One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 168 Neru's sense of crisis

"Yohohoho~~ Miss Bakara is really amazing!"

Brooke looked at the powerful Bakara.

"My eyeballs are about to fall out, even though I don't have any eyeballs anymore~~ Yohohoho~~"

Kosha felt a flame burning in his heart, and hot blood flowing through his body, making him uncontrollably excited.

Does he have a chance to master such power!

'It's amazing. '

Neyru looked at the pirate who was defeated by Bakara's punch, and then looked at the hole left on the wall of the tavern.

For his various fighting skills and moves, Rhode never hid them, but taught them to his companions without reservation. For this skill called [Ba Flash], Neyru also tried it.

However, the threshold for using this technique is very high. On the one hand, it requires a very strong force. According to Neru's estimation, people who are proficient in the Six Styles of the Navy should be able to meet this requirement;

On the other hand, the user must also master the Armament Haki and the skills of using the Armament Haki's flow and release.

Only when these two conditions are met at the same time can it be considered to have crossed the threshold for using [Bashan].

Even if these two conditions are met, it does not mean that the technique called [Bashan] can be used. If you want to use this technique, you need to control the time interval between the fist strike and the impact of the Haki within 0.00001 seconds, so that it is possible to really use [Bashan] and double the power of the attack.

However, it is so difficult to do this. At least Neru himself has not been able to completely master this move even after half a year of practice. He only has the opportunity to deal critical damage occasionally in constant attempts.

I am afraid that only after reaching the level of Rhodes can this move be used freely.

However, Bakara's physical fitness is probably just at the threshold of use, and she has only mastered a little bit of the external skills in terms of domineering, and is still in a state of failure. Logically speaking, it is impossible for her to use such advanced skills as [Bashan].

However, after cooperating with the ability of the "Luck Fruit", Bakara turned the impossible into possible. The [Bashan] that originally had only a one in ten thousand probability to be used was freely used in her hands.

Devil Fruit is indeed the most incredible thing in this sea.

"In the end, it's just a group of trash who don't know the news of Sky Island."


Without getting any useful information from the people in the tavern, Nia drank the wine in the glass in one gulp and put the glass heavily on the bar.

Although it was called trash, after seeing the hole in the wall and Laza who fell down and his life or death was unknown, the people in the tavern did not dare to have any opinions.


A drinker raised his trembling arm.

"There's a weirdo named Mont Blanc Kulikai on the east coast who's been studying something. Maybe you can go ask him."


Nia's eyes lit up slightly. After seeing the reactions of the people in the tavern, she had given up hope on Sky Island, but she didn't expect to get such a reward.

"Then let's go over there and take a look!"

Nia stood up suddenly.

"Yo ho ho ho~~ I'm already interested in the weirdo they're talking about."

Brooke stood up first, and Neru followed suit.

"Oh, oh, are we leaving now?"

Bakara walked back to the bar, picked up her glass, and then walked around the tavern with her long legs, her hands brushing against everyone's bodies inadvertently.

"I'm so lucky to see you here."

After saying this, Bakara put the empty glass on the table at the door, then winked at the people in the tavern, turned around and left behind Nia and the others.

"So beautiful!"

"I'm obsessed with her!"

The pirates in the tavern looked at Bakara's back, with a hint of obsession on their faces.

Beautiful appearance, hot body, strong strength!

Such a woman is really too charming.

"This is the cup she used!"

A man sitting at the table at the door grabbed the wine glass.

"Hurry up and give it to me!"

Another pirate stood up suddenly, stepped on the table with one foot, glared at the opposite side from top to bottom, trying to grab the wine glass.


A sound suddenly sounded, and the table that was originally stepped on suddenly fell down, and the pirate also fell forward uncontrollably and hit the other pirate.

"Hahahaha, too lame!"

Seeing the situation over there, a pirate pointed at them and laughed.

"Cough cough cough cough!!"

The next bite, the laughing pirate suddenly coughed violently, and the wine that had not yet been swallowed in his mouth was choked.

"Hahaha - ah, my stomach suddenly hurts!"

"My stomach hurts too, boss, is your food not fresh!"

Plop -

"Damn, why is the chair so poor quality!"

A pirate suddenly fell from the chair.

"You bumped into me!"

Crack -

"Broken bones, bastard!"


The pirates in the tavern had many accidents, either choking or falling down suddenly, and some of them were unlucky enough to accidentally break their bones, and the whole tavern fell into chaos.


East coast of Gaya island

Rhodes took Robin and Daz Bones through a forest in the middle and arrived here.

Compared with the lively Magic Valley Town on the west coast, this place is a bit too desolate, and it looks like a place of exile.

The three of them had just passed through the forest when they saw a hut built on the coast. Apart from that, they couldn't see any human habitation at all.


Sensing the approach of the three Rhodes, a strong man suddenly turned his head and asked a question.

"I'm Rod, this is Robin and Bowness, I'm sorry to bother you."

