
A huge thunder resounded through the void, and the entire Great Wilderness County shook, and everyone looked up in shock, as if something unknown had happened in the depths of this Great Wilderness County.

Only the people who stayed to monitor the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument were stunned at the scene, looking at Ao Long with a shocked face. pulled out the ancient monument of the Great Wilderness that has not been shaken for millions of years.

At this time, Ao Long's long beard trembled angrily, the runes on the scale armor flowed, the void around the scale armor rippled layer by layer, the mane on the neck danced with the wind, stirring the wind and clouds in the sky, and the dark clouds condensed around the body, and under the four claws, thunder and lightning were born.

When the ancient monument of the Great Wilderness was uprooted, it was like a dragon coiling pillar, tightly rolled, it was a small world-like space, and its heaviness was completely conceivable, and Ao Long was also the power of the inner world, scattered to the surrounding body, and then he reluctantly pulled up the ancient monument.

After millions of years of silence, this ancient monument has been silent, and it has grown together with the roots of the surrounding earth.

Fortunately, Ao Long's cheat weapon, the power of the Heavenly Dao is much higher than the spatial power of the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument, and on the one hand, it has the effect of restraint. On the other hand, it also has an attraction effect.


As the great desolate monument was pulled out of the earth inch by inch, the desert, which was originally a scorched earth, began to appear one after another, like a spider's web, spreading out to all sides.


A majestic coercion, accompanied by the power of the dim yellow barrenness, turned into a cloud-like satellite orbiting, and everywhere it passed, everything turned into powder.

The wind and clouds above the nine heavens were turbulent, and it seemed that with the Great Desolation Monument being moved, it was like the sky was changing, and at this moment everyone felt a sense of depression like the end of the world, as if the soul was going to be withered at any time.

And the power of desolation made their souls tremble, and they couldn't give birth to the will to resist.

Even Ao Long's claws were cleansed by the power of this barrenness, making a sound of gold and iron, and even faintly visible blood stains penetrating, as if it was known, if someone controlled this great desolate monument, it would be stronger.

The more such a treasure, the more determined Ao Long is, and he has a hunch that this great desolate monument will accompany him and dominate the heavens.

After all, the power of desolation is also a branch of the law of destruction, comparable to the power of death and the power of devouring, powerful lethality, and it is definitely a hole card.


Between the lightning and thunder, the fire was shining, and Ao Long couldn't help but bite the hideous dragon teeth, and finally pulled up the ancient monument of the Great Wilderness, threw it into his own small world, and turned into the crystal wall of heaven and earth in the Great Wilderness Realm.

The Great Wilderness County is closely connected with the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument. At this moment, it was like cutting off the dragon vein, churning around, and at this moment, I don't know how many mountain peaks collapsed and rivers flowed backwards.

It can't be said that Ao Long is cruel, after all, Xiu, if he is full of compassion, he will only become a woman's benevolence.

And in the camp near the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument, Qingtan and Xuansu also drilled out as soon as the earth shook, and they didn't have time to care about the spring on their bodies, looking at the divine dragon in the sky, doing physical work hard.

"That.... That's the young master... Young master.... That.... It is.... He hasn't... Are you going to say it? "

Qingtan stammered, she knew that the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument was not an ordinary stone tablet, there was a small space world in it, not to mention the huge palace complex of the ancient sect, just that the boundless wilderness could not be shaken by manpower.

It was only at this moment that Lin Qingtan, a delicate and heartless beautiful maid, had an intuitive understanding of Ao Long's strength.

Even Xuan Su next to him couldn't care about himself at the moment, and opened his mouth slightly, and the shock in his heart was indescribable.

“... That... It seems like... It's him... It seems that sir... It's so domineering..."

Xuansu said as she felt as her skin seemed to be heating up.

This is the man he loves, a man who stands up to the sky, when others are still fighting for a certain inheritance, the man she likes has directly snatched the entire secret space.

This is such a manly spirit, which makes Xuansu, who has been working hard in the mall, feel an indescribable sense of security in her heart.

In this life, no matter how high a woman's cultivation is, doesn't she need to find a man to rely on, but sir, why don't you pick her ripe rose.

After preliminarily solving the matter of the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument, Ao Long also knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, although he was not afraid of those ghosts, but trouble would always disgust people, wouldn't it.


A dragon groan shook through the void, and I saw that many Xiaoxiao who had not had time to leave in the dark exploded directly in Ao Long's dragon groan, turning into flesh and blood.

Then the clouds and mist steamed, and after a thunderclap roared through the void, the divine dragon had disappeared, and the handsome and handsome young man who had returned into a fish and dragon white suit flew down in front of Xuan Su and Qing Tan.

"By the way, what about Ao Ban and Xiao Lei? Where did the two of them go? "

"They're going to trouble the three forces in the Great Wilderness County."

"Oh? The three major forces? "

"It's in the secret realm of the Great Desolate Ancient Monument, the gang of people who want to snatch Uncle Aoban's talisman puppet, anyway, the cutting-edge strength of the three major forces has been solved by you, and they are just bullying people like chickens in the past, you don't have to worry!!"

Just when Xuan Su and Qing Tan were explaining to Ao Long, suddenly, Ao Long's expression froze, raised his hand and lowered it, and a set of red and a blue wide-sleeved Liuxian skirt appeared on the second daughter with a wave of his sleeves, he stood up, walked out of the account, and asked in a cold voice:

"Friends from afar, since you're here, please show up and see you!!"

Obviously, there is a master who has appeared.

At this time, outside the tent, there was a silent and vast wasteland, and the reckless weeds rose and fell with the wind, but the insects and eagles suddenly disappeared, and the whole world became silent, except for a collapsed mountain peak, symbolizing that an extremely terrible force had erupted here before..., and this silence lasted for about an hour, and suddenly, the air in the sky fluctuated, and an old man dressed in simple linen clothes suddenly flashed out.

"It's worthy of being a powerhouse who got the Devouring Ancestral Talisman and collected the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument!!"

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