One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 254 Living in a Dream

"In this world that people live in, there is no God at all!"

Gamfor's beard was almost raised, and his wrinkled face almost burst out of his visor with endless anger!

Enilu just smiled faintly, spread his hands, and said with a smile.

"The former god, Ganfur, ahahaha!"

"You've been worried about your God team, haven't you?"

"Six years ago, I was defeated by my subordinates and I was in charge. Your 650 subordinates, they just finished the work I asked them to do this morning, and they are on this island!"

Speaking of this, Enilu's eyes slowly placed on Ganfur's face, as if he wanted to see what kind of expression he would have when he heard the next news...

"As I said just now, there are only eight of us standing on this island... What a pity!"

Although that's what he said, there was no regret on Enilo's face, he laughed and said.

"I don't want to do anything! I just stated my purpose, and they want to kill me fiercely! Hahahaha! How can those idiots be my opponents as a god! I am invincible!"

Enilu said with a smile, but the information fell on Ganfur's ears like a bolt from the blue. His expression became stiff instantly, and his eyes became hollow.

"There are still family members waiting for them to return home on Angel Island..."

Ganfort finally heard the news about the God team that he had been worried about for six years, but the news made him fall into despair, and he said these words out of his wits...

However, Enilu twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled cruelly.

"That's right...their family members must be buried with them quickly..."

"Are you a devil!"

Hearing Anilu's words, Ganfort directly raised the spear in his hand and stabbed at Anilu, his angry voice resounded throughout the unprecedented!

But Enilo disappeared in place, and instantly came to Ganfur's side who was maintaining a forward posture!

"Yah ha ha ha!"

I saw Enilu's two hands overlapped and placed on the top of Ganfur's head and chin, and there was a constant flash of lightning between the two hands!

"Ten million……"

"Twenty million volts...discharge!"

I saw a large group of electric arcs suddenly appeared between the two hands, directly bombarding Ganfur's head!

"Strange Knight!"

Nami looked at Ganfur who fell down and shouted loudly, but unfortunately, he could no longer hear Nami's shout.

"Ganfur... In this world, there is a god, and that is me!"

Looking at Gamfur who had fallen, Enel said frantically again.

"Is it a devil fruit?"

After Gamfur fell, everyone else was ready to fight, and Sauron asked Robin with the word peace in his mouth.

"I'm afraid it's the fruit of thunder... It is indeed invincible among the few abilities!"

"The power of thunder!"

"How is it possible... Isn't it impossible for human beings to win?"

Nami, who had been hiding aside, said in despair.

But Enel, who had dealt with Ganfort, turned around slowly.

"It's a's game time..."

"But there are still seven people left here... Forget it... Hahaha!"

"Congratulations for surviving! Next, I will go to the dream world, the boundless land!"

"Let's take you with me!"

"What did you say?"

Sauron looked at Enil who suddenly started talking nonsense in front of him in astonishment.

"I want to build a veritable kingdom of gods there, and only the chosen ones can live there!"

"My former subordinates couldn't even survive the survival battle for a few hours. When they got there, they would only lower the standard of the whole country!"

However, while Enilo was still boasting, Robin, who had been silent before, raised doubts.

"What if we refuse?"


Enel opened one eye, looked at Robin strangely and said.

"Reject? Why refuse? This is my decision!"

"To stay here is to go to hell with this country!"

"That's right, I believe you have the ability to do it, but if you destroy this place recklessly, then you won't get what you want."

Robin said calmly.

"Do you mean the Golden Bell?"

Enel said aloud.

"Don't worry, I've already figured it out."

"Based on your actions, there is only one place I can think of..."


"Ahahaha, it seems that the place I think of is the same as the place you think of."

"You seem surprised? Do you think you can find the Golden Bell before me if you put forward this condition?"


Speaking of that, Enilu's eyes turned cold again, and he stretched out a finger that was shining with lightning to Robin!

"I hate scheming women!"



And just when everyone thought that Robin would be hit and knocked down, the person who hadn't moved before moved.

It's Barn!

However, his slash did not cut off the lightning from Enilo, but passed to him along the knife in his hand!

"What a coincidence, I don't like people who talk big all the time."

After accepting the electric shock from Enilu, Bahn stood in front of Robin as if nothing happened, but it was not that nothing happened. Bahn's body was shining with a green light, obviously, he was injured.

