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Welcome to join the reader's exchange skirt, homophonic skirt number: Si Gong Lu Si period clothes Ba period Lu. Everyone is welcome to enter the pit and put forward some suggestions for the heroine and the plot.

Devouring the bone puppet dragon surrounded by Nirvana's flames, the grass dragon under Ao Long's control pounced unabated towards the old man in Mai.

The power of breaking through the sky, piercing the sky, the insolent majesty is terrifying, but fortunately, the old man in Mai is also level, his eyes are angry, and he scolded loudly:

"Thieves are so daring!! There is no means to deceive me!! "

The emaciated old man in Mai had all his hair open, full of energy, why bother, from his Qiankun bag, he actually took out a green dragon halberd that was more than a foot long, just like a thin old monkey holding a big stick.

Funny and terrifying, those who can use the halberd are all cattle men with superb martial arts, and Ao Long did not expect that this old man in Mai, who described the withered linen clothes, actually had the pride of a violent man in his thin bones.

I saw a green dragon halberd dancing with the wind, rolling up thousands of kilometers of grass waves, and the vitality above the great wasteland was undulating like a tide being stirred.

Then a cyan moon arc that reached the sky seemed to run through the heavens and the earth, slashing across the void towards the grass dragon of Ao Long.

Rumble!!! Boom!!

The two collided, like a comet hitting the earth, and the entire space was distorted, and even at that moment, the great wasteland, which was still a little noisy, regained a moment of tranquility again.

Xuan Su and Qing Tan, who were watching the battle from the sidelines, felt that their ears were ringing, and the whole person fell into a short loss of voice.

Originally, the grass dragon that was still dancing with its teeth and claws, the dragon horns pointed angrily at the sky, and the flames on its body turned into manes, which amazed the two daughters of Xuan Su, actually cracked inch by inch in this crescent-shaped halberd light, and turned into grass clippings in the sky.

"Good halberd method, but it's a pity that it's a little ugly!!"

Looking at the dancing of the green dragon halberd of the old man in sackcloth, the cyan crescent arc slashed one after another, and actually broke through the powerful defense of Ao Long's green grass dragon, Ao Long was still very admired, there are still many strong people in this martial arts world.

"Hmph, now you know how powerful the old man is, where did the old man's bone puppet dragon go? Get it back quickly! Don't blame the old man for not giving you a chance, now as long as you teach the Devouring Ancestral Talisman and the Great Wilderness Ancient Tablet, I can still spare your life, otherwise, in an instant, I will let you go in ashes!! "

Looking at the old man in sackcloth who stood in the air with a green dragon halberd three times his own, he didn't know why Ao Long wanted to laugh, this was really discordant, just like Sanmao wearing an adult's military uniform to fight.

"I said you, you're getting old, and your face is thicker, I've been playing this trick of yours for a long time, thinking that you can trick me into handing over the treasure, and then destroy the corpse? Since you want to compete in martial arts, today I will show you what real martial arts are!! "

Looking at the crane hair and goosebumps of the old man in Mai, coupled with that hypocritical face, Ao Long felt disgusted.

In fact, whether it is the Yuan Gate, or the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace and. has no complaints, and he will not deliberately suppress or please anyone, but if you want to bully him Ao Long, then be aware of death.

took out the sword in the stone from his own small world, erected it in front of him, looked at the old man in Mai who was standing in the air, and shouted:

"Without this old horseman, today your grandfather Ao Long will send you back to the West!!"

"Good courage, since you toast and don't eat and drink, let the old man teach you how to behave as a junior on your behalf today!!"

At this time, the old man in Mai thought that Ao Long was really as young as he looked on his face, and his thin body rolled flexibly, wrapped in the wave of vitality, like a dragon turning over, and the green dragon halberd was like a green dragon exploring the sea, turning into sharp fangs and rushing straight to Ao Long.

"The Flying Dragon of the Cloud Dragon Nine Manifestations is in the sky!!"

Ao Long is also a person who does not refuse, today just came a little interest, feet in the clouds a little, like a harrier eagle, a pair of wide sleeves like a peng wings, long sword straight out, like a hidden dragon out of the abyss, fish leaping dragon gate, with an indomitable and decisive momentum, but also swept the boundless wind and clouds.

Boom!! Rumble! Rumble!!

There was an explosion, as if the heavens had opened, and the entire Great Wasteland fell into boundless light at this moment, followed by boundless darkness, and the so-called Great Sound was probably like this.

With the battle between Ao Long and the old man in Mai as the central point, countless mountain peaks collapsed one after another under this aftermath, and countless demon beasts fled one after another, but unfortunately the two kept fighting each other, the green dragon halberd and the sword in the stone, both of which were hard to beat, Ao Long found that he had underestimated the strength of the Nirvana Realm, and the thin body was as strong and powerful as Sun Wukong.

The area where the two of them fought was like a huge ball of light, and as the two of them moved, it was constantly poisoning the creatures below.

Many demon beasts in the Creation Realm were still in that forest as kings and ancestors, and they were on the side of the shock, where did they know that the sky was in trouble, and a sword light directly split the head of the consummate demon beast of the Creation Realm.

Or some demon beasts are even more miserable, and they are directly swept over by a burst of halberd light of the green dragon halberd like a planer, and they are scraped into pieces of meat inch by inch.

At this moment, on the entire Great Wilderness Ancient Plains, a blood color boiled, and the anger of resentment rose to the sky, and the leylines that had been destroyed because Ao Long had pulled out the Great Wilderness Ancient Monument were even more fragmented.

It seems that this land has undergone deterioration, and the original boundless wasteland has sunk everywhere, and even more, some of the earth's leylines have gushed spring water by themselves, and some of the demon beasts containing poison have been killed by Ao Long and the old man in Mai, turning into a rolling poisonous spring, polluting the world.


"Damn boy, where did the youkai run out, it's so tricky, damn, it seems to have hit the iron plate this time!! No, even if you fight to the death, you have to grab at least one treasure, whether it is devouring the ancestral talisman or the ancient monument of the Great Wilderness, as long as you let the old man get one of them, you can laugh at the sky!! The green dragon halberd roll, boundless Xiao Xiao falls under the tree!! "

The old man in Mai, who was wheezing, was cut away by Ao Long's sword for tens of thousands of meters, pulled out a deep ravine on the ground, and then got up, spit out the soil in his mouth, gritted his teeth, and killed Ao Long again.

It's really a treasure in the world, and it's a treasure in the world, and he was bumped into it today, and he was really unwilling to give up.

At this time, Ao Long frowned and looked at the grassy wasteland, which gradually turned into a boundless poisonous gas swamp under the battle between the two.

Looking at the thousands of demon beasts in the realm of creation after death, the unwilling obsession drifted in the swamp, turning into a swamp of death, this time you don't need to look at your own causal compass, you know that it must be entangled in cause and effect.

Knowing that he couldn't delay any longer, he saw that Ao Longren's sword was united and shouted loudly.

"The dragon of the Nine Appearances of the Cloud Dragon swings its tail, old thing, you still turn it into for me to make up for the damage of the leylines!!"

This time, Ao Long became serious, and after the old man Mai was concocted by Ao Long, the hero paid his due contribution to repairing the leyline.

Newcomers and new books ask for support, flowers, and rewards!! Prays! May the souls of the dead be at peace, the living be well, and the sick recover soon!! _

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