One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 174 Leaving the Seven Water City

The third day after Enel's death.

The original golden city was among the ruins of Shantora.

Under the cleanup of Sky Islanders and Sandians, Shantora, which had been abandoned for hundreds of years, was brought back to light. Although all the gold on it was looted by Enel, it no longer shimmered as golden as recorded in the records. The quaint architecture still stirs emotions among Sandians.

The most important thing is.

The Sandians looked at the golden clock placed in the middle of the city.

The light of the golden clock is still shining on Shantora!

The bells of the golden clock are still echoing in Shantora!

In front of the Golden Bell, the Sandians and Sky Islanders lined up on both sides. Witnessed by Rhodes, the two sides clasped their hands and announced the end of the war that had lasted for hundreds of years.

After the ceremony, there was a banquet, and the bonfire burned all day and night. In this lively atmosphere, there was finally some integration between the Sandians and the Sky Islanders.

However, hundreds of years of hatred cannot be let go in a short while, let alone a banquet.

However, Rhodes didn't have much worries about this kind of thing. With Nailu and Robin around, he didn't need to worry about this kind of thing.

What he cared about more was something else.

"Please let me join!"

Weber stood in front of Rhodes, his eyes full of determination.

After hearing the golden bell ring again, Weber had no regrets.

Presumably even the ancestors in heaven have heard the sound of the golden bell.

For him, who has been in Kongdao since he was born, Kongdao is his hometown.

However, after meeting the people from Qinghai, Weber felt a sense of yearning and fear for the vast ocean below.

He is the war ghost Weber, a descendant of the great warrior Calgara, and the one who wants to continue the light of Shandorla.

Anilu, who had always been like a dark cloud hanging over their heads, was easily defeated by Rhodes and his gang from Qinghai.

Who can guarantee that no one will appear from other places, destroy everyone's hard-won peace, and destroy Shantora?

Although he has said before that the Rhodes Pirates will protect Sky Island, as a descendant of the great warrior, he still wants to use his own hands to protect the lights of Shantara!

"You know, we are pirates!"

Rhodes looked at Weber.

"He is also the benefactor who saved the Sandians!"

Weber looked at Rhodes. Whether it was solving the Enel who was weighing down everyone's head or resolving the war between the Sandians and Sky Islanders, the man in front of him could be regarded as their benefactor.

"You're great!"

Rod patted Weber on the shoulder.

"Then come sail with us!"

"Okay, Captain!"


On the other side, Kosha ate the [Menmen Fruit].

In the previous battle with Enelu's magic soldiers, Kosha's performance was remarkable. After this period of sailing, even his physical fitness has been greatly improved. After the battle, Rhodes will The [Menmen Fruit] that was collected before was given to Kosha.


Kosha looked at Rhodes with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, can you leave a portal on the Sky Island that can be directly connected to our Polar Ship?"

Rhodes looked at Kosha expectantly.


Sweat fell from Kosha's forehead.

After eating the fruit, he also tried to use this power, but at most he could only open a connecting air door between Apayado and Angel Island, and this connecting door was also time-limited.

It is too difficult for him to achieve what Captain Rhodes said, building a portal to permanently connect two places.

"Don't worry, there's still time."

Rhodes smiled and patted Kosha on the shoulder.

"You don't need to go to that level right now. As long as you can open the door to the sky island as we sail, that's all."

Kosha's face turned pale.

Kongdao is located at an altitude of 10,000 meters. As long as they leave Kongdao and return to Qinghai, they will be at least 10,000 meters away.

There is still a big gap between his ability development and this.

In the next few days, Rhodes and his party temporarily stayed on the empty island.

Gray is still studying the drawings of the Ark's motto found in the temple of Anilu. It seems to contain something completely different from today's power technology. The more Gray studies, the more confused he becomes. He can't wait to put Ani into it. Lu was dragged out of the underworld and asked him about the origin of this drawing.

Pekin and Xia Qi cooperated with Robin and Bacara to familiarize themselves with the situation on the empty island and integrate resources and productivity.

Neru, who has mastered the power of thunder, is familiar with his power as quickly as possible. Nia, Genos and Bowness have become his best training partners. The residents of the Sky Island can hear the roar of thunder every day. , and the electric light coming from a distant place, which frightened the residents of the Sky Island who had been under the high-pressure rule of Elnilu for several years, and became more and more cooperative with the work of Robin and Bacara.

Bebo, Bonnie, and Big Bear followed Minina every day. From time to time, they found some ingredients that were completely different from those in Qinghai below, and then brought them back and cooked them in various ways, which gave Rhodes a real treat.

