One Piece : Devil Eyes Pirate

Chapter 20 - Fucked Up

On a marine patrol ship

Thirty minutes before Queen Anne's Revenge and the Dutchman entered the paradise.

"Report sir, a pirate ship just entered the paradise." A marine officer saluted at a higher ranked marine officer.

The higher ranked marine officer took out his spyglass and peek through it towards the direction of the Twin Cape. He saw a small frigate class ship flying a black flag with two sabres crossed behind the skull.

"Just observe the ship for now." The marine officer said lowering his spyglass and back reading his newspaper.

A few minutes later the pirate ship began to sailed away from the Twin Cape, not long after the pirate ship left the Twin Cape, a single small boat was seen coming out from the cove area and followed the pirate ship.

"Report, sir. Dracule Mihawk was spotted following the pirate ship." The marine officer from earlier reported to his superior while saluting him.

"Hmm, what made the world's strongest swordsman came out from his den? Lookup for info about the pirate crew, there must be something from the pirate that draws his attention." The marine officer ordered once he confirmed that the man on the small boat is Dracule Mihawk.

Five minutes passed and the pirate ship has sailed a few kilometres away from the Twin Cape while the marines still observing them from far away.

"Report sir, two more ships just entered the paradise….but they don't have jolly roger on them." Reported the same marine officers who did the earlier two reports.

"Hmm, flagless ships. Do we have any info about these ships?" The higher ranked marine officers mused while looking at the two flagless ships that just exited the waterway through his spyglass.

"We just got a report from the marine base on the Loguetown, sir. The report said that a single galleon class ship presumed to be a pirate vessel escaped from them and sunk a patrol marine ship while trying to chase them near the Polestar island territory." Another marine officer came with a paper on his hand and a Den Den Mushi on the other hand.

He handed the piece of paper to his superior, the higher-ranked marine officer took the piece of paper and read the details of the report from the east blue.

"When did the fight happen?" He asked the officer that gave him the report.

"An hour ago William." Answered by the voice coming from the Den Den Mushi.

"Hmm? They sail from Polestar island and enter Paradise just in an hour? I don't see any paddle-wheels on the ship." William wondering how the two ships able to sail that fast.

"Any report about the two ships from East Blue Marines besides the Polestar island incident?" William asked the Den Den Mushi.

"There are two ships? We only fought one flagless Galleon with seaweed draped its rigging." Asked the voice on the Den Den Mushi.

"It's a full blacked-out Frigate with skulls decoration on it." Answered William after zooming in the other ship with his spyglass.

Silence….there's no answer coming from the Den Den Mushi for a few seconds.

"Hold on William, flagless black frigate with black sails and skulls decoration?" Asked the Den Den Mushi.

"Correct." William answered.

"GET THE MARINE FROM THE 8th BRANCH TO MY OFFICE NOW!!!" Yelled the man from the other side of the Den Den Mushi.

"Is everything alright Captain?" Asked William surprised by his fellow Captain.

"There are rumours about that black ship appearance have been spread around the East Blues for the past few weeks William. I don't know the exact details, but one of our patrol ships found a Marine officer from the 8th branch floating on the sea a few days ago, she will fill you in with the details." The Captain answered then a faint sound of a male Marine officer can be heard on the background reporting with a female voice following.

While William waiting for the other side to speak, another Marine officer came to him bringing a piece of rolled paper in his hand, he saluted to William and wait for his confirmation before giving the report.

William nods at the officer and he opened the paper and gave it to William.

"From the HQ Captain." Said the officer after giving the paper to William.

William took the paper and look at it, what he sees is a bounty poster with a picture of a middle-aged man aboard the black ship topless displaying his upper body full with tattoos while holding up a big broadsword with one hand.

Under the picture written, Dead or Alive. The Sea Devil, with a bounty of 100 million berries.

There's a note on the bottom of the poster, it said. Warning to all Marines! Don't try to board his ship or even approach it, stay far away as possible and deal with extreme caution, use range weaponry if you have to engage with the pirate!

"Damn, an unknown pirate from East Blue with a 100 mill first bounty," William said surprised by the bounty poster.

"Captain Kidd, my name is Mary Read, a petty officer from the 8th branch East Blue Marine base." A female sound came out from the Den Den Mushi interrupting William's train of thought.

"Go on petty officer, tell me your report," William responded while rolling the bounty poster and putting it inside his pocket.

The petty officer named Mary Read explained her encounter with the sinister black ship during their mission monitoring a pirate crew named The Zoo Pirates near the island of Tortuga and suddenly an unknown flagless black ship came towards them with abnormal high speed and immediately board them.

She suddenly stopped talking, William waited for her for a few seconds but she still not continuing the report.

"Go on petty officer, what happened next." William irritated after waiting but the other side won't continue her report.

"I'm sorry Captain, I was spaced out for a while there." Answered the petty officer.

"Once they line up with our ship, they immediately blasted their cannons at us and destroying our mainmast. Once the mast fell, they boarded us like a storm, guns blasted and swords clashed all over the place. Our numbers were even, both ships have roughly the same number of crew members, but we are well-trained Marines while the pirates were only swinging their swords randomly."

"We pushed them back to their ship, I stayed with the Captain on our ship while the rest pursuing the retreating pirates. But, as soon as our men step aboard their ship, their ship and our ship came to life, ropes and rigging moving on their own, the ropes caught our feet, but I managed to step away at the last moment and the rope only managed to caught my left foot."

