One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 161 Raid on the Royal City


Looking at the candle wall covered with cracks in front of him, a trace of joy flashed across Mr. 3's face.

‘However, No. 4 will not have such good luck. ’

That guy is obviously a slow person. Whether he speaks or does things, he is all a bit slower than ordinary people.

But this time, the response was so quick. It was obvious that the plan had failed when Ms. failed at Christmas, but he still took action immediately regardless of it.

Facing this kind of opponent who is obviously unable to win through head-on combat, we should use conspiracy and tricks!

"We retreat first, Golden Week!"

Mr.3 looked at his partner.


A voice that clearly did not belong to Golden Week sounded.


The chewing sound of senbei is also louder than that of Golden Week, which is usually eaten like a lady.

With this thought flashing through his mind, Mr.3 turned around stiffly.

Minina dazzled the senbei in front of Golden Week like a storm, and then tilted her head to look at Mr. 3.

Beside her, Golden Week sat there like a doormat, watching helplessly as Minina ate all her senbei, her mouth pouting high, but she didn't dare to say anything.

Although she is young and not very strong, she still has good eyesight.

"Shemale Boxing Technique·Gorgeous Swan Dance!"

A voice suddenly sounded, and Feng Clay, who was wearing strange clothes and weird makeup, jumped up high and kicked Minina hard.


Minina stretched out her white and tender palms and caught the attack kicked by Fon Clay.


Feng Clay looked at Minina with a shocked expression.

He had gone through many hardships and poured countless blood and sweat on the shemale boxing skills, but he was able to knock down a building with one kick. The little girl in front of him, who looked weak and weak, could actually catch it with one hand!

And still in such a relaxed manner.

She is a beast in human skin!

"You are all enemies."

Minina let go of her hand and let Feng Clay take two steps back and stand next to Mr. 3.

As for the little girl beside her, Ms. Golden Week, she ignored her. The other person was just a child. It was difficult for her to regard such a child as an enemy.

"You are a capable person."

Minina looked at Mr. 3.

Just now, the other party created a large candle-like thing to block the explosion, but she saw it all.

Since he is a Devil Fruit user, Rhodes may need it, so he should stay for now.

"And you?"

Minina looked at Feng Clay. This weird-looking guy had only used physical attacks just now, so it was hard to tell whether he was an esper or not.

"I am a person with the ability to imitate the fruit. I can freely transform into other people recorded by me."

Although they were in a hostile state, when it came to his Devil Fruit, Funkrei still performed a face change for Minina on the spot. Regardless of men, women, old or young, they could all be reproduced perfectly, causing Minina to scream.

"That's great, you two are both Devil Fruit users."

Minina clapped her hands and looked at the two people in front of her with joy.

"In that case, I'll just beat you all half to death."


After hearing what the other party said, he knew that the other party had made up his mind to fight, and Mr. 3 became more determined.

"Candle Champion!"

Candles poured out of Mr. 3's body, wrapping his whole body into candle armor, like a giant robot.

Although there is no golden week color enhancement, the power of the 'Candle Champion' itself should be enough.

After all, the other party is just a little girl who has not been at sea for a long time!

Run away!

Mr.3 controlled his candle champion and ran away.

"Straight punch!"

Minina squatted down slightly, assumed a standard boxing posture, and suddenly swung out her clenched fists.

boom! !

Accompanied by an explosion, a terrifying air wave erupted instantly, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye blasted out from Minina's fist.


The shock wave flew past Mr. 3's body, and the part of the 'Candle Champion' that was affected by the shock wave broke instantly. Mr. 3's body stiffened instantly. Looking at his exposed arms, his eyes were filled with joy of surviving the disaster.

If it is affected, his arm will definitely disappear instantly!

Just a little bit.

"It's crooked."

Minina stuck out her tongue. She was really not good at fighting. She couldn't even control the direction well.

"Let's do it again."


Mr.3 turned around, controlled his 'Candle Champion' and rushed to Minina, kneeling down directly.

"I give up!"

This woman was simply teasing him!

With her strength, how could she not be able to control her strength well, let alone miss her target?

She was clearly teasing herself on purpose!

But let's tease, as long as we can survive.

Mr.3 raised his head and looked at Minina.

"I give up, I'll do whatever you want!"

"What a spineless guy."

Feng Clay looked at Mr. 3 and re-assumed a fighting posture.

Although judging from his performance just now, he is no match for this pink-haired girl, but he is not the kind of person who will be easily captured.

Even if you are a shemale, you still have your own way of being a shemale!

"The slave family will not surrender without a fight!"

"ROOM! Scalpel!"


Feng Clay looked at a pink square that suddenly appeared in Luo's hand.

It seems to be a beating...


"Yes, whose heart do you think this is?"