Rhodes looked at the opponent's iconic chestnut head.

"I heard that you have been studying the Soaring Current. I want to ride the Soaring Current to Sky Island. Can you help me?"

"Sky Island!?"

Montblanc Kulikai looked at the three people in front of him, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

"Do you believe in the existence of Sky Island?"

"Of course, because the empty island is over there."

Rhodes stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky.

"The Sky Island is over there...?"

Kulikai was slightly stunned. From Rhodes' tone, he could feel the unwavering certainty that he truly believed in the existence of Sky Island.


Kulikai looked at Rhodes and his group again, and his body suddenly shook.

With red hair and sharp eyes, the man in front of him is one of the Seven Martial Arts under the King, [Hegemony Fist] Rhodes!

After recognizing Rhodes' identity, Kulikai suddenly felt an emotion that he couldn't explain clearly.

"[Ba Fist] Rhodes, I didn't expect it to be such a big shot like you!"

Kulikai led the three Rhodes to his house, found a few teacups and poured them a cup of hot tea, and then continued to speak with a complicated expression on his face.

"I have read the news about you. You are also from Beihai."

"In that case, you should have read the story "Rolando the Liar"."

"That's right."

Rhodes nodded.

“Although this is a fairy tale that has been circulated in the North Sea for hundreds of years, the prototype of this story is real, Montblanc Rolando, he was my ancestor hundreds of years ago!

Because Rolando deceived the king, he himself was sentenced to death, and the entire Montblanc family was expelled from the country, losing all face and still being criticized today.

The blood relationship between us is already very weak, but because I bear the surname Montblanc, I would be scolded by strangers for trivial things when I was a child! "

Fairy tales that have been circulated for hundreds of years are actually real history, and Robin is full of interest in such stories.

What the chestnut-headed uncle in front of him said about how he would be unreasonably accused for trivial matters just because he bore his surname made Robin feel the same.

Bearing the title "Devil's Child", she spent most of her childhood cursed.

"Before he died, Rolando said that it might be due to the movement of the earth's crust that the Golden Island sank into the sea, and the gold also sank to the bottom of the sea. Since I lived on this island 7 years ago, I have been looking for it. The gold Rolando spoke of!

What I did was not to clear Rolando's grievances. I just wanted to have a life-and-death duel with the man who disrupted my life!

At least, I can get to the bottom of this matter before I die from exhaustion! "

Kulikai looked at Rhodes and took out a logbook from the cabinet next to him.

"This is the logbook left by Rolando, and it also records things about the empty island."

Robin reached out and took the logbook handed over by Kulikai. It was obviously an antique from four hundred years ago, but the logbook itself was very well preserved.

"I also noticed the soaring sea currents here, and even speculated whether Gaya Island, which was once full of gold, might have been destroyed by the soaring sea currents. However, no wreckage of the destroyed city was found on the seabed."

"You came to me because you know that I know the current situation here very well, and you want to use the current to rush to the empty island, right? However, all the pirate ships that were sent to the sky by the soaring current were all destroyed without exception. As a result, no one has successfully reached Sky Island in this way."

Kulikai told what he knew without reservation.

The opponent is Wang Xia Qiwuhai, one of the strong men standing at the top of this sea.

Such a big shot firmly believes in the existence of Sky Island, so Sky Island should be real.

And since the empty island mentioned in Rolando's logbook is real, then the so-called Golden Land should also be real!

There was a hint of excitement in Kulikai's heart.

The truth and results he has been searching for seem to be coming to light.

"Is this possible?"

Robin was still immersed in Rolando's logbook, while Rhodes looked at Kulikai opposite.

"The Golden Land did not sink to the bottom of the sea due to the movement of the earth's crust, nor was it destroyed and sunk to the bottom of the sea by the soaring sea currents, but was sent to the empty island above by the soaring sea currents.

Perhaps, the Golden Land that Rolando saw back then still exists quietly somewhere on the empty island, waiting for future generations to discover it. "

Kulikai suddenly raised his head and looked at Rhodes, his eyes filled with shock.

"The soaring currents washed the island into the sky...?"

Although Kulikai has seen countless sky-high currents in the past seven years, many of which are incredibly powerful, it would be an exaggeration to say that the currents can be so strong that they can directly lift the entire island into the sky!

"It is indeed possible!"

Robin quickly flipped through the records about Sky Island and Gaya Island in Rolando's logbook, then raised his head and looked at Kulikai.

"In the legendary Golden Land, there is a golden bell. If it is true, as Captain Rhodes said, that part of the island where the Golden Township is located was carried to the sky island by the soaring sea currents, I am afraid that the golden bell still exists in the sky. Somewhere on the island.”

"Golden Bell..."

Thinking of Rolando's records about the golden bell that could emit soul-cleansing bells, Kulikai felt a little foolish for a moment.

"I will tell you everything I know without reservation!"

Kulikai calmed down and looked at Rhodes seriously.

"That's exactly why I came to you."

