One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 154: Each with their own agenda

‘Just suppressing the opponent and taking someone away from him, this kind of thing shouldn’t cause Garp to take action. ’

Crocodile led the way, thinking about what reasons he would use to make Rhodes hand over Nicole Robin willingly.

After so many years of secret investigation, he has basically been able to determine that the information about one of the ancient weapons, [Pluto], is hidden in the royal family of Alabasta.

And Nicole Robin, who can decipher ancient texts, is an indispensable person for him to realize his plan.

‘His hook should be of some use. ’

Rhodes followed Crocodile, his eyes lingering on his golden hook for a moment.

I just don’t know how much strength this guy has left after so many years of neglect.


'At least add one more item to my collection. ’

‘This time I’m going to win big! ’

They were all ready to enter the VIP room. How could Nia let go of such an opportunity and kept signaling Baccarat with her eyes.

"I'm going to the bathroom first."

Baccarat said something naturally, then nodded to them, turned around and walked to the other side.

There are many 'lucky' guys out there waiting for her to absorb.

‘Does this country really have a so-called historical text? ’

Nailu stared ahead and followed Rhodes quietly.

Before setting off from Drum Island, Rhodes had a conversation with him.

According to Rhodes, there is a legendary historical text in this country.

Although he didn't know where Rhode's information came from, since he was a child, Neilu had been used to all kinds of secret information from Rhodes from time to time. After Rhodes informed him about it, Neilu had been thinking about it.

Although Rhodes repeatedly stated that it was only because Robin, the archaeologist and intelligence secretary in the team, was interested in the historical text that he came to Alabasta to search for the historical text, Nailu had other considerations in mind.

As the captain, Rhodes only needs to point out the course, but as Rhodes' right-hand man, he has many things to consider.

Rhodes' goal is to achieve a new hegemony in this world, and they will inevitably confront the world government in the future.

In this case, we must make all preparations in advance from now on.

The one hundred years of history that the world government has been desperately trying to bury and prohibit the study and mention of eight hundred years ago is what they need to have in their hands.

‘I should be able to master some useful things. ’

Naru's mind was spinning with thoughts.

‘This guy looks very strong! ’

Pekin glanced at Crocodile in front of him, then looked at Xia Qi beside him, and the two communicated with each other with their eyes.

‘Can the two of us defeat him if we join forces? ’

"I guess it's a bit confusing."

After all, the opponent is a natural devil fruit user, and he is the Shichibukai who has been famous for many years.

‘However, there should be a chance to fight. ’

Peijin and Xia Qi have still not forgotten the feeling of powerlessness when facing Qing Pheasant on Cigu Island.

However, after half a year of training, they feel that their strength has become much stronger, and they should be able to perform better even if they face Aoki Pheasant again.

‘He is my former BOSS? ’

Daz Bones glanced at Crocodile in front of him.

‘I feel like I’m not as good as Boss Rhodes at all. ’

‘If he takes action later, I will ask to deal with him! ’


While the group of people had different thoughts, they had already reached the VIP room. Brooke saw several beauties in uniforms in the room, his eyes lit up slightly, and he walked to them and bent down slightly.

"Ma'am, could you please let me see your underwear?"


The waiter who was questioned by Brooke turned slightly red and turned to look at his boss at a loss.

As a service staff member in the VIP room, she was well-informed, but it was her first time to meet someone who directly made such a request in front of so many people. Oh no, the other person was a skeleton. arrive.

‘Do you want to agree? ’

The maid's mind was in a state of confusion.

Bang! !

Nia punched Brooke on the head, causing him to lie on the ground, and then looked at the maid sheepishly.

"Sorry, our crew is just bones and ignorant."

Dragging Brooke aside, Nia found a place to sit down without waiting for a greeting, and then looked at Crocodile.

"How to play?"

"Are all your subordinates like this? Rhodes."

Crocodile sat down, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, looked at Rhodes and said.

"You don't need to interfere with my affairs. You only need to take care of your subordinates."

Rod pulled up the chair opposite Crocodile and sat down.

"Pfft, hahaha, although I'm not usually interested, but I really want to participate in this gambling game."

On the long gaming table, Crocodile and Rhodes sat at each end, facing each other far away. Garp sat in the middle of the other side of the gaming table, right between Rhodes and Crocodile.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha! The naval hero is interested in participating. I am not too late to welcome you. As I said just now, I will give you 30 million Baileys."

