One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 157 Joining forces to fight the enemy (6k)

"Aren't you going to take action?"

Nailu glanced at the people who were confronting Crocodile not far away, and asked Rhodes.

"Let them come first."

Rhodes looked at Pekin and Xia Qi who rushed over, as well as Bowness who was waiting for them.

"After all, the opportunity to fight like this doesn't come often."


"Speaking of which, won't your navy take action?"

On the other side, Gray asked Smoker strangely.

"You must have heard it just now, this guy is hiding a conspiracy to [usurp the country]!"


Smoker took two puffs of the cigar, and a large cloud of smoke spurted out from his mouth, covering his whole body in smoke. Gray couldn't tell for a moment whether the other person was simply smoking or using his ability. .

"The opponent is the Qibukai. The Navy cannot attack him at will before getting permission from the World Government."

Smoker's voice was a bit aggrieved. After speaking, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Garp, who was not far in front of him.

When Crocodile suddenly activated his ability just now, it was Lieutenant General Garp who asked him to take action first to rescue all the people in the casino.

"However, his behavior has reached the bottom line of the world government."

Gray spoke reluctantly.

"Could it be that your navy cannot even arrest such a guy, but can you continue to serve as the Shichibukai?"


Garp suddenly turned his head to look at Smoker.

"I know your heart must be full of all kinds of thoughts, but you have to remember your identity, you are a navy!"

"The justice you bear will tell you how to act."

After saying this, Garp sat down cross-legged and did not care about Crocodile's situation over there. Instead, he lowered his head slightly and took a nap.

Smoker looked at the two Shichibukai facing each other not far away.

He is obviously a pirate, but because of his status as a Shichibukai, he openly runs casinos in countries that are members of the World Government, and is called a 'hero' by the local people. Can such a thing be called justice?

And even though it was the navy, after learning about the pirates' plot to 'usurp the country', it could only watch helplessly and was unable to take any action. Can such a thing be called justice?

Smoker suddenly clenched his fists, and clouds of smoke continued to emerge from his body.


Smoker's lower body became elemental, and white smoke erupted instantly, pushing his body to rush towards Crocodile. In mid-air, Smoker pulled out the weapon [Ten Hands] on his back from behind him.

It was his specially customized weapon, with a sea tower stone inlaid on the top. It could instantly make Devil Fruit users lose their strength, and it could also attack the body of people with natural abilities.

"In the name of justice, I want to arrest you, the villain who betrayed 'justice'!"

Crocodile glanced at Smoker who was flying over.

Although he is a natural Devil Fruit user, Smoker is not as threatening to him as those under Rhodes.


Crocodile transformed into elements before Smoker's attack approached. The moment he avoided Smoker's attack, his arm solidified again, and he grabbed Smoker's weapon, snatched it away, and used his backhand to kill [Ten Hand] pressed against Smoker's body and pushed his body to the ground.

"I am a pirate, there is no such thing as 'justice'!"


Smoker fell to the ground. Under the influence of the Sea Tower Stone, he couldn't exert any strength and could only look at Crocodile with angry eyes.

"Furthermore, I am the King of the Shichibukai, a pirate permitted by the World Government, with the freedom to plunder. As a navy, do you really want to take action against me?"

Crocodile glanced vaguely at Garp in the distance.

Although the other party was sitting cross-legged and seemed to have no intention of taking action, Crocodile did not dare to ignore the other party's presence.

"Why, King Shichibukai? Your conspiracy has been exposed. The World Government will definitely ban you as King Shichibukai!"

When Smoker mentioned the sore point, Crocodile felt a surge of anger in his heart. He unconsciously exerted force on his hands, and pressed his [Ten Hands] tightly against Smoker's body.

In order to find information about [Pluto], he did not hesitate to become King Shichibukai and operated in Alabasta for more than ten years.

And now, he has just found some information about [Pluto], and is thinking about how to obtain ownership of this country and further achieve his goal.

However, his plan has not yet been completed, and the World Government and the Navy are coming to his door like dogs that have smelled the scent.

Obviously, as long as he waits for a while, waits for him to perfect his plan and obtain [Pluto], he can become the new Pirate King!


"Obviously as long as I get one of the ancient weapons [Pluto]..."

