One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 15: Pointing the Sword at Speda Myers

"We need a chef."

"You must dislike me."

Pei Jin, who temporarily works part-time as a chef, looked unhappy.

"Don't you want to eat a delicious meal every day?"

"That's true. Let's find a cook, Captain."

Pei Jin immediately changed his tune.

"Of course I'm looking for a chef."

Rhodes wiped his mouth. Pejin's craftsmanship was indeed only average, but he didn't want to do it himself, so he could only make do with it for a while.

However, they do need a good chef when traveling on the sea all year round.

Excellent chefs can not only make delicious meals to satisfy their appetites, but some also master a variety of special recipes and can subtly regulate their bodies through daily diet, just like in the original novel, Sanji learned from the shemale country Shemale recipes.

However, chefs of that level are not easy to find.

"Before that, let's make a big fuss and make our name known!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Rhodes with burning eyes.

Those who chose to go to sea together were obviously not ordinary people.

"Our first target is Spidamiles. There is a stronghold of the Don Quixote family there. Let the Shichibukai be our stepping stone."


Gray suddenly let out an exclamation.

"Why do you act like you're not in a situation? Didn't we discuss this before?"

"When did we discuss it?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, you were injured and passed out."

"That means you didn't discuss it with me!"

"Forget it, it's not important."

"It's very important! Bastard!"

"Everyone must be prepared!"

"Is it too late for me to get off the ship now? I'm just a scientist who wants to build a ship. Why do I have to face the vicious Don Quixote family..."

As a native of Beihai, how could Gray not have heard of Doflamingo's name? As the place where Doflamingo made his fortune, Beihai still has many legends about him.

"At the speed we're going, it'll only take two days to get from here to Spida Miles."

No one paid attention to Gray's thoughts, and Nairo opened the navigation chart and pointed to the place where a cross was drawn on the map.

"According to the information collected previously, Spida Miles was the original stronghold of the Don Quixote family in the North Sea. Although it was abandoned for a time, after Doflamingo became the Shichibukai, they were re-dispatched from the New World. They came back with more manpower and once again brought the town where they made their fortune under control.

Not only that, the Don Quijote family controls many related industries there, from auctions to weapon shops to casinos, all of which are carried out under the name of Shichibukai, and even drive the development of other industries in the town. It is now a well-known trading city.

In fact, that town is also the largest underground exchange in the entire North Sea. Under the superficial prosperity, various shady transactions are hidden. And with the special status of the Shichibukai, if there is no substantive evidence, the Navy will also I won't go on a crusade.

Even the navy itself probably has secret deals with the Don Quixote family. At least according to the information I have collected, most countries in the North Sea have secret deals with the Don Quixote family, including many world governments. Franchise countries. "

"As expected of the Shichibukai! The forces are complex and include all interest groups, forming a huge community of interests. Just hearing this, you can feel a terrible pressure."

Nia lamented that just a stronghold in the North Sea made them feel the darkness like an abyss. Compared with the Don Quixote family, the previous Felker family was like a child playing house.

"It sounds very powerful, but with the captain here, we will be fine."

"We should also be offered a reward by then. I don't know how much the reward will be."

Peijin and Xia Qi were still full of confidence, and even fantasized about their bounties.

"I was wrong. I should never have contacted the Felker family from the beginning..."

After hearing this, Gray felt completely bad. Before, he only knew the name of Don Quixote's family and Doflamingo's reputation. After hearing Neru's description, he felt even more excited to board Rhode's ship. It was an impulsive act.

"According to the information, the current top person in charge there should be the Explosive Fruit user - Gladius. He is a cadre who has followed Doflamingo from the beginning. Regarding the relevant information about this person, you should Be clearer, Luo.”

Luo took a deep look at Rhodes and Neru. These two people had actually collected information about the Don Quixote family in such detail. It seemed that they had long been prepared to go against the Don Quixote family.

I actually kept hiding it from them and even planned to face it alone. Now that I think about it, it seems that I am too weak and have no determination to challenge Doflamingo directly.

"Yes, this man's strength should not be underestimated. He can detonate his own body or the things he touches. The power of the explosion is far beyond ordinary explosives. He had a bounty of 31 million many years ago. He is a Dangerous guy."

Putting away the distracting thoughts in his heart and remembering his experiences as a boy, Luo said in a deep voice.

Although a long time had passed, he still remembered the experience of learning gunnery from Gladius.

He was a very loyal person to Doflamingo, who attached great importance to the honor of his family; he was also an irritable person, just like his fruit ability.

That guy must be very surprised when he saw him.

No, he should be very angry.

Mr. Corazon's smiling face appeared in Luo's mind again involuntarily.

I will definitely fulfill your wish, Mr. Corazon!

"After becoming a Shichibukai, the bounty of the Shichibukai and other members of his pirate group will not be increased, so the strength of that guy is definitely more than 31 million Baileys."

Neru looked around at his companions and added.

"In addition, there is another guy worth noting on the side of Spida Miles, the user of the Dog-Dog Fruit - Edorad Manudo, who is the reserve cadre of the Don Quixote family in the North Sea and has defeated a pirate with a bounty of 43 million before."

"Everyone is now clear about the general situation. We must win our debut battle beautifully!"

Rod clapped his hands, attracted everyone's attention and spoke with a tone full of temptation.

"The Don Quixote family has been operating for so long, they must have accumulated a lot of wealth."

A gleam of light flashed in Nia's eyes.

"They have mastered the entire North Sea's firepower trade, so they must have mastered some special techniques."

Gray stopped mumbling.

"We defeated the Seven Warlords of the Sea in our first battle. We must all bear a huge bounty."

Pekin and Xia Qi jumped up excitedly and high-fived each other.

"Maybe they have a cute mother bear there."

Bepo blushed, and laughed at something he didn't know what he thought of.

This is too far-fetched...

Looking at Bepo who was lost in fantasy, Luo stroked his head in silence.

As everyone was looking forward to it, two days passed in a flash, and Speda Miles arrived!

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