While speaking, Luo gently squeezed the heart in his hand.

A sharp pain came from his heart, causing Feng Clay's body to collapse to the ground instantly.

"That's my heart!?"

Feng Clay looked at the heart held in Luo's hand and exclaimed.

"If you know, just obey me."

While talking, Robin and Big Bear rushed over, and Mr. 3 looked desperate.

There's no way to escape now!

"I know a little bit about interrogation techniques."

Robin volunteered.

"Why don't you let me do it? I'll make them explain everything."

Luo glanced at Robin, and as a blue light flashed, another heart appeared in his hand.

"Then leave it to you."

casually throwing the two hearts to Robin, Luo turned around and walked towards the big man who was still stiff and motionless.

Although the other party had been motionless after being blown up by the bomb, Luo could feel that the other party was still exuding an aura of life.


The capital of Alabasta, Albana

Albana is a capital city built on high ground. There are several high stone steps that lead to the royal city from below.

In the royal city.

"Princess Weiwei!"

The tall kingdom guard captain Ikarem was looking for the princess everywhere in the palace.

"Strange, where is Princess Weiwei?"

"Princess Weiwei must have gone out."

Jaka, who was walking towards me, saw Ikarem and replied.

"It seems that her childhood playmate returned to the royal city. Princess Weiwei went to find him after hearing the news."


Ikarem's expression softened slightly, and he turned and walked towards the outside of the palace.

There are not many people who can be considered as Princess Weiwei's playmates, probably only the 'Shasha Tuan' in the city.

Is the person who came back the little guy who followed his father to build Juba?

Thinking of this, Ikarem suddenly quickened his pace.

That brat, who dared to attack Princess Weiwei directly back then, had no respect for the royal family at all!

"Bell is following, Captain Ikarem."

Seeing Ikarem's quickening pace, Jaka followed suit.

Bell and he were both adjutants of the Kingdom Guard, and were also Devil Fruit users. When he discovered that Princess Weiwei had left the palace, Bell had quietly followed behind.

"I have to go and see it myself to feel at ease."

Icarem waved his hand and walked towards the place where Princess Weiwei and the others often played in his memory.



"Long time no see, boss!"

Weiwei raised her head slightly and looked at her childhood friend in front of her.

Many years ago, they used to play together in the completion, and even created a "Shasha Group" playfully. The other party was the leader and the boss of everyone, and she was the deputy leader.

However, four years ago, the other party left the royal city with Mr. Duoduo and went to Yuba to carry out city construction there. It seems that we have not seen each other for a long time.

The other party has now fully grown into an adult. Not only is he a head taller than himself, but he also exudes a very mature temperament.

Kosha wears a pair of glasses on his face. After several years of training, he is no longer a ignorant boy. His childhood friend is different from them after all. She is the princess of Alabasta.

However, I am still very happy to see each other again.

"Long time no see, Princess Weiwei."

A smile appeared on Kosha's face.


Weiwei stretched out her pink fist and lightly hit Kou Sha on the chest.

"Call me Weiwei. We haven't seen each other for several years. Are you already unfamiliar with us?"

"that is!"

"Boss looks a lot more mature."

"I've heard that Yuba's side has developed so well. The boss must have made great contributions!"


The friends around him also chatted with each other to resolve the slightly awkward atmosphere. As everyone talked, Kosha gradually let go of his restraint and happily shared his experiences with everyone.

“I really want to visit Yuba too!”

When Weiwei heard all the things Kosha told, a trace of yearning flashed in her eyes.

However, she was still too young and the king would not agree to let her run around.

If I ask Icarim, I don't know if it will work.

Weiwei was thinking wildly.


In the desert outside the royal city

Crocodile looked at the royal city in front of him, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

The plan has been discovered by the navy and the world government. The next step is probably to deprive himself of the title of Shichibukai.

The original plans can no longer be implemented. In this case, we will use the simplest and most direct method to deal with it.

Crocodile stretched out his palm, and a small sandstorm swirled in his palm.

"Heavy Shalan!"

As Crocodile swung his arm, several huge sandstorms swirled in the desert, appearing in four directions of the royal city. As time passed, the huge sandstorms were getting bigger and bigger, and the gusts of wind were spreading around the four sandstorms.

"It's windy!"

"Put your things away quickly."

In the royal city, someone noticed the change in the weather at the first time and hurriedly put away the things outside.

As a country in the desert, they have become accustomed to sandstorms that occur from time to time.

"That is..."

"How could it be..."

Suddenly someone noticed the abnormality and looked outside the royal city in amazement.

A huge tornado that covered the sky and the sun was spinning outside the royal city, causing gusts of wind.


"There are also to the west!"

"To the north too!"

"Oh my god, how come there are so many tornadoes all of a sudden!"

