One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 238 The Big Liar

"Start the second awakening mission!"

Listening to the cold system voice coming from within his body, Bahn laughed dumbfounded...

"I almost forgot that I still have this thing in my body... I really miss it."

Bahn touched his abdomen with a wry smile and said, then clicked on the mission panel that suddenly appeared.

"Second awakening... I thought it was because the version of the system I traveled to was too low to have this task. It seems that the trigger condition has not been met... It seems that the key is in the sky island?"

"Thor's heart?"

Looking at the required quest supplies under the quest, Bahn was at a loss.

"What is this? Could it be..."

Bahn didn't think too much about it, he put away his fishing rod and returned to Curricate's house.

"The most important thing now is to go to Sky Island..."

"Listen well, I will tell you all the clues I know about Sky Island."

Kurikat said to the Straw Hats who were surrounding the tree stump.

"However, I can't guarantee whether it is true or not."

"Believe it or not is up to you."

"Hmm! I'll believe it!"

Lu Fei said with a sluggish face, and Zoro behind him was already asleep... But yes, such high-end things are really too difficult for him, a road idiot...

"He hasn't started talking yet!"

Usopp seized every opportunity to complain about Luffy...

Kuli Kate suddenly waved his hand towards the sea and said.

"Sometimes strange phenomena will occur in some sea areas in this area. It is obviously daytime but it is shrouded in night in a blink of an eye!"

As soon as Kuri Kate finished speaking, Luffy raised his hand to answer like a student in class.

"That's right! That's right! We've met before!"

Usopp also added in a timely manner.

"That's right, after the night came, five monsters with wings appeared!"

Kuri Kate looked at them and nodded, then continued.

"There are many legends about those giants, but we will not mention that for now."

But just when Kuri Kate was about to continue talking, Barn, who had just arrived, spoke out.

"I didn't feel the existence of those so-called monsters. I could feel the creatures within a few miles in my mind, but I didn't feel the giants that Usopp said."

Kuri Kate took a deep look at Bahn, and then said.

"you mean?"

"According to Usopp's description, I feel that those monsters are more like the shadow of some kind of creature."


Usopp said in surprise.

"That's right!"

Bahn nodded calmly.

"But what creature's shadow is so big?"

Luffy asked curiously.

"Nami, I think you know about mirages, this is a relatively common weather phenomenon."

Nami nodded when she heard Bahn asking her. Just like Bahn said, the phenomenon of mirage is really very common on the great route.

"You mean those figures are mirages? But..."

Even though Barn said so, Nami still expressed doubts.

"What if those people are in heaven?"


Everyone was startled by Bahn's flat voice, if Bahn's guess is correct...

"Sky Island must exist!"

Bahn said this sentence seriously, but it also increased everyone's confidence.

"Okay! Let's continue with the topic just now."

Curricate also became excited when he heard Bahn's words, and continued.

"The true face of the sudden darkness... is the thick shadow of the clouds!"

"You mean cumulonimbus?"

Nami said lightly.

"That kind of darkness is definitely not formed by dark clouds!"

Luffy even felt that Kuri Kate was lying to him, and said angrily.

"Uncle, you're so stupid, the weather you're talking about is cloudy!"

"Yes, cloudy."

"Well, it's cloudy..."

Usopp and Chopper also echoed Luffy.

"Shut up! Listen to me quietly!"

Hearing their thoughts, Kurikat roared loudly, and continued after seeing that they finally calmed down.

"That one is called, Cumulus."

"It soars into the sky, but neither air currents nor rain form in the clouds!"

"Once there is a cumulus cloud over the sky, the light will be blocked, and the day on the ground will turn into night!"

"About Cumulus, there is actually another theory."

"Some people say they are cloud fossils floating in the sky for thousands or even tens of thousands of years!"

But at this time, Nami raised doubts again.

"How can there be such a thick cloud that does not produce airflow! Impossible..."

Hearing Nami's words, Kuri Kate spread her arms and said.

"I've said it before, believe it or not, and I didn't tell you to believe it!"

But at this time, Bahn spoke up.

"Nami, remember what I said before? You must trust your record pointer on the great route. If you have to doubt it, you can only doubt the so-called common sense in your mind!"

"There must be an island where the record pointer points!"

"In this world, nothing is impossible."

Bahn said lightly, Nami frowned, but closed her mouth.

"Then call it the Incredible Cloud!"

Luffy said idiotically...

"Well... It can also be said that the mystery of the cloud has not been solved yet."

Curry Kate, who didn't know how to explain it, had no choice but to say that, but Chopper looked at Luffy with an expression of admiration...

"Wow... Luffy is amazing..."

But at this time, Kuri Kate suddenly became serious, and said very seriously.

"So I guess, if Sky Island really exists, it must be above that cloud!"

"Really! I understand! Let's go to the cloud!"

