One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 139 The Wind That Moves the World

Marine Headquarters, Marineford

"This brat!"

Zeffer looked at the news in the newspaper.

Beside him, there were still two disciples, Ion and Binz.

"He actually became a Shichibukai!"

After the last battle of the small garden, Zephyr returned to the Navy Headquarters.

He thought his body had recovered well, but in the battle with Rod, his asthma recurred.

Not only that, the prosthesis on his right hand was not very easy to use, and he could not use his strength at all.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Zephyr knew that his current strength had declined a lot compared to before.

However, even if he couldn't fight like he did in the past, he was still a veteran!

Things like fighting pirates and upholding justice will not stop for any reason!


Zeffer put down the newspaper and gave instructions to the disciples around him.

"Contact the Navy Science Corps for me, and install the new prosthesis they talked about last time!"

"I know, Teacher Zephyr!"

Ion nodded in response, then turned and left.

After the battle of the small garden, she also held her breath.

She had to become stronger!

No matter what, she didn't want what happened three years ago to happen again!


"In this way, the Seven Warlords of the Sea are completely formed!"

Zhan Guo looked at a document in his hand.

The world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk; Pirate Queen, Boa Hancock; Sea Knight Jinbei; Tenyasha Doflamingo; Sand Crocodile; Gekko Moriah.

These six original Seven Warlords of the Sea, plus the latest Tyrant Rod, the Seven Warlords of the Sea are now complete.

In this era when pirates are becoming more and more rampant, the return of the last Seven Warlords of the Sea made Zhan Guo feel a little relieved.

Although he felt that the Rod Pirates were very difficult before, after the other party became the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Zhan Guo's original worries disappeared by half.

No matter what, as long as the other party becomes the Seven Warlords of the Sea, they must assume the corresponding responsibilities.

In addition, it is also a blessing to have one less threatening pirate.


East China Sea, Windmill Village


Garp glanced at the newspaper in his hand, pinched his nose, and then threw the newspaper away.

Since the blue-eyed kid has become a Shichibukai, he naturally doesn't need to arrest him anymore.

What's more, compared to the blue-eyed kid, the matter in front of him is more of a headache for him.

"Stinky old man, let me go!"

A voice full of resentment came from under Garp's feet.

Bang! !

Garp punched the boy on the head under his feet.

"What did you say you were going to do just now?"

Garp lowered his head and looked at the boy under his feet with a gloomy face.

It was a boy with freckles on his face, and his eyes were full of arrogance.

"I want to be a pirate!"

Bang! !

An iron fist hit again, and a big bump was smashed on the boy's head.

"You want to be an excellent navy! Ace!!"

Ace turned his head and did not answer.

"Damn it, it seems that I have neglected to discipline you. Next, let's enjoy the iron fist that I love!"

Garp clenched his fist and showed a dangerous smile on his face.

Ace's body trembled involuntarily.


A boy wearing a straw hat picked up the newspaper thrown by Garp and glanced at the headline on the newspaper.

"Oh~~ This guy has red hair like Shanks!"


Garp turned around and looked at his other grandson, with a brighter smile on his face.

"You come too, Luffy!"

Luffy, wearing a straw hat, turned pale instantly, and all kinds of horrible memories flashed through his mind.


Luffy was about to escape when a tall figure appeared in front of him, holding Ace, who had no power to fight back, in his hand.

"As my grandson, you all have to become great marines for me!"


"What a pity, I thought he was also a swordsman."

Hawkeye put down the newspaper in his hand.

He had seen reports about Rhodes in newspapers before.

In the original reports, Rhodes was a swordsman with superb swordsmanship.

He thought he would meet an interesting opponent again, and was still thinking about when he could fight with him.

Who knew that the opponent didn't even use a sword, and even changed his title to "Ba Quan".


Windless Belt, Nine Snake Island

"Hmph, I don't care about these things."

Boya Hancock threw away the newspaper and looked up at the old lady in front of her with her nose.

"Snake Princess, you should also care about the other members of the Seven Warlords..."

Old lady argued in front of Hancock, trying to persuade the other party.

"Throw her out."

Hancock ordered mercilessly.

Several guards came forward and sent the chattering old lady out.

"Get ready, I want to take a bath!"


Devil's Triangle

Moria glanced at the newspaper and put it aside.

