One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 149 Bonnie's Initial Recovery

Cigu Island, Cigu Peak


With a soft sound, the snow on the ground dented slightly, revealing the shape of a bear's paw, and Rhodes and his party returned to Ciggu Island.

"Hey, there is such a way to travel. I was so shocked that I almost dropped my eyes, even though I no longer have any eyes."

After landing, Brooke couldn't help but exclaimed and shouted his own jokes.

The group of them flew in the sky for two days.

This was his first time traveling like this.

"Idiot! You almost made us all fall down just now!"

Nia punched Brooke in the head.

During the previous flight, this guy was not restless at all. He even wanted to poke the bubbles with his sword during the flight, which almost scared Nia to death.

"Feel sorry!"

There was a big bulge on Brooke's head, and she got up and apologized seriously to Nia.


Nia snorted coldly, and then grabbed the package she brought back again.

"This time we returned with a full load."

Rhodes glanced at the huge package Nia was holding, which was filled with various treasures collected by Moria.

Nia thought about what she had collected, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Then, to celebrate this harvest and the addition of new partners, let's hold a banquet!"


Nia carried the things she had collected on her back, and they walked towards the castle.


"Come again, come again, keep drinking!"


"It's amazing! This is already the ninth round, and there is no winner between the two!"

"Hurry up, keep going!"

Just as he approached the castle, Rhodes heard various cheers coming from inside the castle.

"It's so lively!"

Rhodes pushed open the door, and the first thing he saw were two piles of dinner plates piled high in the middle of the castle. Next to the dinner plates, there was a pink-haired girl eating haise.


Rhodes looked at Minina who was eating heavily. He didn't expect that she could eat so happily in his absence.

The most important thing is that there is someone who can compete with her in the Big Eater Competition.


Big Bear, who was following Rhodes, first saw Bonnie eating in a bold manner.

After using the fruit's ability, Bonnie has matured a lot, like a teenage girl.

And her posture was exactly the same as Ginny's, which made Big Bear think he was seeing Ginny again.

"Why are you outside!"

After reacting, Big Bear quickly ran to Bonnie's side and looked at her nervously.

There are windows for lighting on the top and around the castle, with no obstruction at all.

As for Bonnie's 'sapphire scales', their deterioration will accelerate as long as they are exposed to natural light. She cannot be in a place with natural light at all.

"I'm already fine!"

After swallowing the food in her mouth, Bonnie showed a bright smile to the big bear, then glanced at Minina opposite, with a hint of unwillingness to admit defeat in her eyes, she picked up the plate in front of her and continued eating.

She has never been afraid of anyone when it comes to eating!


The big bear surrounded Bonnie, trying to block the light with his huge body.

After hearing Bonnie's words, Big Bear trembled slightly, and then looked at Luo not far away with searching eyes.

Luo Zheng raised his head and leaned on a bar. After noticing Daxiong's eyes, he nodded slightly at him.

"The initial treatment has been completed. As long as Bonnie is not directly exposed to the sun, her condition will not worsen."

After receiving Luo's affirmative answer, Big Bear's eyes instantly became moist.

Ever since he knew that Bonnie was suffering from this disease, he had not relaxed for a moment and had been struggling to find a cure.

After going to sea, he traveled to almost every corner of the world, just to find a way to cure Bonnie.

Until now, he finally saw the light of cure!

"Very good!!"

The big bear hugged Bonnie.

"I'm still eating, Dad!"

Bonnie was caught off guard and was hugged by the big bear, with food still in her mouth. The winner of her big-eating contest with Minina has not been decided yet.

This was a banquet set up to celebrate the initial completion of her treatment, and she was going to have a good meal!

Bonnie squirmed in the big bear's arms, and the food on her mouth and hands spread all over the big bear.

Even though her body has matured, she still looks like a child.

And she was so naive that she didn't understand how serious a problem her disease was. How much pressure Da Xiong endured and how much effort he put in to cure her.

"You can finally grow up like other children, Bonnie!"

Hot tears flowed from Big Bear's eyes, and the tears dripped on Bonnie's face, making Bonnie's eyes slightly red.

She didn't know why her father had such a big reaction after simply being cured.

However, she could feel the complex emotions of the big bear. Just feeling the big bear's emotions and flowing tears made Bonnie couldn't help but wet her eyes.

"It's so touching!"