"Zoro! Get up!"

"Huh? It's dawn..."

"Hey! Everyone is ready to set sail! Yunruo!"

"Full speed ahead!"

"Uncle! Thank you for telling us!"

And just when Luffy's trio of idiots was getting excited, Nami had turned into a female devil and roared loudly!

"The question is how to get there! Quiet me! How many times do you want me to say it?"

"The next step is the key point! Don't say I didn't warn you, you have to be prepared to die!"

"We're dying..."

Luffy and Usopp, who were beaten into a pig's head because of annoying Nami, said vaguely...

"Why even I was beaten..."

Beside them, Sauron, who also had a pig's head on his head, said innocently...

"There is a sea current that soars to the sky. To be precise, as long as you follow this current, you can go to the sky, understand?"

"Isn't that the current that pushes the boat into the sky?"

"But I heard from people in Magic Valley Town that the boats that were pushed into the sky all sank to the bottom of the sea."

Nami said with some fear.

"Generally speaking, it is like that, so the most important thing is the actual machine!"

"However, being washed up into the sky by the current sounds simple, but this is definitely not the easy journey you imagined."

"Shooting ocean currents, to put it bluntly, are disasters! They are natural killers that can be avoided if they can be avoided!"

Curry Kate's face suddenly became serious.


A lot of sweat appeared on the timid Usopp's face again...

"So... what is the principle that makes the ocean current soar into the sky?"

"We've never heard of such a thing."

Nami also said worriedly, no one would be willing to use his life to make a joke.

"The mysterious ocean current is still an unsolved mystery, because no one is willing to risk their lives to investigate its truth."

Curry Kate said lightly.

"However, there is a saying that there is a big hole in the bottom of the sea, and the nearby low-temperature seawater flows into that hole, and a large amount of steam is produced under the influence of the bottom geothermal heat!"

"This vapor pressure in turn triggers an undersea eruption!"

"That's enough to detonate the sea water, forming a big eruption that soars into the sky! In about a minute, the sea water will continue to rush into the sky!"

"Uninterrupted ocean currents for one minute? How big is that!"

Nami said in surprise.

"The location of the outbreak is different every time, and the frequency is five times a month!"

"...You want us to be smashed to pieces..."

Usopp said with trembling lips, Kurikat's words really scared him...

"However... trying to explain this spectacular natural phenomenon with words or theory is simply delusional!"

"That! Then you mean, if the current five times a month can't take us to the empty island?"

Nami's eyes have started to become hollow, she can't imagine what it will be like if the whole ship falls into the sea if it fails!

Kuri Kate was very calm, only listening to him speak lightly.

"Oh? You mean if you didn't jump on the Cumulus Cloud? Then there is absolutely no doubt that you will plummet into the sea and be wiped out!"

"Of course, even if you rush into the Cumulus Cloud, if Sky Island doesn't exist at all, you will still be dead."

"...Ahh! I understand! Give up! Luffy, what a pity! Haha! It's a pity that you are not the lucky one of the lucky ones! Too bad!"

Usopp was so nervous that he couldn't do it, and said incoherently.

But Luffy doesn't care about this, just listen to him.

"It's okay! Let's go!"

"It's all right! You'll just believe these rambling words! Look at the Golden Meili, and see how pitiful she is after lingering on her last breath! How can she resist that terrible disaster again!"

At this time, Kuri Kate also said aloud.

"Indeed, even if the ship is brand new, it will be difficult to reach Sky Island safely."

"Whether it's speed, weight or strength, this ship will definitely disintegrate before reaching Sky Island!"

"But you don't have to worry about this, leave the reinforcement of the ship to the orangutans!"

At this time, two monkeys just got out and said loudly.

"That's right! Leave it to us!"

"Haha, then leave it to us!"

"Oh! Then please!"

I have to say, Luffy's nerves are really big...

"It's really nosy..."

Nami and Usopp, who were about to give up going to Sky Island, thought in their hearts...

And at this time Nami said to Luffy.

"Do you understand! Don't say anything else... We only have one day left to stay on this island, and then the record pointer will point to the direction of the next island!"

"That's right! I can't catch up at all!"

Usopp said loudly as if he had grasped the last straw.

"So, uncle, you are not a prophet. How many days will it be before the day when the soaring ocean current and the cumulus cloud coincidentally overlap? Or a few months? Or even a few years?"

And Kuri Kate ignored Usopp, lightly lit a cigarette, and said.

"Tomorrow at noon! If you want to go, prepare quickly!"

"Isn't that just right?"

Usopp said in surprise.

"Huh? Is that why you don't want to go?"

Kuri Kate looked at Usopp strangely and said.

"You lied! You actually said that the time to go to that illusory sky island is tomorrow?"

"You are the descendant of that great liar Nolando! Only ghosts believe your words! What are your plans?"


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