"Pirates like you who intend to [usurp the country]..."

Smoker and Crocodile spoke at the same time, and after hearing each other's words, a trace of confusion flashed in their eyes at the same time.


Smoker looked at Crocodile in shock. What he just said was an ancient weapon, right?

"Usurping the country?"

Crocodile's expression was slightly dull.

Didn't the Navy find out about his attempt to find ancient weapons and come here with the new Shichibukai?

Usurpation? That was one of the plans he made when he was thinking about how to control the country of Alabasta, but it was still just an idea.

Why did the navy come here for such a thing?

"Ancient weapons?"

Hearing the conversation between Crocodile and Smoker, Rod, who had been sitting there calmly, suddenly stood up and joined the conversation.

"I seemed to hear you talking about the ancient weapon [Pluto] just now, right?"

"Legend has it that it is a super battleship that can destroy an island with one shot. A dangerous pirate like you is actually coveting that terrible thing. Do you want to destroy this world?"

Hearing Rod's voice, Smoker's body shook slightly, and his eyes were full of shock.

He had only heard a few words about the so-called ancient weapons, and had always treated them as legends and stories.

However, from the information revealed in the conversation between the two Shichibukai, the ancient weapons actually existed!

And Crocodile has been plotting the ancient weapons!

If the legend is true, this super battleship that can destroy an island with one shot really falls into the hands of a pirate like Crocodile.

Thinking of that terrible future, Smoker's head was sweating.

This is much more serious than [Usurping the Country]! !

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Crocodile suddenly laughed, his face full of gloom.

Although he didn't know what the situation was, with Crocodile's IQ, he still judged one thing.

That is, there seems to be some misunderstanding between him and the World Government!

The World Government did not discover that he was plotting the ancient weapon [Pluto], but heard rumors that he was going to [Usurp the Country] from somewhere, so they sent the Navy and the new Seven Warlords to inquire about the situation.

However, the new Shichibukai's questioning method was too ambiguous, and because he had just received new information during this period, his mind was full of things about [Pluto]. When they asked about it, he immediately thought of the ancient weapons, and chose to strike first with a guilty conscience.

"It seems that the World Government has not discovered this matter."

Crocodile had a gloomy smile on his face.

For him, it is not known whether this is good news.

The World Government did not discover his real plan, which means that he can continue to stay in Alabasta and continue his plan.

Of course, the premise is that he has to kill all the guys who just heard the news!

In this way, the news will not leak out.

"Then, please stay with me, guys!"

Crocodile stretched out one hand, and a small desert tornado appeared in his palm.

"Sand storm!"

As Crocodile waved his arm, the tiny desert tornado that was originally only in his palm appeared in front of Rhodes and the others, and then expanded instantly. In just a blink of an eye, it became a giant tornado. The fine sand was spinning rapidly in the high-speed storm, crushing everything in the range in an instant.

Crocodile's body also turned into sand and dust in an instant, pushing the sand storm to take Smoker and Rhodes out of the city.

Since the World Government did not realize his true intention, it would be enough to kill this natural navy here. He was just a naval colonel, and he could just make a mess of it afterwards.

In this way, it was not suitable to continue the battle in the town, after all, this was his base camp for many years.

"Not good!"

As Crocodile left, Smoker regained his ability to move, but the violent tornado bound his body tightly in the storm, and he could not move at all.

If he used the power of the devil fruit, his smoke would be blown away instantly in such a violent storm. If he was attacked by the enemy, he would not be able to resist at all.

"Yohohoho~ What a powerful storm! If it continues like this, my bones will be blown away!"

Brook's body kept spinning in the storm.

"Can it be destroyed?"

Pei Jin and Xia Qi linked their arms and looked closely at the center of the storm.

The power of this tornado will only grow stronger as time goes on. The best way is to find a way to destroy it at the beginning.

With their abilities, as long as they can enter the center of the storm and burst out a super strong impact to destroy the rotation of the storm, there is hope to stop it.

"How can you know this kind of thing without trying it!"

Pei Jin's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance, and he reached out to grab Xia Qi, and his feet instantly turned red.

"Moon Step·Explosion!"

Bang bang bang! !