Rhodes showed a smile.

"However, I don't know if the sky island really exists. If you fly into the sky on the soaring current but fail to reach the sky island, the pirate ship will fall directly from an altitude of several thousand meters. "

The pirate ship fell from a height of several thousand meters and would probably be shattered into pieces in an instant.

"Don't worry."

Rhodes waved his hand.

Even if there is an accident, with their current staffing, they will not let the pirate ship fall directly from the sky.

"In that case, let me help you!"

Kulikai stood up.

"In return, I will ring the golden bell for you!"

Rhodes showed a bright smile to Kulikai.

"Before that, where is your pirate ship?"

Kulikai looked at Rhodes.

"If you want to ride the soaring currents, the pirate ship still needs some small modifications."


Rhodes turned his head.

"Let everyone else come over here, we will have a party tonight!"

Bowness stood up, nodded silently, turned and walked towards the west.


As the sun sets, the east coast of Gaya Island rarely becomes lively.

All members of the Rhodes Pirates, as well as Kulikai and everyone from the Sarusama United Army gathered around the campfire and enjoyed the banquet food.

"It turned out to be the Shichibukai, I was shocked!"

The leader of the Orangutan Pirates is a man who looks like an orangutan. He and the leader of the Orangutan Pirates, Orangutan, are both fans of Rolando. After meeting Kulikai, they quickly became his younger brothers. He has been engaged in salvage work in this sea area with him for many years.

After arriving at their boss's home and seeing the Shichibukai, they were indeed shocked, but later they learned from Kuli Kai that the Shichibukai wanted to ask them for help.

"Just leave the exploration and salvage matters to us! Whoosh!"

People who look like monkeys are in charge of everything.

When he first saw the Rhodes Pirates, he was almost scared to death. It was impossible for little pirates like them to have anything to do with people like the Shichibukai.

After just two glasses of wine, they left all their restraint and fear behind.

Pirates are a bunch of informal guys.

"In the skull's right eye, I saw gold."

Robin sat aside, looking at Rolando's logbook by the campfire, and suddenly saw this sentence on it.


Nia swooped over to Robin's side, holding a skewer of grilled fish in her hand.

"It's more than that."

Robin glanced at the grilled fish in Nia's hand and turned the logbook forward two pages.

"There are still empty fish."

"Empty fish!"

Nia's eyes were a little brighter, and she cocked her head and looked at the records in the logbook.

"Wei Ba? What is that?"

"I heard it's a unique means of transportation on empty islands."


Gray, who was discussing the temporary modification plan of the Polar with the Saruyama Allied Forces, caught the elements and raised his head.

"Special tool?"

He has been thinking about the modification plan of the Polar Ship recently. After obtaining the [Tuntun Fruit], he synthesized many new materials, some of which can be used in the modification of the Polar Ship, while some areas still need to be reworked. Adjustment.

Now he suddenly heard about the unique means of transportation on Sky Island, and various thoughts flashed through Gray's mind.

I don’t know if that kind of tool will be helpful in the transformation of the Polar.

"You seem to be suffering from a disease."

Luo looked at Kulikai.

After half a year of settling down on Cigu Island, Luo had made great progress not only in combat, but also in medical skills. It was just a face-to-face meeting that revealed the hidden disease in Kuli Kai.

"This is our ship's doctor."

Rhodes introduced Luo's identity to Kulikai.

"It may be due to frequent diving. He has some physical problems. Can they be treated?"

Rhodes looked at Luo and asked.

"It's very simple."

Luo nodded slightly.

"It's just a small operation, it only takes an hour to complete."

"Hahahaha, then I'll trouble you!"

Kulikai smiled heartily and did not refuse.

"According to my experience, there should be a surge of sea currents in two days, so there is still plenty of time."

"Then let's enjoy the banquet tonight!"

Rod raised his glass and clinked it with Kulikai, and the banquet became more cheerful.

'Two days. '

Bakara shook his head.

'It seems that I have to collect my luck again. '

Neru looked at the swaying bonfire in front of him, and a sense of crisis surged in his heart.

After half a year of training on the magnetic drum island, although his strength has improved, whether it is physical skills or armed color domineering, all have been greatly improved, but he can clearly feel that the gap between him and Rod is still too big.

He has not been able to fully master the skills of 'Baquan' and 'Bashan' taught by Rod.

On the contrary, Bakara, with the power of the devil fruit, can actually use the 'Bashan' skills.

Although he knows that his strength has also increased a lot, as long as he thinks of the gap between him and Rod now, Neru's heart is full of uneasiness.

Once he encounters multiple powerful enemies and Rhode is held back and unable to attack, wouldn't he become a burden to Rhode?

Devil Fruit!

If he can eat a Devil Fruit, his strength will increase rapidly in a short period of time.

Although he will increase his weakness of fear of sea water, compared with the rapid increase in strength, such a weakness is not important.

As long as he does not become a burden to Rhode at the critical moment, it will be fine!

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