One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 159: The Fist of the Galaxy Rewinds

Chapter 15 Galaxy Reversal

As Rhode's voice fell, the dark and fiery domineering aura surged on Rhode's body.


Accompanied by a burst of explosions, the yellow sand under Rhode's feet instantly collapsed, and the scattered yellow sand flew in front of Smoker's eyes, causing Smoker to be confused for a moment.

What happened?

The person suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, Rhode appeared directly in front of Crocodile, clenched his open palm suddenly, and the domineering aura in his body surged wildly.

"Domineering Fist·Galaxy Reversal!"

As Rhode's fist was swung, strands of black lightning flashed on his fist, and an invisible impact spread out from his fist. The outward domineering aura combined with the shock wave, encompassing everything in front of him.

Crocodile only felt a terrifying force acting on him instantly, and the armed color domineering aura that permeated the entire space and hit him wantonly made him unable to even elementalize.


The accumulated power burst out instantly. The yellow sand that was originally flowing like water under Crocodile's ability stopped flowing instantly, and then under the violent impact, the yellow sand burst out and flew in all directions.

And the few people like Pekin who had fallen underground under Crocodile's ability were also shaken and flew out by the sudden impact.


The terrifying power attacked Crocodile from all directions, and the domineering power directly pierced into Crocodile's body, destroying his body crazily.

'How can it be so strong! '

Crocodile opened his eyes wide and looked at Rhodes, his eyes full of madness.

Rhodes' punch reminded him of that terrifying man.

The great pirate who was known as the 'strongest man in the world', the 'Four Emperors' of the New World, 'Whitebeard' Edward Newgate!

When he challenged the other party, the other party also used such a domineering and unmatched punch to completely destroy Crocodile's dream.

But why does this kid in front of him have such a powerful power!

‘Super critical hit!’

Feeling the terrifying power of his punch, Rhodes was a little stunned at first, and then he suddenly understood.

Before the gambling game started, Bakara overdrew her ‘luck’ to ensure Rhodes’ victory, and she was still suffering from bad luck.

And Rhodes, who was endowed with good luck, was very lucky to trigger the ‘critical hit’ effect in the battle!

And it was a ‘super critical hit’ that was far more powerful than ordinary ones!

‘I shouldn’t kill him directly.’

Rhodes looked at Crocodile, who was suppressed by his punch, and grinned.

The next moment, even more powerful power emerged from Rhodes’ physical strength, and his arm suddenly swung down.

Bang! !

The power of Rhodes’ punch exploded completely, blasting Crocodile’s body into the ground, leaving a huge pit in the desert, and the surrounding yellow sand continued to flow to the ground.


Smoker looked at the bottomless pit on the ground in shock.

Is this really something that can be done purely by physical skills?

"Boss Rod is stronger!"

Pekin and Xia Qi looked at each other.

While they were getting stronger, Boss Rod was also getting stronger!

And he was getting stronger at a faster speed than them!

"Yohohoho~~ It's amazing, my eyeballs are about to fall out, even though I don't have eyeballs anymore."

Brooke kept moving his legs and running on the flowing yellow sand.

Because only bones were left, his body was very light, and he could run even on the sea, not to mention in the desert.

It was the first time he saw his captain using all his strength. This terrifying power shocked him and also gave him a little excitement.

It's really reliable to have such a captain!

"I'm not strong enough!"

Although he was sucked into a mummy, Daz Bonis did not lose consciousness. He was held in Smoger's hand and saw the power of Rod's punch just now.

I thought that after this period of training, I had mastered the Armament Haki and entered the realm of [Slashing Iron], and I was qualified to follow Captain Rod, but this battle gave him a heavy blow.

He still needs to continue to work hard!

"Are you going to kill him?"

Neru glanced at the dark pit left in the desert.

Even if Crocodile died directly under that punch just now, he would not find it strange.

This kind of power is beyond the scope of human beings.

"How could it be."

Rod shook his head.

This world has a blood cow per capita, and it is not so easy to take someone's life.

Not to mention that it is a veteran strongman like Crocodile. After all, the other party is also a strongman who once fought with the world's strongest man Whitebeard and escaped unscathed. He is the "silver medalist" in this world second only to those monsters standing at the top.

What's more, he didn't plan to kill the other party.

In the New World, the pattern of the Four Emperors has been formed; the three natural admirals of the navy have also gained fame through one battle after another, intimidating the whole world; and the recruitment of the Seven Warlords of the Sea has created a three-party check and balance situation in today's world.

The Navy and the Four Emperors are in opposition to each other, but they will not easily start a war; the Shichibukai is wavering, but this situation of confrontation between the two sides has been somewhat buffered.

However, this situation is not what Rhodes wants.

In the original timeline, it was precisely because of the sudden rise of the Straw Hats that the system of the Shichibukai was challenged and the original balance was affected; after that, Blackbeard captured Ace, and the resulting war on top became even more It makes the already fragile balance collapse instantly.