A violent explosion suddenly sounded from under Pei Jin's feet.

Moon Step is an advanced move of Shave, which is essentially to gain a strong reaction force by stepping at a high frequency, and to speed up the movement speed, and even stay in the air.

As the user of the Bomb Fruit, Pekin combines his ability with his own physical skills, and uses the power of the explosion to gain a stronger reaction force, making his movement speed even faster.

Bang! ! !

With an explosion, Peijin broke away from the influence of the storm, and his feet continuously erupted with violent air waves, pushing his body closer to the eye of the storm.

"I'll leave the rest to you, Xia Qi!!"

The power of the storm kept pulling on Peijin's body, and Peijin could clearly feel that the force was getting stronger every moment. After trying his best to move towards the eye of the storm for a moment, Peijin let out a loud scream, and then suddenly threw Xia Qi, who was caught by him.

Bang! !

As Pekin threw his arm out, a violent explosion came from his arm.

In order to throw Xia Qi with maximum power, he still used the ability of the devil fruit.

Whether it is Pekin as the 'Bomber' or Xia Qi as the 'Exploder', the Devil Fruit not only gives them super powers, but also gives them bodies that are not afraid of explosions, which makes them both When people fight together, they can use their abilities without any scruples without worrying about hurting each other.

"Of course there's no problem!"

Xia Qi's body exploded towards the center of the storm under Peijin's power.

"This is our art of explosion!"

During the flight, Xia Qi's body quickly expanded like a blown balloon, and a terrifying aura emanated from his body.

"It's too chaotic."

Rhodes, who was still spinning in the storm, changed his expression, stepped suddenly in the air, changed his direction of movement in an instant, stretched out his palm and grabbed Brooke who flew by in front of him.

"Ah, saved!"

Brooke's eyes were filled with stars.

His old bones were spinning around in the storm for a long time, and he was almost dizzy.

Nailu, who was originally beside Rhodes, also broke away from the influence of the storm, and followed Rhodes and jumped out of the rotating storm.

‘Is it about to explode? ’

Daz Bonis looked at Xia Qi's body that had swelled. He knew his companions' abilities and instantly understood their plans.

However, his physical skills were not proficient enough to escape from this rotating sandstorm.

In this case.

"Kill people!"

Daz Bonis activated his abilities, and at the same time, domineering energy surged out of his body, covering his entire body, and his whole body shone with the dark light of metal.

Just use your body that has been tempered for many times to resist the domineering force you have cultivated so far!


Smoker looked at Xia Qi, who was in the center of the storm and his body was swelling.

It looked like it was about to expand until it exploded.


With Xia Qi's low shout, his body that had expanded to the limit suddenly burst into bursts of dazzling light, and a breath of destruction was released from his body.

Boom! ! !

The next moment, a terrifying explosion suddenly sounded, and a strong shock wave spread in all directions with Xia Qi as the center. Under the influence of that impact, the tornado that was originally spinning suddenly expanded, and then became unstable instantly. got up and then stopped spinning.

After the shock wave of the explosion destroyed the storm, it continued to spread towards the surroundings. The yellow sand on the ground was suddenly lifted up by the explosion, and then fell like a sand rain.


Daz Bones' body fell heavily, then he got up and patted the sand and dust on his body.

Under the dual protection of Devil Fruit abilities and Armed Color Haki, he did not suffer much damage.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the fact that the center of his violent explosion is relatively far away.

"This guy!"

A cloud of smoke gathered together, and Smoker looked towards the center of the explosion with lingering fear.

Unlike Daz Bones, he was relatively close to the eye of the violent storm when the explosion occurred. After all, he had always wanted to enter the eye of the storm to stop the storm.

If he hadn't entered elementalization the moment the explosion hit, he might have been seriously injured just now.

"This is the power of our explosion!!"

Peijin ran over and found Xia Qi. The two stretched out their arms to bump into each other, holding each other's arms and looking excited.

"It is indeed a great power."

Crocodile's deep voice suddenly remembered that with the ability to transform into natural elements, he could appear almost anywhere at any time in this desert.

"But you may have forgotten that this is my home court!"

"Sand Rain!"

Crocodile instantly gained control of the yellow sand that was lifted into the sky and kept falling due to the power of the explosion.