If it weren't for the special arrangement of the World Government, he would hardly even pay attention to the newspapers.

"Hehehehe, you actually recruited so many partners?"

Moria thought of her past.

"Partners are very fragile. Only zombies can help me reach the top!"

"It's quick, just find the right shadow and you're done!"

Thinking of the corpse of Demon Oz, which was being sutured by his subordinates, Moria grinned slightly, and an unpleasant laugh came from his mouth.


"Another new Shichibukai?"

Jinbei put down the newspaper in his hand.

"Come and drink, Jinbe!"

A pineapple head came over, hugged Jinbei's body, and his eyes fell on the newspaper in front of him.

"It's amazing. Has this brat become a Shichibukai?"

Marco looked at Rhodes on the newspaper with surprise in his tone.

This kid also caused quite a stir before. At that time, he paid special attention to the other party's information.

The other party should be only 18 years old this year!

"He is indeed a very young boy!"

Jinbei nodded.

"But it's just the Shichibukai, dad won't care!"

Marco drags Jinbei along to the banquet.

"Come and drink soon!"


"Ha ha ha ha--"

In the rain of Alabasta, Crocodile looked at the newspaper in his hand and let out his trademark four-part laugh.

"He actually became a Shichibukai like me."

Crocodile looked at Rhodes in the newspaper, his eyes were gloomy and full of murderous intent.

"However, even among the Shichibukai, they are not monolithic."

"It's better to deal with him quickly!"

Crocodile's eyes fell on the newspaper, but what he focused on was not Rhodes who occupied the front page, but a black-haired girl who played a supporting role in Rhodes's photo.

"Nico Robin, you can't escape my grasp!"


New World, Dressrosa


Doflamingo, who was lying on the sun lounger, suddenly burst into laughter, his voice filled with a sinister aura.

"You're really capable, little brat! You actually became the King of the Shichibukai."

"However, the reason why the King's Shichibukai has been unable to gather together for so many years is because all the incompetent guys were killed shortly after taking office!"

The veins on Doflamingo's forehead were clearly visible.

"You don't want to be killed so easily!"

"If I can't kill you with my own hands, I will be very distressed!"


All over the world, countless people saw the news announced in newspapers, and also saw the reports about the newly promoted Shichibukai, Dominator Rhodes.


Somewhere in the new world, in the headquarters of the World Economic News.

Morgans seemed to see people around the world agitated by his reporting.

"This is the news effect I want!"

Just when the whole world was undercurrent because Rhodes became the Shichibukai, the Rhodes Pirates did not continue to stir up troubles as the world expected, but suddenly fell silent.

No matter in newspapers or in the underground world, there is no news about the Rhodes Pirates. After becoming the Shichibukai, they seemed to have stopped their voyage.

And on Drum Island, the former 'medical power' of the Great Line, a group of members of the Rhodes Pirates were immersed in practice without the knowledge of the world.

Time passed slowly during their training and practice, and the three months passed by in a blink of an eye.

Cigu Peak, in the original palace.

"When do we continue sailing?"

Nia fiddled with the grilled fish on the dinner plate and looked at Rhodes with her head tilted.

Although he was full of motivation at the beginning, he practiced with Neru and the others every day, and he also had to drag Genos into constant battles to familiarize himself with the new changes of his Devil Fruit.

But after repeating this kind of life for three months, facing the same white snow every day, Nia is now tired of it.

"I think it would be good to stay for a while longer."

Genos smoked a cigarette after his meal and leaned back on his chair, feeling indescribably leisurely.

Although he practiced hard and boringly every day, Genos did not feel bored like Nia, but actually enjoyed it.

Such a peaceful life is what he has been looking forward to!

Now it just so happens that Rhodes has become a Shichibukai. It seems pretty good if he can live on this island for the rest of his life.

Moreover, Sissi also likes the environment of this island.

"Don't make any mistake, becoming a Shichibukai is not our ultimate goal!"

Gray made a rare appearance at the table.

After three months of research and experimentation, he has basically mastered his Devil Fruit, and based on the Devil Fruit's abilities, he has developed some fighting methods that suit him.

Now he is no longer a powerless scientist!

"We want to follow Boss Rhodes to achieve world hegemony!"

Peijin and Xia Qi both spoke at the same time.

After three months of training, they looked obviously much more capable.

The development of Devil Fruit abilities is also more in-depth than before.

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