One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 230: The Record Pointer Pointing to Gaya

"Wow! Luffy and the others were really eaten!"

Chopper, who was originally deformed by the rambo ball, turned into a normal form because of panic, and was screaming wildly with his mouth wide open.

"It's all you! It's you who encouraged them to explore the seabed of the Great Route! This is the Great Route! It doesn't matter if there is no basis, it's because of you that they..."

Usopp was complaining about Nami, and Nami also put on a disappointed face very cooperatively.


But soon, Nami recovered that Nami, ran to the side of the boat rail and shouted at the sunken ship that was still in the mouth of the land-sized turtle.


Then, as if nothing happened, calmly wrapped his arms around and looked at Luffy and everyone who was still in the monster's mouth...

"That's what I said... but there's something wrong with it..."

Weiwei, who was still in a panic at first, said with a wry smile when she saw Nami like this.

But at this time, the boat shook suddenly, and then the whole boat was slowly pulled!

"The tortoise is going back to the sea!"

Vivi shouted loudly.

"As long as the air pipeline is not broken, the ship will be pulled into the deep sea sooner or later."

Robin is Robin, even though he is still very calm at this time... But Robin can do this, others are much worse...

"Ah! Aren't you very strong, Robin? Think of a way!"

"No, the opponent is too huge..."

"Ahhh! Are you really going to be pulled into the sea!"

Unlike them, the Ape Pirates on the other side have already started rescue operations.

"Guys, tighten the lifelines! Fight for the pride and honor of our Ape Pirates!"


"The director must still be alive!"


These voices naturally reached the ears of everyone on the Merry, and Usopp suddenly realized.

"Yes, now is the time to unite our forces!"

Maybe it's because of the thought of getting together, Nami said at this time full of fighting spirit.



"Self-protection first! Cut off the gas pipeline!"


"Are you a devil?"

But at this moment, something happened in this sea area...

"Why is it dark?"

Vivi said worriedly.

Not only them, even the huge tortoise on the surface of the sea stopped chewing, and looked at the sudden change in the surrounding environment for no reason.

"Ah... this is an ominous omen... The night is coming, this is a sign that the monster is about to appear."

"Is there a more terrifying monster than that guy?"

Usopp has gone crazy...

And at this moment, there was a cold snort from under the boat.

Then Luffy, who had passed out with the package on his back, was thrown up, and the person before him also boarded the boat.

It was Luffy and Zoro, and Sanji boarded the ship behind them.

"Luffy? What happened to him? Is he dead?"

Chopper looked at the fainted Luffy and asked worriedly.

"He's fine."

As soon as Sanji boarded the boat, he took out his cigarette, but the cigarette was already soaked in water...

"Sail the boat! Get out of this place of right and wrong!"

Sauron said loudly.

"You're all right! That's great! Ah! Yes! Get rid of this turtle first!"

Usopp was already moved to tears...

"Eh? Turtle! No! It's an orangutan in the sea!"

Sauron was stunned by what Usopp said...

"That orangutan had a great chat with Luffy, maybe it's like attracting the same kind, but he suddenly went crazy when he saw something on us, like a violent gorilla!"

Sanji was telling them the scene at that time vividly...

"That guy is called the Salvage King, and he is a pirate who specializes in salvaging sunken ships, but it's amazing that you guys managed to escape from the turtle's mouth."


"What turtle?"

"Um, the turtle's mouth is weird, it keeps opening, so you can escape..."

Usopp pointed to the giant sea turtle with its mouth still open and said.

"Wow! What the hell is that?"

"You didn't notice it until now! You were swallowed up by it, including people and boats!"

And at this time, Luffy woke up.

"Eh? It's getting dark!"

"Luffy, come here and help sail the boat!"

Nami yelled loudly.

At this moment, the Salvage King, who had also been swallowed into the turtle's mouth before, came out of the sea.

"Wait! You bastards!"

"Ahhh! Let's sail!"

Nami yelled loudly.

"Hey! Nami! Mr. Barn hasn't come back yet!"

At this time, everyone remembered that Barn had disappeared for a long time... Only Fitz, who was still pecking at his feathers, and the original Onikiri were left behind...

"Ah! Where is Master Barn?"

Luffy shouted loudly, and at this time, the salvage king had already boarded the boat...

"You bastards! Do you want to get away like this after stealing my uncle's things?"

The salvage king stood on the boat and said loudly in a mighty pose.