The yellow sand that originally fell naturally turned into sharp broken blades under the power of Crocodile, stabbing Rhodes and his group on the ground.

"Mote Dust Slash!"

Daz Bones stood up in front of Pekin and Xia Qi, and his arms and fingers instantly turned into blades that shone with cold light.

The next moment, countless terrifying slashes were suddenly released from in front of Daz Bonis, and all the sand blades falling from the sky were chopped into pieces.

"Desert Diamond Sword!"

Crocodile waved his arms, and several huge sand blades suddenly attacked.

In the desert, his abilities can be brought out to the greatest extent, and the power of various moves is far greater than usual.

"As long as it's a blade!"

A layer of domineering energy instantly clung to Daz Bonis' arm, dyeing his arm pitch black.

"I can cut them off!"

"Cross Destruction Slash!"

Two giant slashes crossed forward and suddenly collided with the sand blade that Crocodile would come out later. The two forces were in a stalemate with each other, and then dissipated at the same time.

A slight smile suddenly appeared on Daz Bones' usually stiff face.

Facing a master of this level, he was no longer powerless to fight back.

"Crescent-shaped dunes!"

The moment a smile appeared on Daz Bonis' face, Crocodile's body suddenly appeared in front of him, and his raised arm turned into a huge crescent-shaped sand blade. Before Daz Bonis could When he reacted, he slashed him directly.

"Kill people!"

Darz Bones used his ability almost reflexively, turning his entire body, including his internal organs, into hard steel.

Although he didn't have time to use Armament Haki, his enhanced body and Devil Fruit abilities were enough to withstand most of the slashes.

The next moment, Daz Bones' expression changed slightly.

The sand blade turned into Crocodile's arm fell on him, and there was no sharp cutting feeling. Instead, it enveloped his body.

However, another terrifying force came from the opponent's arm, and Daz Bonis could feel that the water in his body was continuously being lost.

Noticing that something was not going well on Daz Bonis' side, Pekin swung his arm, and a few drops of sweat were thrown away by him towards Crocodile's sand-bladed arm.

Whether it is himself or the things he secretes, everything can be turned into bombs under his ability.

And every drop of sweat thrown out by him is a bomb with terrifying power.

Just as Pekin was waiting for the sweat drop to approach Crocodile and take the opportunity to activate his ability, the sweat drop thrown out by him suddenly disappeared.

"This is!"

Pekin had no time to be surprised. Crocodile's body had already rushed in front of him, and his sand-blade-shaped arms were about to wrap him up.

"White Fist!!"

An iron fist suddenly struck Crocodile's body, followed by a steady stream of white smoke.

"Desert sword!"

Crocodile stopped and raised a giant sand blade, attacking Pekin. Then he turned around, and a large amount of sand and dust surged in front of him, blocking Smoker's attack.

"What's going on!"

The moment his fist hit the sand, Smoker's expression changed slightly, and his arm suddenly turned into white smoke and he retracted it.

"It seems that I noticed it."

Crocodile looked at the people in front of him, his expression calm again.

Garp didn't follow, and it seemed he had no intention of taking action.

Then, as long as these little brats are buried here, no one will know about [Pluto]. In this way, I will still be the King of the Shichibukai, the hero of Alabasta, and I can slowly recruit [Pluto]. Pluto] information.

"I am sand, sand that can absorb water! As long as it is touched by my attack, all the water will be absorbed instantly!"


Pekin looked at the fallen Daz Bones. The originally strong opponent was now as skinny as a mummy.

It was just a moment after being hit by the opponent's attack that it became like this.

The difference in strength is too big!

"This bastard!"

Smoker glanced at his fist.

At the moment of the attack, he sensed something was wrong and immediately elementalized his body.

But even so, the water was sucked out of his fist and turned into a state of skin and bones.

If his reaction had been any slower, he might have turned into a mummy like Daz Bones.

"That's not good!"

Pekin and Xia Qi stood side by side, looking at Crocodile opposite.

The main fighting method of the two of them is melee combat, and many moves must collide with each other to be effective.

However, Crocodile's ability to absorb moisture prevented them from getting close to each other easily.

Sure enough, all natural ability users are monsters!

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