One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 130 Who is the one with the Operation Fruit?

"You shouldn't sacrifice your lives for such a king!"

Putting all the drowned soldiers on the ground, Big Bear looked at Dalton and said.

Although he is a Devil Fruit user, Dalton still has some consciousness at this time.

"Each of you is the master of the country and can decide the future direction of this country; instead of obeying the orders of such a king and sitting back and watching your country move into the abyss step by step."

"If the king can't think about the people, then why don't you change the king?"

Dalton was slightly stunned. What Big Bear said was something he had never thought of before.

Even before, when Valpo was tyrannizing the country and formulating various random policies for his own selfish desires, he had never had such an idea. He had always been looking forward to the day when the king would wake up.

However, if the king cannot put the people first, why can’t the people also replace the king?

Dalton felt as if there was a fire burning in his heart.

Seeing Big Bear's move, Rhodes just shook his head slightly without any reaction.

Rhodes didn't care whether Dalton or those royal troops lived or died.

Even a big bear...

Big Bear Rhodes is still more concerned about it, after all, the opponent's ability can help him fix bugs.

"Did you see it, Chopper!"

Not far away, Kuleha took a sip from the bottle and then patted Chopper on the head.

"This is a pirate!"


The blue-nosed reindeer looked at the people in front of him with a burst of light in his eyes.


Pekin and Xia Qi suddenly turned their heads.

"Speak!!" x3

"Why are you surprised!" x2

Peggin and Shaqi shouted at Bebo.

"Aren't you a bear yourself?"

"Feel sorry···"

"Fur tribe?"

Pekin ran to Chopper's side, squatted down and looked at him.

"No, the fur tribe all walk upright like Bebo."

Xia Qi squatted beside Peijin, shook his head and said.

"So cute!"

Minina reached out and touched Chopper's head.

"It should be delicious."


A few pairs of alert eyes suddenly fell on Minina.

“I am not food!!”

Chopper suddenly let out a loud cry, his body instantly shrank, and he hid behind Kuleha like a tanuki.

"Sister Minina, you are too cruel!"

"That's right, reindeer are so cute, why would you eat reindeer?"

"Wait, I turned into a tanuki!"

"I'm not a tanuki!"

Chopper emerged from behind Kuleha, shouted at several people, and then hid behind again.


"You're hiding!"

Chopper quickly changed his body shape, trying to get Kuleha to block him.

"So cute!"

Seeing Chopper in human form, Minina narrowed her eyes and smiled, reaching out her hand to rub Chopper's head.


Seeing Minina's extended hand, Chopper suddenly let out a scream and ran around in a hurry.

"don’t worry."

Robin used his power to create several arms and scratched Chopper's body, making Chopper laugh continuously.

"Very cute."

"Asshole, even if you praise me like this, I won't be happy!"

Chopper's body twisted unconsciously, with a hint of blush on his face.

"Aren't you very happy?"

Pekin and Shaqi looked at Chopper and then at Bepo.

One apologizes when criticized, and the other dances excitedly when praised.

These two guys are really weird.

"That's it, Luo!"

Gray pushed Wapol in front of Luo and looked at him expectantly.

Looking at Gray's eyes, Luo's face stiffened slightly.

He has no energy left!

In order to treat the islanders who had not seen a doctor for a long time, Luo had already spent a lot of energy, and before he could recover, he participated in the battle with Qing Pheasant.

He really doesn't have any physical strength left now.

"You're not going to die, are you?"

Gray's eyes hurt Luo deeply. He took a deep breath and stood up suddenly.

"How could it not work!"

"Just taking a break."

"Take a break?"

Gray was impatient.

His mind is now full of fantastic ideas, and he is just waiting to put them into practice after eating the Devil Fruit.

"If it works, it works. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. What does it mean to take a break?"

"You guy!"

Law glared at Gray.

"I should be able to help you."

With a soft voice, Big Bear walked up to them.

"If it's to relieve fatigue."

Big Bear stretched out his palm and patted Luo gently. A light red bubble was suddenly shot out of Luo's body. At the same time, Luo also felt that his body suddenly regained its vitality.

"Physical strength has been restored."

Luo looked at his hands.

He could feel that the fatigue and some injuries that had accumulated in his body had all disappeared.

Who is the fruit of the operation?

Luo glanced at Big Bear, then turned to Rhodes.

"Right here?"

"Just here."

