One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 114 The Power of the European Emperor

"This is double insurance."

Rhodes took the hearts of Lu Qi and the others from Luo's hands.

After bringing these three people back, he planned to try whether Baccarat's luck fruit could increase the success rate.

Unexpectedly, Bacara had overdrawn his luck in the previous battle and was in a state of being possessed by a declining god, which could not be offset by absorbing the luck of others. Now he is gambling like crazy with Pei Jin and others, trying to use up the bad luck as soon as possible.

Therefore, we can only keep these three people for now.

However, Rhodes was still a little worried about these guys who were engaged in intelligence assassinations. He was worried that they might have mastered some special lock-picking skills or other bone-shrinking skills, so he directly arranged for Bebo and the others to take turns guarding them, and also asked Luo to take care of their hearts. It was taken down.

"When will we leave?"

After completing Rhodes' request, Luo asked.

They went to the island yesterday morning.

After arriving on the island, Luo took Bebo and the others to purchase things. As a result, not long after completing the purchase, they saw a huge movement on Rhodes' side.

By the time they arrived, Rhodes had ended the battle and reached a cooperation agreement with Tezolo. After that, Nia and the others went shopping again with the gold given by Tezolo.

Unexpectedly, they directly encountered the government's CP organization this time. Fortunately, Nia and the others successfully defeated the enemy and captured them all.

And now, it's the second day.

"I heard that it takes 5 days for the island's magnetism to be fully charged."

Luo looked at Rhodes and said without concern.

"With your bounty, it's a little too conspicuous in the first half of the Grand Route. You provoked the black-handed Zefa last time."

"Now we have the CP organization again. With the intelligence power of the Navy and the World Government, they must already know that we are here."

"If we don't leave as soon as possible, we don't know who we will meet again."

"Of course I know that."

Rhodes nodded.

"We'll go as soon as Baccarat's bad luck subsides."

Rhodes glanced at Baccarat, who was covered in notes not far away.

Several of them had been playing cards all night, and Baccarat had lost all night.

However, at least there are notes on other people's bodies, and it seems that Baccarat's luck has been restored.

"So, what's the way forward?"

"It looks like you have an idea. Let's talk about it."

Rhodes glanced at Luo, who looked slightly unnatural.

Hearing this, Luo took out a permanent pointer from his arms.

"This is a permanent pointer I bought on the island. I'm quite interested in it."

"Drum Island!"

Talking about this permanent pointer, Luo's eyes shone slightly.

"Cigu Island is a major medical country in the Great Line. It is quite famous in medicine. I would like to have some exchanges there and learn some advanced medical knowledge."

After these few battles, Luo has understood one thing.

Doflamingo is no match for Rhodes.

The goal that was weighing on his heart like a boulder and seemed out of reach suddenly became within reach, and the pressure Doflamingo put on him was no longer so great.

Although Luo still wanted to defeat Doflamingo on his own, he no longer felt that heavy pressure.

Now, he also wants to focus part of his energy on the medical skills he has learned since childhood.

"Drum Island..."

Upon hearing the island mentioned by Luo, the relevant information suddenly flashed in Rhode's mind.

"Very good, then, let's go there!"


Baccarat jumped up happily and let out a cheer.

After losing all night, she finally won several games in a row.

Her luck has finally returned to normal!

"very good!"

After taking a look at Baccarat, who was full of energy after losing all night, and Pekin and the others, who were depressed after winning all night, Rhodes waved his hand to greet them.

"Ready to go!"


"Why did you buy so many things?"

On the Polar Ship, looking at the people moving one after another, Genos rubbed his eyes and said in surprise.

"Woof woof~~"

Sissy jumped out of Robin's arms and ran to Janos' feet, circling him.

"Look what this is!"

Pekin and Xia Qi carried several boxes and stacked them in front of Genos, then opened the top box slightly.

"A lot of money!"

The green banknotes in the box almost blinded Genos's eyes.

"It's all in here!?"

Peijin and Xia Qi nodded fiercely.

"You guys won a lot! You should have emptied all the casinos!"

Thinking of the Grand Casino that was razed to the ground by Rhodes, Pekin nodded hesitantly.

That's right.

"We'll hear from Pekin and the others about the details later. In short, this is a great harvest!"

Rhodes put away Tezzolo's contact number bug, asked Baccarat to pat the people Tezzolo arranged to come over one by one, and then took her onto the deck of the Polar.

"This is our new partner, Baccarat."

Rhodes introduces Bacara to Genos and Bowness.

The rest are already familiar.

"The one who looks like he's awake is Genos, and the one who's working out is Bowness. They are all reliable partners on our ship."

While they were talking, Pekin and Xiaqi had already put away the anchors, and Robin also activated her fruit ability, growing arms everywhere on the Polaris, and adjusting all the sails.

"Then, let's go!"

With a full harvest, the Polaris raised the sails again and headed towards the Drum Island at full speed.

"So, these three guys are also our trophies?"

Genos looked at the three people on the deck, who were now in a coma.

"Shouldn't you pay more attention to me!"

Nia looked at Genos with dissatisfaction.

"I am also a mythical beast species!"

"Okay, okay, I know, you have emphasized it many times."

Genos nodded perfunctorily.

Compared to the changes in Nia's devil fruit, he was more concerned about the three people in front of him.

If he was lucky, this would be another three devil fruits.

However, it seems that most of the people on the ship are already devil fruit users.

At present, the only ones who don't have devil fruits are Rod, Neru, Gray, Bepo, and Minina.

"Then, let's get started."

While he was talking, Pekin and the others had already placed fruits around Lucci and the other two, as if they were going to hold some evil ritual.

"ROOM, isolation room!"

Luo skillfully opened his ability space.

"Bakara, can your luck be added to others?"

"I haven't tried it."

"Then you can do it directly."

Rod asked Luo to remove his ability, then took a sword and handed it to Bakara, asking her to walk in front of Lucci and the other two, and then Luo used his ability again to cover Bakara within the range of his ability.

"Next time, let Bakara carry a fruit basket directly."

Looking at Bakara standing in the middle of the deck, Rod waved his hand, signaling her to get rid of the three people.


After receiving Rod's signal, the long sword in Bakara's hand stabbed directly without any delay.

Immediately afterwards, among the pile of fruits originally placed on the deck, several fruits suddenly changed.

"One, two, three, all are left!"

Counting the devil fruits he harvested, Rhodes couldn't help but smile.

"This is the power of the European Emperor!"

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