One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 283 Reunion Fifty Years Later

"Still as impulsive as before, Bahn."

The thin figure that fell in front of the soulless zombies slowly turned around, and what appeared in front of Bahn was a pair of empty 'eyes', but they could no longer be called eyes, after all There was nothing inside, and the mouth with only teeth left opened and closed towards Bahn, but said this sentence with a sense of nostalgia.

Seeing the skeleton face that he had seen too many times in his previous life, Barn also showed a smile, looking at Brook who had only a skeleton left and said.

"Your voice still hasn't changed..."

As he said that, Bahn slowly put the first generation Onikiri back into the scabbard in his hand, and walked towards Brook, who now only had the skeleton left.

Slowly sat down beside Brook, looked at the gray sky with some nostalgia, but said with a smile.

"I haven't seen you in fifty years..."

Seeing Bahn sitting down beside him, Brooke also slowly sat down on the ground. It's a pity that he doesn't have any flesh on his face, otherwise he should have a very happy smile on his face now.

"Yeah, it's been fifty years, did you just think of me, kid?"

Although he said so, there was no trace of complaint in Brooke's tone.

Barn also smiled when he heard what Brook said.

"During this period of time, I have been working hard for the dream of Captain York. Besides, how do I know that you will not die if you are so rotten?"

When Brook heard Bahn's words, he raised his voice and said to Bahn.

"Yeah? You don't know? The fruit you ate with me, how could you not know my ability? Also, why did you leave me on the deck when you put their corpses into the cabin? ah?"

What Brook said made Barn a little embarrassed, and only heard what Barn said.

"I thought you would be resurrected soon, so I didn't send you in. By the way, how did you become what you are now?"

Now it was Brook's turn to be embarrassed, and Brook stretched out the palm with only the bone in his hand and scratched his head and said.

"When my soul came back, I lost my way in the Devil's Triangle sea area... It was a year later when I found my body, and only this skeleton was left in my body..."

Hearing Brook's words, Barn smiled unscrupulously and said.

"Haha, by the way, Brooke, you still have this afro."

"Huh? Afro? You can see it now, Bahne."

Hearing Bahn talk about his afro, Brook looked at Bahn in surprise and said.

Bahn nodded, and said lightly.

"Yes, it was cured some time ago."

"That's it... Congratulations, Bahn, by the way, do you still remember Rab?"

Brooke said in a low voice, lightly.

Barn raised his eyebrows when he heard Brook's words, but he didn't speak, Rab? Of course he knew, and Raab followed him this time.

I only heard Brook's two hands with only remaining hand bones crossed slowly, and said with some nostalgia.

"It's been so long, you must have gone back and read it."


Bahn nodded lightly, seeing Bahn nodding, Brooke continued.

"Every time I think of Rab, my chest tightens, even though I don't have any breasts now, yo ho ho ho ho..."

"We failed to cross the dangers of the great voyage. Almost all of our partners were buried in the sea. Only you and I were left. I lost not only my companions, but also my face and body. I am afraid that one day, if God favors me, I will be able to go back to the sea again." When he saw Rab for the first time, he wouldn't recognize me as a skeleton..."

"I have nothing left... But at least, I want to keep this hairstyle that you all said with a smile that you miss Rab... So I want to keep this last feature!"

Barn couldn't help but sighed a little when he heard Brook's words, he stood up slowly, put his hands on Brook's shoulders, and said.

"Brooke, actually..."

Barn wanted to tell Brook the news he had brought Raab, but Brook cut him off.

"By the way, Bahn, how did you find this place?"

The words that just came to his mouth were interrupted by Brook, but Barn smiled, thinking that he was not in a hurry to tell him now, so he said it.

"I'm here to investigate something. A few years ago, Wano Country lost the body of a samurai, as well as his famous sword, Qiushui. The general of Wano Country entrusted me to bring his body back to Wano Country."

Hearing Bahn's words, Brook stood up abruptly.

"What did you say? A samurai from the Wano country? Is he called Ryoma? The former dragon-slaying swordsman?"

Brooke's sudden move caught Bahn by surprise, but he nodded lightly.

Seeing Barn nodding, Brook became more excited and said.