Brooke, on the contrary, became the publicity ambassador of the Rod Pirates. Every day, he and Conis played various songs on Angel Beach, attracting countless residents of Angel Island and Shandia people. In the atmosphere of music, the relationship between the two sides became more relaxed.

"After leaving Sky Island, where is the next stop?"

Rolla pulled the chair next to Rod.

"Seven Waters City, the Polaris really needs to be renovated."

Rode glanced at the Polaris parked on the shore.

Although various materials purchased by Dr. Wolf at a huge cost were used, the Polaris still had many problems after experiencing various strange climates on the Grand Line.

Moreover, when it was built, considering the lack of manpower on the ship, not too many artillery were loaded.

However, now they already have two people with abundant firepower, Pekin and Xiaqi, on board. Not only that, Neru, who has become the ability of the Thunder Fruit, also has super long-range strike capabilities.

The sea area that is about to enter is different from all the sea areas that have been experienced so far. The pirate ship must have strong firepower.

"After Water City, it's Shampoo Land, right?"

Law was also very familiar with the route of the Grand Line.

Although he was not a professional navigator, he had received the elite education of the Don Quixote family and had learned a lot of knowledge from a young age.

"Yes, after we get there, the first half of the Grand Line will be over."

Rod tilted his head slightly.

"Can't wait?"


Law shook his head.

Although he thought about killing Doflamingo every day, he no longer cared about it after Rod showed his strength that was not inferior to Doflamingo.

Killing Doflamingo was no longer his goal, but something that could be done at any time, the only difference was the time.

What he was more concerned about now was what the Rod Pirates should do next.

"The territory of the New World is limited. There should be no room for the fifth Pirate Emperor now."

"Oh? Have you seen so far?"

"No way, your goal is to achieve new world hegemony. If I don't look further ahead, how can I keep up with you?"

"So, do you have a goal?"

Law looked at Rhodes seriously and told him the information about the four Pirate Emperors of the New World one by one.

"Whitebeard is known as the strongest man in the world. Although he is not very aggressive, his territory is also very stable; Kaido, the Beast, is completely opposite to him. He attacks everywhere and is ambitious; the Big Mom Pirates have a complex relationship in the New World through marriage and have a great influence; the last one is Red Hair Shanks, who has just become the Pirate Emperor. He has the least territory and his forces are not as good as the other three. However, the Red Hair Pirates are known as the Iron Wall Pirates, and all the cadres in the group are strong men who can stand on their own."

"As for the goal, there is no goal yet."

Rhodes recalled the future direction of the world.

If nothing changes too much, in three years, a "Marine War" that will affect the whole world will break out, and after the war, the whole world will change dramatically.

At least, the Whitebeard Pirates, who lost Whitebeard, will not be able to sit firmly on the throne of the [Four Emperors].

However, it has been too long!

Moreover, no one knows whether the "Marine War" will happen again in the future.

"But first, we must completely eliminate the Don Quixote Family!"

Rod clenched his fist.

"With the complicated relationship in the New World, as long as we take action, the enemy will jump out by themselves."

"I see."

Law raised his head and lay down. The recliner made of clouds here in Sky Island was extremely soft, as if to wrap him up.

"There are some interests between the Don Quixote Family and Kaido, the Beast. After we destroy the Don Quixote Family, Kaido will definitely show up."

"In other words, the target we chose is the Beast Pirates."


Rod thought of Kaido's mace at the first time.

Not only that, in the Wano Country occupied by Kaido, there are still a large number of samurai, and the weapons that the samurai used seem to have all been placed in a certain place.

"It seems that it is not impossible."


Time passed quietly, and with the joint efforts of Robin and Bakara, all the resources on the Sky Island were integrated, and Gray's research was completed, and he walked out of the laboratory with a new design drawing.

It was time for the Polaris to set sail again.

"Lord Rod, don't you really want to take these golds? In the Qinghai below, these golds should be very precious."

The elders of the Shandia people looked at Rod and his party on the ship.

"No, as for money, we are not short of it for the time being. If we need it, we will open the door and come back."

While speaking, Rod patted Kosha on the shoulder.

Kosha's face turned slightly pale.

Although he has been training his fruit ability day and night during this period, until now, he has not been sure that he can open the connecting door across 10,000 meters.

"Then, let's go."

"Have a nice trip, Master Brook!"

"We will continue to listen to your music with the sound shell every day, Master Brook!"

"You must remember to come back and continue playing, Lord Brooke!"


As the Polar Ship left, waves of reluctant shouts came from the coast of Angel Island.

However, all those people were talking about was Brooke's name.

"Ah, I was so moved that my eyes turned red, even though I no longer have eyes, yohohoho~~"

Brooke took out a handkerchief and wiped his tears.

"Master Rhodes, we will send it here."

Cornish nodded slightly to Rhodes.

