One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 151 I've Never Beeped, I've Always Been An Actionist

The Klockedar incident caused a stir at sea, but it did not affect the isolated island of Little Garden at all.

Brother Ming and the others stayed on Little Garden Island for about a few months, bid farewell to Dorry Brogy and others, and decided to set off again.

When Brother Ming and the others were about to leave, Dorry and Brogy looked at each other and wanted to say something, but they didn't say it in the end.

When Brother Ming and his pirate ship left the port of Little Garden Island, they saw a huge figure floating from the sea in front of the island, getting bigger and bigger, and finally taller than the mountain, a super huge goldfish Appearing in front of everyone, he opened his mouth wide, and the huge battleship of the Donquixote Family was like an ant, about to be swallowed by him.

"Has it appeared, Island Eater!"

"The biggest reason why people who come to this island cannot reach the next island is this monster in front of them!"

"Unfortunately, it chose the wrong opponent this time!" Dorry and Brogy said, looking up to the outside of the island.

Seeing such a huge monster appear, even the resolute predators, even Robin and others all showed expressions of horror.

"Ho ho ho, goldfish? It doesn't look good!" Brother Ming smiled slightly, his eyes flashed and a terrifying aura emanated from him.

Immediately, the huge goldfish seemed to be frightened by fear, and directly turned over very quickly and dived into the sea.

"It runs pretty fast, I thought it could be stunned, but I underestimated this goldfish!" - Mingliang said with a smile.

Seeing that the goldfish was scared away, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then the pirate ship continued to drive forward. This time, there was nothing blocking their way forward.

"Conqueror's Haki, what a convenient ability!"

"You really are a very Haki boy!"

"It seems that the sea is still so wonderful! I am starting to miss that period of adventure.

Dorry and Brogy laughed and said that at this moment, the volcano in the center of Little Garden Island erupted again.

"Dorry come to fight!"

"Brogy, I'm going to beat you this time!" A fierce battle broke out again on Little Garden Island, which wiped out any thoughts that had just popped up by chance.

After leaving Little Garden Island, Brother Ming and the others did not follow the magnetic route of the Great Navigation Road step by step, but directly used the permanent pointer of the Sabaody Archipelago to head towards the Sabaody Archipelago.

Although there are several islands on the way to compensate for food and water, it can be said to be much faster than others.

In fact, Brother Ming doesn't like to sail for a long time at sea, and Brother Ming really can't agree with those pirates, who like to live at sea all the year round, because it is too lonely, and there is only the sea around.

Fortunately, Brother Ming's pirate ship is big enough, and there are various entertainment facilities on board, and most importantly, there are Robin and other beauties on board, so Brother Ming will not appear too lonely.

It's just that Brother Ming was a little depressed during this time.

It turned out that perhaps out of boredom, or on purpose, Brother Ming liked to tease the two beauties, Robin and Monet, during this period of time. The faces of the two beauties who were frequently molested by him turned red, and that kind of beauty made Ming brother intoxicated.

Monet was fine, she didn't resist Brother Ming's molesting, sometimes she would not resist even if he was molested by Brother Ming, although she was shy, she enjoyed Monet's molesting.

Robin is not so obedient, and has some black-bellied personality, and Luo Suo is not willing to be molested by Brother Ming!

Living with peace of mind during this period is no longer a day of being chased everywhere, which makes Robin feel more lively. Faced with Brother Ming's molestation, Robin will resist from time to time, and sometimes he will not be outdone.

Gradually, Robin discovered that although Brother Ming liked to tease them, and sometimes said a lot of nasty words, but they were all just lip service. In fact, he didn’t have much experience.

This time Robin also became interested, and in a different way he picked up Brother Ming, which made Ming brother both depressed and... Although he didn't want to admit it, he still enjoyed it.

"What a goblin, I'm going to eat you sooner or later." Brother Ming said depressedly after being teased once, with an expression that if you dare to tease me again, I won't dare to eat you, which made Robin's face uncontrollable I blushed a bit.

"Tell me how you plan to eat me?" Robin said with a charming glance at Brother Ming.

Look like you're here if you have the ability.

Hearing Robin's words, Brother Ming was furious, grabbed Robin's head, and then sealed Robin's mouth, and this time Robin was also covered.

Robin is very good at observing people. From the first time she saw Brother Ming, she could see from his eyes that Brother Ming had a great affection for her, and even had a thought of wanting to possess her. At that time, Robin faintly Joyo knew that Brother Ming might have taken a fancy to her, otherwise she would not have directly let her join the Donquixote Family as a cadre of the family.

0 looking for flowers......

Robin didn't know if Brother Ming's eyesight was bad, and he actually fell in love with himself at that time.

She was extremely embarrassed at the time, and she also learned to protect herself in the pirate group, deliberately dressed herself very sloppily, the most important thing is that these years she ran around, often hungry, due to long-term nutrition Bad, it made Robin look skinny and skinny, it really didn't have any aesthetic feeling, and it was also during this period of various medicinal diets, training, and tempering medicinal baths that it made up for it.

But she really didn't understand why Brother Ming fell in love with herself at that time? (Robin naturally didn't know, since Brother Ming thought of her beauty in the future when he saw her, he naturally had some expectations for her.)

So at the beginning, Robin thought that brother Ming had some special hobbies. Later, after Robin joined the Donquixote Family, he trained every day, and brother Ming didn't give her any special preferential treatment. This made Robin wonder if he might be mistaken. Yes, she was still a little disappointed.


During this period of time, Brother Ming molested him from time to time, and Robin was not disgusted, but rather pleased. The only thing that made Robin dissatisfied was that while Brother Ming was molesting himself, he also molested his little maid. Hei's character also made Luo Chen fight back.

Originally thought that Brother Ming should be experienced in some field, but she didn't think that Brother Ming seemed to be just a rookie, which made Robin's black-bellied personality constantly inflate, and tempted Brother Ming from time to time, but she never thought that Ming Brother will be so bold.

After being dazed for a while, Robin pushed Brother Ming away, then glared at Brother Ming shyly and ran away!

"Hey, I've never beeped, I've always been an action guy!" Brother Ming said proudly.

After this time, Brother Ming thought that there would be further development in the future, but he didn't expect that Robin would avoid Brother Ming all day long, which made Brother Ming a little depressed.

In this depression, they finally arrived at Sabaody Archipelago.

"Is this the Sabaody Archipelago? It's so beautiful!" After stepping off the pirate ship, everyone looked around happily, even Robin, who hadn't shown up much for several days, was surprised and delighted.

"Hoho, this is the most famous tourist and shopping island in the world. After you meet up with other people, you can go shopping and buy whatever you want. I'll take care of everything today!" Brother Ming said with a smile.

"Thank you young master!" Everyone cheered and shouted, even Robin gave him a satisfied look with a smile. .

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