Rhodes nodded.

With the appearance of Pekin and Xiaqi, anyone who pays a little attention to them should know that they have mastered a technology that can intercept the power of devil fruits.

There is no point in keeping it secret.

Moreover, after the battle with Aokiji and the hope of discovering the possible card bug, Rhode is now terribly confident.

"Come on!"

A blue halo enveloped Wapol and Bakara.

Bakara approached Wapol and pierced his heart with a long sword she picked up.


Bakara handed the devil fruit that appeared to Gray.

It was a devil fruit that was purple all over and had jagged lines.



Seeing this scene, the faces of Big Bear and Kuleha changed slightly.

So easily, they took away the devil fruit of a capable person.

Doesn't that mean that they can choose to hunt for the devil fruit they like? Then quickly form a team of capable people.

Kuleha suddenly thought of Dalton.

The other party was also a Devil Fruit user, but was let go.

It seems that they are not the type who are endlessly demanding.

"It tastes so bad!"

Gray swallowed the Devil Fruit in one gulp, frowning slightly.

But soon, he felt the new power in his body, his brows slightly relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face.

"To celebrate our defeat of the Navy Admiral, let's have a banquet!"

After solving Gray's Devil Fruit problem, Rhodes set his sights on Kuleha and Big Bear.

"You can join us too!"

Magnetic Drum Peak, the original palace.

Rhodes and his party returned directly here, and also summoned the original chefs in the palace to help, and arranged a sumptuous banquet for everyone.

"Damn it!"

Nia took a big gulp of wine, her face full of anger.

"I didn't catch up with the battle with the Navy Admiral!"

"Even if I caught up, I guess you would be killed instantly."

Genos glanced at Big Bear opposite.

Unexpectedly, the person he met in the snow was also a pirate, and he fought against the admiral with his crew.

On the contrary, he was unable to catch up with the battle.

However, as he said, with their current strength, even if they met the admiral, they would be killed in an instant.

Daz Bonis paused slightly, then picked up the food in front of him and ate it.

It's still not enough!

His strength hasn't improved much, but the captain actually went against the admiral of the navy directly. With his current weak body, can he really keep up with the voyage of the Polaris?

Still need to practice!

"Woof woof!"

"You said you want to try that?"

Chopper picked up a piece of food and put it in front of Sissi.

"Woof woof~~"

"Oh my, even if you praise me like this, I won't be happy!"

I don't know what Sissi said, Chopper's body swayed uncontrollably again.

Robin smiled at the corners of his eyes, glanced at Chopper and Sissi who were playing over there, and then looked around the palace where he was now.

This palace seems to have a long history!

"In fact, there is one thing I want to ask for your help!"

Big Bear suddenly put down his bowl and chopsticks and looked at the people opposite.

"My daughter suffers from a disease called 'Jade Scales'."

Speaking of his daughter, Big Bear couldn't help but smile, and his voice became gentler.

"I heard from Dr. Kuleha that she knew about this disease, but she was not completely sure. If you can help, it may increase the possibility of cure."

"You want Luo's help."

Rod leaned back slightly and gave the decision to Luo.

Although he wanted to use Big Bear's ability to fix the bug, it did not mean that he could make decisions on behalf of Luo and exchange Luo's help as a condition.

"You can just tell him about this kind of thing."

"Jade Scales?"

Luo thought slightly.

Just now, he also experienced Big Bear's ability.

The opponent's devil fruit can even remove states like 'fatigue' and 'weakness'. To some extent, the healing ability of the opponent's devil fruit is stronger than his surgery fruit.

Even the opponent's fruit ability has no effect?

"To be honest, I have never heard of such a disease."

"It's normal if you haven't heard of it!"

Kuleha suddenly interrupted.

"This disease is very rare. I haven't heard of anyone suffering from such a disease for many years."

"People with the disease will grow stones like blue scales on their bodies. Generally speaking, they will die quickly, just like platinum lead disease."

"Even I am not absolutely sure."

"Platinum lead disease!"

Luo's childhood memories flashed through his mind again, and then he looked at the big bear opposite with complicated eyes.

"To be honest, I have never heard of this disease, and I don't know how to treat it."

"However, if this Dr. Kuleha knows something about this disease and my ability can help, I will do my best to help."

After Luo's reply, the big bear's eyes were suddenly filled with tears.

"Thank you so much!"

He finally saw the hope of curing Bonnie!

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