"I tried to cut the rope with my sword, but the rope was really hard to cut, it's like hitting a metal, one by one they started to kill our men while hanging upside down after they talked to the men about something, I can't hear what the man said because I was hanged on our ship."

"After the third Marine was killed, I knew that they were just toying with us and will kill us all anyway, so I tried to cut the rope again to no avail failed again, after the fourth Marine was killed I was getting panicked and out of nowhere the idea of cutting off my left leg came out and I immediately cut my left leg dropping me to the sea, I don't know if they knew I was escaping or not, but as soon as I hit the water I tried to swim as far away as possible from them despite the pain I was feeling from my left foot."

"That is all I got on them, sir." The petty officer Mary Read finished her report.

"Very well petty offi…"


Multiple cannons were exploded interrupting William.


On the Queen Anne's Revenge

"What is on your mind, Jin?" Koujiro asked Jin after seeing his troubled face.

"That man on the boat….looks familiar capt, but I can't remember who he is." Replied Jin while looking at the man on the small boat for the second time.

"If you don't remember it, it's nothing important." Koujiro shrugged and sat down on his beach chair.

"Wait, that sword on his back, it's Yoru!" Jin said once the man stood up and saw the sword on his back.

"Hmm? Yoru….I think I heard that name somewhere before." Koujiro stood up from his chair and look at the sword himself.

°Yoru is one of the Supreme Grade Meito.°

"Yoru is one of the Supreme Grade Meito."

Jin and The Helper replied at the same time.

A huge grin appears on Koujiro's face when he hears Jin and The Helper's replies. He immediately moved to the helms and shoved Robert out of the way then he steers the ship towards the small boat lining up the small boat with his chase cannons.

"Marcus! Aim your chase cannons to that small boat!" Yelled Koujiro while pointing at the small boat.

Marcus took out his binocular and look at the direction where Koujiro pointed to, he saw the boat and moved his ship away from the Queen Anne's Revenge stern breaking the formation, he ordered his crew to man the chase cannons and he lined up the bow of the ship with the small boat.

"Aim to that small boat!" Yelled Marcus towards the crews who are already manning the chase cannons.

The crews on the chase cannons paused for a second from the order thinking that maybe they miss heard the order.

"Aim the cannon you fuċk!" Koujiro yelled to the Dutchman crews after seeing they haven't adjusted the cannons' angle yet.

"Fire!" Koujiro yelled once the two ships' chase cannons aimed at the small boat.

*boom….boom….boom! Three cannons fired towards the small boat.

Meanwhile, on the boat, the man about to jump on to the pirate ship when he heard multiple cannons fired from behind him. He turned to the source of the sounds and saw cannonballs flying toward him and his boat, he pulled out the sword from his back and leapt to the air, he slashed a few times with his huge sword sending three black sword waves towards the cannonballs easily destroying them.

"Damn, that's cool." Remarked Koujiro after seeing the man easily destroying the cannonballs.

"Reload! Fire when ready!" Koujiro ordered both ships crew while looking at the man falling from the sky with his spyglass.

"Wait capt! That is Dracule Mihawk, he is the strongest swordsman in the world!" Jin's face already pales looking at the swordsman's eye already looking at them from far away.

"Shoot him down Jin! I don't care who the fuċk he is." Koujiro ignored Jin's warning and order him to shoot the man down.

"Nuh-uh capt, that's a bad idea." Jin shakes his head while raising both of his hands not wanting to offend the swordsman.

"For fuċk sake man, give me my gun!" Koujiro irritated by Jin's cowardly behaviour and take the sniper rifle from Jin.

Before Koujiro got to set up his rifle to shoot the man, Mihawk who is falling towards the sea suddenly kicked the air and he kicked again multiple times towards their ship.

"Ooh fuċk! Ready your sword capt, he's coming to us." Jin panicked at the sight of the strongest swordsman heading to their ship.

While jumping through the air, Mihawk squints his eyes and look towards the helm of the black ship and found two Wano people bickering about something with the one on the helm holding some kind of strange rifle and the other raising both of his hands talking to the man on the helm.

'Hmm, two Wano people on the Paradise? Two gunmen? No, the man on the helm has a broadsword on his hip. The coward one is the gunman, while the swordsman is the Captain I ȧssume.' Mihawk thought to himself while flying towards the black ship.


Mihawk landed on the deck of the Queen Anne's Revenge and immediately surrounded by the zombies.

"Oh shit, he's here. He's the Captain!" Jin pointed towards Koujiro while still raising his hands up.

"Fuck off man! Tceh." Koujiro barked at his first mate while dropping the rifle and pulling out the Sword of Triton from its sheath.

"Yakuza?" Mihawk said seeing Koujiro's tattoos and immediately jumped towards the helm readying his sword to slash at Koujiro.

Koujiro raised his swords to block the slash, he blocked it but sent flying away from the ship from the force of the slash Mihawk's did.

"Fuck! Shoot him down Jin! Stop being a pussƴ!" Koujiro yelled before sent flying away from the ship.

Mihawk turns his head towards Jin and raised his eyebrows at him.

"Uuh….he's the Captain, and I haven't shot at you yet, peace?" Jin said still raising his hands and smile at Mihawk with sweats pouring down from his head and back.

Mihawk ignored the sweating gunman and jump off the ship to catch up to the flying Yakuza.

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