One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 111 Burning Black Flames, Defeated Lucci (4k)

"Storm Kick!!"

A strong slash shot out suddenly, hitting Lucci's body instantly, knocking him to the ground.

Under the powerful slash, a huge crack appeared on the ground.

Pah Pah——

The smoke dissipated, revealing Lucci's figure. His clothes were torn, and he was a little embarrassed. He patted his clothes and looked at Nia who fell not far away.

"Very fast!"

Recalling the speed Nia had shown in the previous battle, Lucci's face remained unchanged.

But the attack power was not enough.

Lucci was only slightly injured by Nia's storm kick.

In this case...

"Life Return, Paper Painting Martial Body!"

Lucci's body, which had swelled up due to entering the human-beast form, shrank for a while, and finally became a body shape similar to the original.

"Life Return?"

Nia paused slightly.

According to Rhode, this is the secret of physical skills that can only be mastered after practicing the six styles to the extreme, and can freely control one's own blood and muscles.

Since the other party has mastered the life return, does that mean that he may also master the Six Kings Spear?

Thinking of the power of the move that Rhode used, Nia's heart trembled slightly.

If she was hit by that move, she would probably die.


After compressing his body to the previous size, Lucci's speed increased significantly, and he appeared in front of Nia in an instant, and the two fists suddenly collided.

Bang! !

The equally matched fists collided.

The next moment, the two fought quickly, and bursts of explosions continued to sound.


"What should I do about this?"

Bepo grabbed Spandam's elephant knife, a little at a loss.

This is the first time he has encountered something that can change its form between an elephant and a knife.

Is this an elephant that can turn into a knife, or a knife that can turn into an elephant?

"It should be some new technology of the World Government. I will bring it to Captain Rhode later."

Robin glanced at the knife in Bepo's hand.

This knife that can turn into an elephant caused them a lot of trouble just now.

"This must be Vegapunk's technique!"

Gray came out from nowhere and looked at the long knife in Bepo's hand with shining eyes.

"He really did it, let the weapon eat the devil fruit!"

"Let the weapon eat the devil fruit?"

Robin turned his head to look at Gray, but a trace of doubt rose in his heart.

Why, Gray's tone sounded like he was very familiar with Vegapunk?

"That's right! How did he do it? Damn it, I must study it carefully!"

I couldn't wait to take the elephant knife from Bepo, and the light in Gray's eyes almost blinded Bepo.

"Damn it, let me go quickly, Nico Robin!"

Spandam was controlled by Robin's ability, his hands were folded behind his back, his legs were tied and unable to move, and only his mouth was left to talk relentlessly.

"I am the head of CP9 of the World Government. Do you want to be the enemy of the World Government?"

"Shut up!"

Gray stepped on Spandam's head.

"Too noisy, you are affecting my thoughts!"

"You bastard!"

With his head pressed against the ground, Spandam was full of anger.

It's really lawless! How dare they treat me like this!

If I can escape this time, I must thoroughly expose their harmfulness to the World Government. Even if I launch a demon-killing order, I must eliminate this group of pirates!

"Be the enemy of the World Government? We are pirates!"

Looking at Spandam being stepped on by Gray, Robin's eyes flashed with a hint of pleasure.

"Do you want to kill him?"

Bepo's eyes looked at Spandam's body, as if looking for a suitable place to start, which made Spandam shut his mouth instantly.

"Of course, it will be left to Captain Rod to decide."

Robin glanced at the other battles.

Except for Nia, the fighting of the companions was relatively smooth.

In this case, we can leave all these guys to Rhode to deal with.

If he can really become a Shichibukai, it will be a good thing.


"Moon Shadow Cat Step!"

Nia's feet flashed continuously, and her body turned quickly in the air, approaching Lucci.

This is a new move she developed by learning from Lucci's moves, combining Moon Step and Shave.

Moreover, she also incorporated her own development of physical skills and fruit abilities, eliminating the sounds made when using Shave and Moon Step, making her actions more difficult to understand.

"Finger Gun·Shadow Cat Claw!"

The next moment, several invisible air bullets flew towards Lucci.

"Too childish!"

Lucci's body suddenly moved, and instantly disappeared from Nia's sight, and appeared directly behind Nia, with both fists stretched out and pressed against Nia's back.