Brooke took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of his eyes.

I just don’t know why he still sheds tears as a skeleton.


Only then did Bebo and the others notice the afro-headed skeleton who came back with Rhodes.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I haven't formally introduced myself to everyone yet."

On the way here, Rhodes had already given him a general introduction to the members of the group, and Gray, a garrulous person, explained everyone's details to Brooke one by one.

Looking at these people in the castle, Brooke took off his hat, knelt down on one knee and looked at Rhodes.

"I am Brook who died with only bones left. I am also a wanted pirate. I am known as [Bliss] Brook. I have a bounty of 33 million Baileys! I used to be the leader of a country's guard regiment, and later joined the Lumba Pirates. Act as acting captain, musician and swordsman!"

"Thanks to Captain Rhodes, starting from today, I will join the Rhodes Pirates. Please give me your advice!"

"I will do my best, even if I am broken into pieces! Yohohoho~~"

"So handsome!!"

Chopper looked at Brooke with bright eyes. Whether it was his speaking movements or the lines he spoke, they perfectly satisfied his various fantasies about pirates.

Nailu glanced at Brooke and showed a kind smile.

This new partner gave him a sense of calm.

Very reliable!

The same thought flashed through Luo's mind.

However, he was also somewhat curious.

How does Brooke maintain his life with only his bones left?


Pekin and Xia Qi's eyes lit up, and they pulled Brooke to a piano in the corner of the castle.

They had long wanted to find a musician.

It’s as urgent as wanting uniforms for the team.

"Play us some music!"

"Yohohoho~~Then let me play a song for everyone!"

"Lumba Pirates?"

Genos raised his head slightly.

If I remember correctly, Rab the Whale of Twin Capes must have been waiting for this pirate group.

Unexpectedly, he became their companion.

What a wonderful fate.


Dazbonis finally appeared at the dining table. After hearing Brooke's introduction, he raised his head and glanced at the other party, and his eyes stayed on Brooke's staff and knife for a moment.

Now he has reached a new level!

Even if he meets the female swordsman from last time again, he will never be defeated by her again.


Dazbonis only looked at Brooke for a moment, then withdrew his gaze again.

I don't know why, even though he has completed his training and his strength has improved, the pressure he can feel from Captain Rhodes is stronger than before.

Moreover, just looking at each other, there is a stinging feeling that one is about to be torn apart.

As expected of a captain!


The Big Eater competition was paused, and Minina glanced at Brooke who was playing over there.

Indeed, as he said in his self-introduction, the other person was just a skeleton.

So, what kind of food should I cook for him?

And how did he eat and digest with only bones and no internal organs?

Minina's mind was filled with questions.

"New partner..."

Baccarat looked at Brooke who was already playing with everyone.

That way, she wasn't the most junior person on the ship.

I wonder if Captain Rhodes will relax his requirements a little after the other party joins.

Thinking of the hard training during this period, Bakala's face was full of bitterness.

According to Boss Rhodes' last request, she was still far from it.

As Brooke played, the atmosphere in the castle became more and more lively, and Rhodes walked to his seat and sat down.

"Got a new love?"

Luo glanced at the black knife held tightly by Rhodes.

Although he is not a pure swordsman, Luo still has some knowledge of swordsmanship.

This new knife that Rhodes got looks very unusual.

This knife should be what Rhodes called a 'New Year's gift'.

"Don't speak so ambiguously."

Rhodes picked up the wine glass, raised his head to drink, and glanced at Bonnie who was tightly held in the arms of the big bear.

"Treatment complete?"

"It's basically done."

Hearing this, Luo rubbed his head.

During this period of time, he has not stopped for a moment, either practicing or studying medical skills.

However, it finally paid off.

"At least after the surgery, as long as she is not exposed to direct sunlight, her condition will not continue to worsen."

"However, we have to wait for her body to recover a little and be able to completely adapt to other natural lights besides sunlight before we can continue with the next step of treatment."

Looking at Bonnie, who was noisily competing with Minina again, Luo also had a smile on his face.

Although it has been very hard during this period, Luo feels it is worth it if he can cure the other party.

Looking at Bonnie and Big Bear, he could not help but think of Mr. Corazon.

If Mr. Corazon had been able to find a doctor who could treat him like Daxiong and the others when he took him to seek medical treatment, perhaps Mr. Corazon would have shed tears of joy.

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