After the war, the situation in the new world was turbulent. The navy also underwent drastic reforms. Later, the Shichibukai system was abolished, allowing the entire sea to enter a new round of competition for hegemony.

However, it is only 1517, and Rhodes has no patience to be a Shichibukai for a few years, waiting for Straw Hat Luffy, who has his destiny, to go to sea and usher in a new era.

He will stir up the storm in his own way and finally seize hegemony!

And the breakthrough point he first chose was the Shichibukai!

These "silver medal players" who were dormant due to various reasons will be rushed back to the new world to stir up the sea that has gradually calmed down due to the confirmation of the "Four Emperors".

Whether it was Moonlight Moria who once fought against Kaido of the Hundred Beasts, or Crocodile who once challenged Whitebeard, they were all gifts that Rhodes gave to the new world before he entered it.

"Run away."

Neru's sight felt a powerful aura that left quickly.

"Want to chase?"

Nailu looked at Rhodes.

"Hang in the back."

Rhodes thought about it and said.

He really couldn't guess what Crocodile wanted to do next.

After receiving his own punch, he didn't even have a decent counterattack and chose to leave directly. This was very different from the Crocodile that Rhodes imagined.

With the character of this crocodile, even if he sensed that he might not be his opponent, he wouldn't run away so decisively.

After all, he was the guy who once challenged Whitebeard, and still dared to punch the four emperors and generals in the subsequent war on top.



Crocodile opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of old blood, clutching his chest with an ugly expression.

After Rhodes punched, he was sure of one thing.

His original plan of killing Rhodes and his crew as well as the smoke fruit user's navy could not be achieved.

Although he was very annoyed by this unexpected situation, Crocodile still considered the most important things at the first time.

Hades! !

In any case, after the Navy knew its plan, it would be impossible for it to give itself the opportunity to stay in Alabasta.

In this case, there is no time for myself to slowly improve the original plan, and I can only choose the simplest and crudest way to achieve my goal.

Rush to the palace, catch the king, and force him to find out the situation!

Crocodile had a sinister smile on his face.

Maybe this should have been the approach from the beginning!

This is how pirates do things!

A line of fine sand was swimming rapidly underground, and Crocodile rushed directly to Albana, the capital of Alabasta, in an elemental manner.


"Where's Crocodile!"

Smoke gathered his emotions, looked at Rhodes who was walking over, and asked in a deep voice.

"Run away."

Rhodes rubbed his head and looked distressed.

"That guy is a natural ability user after all. He is still in the desert. If I just want to run away, I won't be able to find him."

"He actually let him run away!"

Smoker gritted his teeth.

"Let this guy with such huge ambitions run away, who knows what kind of harm it will bring to the world!"

"The most important thing now is to report what happened here as soon as possible."

Rhodes patted Smoker on the shoulder.

He doesn't hate this kind of navy who is full of [justice].

He has justice in his heart, cares about the people wholeheartedly, and does not have all kinds of messy thoughts. If the navy and world government in this world were people like this, he might choose a different path.

However, there are not many marines like him after all.

The most important thing is that the World Government is filled with all kinds of ungrateful people, which fundamentally cannot represent [justice].

"Although we did hear Crocodile's words that he wanted to explore ancient weapons, in the final analysis we have no definite evidence, and that guy is still a member of the Shichibukai. Logically speaking, your navy cannot Take action against the Shichibukai at will."

"You'd better think about how to report what's going on here to your superiors."

Based on the World Government's taboo against blank 100-year history, Rhodes had no doubt that the World Government would ban Crocodile's identity as the Shichibukai.

Even if it is just a matter of speculation, as long as it is related to ancient weapons and a blank hundred years, the world government will not hesitate to take action. Even the demon-slaying order can be directly activated, let alone a Shichibukai.

However, the World Government also needs to think of another reason to announce this matter.

What Crocodile will do next will probably give the World Government a perfect reason.

Rhodes glanced at Nailu, who nodded slightly.

Combining the map of Alabasta and the direction that Crocodile left, it is not difficult for Neru to determine the other party's target - Albana, the capital of Alabasta!

The stockpiled manuscripts are used up! !

As mentioned above, the author is busy with his job and the writing speed is not fast, so the update is relatively weak. After the release, it has been maintained at 6K per day, all relying on the previous stockpiled manuscripts, but now the stockpiled manuscripts are finally used up.

In order to avoid the situation of interruption, I will adjust the update time later, and change it to update at dawn every day. The work written the night before will be posted at dawn the next day, which means that there will be updates in the early morning, but there will be no updates tomorrow night. In this way, even if there are special circumstances that are not written well and cannot catch up with the early morning update, there is still time to save it the next day.

Finally, thank you again to the friends who have been following so far. The subsequent plot should not disappoint everyone!

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