"Director! Director! It's dangerous!"

On the salvage king's boat, people shouted loudly when they saw that their director had returned safely.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

The Salvage King turned his head and asked, it doesn't matter if he turned his head, but he saw five extremely terrifying things...

Those were two huge black shadows with wings spread, standing in the sea fog!

"what is that!"


Even the sea turtles on the sea had abnormal fright on their faces at this time...

At this time, the salvage king didn't care about those things anymore, he jumped back to his boat and left quickly.

Nami also regained her strength at this time, and immediately commanded the retreat, but was interrupted by Robin.

"Wait! Miss Navigator, there is still someone in the turtle's mouth!"

Weiwei followed Robin's gaze and saw the figure that had appeared in her dreams countless times...

"It's Mr. Barn!"


Perhaps it was a coincidence, while they were still in astonishment, Bahn's voice came from the turtle's mouth.


It turned out that the person who had been holding the turtle's mouth was Bane!

Hearing the master's call, Fitz immediately stopped his beak that was pecking at the feathers, grabbed the first generation Onikiri next to him, and flew over!

"Send the boat over there!"

Luffy immediately said loudly.

At this time, Fitz had already flown into the turtle's mouth, and passed the knife on the claw into Bahn's mouth. Bahn bit it, and Fitz flew back to the Merry with the scabbard.


A red arc knife light flashed, and the huge turtle's mouth full of teeth and the five huge black figures with wings that appeared in the sea fog were cut off!

The turtle closed its mouth immediately, and returned to the sea screaming in pain, while Bane had already jumped onto the back of Rab who had appeared on the side early in the morning.

"Really... It's not easy for a fish to bite the hook, it turns out to be such a big guy..."

Bane, who was standing on Rab's back, wiped the saliva of the sea turtle remaining on his body and said.

Following Bahn's slashing attack, the previously darkened sky also returned to light, and disappeared together with the five huge figures that suddenly appeared. It was as if nothing had happened, and the sea area became calm again...

Raab took Bahn back to the boat, and the others looked at Bahn as if they were monsters.

Perhaps sensing the strangeness of the crowd, Bain asked strangely.

"What's wrong?"

"You are indeed a more terrifying monster than that guy..."

On the contrary, Usopp calmed down, nodded and said.

"Mr. Bahn, you are really amazing..."

Vivi also said with a smile.

"What did you do to those five monsters?"

Robin asked lightly.

This time it was Bahn's turn not to understand, just listen to him ask.

"Monster? Five? What are you talking about?"

"Didn't you see it? Just those five monsters with wings!"

Chopper said.

"You idiot! Mr. Bahn can't see it!"

Nami immediately rewarded Chopper with a chestnut...


Joba said aggrievedly.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. There were no monsters just now. If I had my mind, I would be able to perceive it. There was only that turtle and nothing else. Did you misread it?"

Barn said with a smile.

"It's really scary..."

Weiwei is still afraid...

"What the hell kind of weather is this?"

Sanji took out a cigarette again and lit it.

"I really don't want to see those things again..."

Chopper still said very timidly...

"But, Chopper, that kind of monster is nothing if I take it seriously?"


"I once single-handedly killed ten of them!"

"Eh? Ten! Usopp is amazing!"

Well, our braggart Usopp has started again, oh, and captured the idiot audience Chopper a...

"Forget it, it's all over."

Nami walked over at this time, and immediately pinched her waist, full of queen fan...

"What about the stuff you got at the bottom of the sea?"

"Oh oh oh, here, here."

Luffy and the others immediately unwrapped the package they brought, and then there was a clanging sound on the boat...

"A bunch of idiots! What the hell are you doing at the bottom of the sea!"

"What I need is life-and-death information! Why did you bring back so much scrap metal?"

Nami goes crazy again...

"No clue to the sky at all!"

"There is nothing there."

Sauron explained helplessly.

"Yeah, it's not our fault."

Sanji didn't quarrel with Zoro anymore this time...

"That ship was obviously ransacked, or it was killing each other..."

Sanji recalled what he saw on the boat and said.

"That's why we need clues! These rusty swords you brought back! Rotten kitchen utensils, what's the use of live octopuses!"

"There are no logs, nautical charts or something?"

Nami yelled loudly.

"I have it here, Miss Navigator."

Robin came over at this time and handed Nami something.

"This is, record pointer? Gaya?"

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