"My target is also him! My shadow is in his body! But I am not his opponent. Although he has my shadow in his body and uses the same knife technique as me, my strength and speed Not on the same level!"

Hearing Brook's words, Barn pinched his chin and asked knowingly.


Brick naturally didn't know that Barn already knew the details of Moriah, and pointed at the bottom of his feet and yelled at Barn.

"Yes! Look! I have no shadow!"

Following Brook's finger, Bane also looked over, and there was no shadow of him under Brook's feet, and then looked at himself, and saw that his shadow was there, although he already knew Moria's ability. Still feel amazing.

"What would happen without a shadow?"

Brooke suddenly felt a little disappointed when he heard Bahn's words.

"If you don't have a shadow, you can only live in the dark. Once exposed to the sun, it will turn into ashes. I once saw a guy who lost his shadow like me spontaneously ignite in the sun and turned into a ground of ashes!"

"So you want to take back your shadow?"

Bane asked lightly.

"Yeah, I can go back to Twin Gorges to meet Rab only if I get back the shadow!"

Brooke said firmly.

Bahn actually wanted to say that Raab is here, but Bahn held back, put his hand on Brook's shoulder, and said in a deep voice.

"I'll help you!"


"Before I came here, I saw a boatload of living people, which really shocked me!"

Brooke, who was walking on the road, happily shared the experience with Bahn, but Bahn rolled his eyes at him (don't ask me how Bahn rolled his eyes, his eyes are all white!) and said.

"As if you were dead now."

Brooke paused when he heard Barn's words, then smiled.

"That's right, even though I'm only a skeleton, I'm a living person, yo ho ho ho!"

Hearing Brook's trademark laughter again, Barn's eyebrows twitched, but he held back and didn't complain.

"Hey, for the past 50 years, I have been drifting along the current on the boat every day, and all I see are ghost ships. There is no one on board, and the only ones who can move are the zombies here. This is the first time I have seen a living person in such a long time. Of course I was surprised.

"By the way, they even treated me to a meal, they are all very nice people, yo ho ho ho ho"

Brooke said with a smile.

And Barn had roughly guessed who Brook saw, but he still asked.

"What do they look like?"

"Huh? They."

Brook put his bone-only hand on his chin, thought for a while and said.

"Ah, their captain wears a straw hat, there is a chef with curly eyebrows, a swordsman with three knives, by the way, there is also a man with a long nose, a robot, a tanuki, and three Very beautiful lady!"

Hearing what Brook said, Barn knew that it was indeed Luffy and the others that Brook saw, and the corner of his mouth curled up, but he asked.

"So, did those three very beautiful beauties lend you their panties?"

"Eh? How do you know..."

Brooke asked in surprise.

Bahn didn't answer him, just shrugged with a wry smile.

Brooke said a little disappointed.

"That lady with orange hair was very rude. Not only did she not lend it to me, she even beat me up."

Hearing Brook's words, Barn laughed out loud.

"Hahaha! Brooke, it's really you!"

"Damn it! Barn, you kid, don't forget that I am your guardian in name!"

Brooke said loudly.

Bahn shrugged and said.

"I never admitted this, but Captain York forced it on me."

"What? Bastard!"

"Ha ha!"

On the other side, Perona, who was dragging a huge doll zombie in the shape of a puppet bear with a mask, who was able to float in the air for some reason, complained.

"Damn it, that bastard! How dare you, I must let Master Moria make his shadow into a zombie! Hmm! Put it in one of my most hated animal dolls!"

But the doll bear zombie following her said.

"That... that Lord Perona, Lord Moria is still resting now!"

"Shut up! Kumasi! You really, really aren't cute at all!"

Saying that, the gothic girl floating in the air passed through the wall.

On the inside of the wall, there is a huge space filled with decorations that only appear in the fairy tale world, but if you look carefully, you will find that those are zombies with sewing marks on their bodies. In the middle of the room, a huge body was falling to the ground, and it would make one or two grunts from time to time.

Perhaps sensing Perona's approach, the snoring from the middle stopped. Above that huge body was a terrifyingly distorted face, with a pair of ugly eyes slowly opening.

"What happened? Perona?"

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