate who has become famous in the sea today, Barn.

But his appearance still betrayed him, he was too young, a young man, this was the first impression everyone in the audience had of him, but he couldn't help but talk about the 610 million Berries in one breath and contact him It makes people think too much.

"Whose son is this?"

"It can't be the illegitimate child of some nobleman."

People in the audience whispered to each other, but the Tianlong man sitting in the first row, Marshuk, had a sneer on his face.

Because of his mind, Bahn's movements are no different from ordinary people, at least no one can see that he is blind. The host with the five-pointed star shape is holding Bahn's hand very enthusiastically. He kept rubbing against the back of his hand, he was really not afraid to make people suspect that he had gay tendencies, of course he wanted to curry favor with Bahn, for such a young man with a lot of money, he was no different from a golden pig waiting to be slaughtered in his eyes.

"Haha, this young master is really young and promising, and he has extraordinary courage and insight. I believe that your 610 million Berry must be worth the money."

The host ignored the disgusted expression on Bahn's face, and still spoke enthusiastically.

Bahn didn't answer, just nodded with a faint smile, and said, but looked at the murloc curled up in the big fish tank on the stage.

After a few glances, Bahn said with a smile, but turned his head to the audience. There were a pair of pale eyes under the sunglasses, but his eyes had already locked on Marshuk in the audience.

"I would also like to thank the respected Lord Tianlong for being so noble. If you hadn't been merciful, I might not be able to buy her with my family."

This was a polite remark, but it was misunderstood by Marshuk. Marshuk instinctively thought that the boy in front of him had only 600 million Berry. His eyes, which were almost squeezed by the fat on his face, gave the man in black standing next to him a vicious look.

But seeing him, Marshuk's rusty and sluggish brain seemed to suddenly come alive, and he remembered what the man in black had said to him before.

"Means other than bidding..."

Marshuk smiled, and then stood up suddenly, which was beyond everyone's surprise, including the man in black who gave him advice just now, and the smile of the host on the stage became a little stiff, only Bahn There was always a faint smile on his face.

After Marshuk stood up, he raised his head, his face full of fat tried his best to express an arrogant expression, and said, almost looking at Bahn on the stage through his nostrils.

"It's good for the child to know. It's too late for you to regret it now. It's not good to secretly take the family's money to come to this kind of place. As long as you give me this murloc, I will pay for the 610 million Berries. how is everything?"

No matter how much fat Marshuk had on his face, he couldn't hide the disdain deep in his eyes. Even though Bahn couldn't see it, he could still feel the contempt revealed in the tone of Marshuk's words.

The smile on Bahn's face became wider, the scepter in his hand tapped the ground, and then he said a sentence that made the audience dumbfounded.

"What are you?"


The originally quiet and extraordinary venue suddenly boiled up, 'What are you? ’ This sentence, which was already full of contempt, was actually uttered from the mouth of the seemingly calm young man on the stage, and it was also said to the most noble race in the world, the Tianlong people?

"The world is crazy."

This was the thinking of most people in the audience, but their thinking quickly changed to the next one.

"This boy is dead."

Sure enough, as if to cooperate with everyone, the fat pig face of Tianlong who was extremely arrogant a second ago turned into a liver color in an instant.

The man in black next to him also had a sneer on his face. In fact, Marshuk's actions just now made him call Teammate Pig directly in his heart. His original intention was to snatch this man away on the way home after taking the slave Who knew that this stupid Tianlong person stood up directly to persuade others, but there was no way, who called him a Tianlong person?

But at this moment, he was happy again. He didn't expect that the guy who could take out 610 million Berry in one go was also a fool.

Malshock's gun has been pulled out. This gun seems to be mass-produced by their Celestial Dragons. It is the same as the one that was pulled out by a Celestial Dragon named Jermark in Goa Kingdom. It is a gorgeous pistol made of gold. The muzzle of the pitch-black gun was facing Bahn, who was still smiling on the stage.

" have the guts to say it again!"

Bahn raised his eyebrows, thinking.

"Why are the Tianlong people so reasonable now? Shouldn't I say that he is not a thing? Shouldn't he have immediately pulled out his gun and fired at me? Why do you still ask me to say it again? No, he should have heard it clearly. Could it be that he is A shaking M?"

"It's so troublesome, you listen carefully."

As if asking for a troublesome matter, Bahn waved his hand and said again, the smile on his face disappeared and turned into a very serious expression.

"Who do you think you are?"

Bahn paused every word, and said the sentence again full of emotion. Every time he uttered a word, Marshock's face became ugly, and after Bahn finished the last word, his anger value had already reached The full-scale Malshock pulled the trigger fiercely, while still screaming presumptuously.

"Go to hell! You dirty inferior human!"

With the sound of the gun, the bullets have spiraled out of the barrel, and even stirred up the surrounding air. This pistol is indeed unique, both in speed and power. It is different from ordinary pistols. This may be Vegapunk deliberately It must have been modified, but in Bahn's eyes, it was no different from an ordinary pistol.

Because no matter how powerful a weapon is, it is useless if it cannot hit people.

Bahn, who possesses such excellent knowledge and domineering aura, naturally dodged this small bullet with ease. Bahn's neck tilted, and the bullet with the loud cracking sound was dodged by Bahn. .

I saw that Bahn silently took off the sunglasses on his face, revealing his face. If he still couldn't recognize Bahn's face, those men in black who followed Tianlongren would not have to mess around.

"You, the madness has come to an end."

"It's Barn! Saint Marshuk, run!"

Even though they recognized Barn, it was still too late, Barn's first generation Onikiri had already pulled out from the scepter, and had already swiped in the air.

As the first generation of Onikiri slowly returned to its sheath, the two men in black behind Marshuk had fallen to the ground, and the gun in Marshuk's hand was also split in two.

"Ah! Killed!"

The people in the audience saw those dead men in black screaming and running out, and Rayleigh also took advantage of the chaos to leave the auction house, but took a deep look at Bahn before leaving.

As for the host who disappeared as early as the moment the Tianlongren shot, only Bahn and the Tianlongren were left in the huge auction house, and of course, there was also the shocked fish trapped in the fish tank people.

Bahn smiled, jumped off the stage, and kept walking into Malshock.

"This scene seems familiar..."

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