"Wow, ahhhh Damn, how dare you kill the great Captain Bou Lang, I must kill you!! "

Seeing that his captain was destroyed in the wave of Ao Long's hand, the golden gun man immediately became angry, so his hands turned into golden guns, his head turned into golden cannons, and the three doors opened together, roaring at Ao Long.

"Wow!! And such a cool trick, why didn't you use it just now? Are you afraid of destroying your pirate ship? Hahaha..."

Watching the Golden Gun Man show another big move, to be honest, Ao Long was still very surprised, it seems that this Golden Gun Man is still responsible for the heavy firepower output of the Blood Leopard Pirates, but because the battlefield Ao Long chose is the deck of the Blood Leopard Pirates, the firepower is not fully opened under the rat thrower.

Just as Ao Long was about to dodge the bullet and bully forward, he suddenly heard "Bang!! With a bang, all the fire energy of the golden gun man stopped out, and the place where his golden cannon was connected to his body was directly broken.


Regardless of why the deputy captain fired at his companion, Ao Long immediately put the body of the Golden Gun Man into the Dragon Ball, exchanged it, and obtained 100 million energy points, and the remaining level 1 energy points were 42000W.

"My lord, I am willing to be your subordinate, I can see through the enemy's weaknesses, I can find the location of the treasure, please spare my life, I will help you kill the man with the golden gun!!"

I saw this deputy captain kneeling directly on the deck very spinelessly, constantly kowtowing, and it could be seen that he really wanted to surrender, but for this kind of pirate who used his partner's head as a vote, it was the pirate that Ao Long didn't like.

Ao Long knew that this Blood Leopard Pirate Group was the mainstream of this sea, and it was many such ferocious pirates who kept burning, killing and looting that made this world turbulent.

"Oh, then, I should thank you for helping me kill the man with the golden gun?"

Looking at the co-captain who was kneeling on the ground and constantly kowtowing, Ao Long teased contemptuously.

"No, no, no, it's the villain who takes the initiative to help the adults cut off the calamity, begging the adults to spare their lives, begging the adults to spare their lives, and the villains can help the adults find all the targets."

It seems that the main role of this deputy captain is to find, it is really a very practical fruit ability, you must know that the most feared thing in the sea is to get lost, it seems that if this pirate group is allowed to develop, Ralph Drew will not be a secret.

But just as Ao Long relaxed his vigilance, put away the Blue Sparrow Sword, and walked towards the deputy captain...

"Boom!! Die, damn bastard!! "

I saw that the deputy captain raised his head and a cannonball hit Ao Long directly, and at that distance of less than half a meter, Ao Long didn't have time to dodge at all, so he was shot gloriously.

"So that's the opportunity you've created?"

Although he was shot, Ao Long's strong physique did not make him capsize in the gutter, but the penetration of his upper abdomen still warned him to be more careful of these cruel pirates in the future.

"Then you give me death! Cloud Dragon Nine Appearances Fish Leaping Dragon Gate!! "

Without any further delay, Ao Long directly killed the deputy captain with a sword and entered the Dragon Ball Cave Heaven. However, after the co-captain turned into a causal fragment, Ao Long did not exchange it, because he wanted something else.

"Spring breeze and rain!!"

Directly gave himself the strongest treatment method, and the penetrating wound on Ao Long's body quickly began to heal, and there was no trace of scarring.

Opening the cabin and finding the treasure room, Ao Long unexpectedly found that there was actually a half-room sized Hailou Stone, and the piles of treasures and Bailey were directly put away by Ao Long, put them in the Dragon Ball Cave, and touched the Hailou Stone, and found that it did have a sea-like energy.

There was a conjecture in his heart, Ao Long directly practiced, and after dissolving the Hailou Stone into the Dragon Ball Cave Heaven, he saw that the world of the Dragon Ball Cave Heaven expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the ocean around the island was directly larger. Hailou Stone is really a good thing, and it will not be the crystallization of the sea.

On the next floor of the cabin, I found that the slaves mentioned by the pirates before were actually a few fish men and mermaids, as well as a few human races. I saw that these people were all looking at Ao Long in horror, especially at the robe that was still dripping blood on Ao Long's body, which turned out to be left over from the fight just now.

"Hey, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you, those pirates outside have been killed by me, you don't have to be afraid, I'll let you out."

"Brush!! Whew!! "

Without the patience to find the key, Ao Long directly dismembered the cages with a few swords and cut off the shackles on their bodies.

"Are you really here for us? Are you in the Navy? "

An emerald green-haired human girl asked, and it seemed that the only one who did such a thing in her eyes was the Navy.

"No, I'm not in the Navy."

"Huh? You're not a navy, you're a pirate!! "

Hearing this speculation, all the slaves took a step back in fright, trembling in fear.

"Is it true that in your eyes the navy is just? Are all pirates evil? I'm not a pirate either, though!! "

"Hmm!! Scared the hell out of me, you're not a pirate!! "

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they weren't pirates, there weren't many good pirates in the new world.

"However, I am a criminal wanted by the world government with a reward of 170 million Bailey."

"Shenma? Convict...... 170 million Bailey's... Wanted by the world government ..."

Everyone is more afraid than meeting pirates, who may rob money without killing themselves, but the world's criminals, why does it sound so terrifying.

"Okay, are you all done? Whether it's the navy, pirates, or criminals, you just need to know that I saved you and have no ill will towards you. You seem to be very bold. "

The 15-year-old girl in front of her seemed to have the courage to stand up and ask when everyone was submissive, and she seemed to look good.

Ao Long dodged in front of her, held up her chin, looked at her face to face and smiled.

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