"You can leave Sky Island from here."

"Goodbye, Sister Cornish!"

Brooke waved to Cornish.

"Before we say goodbye for the final time, can I..."


Nia slashed Brooke's head with a knife, and then waved her hand at Cornis.


The next moment, the Polar Ship flew out of the sky island and plummeted downwards under the influence of gravity.


a few days later

A city appeared in the sight of Rhodes and others. The Capital of Seven Waters has arrived!

"It's amazing, it's like this city is built on the sea!"

"I think I smell grilled fish!"

"Let's go to the shipyard first."

Rhodes led a group of people towards the dock.

The City of Seven Waters is a famous island on the Grand Route. It has the best boatmen in the world. Many of the world-famous ships are produced here. The ships of One Piece are also built here.

It is precisely because too many pirate ships have been built here that they have been jealous of the world government, causing the shipbuilding business in the Seven Waters Capital to decline day by day.

A few years ago, Mr. Tom's disciple Espagu came out of nowhere. He impressed the craftsmen on the island with his superb shipbuilding skills, and integrated all the shipbuilding companies on the island to establish Carrera Company. He also contacted the World Government and took over a lot of shipbuilding business, bringing the Seven Waters City back to life.

And among the Carrera Company, the best dock is Dock No. 1!

"This is it!"

Gray looked at the huge shipyard in front of him, feeling slightly excited.

According to legend, the ancient weapon [Pluto] was forged by shipbuilders in the Capital of Seven Waters!

After combining the new materials synthesized from his Devil Fruit ability, as well as the inspiration obtained from the Ark's Proverbs, and after discussing with the highly skilled shipwrights here, what kind of power will the Polar Ship he improved have? Woolen cloth.

Gray's heart was filled with anticipation.


Carrera's headquarters


Espagu put down the phone bug in his hand.

This is a call from the dock.

I just don’t know if this Shichibukai is really building ships, or if he has other purposes.

When it comes to people of this level, it would be better for him to come forward in person.

Espagu stood up, called his secretary, and walked towards Dock No. 1.

After a while, Espagu saw the Qiwukai, Dominator Rhodes.

"Leave it to me here. - Mr. Rhodes wants to build a ship?"

Espagu waved the employees who had previously received him to leave, and then looked at Rhodes.

"Let our boatman talk to you about the specific matters. I don't understand this either."

Rhodes greeted Espagu and then pushed Gray in front of him.

"We want to renovate the original ship. This is the design plan I made. Is it possible?"

Gray took out the design drawing he finally obtained after studying it recently and handed it to Espagu.

Although he has always wanted to build a pirate ship comparable to ancient battleships, his only real shipbuilding experience was the Polar.

Even in the construction of the Polar Ship, he only got involved halfway.

As for shipbuilding, he was indeed only half-experienced.

But the man in front of me is recognized as the person with the best shipbuilding skills in the Capital of Seven Waters. If it were him, he would definitely be able to further improve on the original design.

“Very bold design.”

Espagu looked at Gray's design drawings carefully.

Even from his perspective, this is a very good design drawing.


"To achieve the effect you designed, the requirements for materials are very high. The keel is fine, and Baoshu Adam can also meet the requirements, but it is difficult to find materials that meet the requirements elsewhere."

“Don’t worry about the materials.”

A look of confidence flashed across Gray's face.

The material was synthesized by him using his own fruit ability, and it can definitely meet the requirements of use.

Hearing Gray's words, Espagu's heart moved.

Generally speaking, shipbuilding materials need to consider high strength, corrosion resistance, plasticity, lightweight, etc.

However, few materials can meet these requirements at the same time. What shipwrights have to do is to use different materials in different parts to try to meet the requirements of the hull.

According to Gray's design, the construction materials must have excellent performance in all these aspects, which is almost impossible.

However, the other party's performance was too calm. Espagu did not believe that someone who could draw such a design would know nothing about the materials.

In other words, the other party does have this excellent material?

In that case...

"If there is no problem with the materials, we will take this business."

Aisi Bagu put down the design in his hand and looked at Gray seriously.

"I will lead the best shipwrights in our company to work together to renovate your hull."


Gray happily grabbed Aisi Bagu's arm.

With the help of these shipbuilding experts, the renovation of the Polaris will be very smooth.

"Then, I'll leave it to you."

Rod left Gray behind and led the others out of the dock.

It will take at least a month to complete the renovation of the Polaris, and we can take advantage of this time to visit several nearby islands by sea train.

Whether it is the Spring Queen City, Santa Pobla, the Food City, Pukki, or the Carnival City, San Farud, they are all islands with a high reputation in the entire Grand Route.

Not to mention, the sea train itself is interesting enough.

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