More and more people noticed something was wrong. Some people ran to a high place and looked around. They could see a huge tornado that seemed to penetrate the sky and earth, rolling up the wild sand.

As the tornadoes rotated, yellow sand began to spread in the royal city, and the whole city became gray and almost invisible.

Vivi and Kosa and others who were in a corner of the royal city also noticed something unusual.

"Why did such a severe sandstorm happen in the royal city?"

Kosa suddenly raised his head and looked around.

"Princess Vivi, go back first."

Bell, who was secretly following Vivi, didn't care about hiding at this time. He ran directly to Vivi's side and said to her with a serious face.

The royal city of Alabasta was built on a high place, hundreds of meters higher than the desert outside. There was a large hill to the north of the royal city. Even if the wind blew on weekdays, it would not be very serious and would end soon.

But he had just transformed into a falcon with the power of the devil fruit and flew into the air to investigate the situation. There were huge sandstorms in all four directions of the royal city, even in the north where the hills blocked the view. This was very abnormal!


Vivi suddenly stood up, stood beside Kosa and the others, and looked at Bell with a firm look.

"Uncle Bell, go back quickly. Although I don't know what happened, it is definitely the time when your power is needed."

"As for me, I will stay with everyone in the 'Sand and Sand Group'. Don't worry about my safety!"

"Princess Vivi!"

Bell looked at Vivi, a little anxious.

"You go first, Bell, I'll stay."

Ikalem came and ordered Bell.

He also saw the abnormality in the royal city. Now is the time when Bell's power is needed. Princess Vivi will be protected by him.

"I know."

After seeing Captain Ikalem, Bell said no more. His arms suddenly turned into wings, and the whole person took off into the air and flew towards the palace.

"Princess Vivi, let's find a place to hide, and you too."

Ikarem looked at the group of young boys in front of him.

They are all the future of the Kingdom of Alabasta.


"Where is Ikarem?"

In the palace, Cobra looked at the guards in front of him.

"Captain Ikarem went to find Princess Vivi."

Hearing Gaka's answer, Cobra was slightly surprised.

I heard before that it seemed to be the child of Duo's family, Kosa, who came back.

Thinking of the boy who dared to speak frankly in front of him, Cobra's eyes flashed a smile.

"Is that so? Then I'll leave the next thing to you, Gaka."

Cobra looked at the ministers in front of him.

"Although we don't know the cause of the storm, the sudden storm must have made the people in the city full of anxiety. Gaka, you lead the guards to maintain order in the royal city to prevent anyone from taking advantage of the chaos."


After instructing Gaka, Cobra looked at Bell who had just flown back to the palace.

"Go check the situation of the storm."

As the user of the ability of the Animal-type Bird-Bird Fruit Falcon Form, Bell can transform into a falcon and has extremely fast flying ability.

"Be careful of your own safety."


Gaka and Bell left as ordered, and the other ministers of the kingdom quickly got busy. Cobra looked at the royal city filled with yellow sand, and there was always a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

For so many years, Albana has never had such a severe sandstorm, and it was such a storm without any signs.

Behind this, there may be an invisible black hand manipulating all this.


Crocodile walked on the streets of the royal city, holding a cigar in his mouth, without any panic, in sharp contrast with the people in the city.

"Mr. Crocodile!"

"It's the hero of the kingdom!"

Someone saw Crocodile and looked at him with admiration.

"Hasn't Mr. Crocodile been in the rainy land?"

"He must have come to the royal city because of this sudden sandstorm."

"Yes, Mr. Crocodile is the hero of Alabasta, he will definitely find a way to solve it!"

"He is heading towards the palace, so he must be looking for King Cobra."


Amidst the discussions, Crocodile slowly walked towards the palace.

I guess the king must be trying to deal with the sudden sandstorm.

This is a sandstorm caused by my own ability, but after the storm is formed, it is no longer under my control, but belongs to the power of nature.

And as time goes by, the power of the sandstorm will only become stronger and stronger. In the end, even I can't solve it. I can only let the storm gradually subside as time goes by.

However, there is no need to tell others about this kind of thing!

Crocodile walked while thinking about the current situation in his mind.

When the king finds that the sandstorm cannot be solved by manpower, and it has been surrounding the royal city for a long time, he should be able to recognize the current situation.

At that time, I will use the lives of the citizens of the entire royal city as a bargaining chip to ask the king to explain the news about [Pluto]. I think he will not dare to refuse.

Now I think that I should have adopted such a method a long time ago. Although this will cause the world government to be wary, as long as I can get [Pluto], even the world government will not dare to go to war with me easily.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Thinking of something happy, Crocodile laughed again. He seemed to see [Pluto] waving at him.

Along with [Pluto], the throne of the 'Pirate King' was also waving at him!

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