Crocodile waved his hand, and the maid on the side placed a plate of chips in front of Garp.

"It would be too boring to just use Bailey or chips to bet on the majestic Shichibukai and naval heroes."

Rhodes turned over the chips in front of him, then leaned back on the chair and threw the chips in his hand on the table.

"Oh? Do you have any other ideas?"

Crocodile picked up his cigar, flicked it, slowly blew out a large smoke ring, and turned his head slightly to look at Rhodes.

"How about the loser answering a question or agreeing to a request?"

Although Garp didn't say it explicitly, Rhodes also knew that the Navy must be a little worried about him because of his defeat of Moria some time ago. They are worried that he will challenge the other Shichibukai again and defeat them, which will affect the deterrence of the Shichibukai and thereby destroy the fragile balance currently being built on the sea.

The original plan of coming directly to find trouble and find the historical text for Robin had to be changed.

Now Crocodile's conspiracy is really going to be exposed. With Garp's character, after learning about Crocodile's conspiracy, there is a high probability that he will choose to stand aside.

And Smoker, a person who still firmly believes in justice, will definitely stand opposite Crocodile without hesitation.

When the time comes, there will be no problem if I take action, and I can even truly call myself a ‘partner of justice’!


Crocodile took another long puff of cigar, and the slowly exhaled smoke obscured his face, with only a pair of eyes looming through the smoke.

"Sorry, I'm late. Has the gambling started?"

Baccarat pushed the door open, took a look at the situation in the room, covered her mouth and chuckled.

"not yet."

Nia greeted Baccarat.

The next gambling game seems to be a little different from what she originally expected, and there will probably be no chance for her to kill everyone.

As a veteran who has been around casinos for many years, Baccarat took a glance at the situation in the room and roughly understood the situation, and walked directly to Rhodes with her long legs.

"Oh my, it looks like I came by chance."

Baccarat picked up the red wine bottle on the table, poured a glass for Rhodes, and then walked towards Crocodile with the red wine bottle.

"Although this is Lord Crocodile's territory, let me pour you a drink."

Baccarat walked up to Crocodile, poured him a glass of wine, and when she turned around, her palm brushed Crocodile's arm inadvertently.


Crocodile's body turned into a ball of sand without warning. Baccarat's palm brushed it, and she only felt a ball of fine sand passing through her fingers.

"Your subordinates are really too careless, Rhodes!"

Crocodile had a faint smile on his face and a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"I am a person with the ability of the Shasha Fruit. I will suck all the moisture out of anything I touch."

While speaking, Crocodile picked up the wine glass in front of him, but in the blink of an eye, the wine glass was directly weathered, and the wine in the wine glass was also sucked dry in an instant.

"Be careful next time and don't touch my body casually."

"Just touching it will absorb all the water?"

As if he didn't hear the sarcasm in Crocodile's words, Rhodes put his hands on the gaming table and leaned forward slightly.

"Really? I don't believe it!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Crocodile lets out another of his trademark gasping laughs.

"But to answer the question or agree to the conditions, right? I agree to your proposal."

Crocodile looked at Rhodes opposite.

This was proposed by the other party on his own initiative. Even if he asked him to hand over Nico Robin, he would probably have no objections.

"Very well, Lieutenant General Garp, how about you being the referee?"

Rhodes looked at Garp.

Although he has Baccarat to assist him, this is Crocodile's home court after all, and he doesn't know if the other party has any special arrangements.

However, with Garp's eyesight and reaction, ordinary small means may not be effective in front of him.

"Hahaha, I originally wanted to participate."

Garp laughed loudly and looked at Rhodes and Crocodile, who were sitting on each side.

"But I can also be the referee."

"How to play?"

"Just compare the size of the dice."

This is the simplest and easiest way to unleash Baccarat's abilities.

Baccarat walked back to Rhodes with the bottle in hand and stood directly beside him.

Although she failed to touch Crocodile and absorb his 'luck' as she wished, with the 'luck' she had just absorbed outside, it would be easy to win in the gamble.

"Let Lieutenant General Garp roll the dice."

Crocodile glanced at Baccarat beside Rhodes and pushed the dice in front of Garp.

Although I don’t know what kind of ability the female member of the opponent has, but as long as she is not allowed to touch it, it should be able to limit the use of most abilities.

The smile on Baccarat's face suddenly stiffened.

She was not a direct participant in the bet, and if she did not have access to the dice, she could not use her abilities to affect the outcome of the dice.

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