"Six Kings Spear!"

It's over!

Hearing Lucci's voice, Nia's heart suddenly jumped.

Following Lucci's cold voice, a strong shock wave suddenly erupted and hit Nia's back.

The powerful force penetrated her body, and the invisible impact acted on Nia's internal organs, causing her to spit out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably.

"This is the secret of the Six Styles that can only be comprehended after the Six Styles are fully mastered. It is a move that bursts out the whole body's strength in an instant. With your strength, I can completely solve you with just one shot!"

As Lucci whispered, Nia's body fell forward weakly.

Seeing Nia's body fall forward, Lucci put away his posture and cast his eyes on Robin.


Nia's body fell forward, her hands suddenly supported the ground, and then her two straight long legs suddenly raised up. With the movement of her hands, her legs quickly rotated.

"Storm Kicks·Tornado!"

Several huge slashes suddenly burst out from Nia's feet, bombarding Lucci who was close at hand.


With his hands across his chest and the ability of the iron block activated in time, Lucci's body flew backwards, and dense cuts appeared on his body.

The iron block that was activated urgently did not block Nia's Storm Kicks.


Putting down his hands and ignoring the blood dripping, Lucci stared at Nia opposite him.

After taking his Six Kings Spear head-on, why was this woman able to launch such a powerful attack without any delay?

"I thought I was going to die."

Nia wiped her mouth and looked at Lucci, who was covered in blood by her attack.

"After all, the Six Kings Spear used by Rhodes is really terrifying."

"But, your move is just so-so, it can't hurt me at all!"

"The same move, in the hands of different people, has a very different power."

Hearing Nia's ridicule, Lucci's face did not change, but the breath emanating from his body became even colder.

"In that case, you can try again!"

The next moment, Lucci rushed towards Nia again, and a more fierce attack poured down on Nia.


Just as the two were fighting frantically, Lucci's tail suddenly stretched out, and when Nia wasn't paying attention, he tied her up.

"Your reaction and speed have obviously slowed down, and your attack has also weakened."

Lucci looked at Nia who was tied up by him.

The other party was not able to resist his attack as he said.

"I've said it before, your attack is not good enough!"

Lucci's thick tail entangled Nia tightly, and even if Nia tried her best, she couldn't break free.

Moreover, as Lucci said, although his Six Kings Spear was completely inferior to Rhode's moves, its power should not be underestimated. She has been seriously injured now!

"Then, try it again!"

As he said, Lucci stretched out his hands again, clenched his fists and pressed them in front of Nia.

"Six Kings Spear·Biggest Round!"

A shock wave far stronger than before suddenly erupted and hit Nia's body. The violent impact instantly hit Nia's internal organs, causing her to spit out a mouthful of blood instantly. Her eyes turned white and she almost lost consciousness.

"It's over now."

Seeing Nia's white eyes, Lucci let go of his tail and let her fall to the ground.

"Then it's your turn next."

Lucci turned his eyes to Robin not far away. At this time, Robin was teaming up with Bepo to deal with Spandam and his elephant knife.

"What are you talking about!"

A slightly weak voice sounded behind Lucci.

Lucci turned around and saw Nia, who had lost consciousness after being hit by his Six Kings Spear, struggling to stand up.

Although her body was shaky, she did get up.

"The battle is not over yet!"

Nia raised her head, her yellow vertical pupils were full of wildness, and there were still a few traces of blood at the corners of her mouth. Against this background, her teeth looked even sharper.

Half-lying on the ground, Nia's hands completely turned into animal claws, her sharp nails flashing with cold light, and the two black cat ears on her head kept shaking, as if reflecting the owner's restless emotions.

"You have fought to this extent, but you are still unwilling to give up?"

Lucci turned around and looked at Nia, who was more obviously transformed into an animal.

"If you continue, your devil fruit ability may get out of control."

Lucci reminded Nia.

After developing the fruit ability to the limit, the devil fruit ability user will reach a new realm, that is, the devil fruit awakening!

After awakening, the ability user will have more powerful power.

However, corresponding to awakening, there is also a situation, that is, the devil fruit ability is out of control.

Especially for animal-type devil fruit ability users, once out of control, they will become beasts.

"Out of control?"

