One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 108 Robin's Nightmare

"Iron block!"

Minina looked at the strong man opposite.

Although she was wearing a mask and could not see his expression, Minina could clearly feel his strong confidence.

Absolute confidence in her own defense.

But, is it really possible?

Her strength is very strong, greater than anyone in the town.

What if she punches him to death?

"Come and try it."

Bruno looked at Minina and invited her.

"Only after trying it can you feel the gap between us, and maybe this will make you give up the meaningless resistance."

They are going to take Robin away!

Hearing Bruno's words, Minina immediately thought of what Spandam said before.

These guys are enemies!

Since they are enemies, even if they are killed by one punch, it's okay.

Thinking of this, Minina put down the soup spoon that she had been holding tightly in her hand and clenched her pink fist.

'I'm afraid her arm will be broken. '

Looking at the petite Minina, such a thought flashed through Bruno's mind.

The next moment, Minina's pink fist hit Bruno's stomach.


Bruno only felt a terrifying force coming from the opposite side, and the powerful fist force instantly penetrated his defense, and the terrifying force hit his internal organs.


Bruno's throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out, spraying on the mask, completely dyeing his vision red.

The iron block was broken!



Bakara reached out to block the opponent's kick, and her body unconsciously retreated a few steps.

The battle happened too quickly, and there was no one else around who could take away her luck. The situation was not favorable for her.

"Are you also from the Rhodes Pirates?"

Kalifa looked at the tall woman opposite.

There was no relevant information about this woman in the previous intelligence about the Rhodes Pirates.

However, she has the same hair color and eye color as Blue Eyes Rhodes and Black Gun Neru, and the possibility of other relationships between them cannot be ruled out.

"Although I just joined, I am indeed Captain Rhodes' subordinate."

Bakara calmly moved her wrist that was kicked, still smiling.

Her combat ability is not outstanding, and she usually relies more on the power of the fruit. The current situation is not very friendly to her.

'Should I use that trick? '

Bakara hesitated.

Her [Lucky Fruit] can absorb the luck of the person touched, making the other person unlucky; it can also bless the luck absorbed from others to yourself.

However, [Lucky Fruit] is more than that.

In addition to absorbing the luck of others, [Lucky Fruit] can also advance your own luck.

However, the advance luck must be repaid, and it is doubled!

"Since you just joined, how about you leave now, I can pretend that I have never seen you."

Kalifa looked at Bakara and tried to change her position.

"Sorry, I am not the kind of person who will betray easily."

Bakara showed a dangerous smile on her face.

"You are the ones who should leave."

Smiling, he took out a coin from his bosom and turned it between his fingertips. Bakara looked at Kalifa with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"After all, you are so unlucky to meet me!"


Bepo kept the posture of a white crane spreading its wings, looking left and right, but still couldn't find an enemy to fight.

"Why didn't anyone come to find the bear!"

"The pet spoke?"

Spandam looked at Bepo in surprise.

"I'm not a pet!"

"Of course no one would fight a pet."


Bepo fell into depression for a second.

Glancing at Bepo, Spandam turned his attention back to Robin.

"The few people I brought are the best in the CP organization. Your companions will be defeated soon."

"They are real killing machines. They will not show mercy. I don't know how many of your companions will be killed!

But it's too late to regret now. It's your decision that killed them!"

Spandam looked at Robin sinisterly.

"I will kill all your companions and then take you away!"

"After finding out that all his companions were killed, I believe that [Blue Eyes] Rod will be very angry, but even if he is angry, it will be useless!"

"Even if he once repelled Vice Admiral Ghost Spider and escaped from Zefa's hands, it's useless."

"You should know, Demon Slayer Order!"

The name Spandam said made Robin's body tremble slightly.

After seeing Robin's reaction, Spandam's face was even more unpleasant.

"It seems you still remember!"

"After all, you are the only one who survived O'Hara's Demon Slayer Order 16 years ago!"

"So, do you think that [Blue Eyes] Rhodes can survive the Demon Slayer Order?"

Robin's mind couldn't help but think of what happened 16 years ago, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes.

Every midnight, she would always think of what happened at that time, and the continuous artillery fire that destroyed the entire island.

"From just now, I have been thinking, I seem to have seen this face of yours somewhere."

Trying to curb his fear, Robin looked at Spandam in front of him.

"So that's it, you have seen my father."

The smile on Spandam's face became more and more evil.

"16 years ago, it was he who led the team to capture the archaeologists who violated the ban of the World Government, and used the Demon Killing Order to completely destroy O'Hara!"

"So you are his son!"

The son of the man who once captured his mother, now wants to capture him again?

The image of the World Government official who took his mother away in his memory seemed to overlap with Spandam in front of him at this moment.

The fear in Robin's eyes was replaced by anger, and he raised his hands and crossed them on his chest.

"Thirty rounds of flowers blooming!"

Dozens of arms suddenly grew out of Spandam's body, grabbing at various vital parts of his body.


Faced with Robin's attack, Spandam showed a sly smile on his face.

"Go ahead, Van Gufried!"

The sword that Spandam was holding suddenly changed into a huge elephant, rushing towards Robin, and the trunk was still a sharp blade, stabbing at Robin mercilessly.

"The sword that turned into an elephant!?"

Robin was shocked when he saw the change in front of him, and the attack he had prepared was immediately stopped.


Bepo jumped up suddenly and kicked the elephant's head hard, kicking the elephant that was originally attacking Robin to the side.

"I'm a fighter too, bastard!"

"Fur tribe?"

Spandam finally set his sights on Bepo.

"This is the kind that the noble master likes very much!"

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