"Is the domineering unstoppable..."

Although domineering can catch the entity of the natural ability user, but can't completely resist the attack of the natural ability user!

Seeing Bahn who blocked his attack but was unscathed, Enilu also opened his other eye, looked at Bahn and said coldly.

"May I have your name?"

Bahn heard Enilu ask himself but smiled and said.

"My name is Barn. As you said, I am a pirate, but not for the gold. My goal from the beginning has been you!"

"Hehe, interesting."

"Wait a minute! Banlando! This Enilo, leave it to me!"

Just when Bahn was blocking the front, Weber behind him stood up and said, which made the golden lion who had been by his side look at him strangely.

"Anilu, let me destroy it!"

"Huh? You are the warrior Weber? The aborigines of Gaya Island..."

"Oh, really, I promise to take you to the boundless land, there is no need to be murderous..."

"Who said I want to go with you..."

Sauron, who was standing behind Bahn, said aloud, but he rushed up with two knives in his hands, and said loudly.

"I'm not at all interested in the dream world you're talking about!"

"It seems that if you don't experience it yourself, you won't understand...the definition of God!"

The two knives in Sauron's hand and the one in his mouth completely passed through Enil's body, that's right, they passed through. The moment the knife hit Enil's body, Enil Dodge his attack with elementalization!


When Anilu appeared again, his two hands had already grasped Sauron's knife.


"Wow ah ah ah!"

Sauron wailed in pain and fell to the ground, and Enel stepped on Sauron's head!

"No matter how hard you struggle, it is useless. In the face of powerful forces, you will only experience despair! When all hope is shattered, it is equivalent to death!"

"For human beings, death is the greatest fear, so people will face the earth and pray for the mercy of the gods!"

"However, there is no way to do that. In the face of fear, creatures will naturally bow down! This is instinct!"

Enel stepped on Sauron's head and said calmly.


Weber dropped his cannon, rushed up quickly, clasped his feet tightly on Enilo's body, and pressed the bandaged hand on Enilo's chest!

"What are you doing? Are you coming up to die?"

Weber stared at Enilo's eyes and said.

"There is a thing called Hailou Stone, do you know? Enilo!"

"I have this kind of thing on my body! Ability users are really fragile!"

"I see... no wonder I feel weak all over..."

Enilu's face finally became a little moved...


"Stop it! I know this is a repelling, but it will also have a great impact on you. What are you dissatisfied with? Don't you also desire the earth?"

Enel said in a panic.

"Shut up! Death is my wish, if you accompany me!"


But Weber didn't give Enilo a chance to talk nonsense, and directly launched the platoon shell in his hand!


Enilu fell to the ground, blood flowed from his mouth...

"Could it be...he really knocked him down?"

Nami, who had been hiding aside, said in shock.

And just when everyone thought Enilo was knocked down, a dazzling electric light appeared on his 'corpse'!




"It's the sound of a heartbeat!"

Robin said in surprise.

"He's giving himself a CPR massage?"

Weber also watched all this in shock, and at this time, Enilu had stood up again.

"Actually...people are not afraid of God, but fear is...the true definition of God!"


Enilo stretched out his hand directly to Weber, and a huge bird made of lightning screamed and jumped at Weber, and Weber could no longer dodge due to the huge impact caused by the platoon shell...

His shoe with the Hailou stone was also chopped to the ground!

And Sauron, who had been knocked down before, picked up the shoe with the Sea Tower Stone and rushed up again.

"Lion's Dirge!"

"Are you going to die too?"

Enilu glanced at Sauron coldly, and stretched out a hand to him.

"Thunder beast!"

Sauron fell to the ground again and lost consciousness, while Weber, who was attacked by the Thunderbird, did not fall down yet.

"Why did you stand up again? You will die sooner or later. It is better to die quickly. What is the use of continuing to live? Is there any point in being patient?"

Enel asked suspiciously.

"For my ancestors!"

Weber, who was already scorched all over, said tenaciously, but in exchange for a cold snort from Enel.

"Hmph, stupid, God's punishment!"

"Now there are only five people left. Almighty God can give you another chance. Follow me to the boundless land."

A smile appeared on Enilo's face again, and he extended an invitation to Barn and the others who were standing still.

Bahn sneered when he heard it.

"Oh, God? Why did I only see a fool living in a dream from beginning to end?"


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