Nia licked the blood stains at the corner of her mouth.

"I feel that I am in a better state than ever before!"

The next moment, Nia disappeared from Lucci's sight.


Following that, a heavy punch hit Lucci's chest directly.

So fast!

Lucci's body flew backwards in an instant and slammed hard on the wall behind him.

There was no time to use the iron block.

Lucci's eyes were full of solemnity as he pulled himself off the wall.

No matter what the opponent would become after the battle, if he continued like this, he would probably fall in this battle.

Bang! !

Lucci swung his fist suddenly, punching Nia who suddenly rushed over. The power from his fist made Lucci's face change slightly, and his footsteps unconsciously stepped back two steps.

The strength has also become stronger!

"You seem to have become weaker!"

Nia spoke to Lucci, and the smile on her face became more wanton.

'You have become stronger. '

Lucci's mind flashed through his mind, but his face did not change at all. He just silently lifted the 'Paper Painting Martial Body' and restored his body to a larger size.

Whether it is the current state or the state after using the 'Paper Painting Martial Body' to shrink the body, none of them can keep up with the opponent's speed. In this case, it is better to give up speed and strive to compete with the opponent in strength.

Faced with the changing battle situation, Lucci changed his strategy immediately.

Bang bang bang! !

The next moment, a series of strong collisions broke out between the two, and the violent shock raised dust, completely covering the battlefield between the two of them.

"Rain kick·Kainiao!"

A huge slash flew out from the smoke, instantly cutting a building in the distance in half. The violent impact also blew away the smoke, revealing the two people fighting.


Nia bent her body at an amazing angle to avoid Lucci's storm kick, and then rushed directly in front of him and kicked Lucci's head fiercely.

Bang! !

With his arm across his body, blocking Nia's attack, Lucci's face suddenly changed, his body quickly retreated a few steps, and then looked at his arm.

On his arm, there was a black footprint, which looked like a mark left after being burned by fire.

Even now, there were waves of strong burning sensations stimulating his nerves.

'What's going on? '

Lucci looked at the black footprint on his arm, his eyes were uncertain.

Why did the opponent's kick give him a burning feeling!

"Thanks to you, I seem to be able to use the real devil fruit ability at last."

Nia did not pursue the victory, but stood there, looking at her two cat paws.

On her cat paws, there were wisps of black flames, flickering.

Lucci also saw the changes in Nia. At some point, a tail appeared behind Nia, and two black cat tails danced lively behind her.

The black flames that burn the soul, and the iconic two tails, the opponent's devil fruit, is not the cat-cat fruit·black cat form, but the cat-cat fruit of the mythical beast species!

"I am the ability user of the cat-cat fruit·mythical beast species·cat form!"

"If you don't pay attention, you will be burned to death by my black flames!"

The next moment, a black shadow flashed, accompanied by a wisp of black flames, pulling a black lightning in the air.


The fists of the two men fell apart as soon as they touched, and Lucci's eyebrows jumped uncontrollably.

Immediately afterwards, fists like gunfire and cannonballs kept attacking Lucci, and Lucci's fists kept swinging, colliding with Nia again and again.

Every time the two fists collided, in addition to the feeling of the fists hitting, Lucci would feel a strong stinging pain.

Moreover, the burning stinging pain would not disappear just because the two fists separated, but would continue to work.

After just a few dozen moves, Lucci felt as if he was in a sea of ​​fire. The strong burning sensation came from all parts of his body, making it almost impossible for him to concentrate on dealing with Nia's attack.

"I caught you."

Nia's voice suddenly rang in Lucci's ears, and then, a fist wrapped in black flames suddenly hammered on Lucci's head.


The strong burning sensation pierced through his forehead, and Lucci couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

He just felt like he was in a sea of ​​fire, with nowhere to escape.

Looking at Lucci who was in a state of stiffness due to the burning of black flames, Nia jumped high, spun quickly in the air, and then stretched her long legs and slammed down on the opponent's head.

Boom! !

After a strong kick, Lucci's body fell hard, and a huge pit appeared on the street with Nia's foot as the center.

Looking at Lucci who fell in the center of the pit and lost consciousness, Nia reached out and lifted her hair, shaking her long high ponytail.

"The battle is over now!"

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