One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 179 Doll Soldiers

In the restaurant, there were only two tables of guests besides Kosha.

One of the tables looked like a couple, who were flirting with each other, just like the people he saw in Yuba. Kosha immediately ruled them out as suspects.

As for the other table, there was a girl wearing a black dress and red ponytails.

‘Is she the enemy? ’

Kosa instantly locked on the identity of the enemy, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

This cute girl gave him a strange feeling, and the box in front of her was very suspicious.

But, can she really get rid of Nia and the other three?

Thinking of this, Kosha picked up a glass of wine and walked over there.

“This lady...”

“Get out, ugly!”

The girl raised her eyes, glanced at Kosha, and said coldly.


Kosha’s body stiffened instantly.

"Do I need to say it again, ugly bastard! Get away from me quickly. If you stand here, even the donuts will become unpalatable."

The girl put down the donuts in her hand, and there was no smile on her face. She had a sweet face, but the words she said were so cruel and ruthless.

Kosa seemed to be hit, his body shook slightly, and the wine in his hand almost spilled. Then he turned around with an ugly face, put the wine glass in his hand on the table, and ran out of the restaurant directly.


The girl snorted from her nose, and then her eyes fell on the box in front of her. Looking at the people in the castle in the box, she smiled again.

"Now, you can stay with me all the time~~"


Outside the restaurant, Kosa ran all the way.

In the restaurant just now, in the box in front of the girl, he saw Robin!

The moment their eyes crossed, he understood what the other party meant.

Call for help!

Even the powerful Nia, the thoughtful Robin, and the lucky Bakara were locked up by the other party with unknown means. With his power, even if he wanted to rescue Robin and the others, he would probably only let one more person be locked up.

We must call for help!

Even if Boss Rhodes is not here, at least Luo and Pekin are still on this island.

Kosha ran on the street, while carefully observing the surrounding situation.

Luo and his friends went to order the uniforms, which should be on the south street. When Kosha came to the island just now, he noticed that there were words like private customization on the south street.


Before finding Luo, the figure of the skeleton fell into Kosha's sight.

"Have you finished shopping over there? We bought the conditioner and were just about to go find Luo and the others."

Kosha stopped suddenly, and Brook took out the carefully selected hair care products to show Kosha.

"Do you want to give you a bottle of this..."

"Let's talk about it later!"

Kosha interrupted Brook.

"Do you know the exact location of Luo and the others? There are enemies!"


Genos' eyes narrowed.

Only Kosa appeared here, which means that Nia and the others were resisting the enemy, but felt that they were no match for them, so they asked Kosa to call for help?

"They are not far ahead."

Genos pointed forward.

"Woof woof woof~~"

Sissi lay on Genos' head and barked a few times not far away.

"Hurry over!"

Without waiting for Kosa to continue running, Genos grabbed him and ran quickly forward. Sissi tried hard to find the familiar smell, barking from time to time to indicate the direction for them.

"It's here!"

Genos stopped at the door of a store. Through the glass at the door, he could see Peikin and Xiaqi inside who were picking up various clothes and gesturing on their bodies.

"Something happened!"

Genos pushed open the door of the store, and without waiting for Peikin and Xiaqi to speak, he looked directly at Luo and spoke.


Law, who was originally lying loosely on the chair, sat up straight, his eyes swept over Kosa, and he immediately made a judgment in his heart.

Nia and the other three did not show up, which means they were the ones in trouble?

"What's the situation?"

"Nia and the other three were turned into dolls by the enemy using their abilities and locked in a box!"

Kosa shook his head, which was a little dizzy because he was caught by Genos.

"Power user!"

Law understood instantly.

The abilities of devil fruits are all kinds of strange, and some of them are special. Even the top strongmen will be caught if they are not careful.

However, this power user is not ordinary, who can make all three of them unable to react!

"Where is the specific location?"

"I can take you there with my ability!"

Kosa calmed down his breath.

Although he can't open the door to Sky Island at any time as Rhode said, on this island, Kosa can still open the door at any place he has been to.

"Then let's go!"

Law stood up with [Ghost Cry] in his arms.

Since the other party attacked their companions, they are already enemies.

Bepo picked up a windbreaker and put it on Law, Pekin also threw a few windbreakers to Genos and Brook, and Xiaqi put another coat on Kosa and patted his shoulder hard.

"Don't look so panicked."

"We are the Rod Pirates!"

Kosha took a deep breath, reached out and pushed gently, and with a "squeaking" sound, a portal was pushed open in the void.

"Lots of stuff!"

"They bought so much!"

When Peijing stepped into the alien space behind the door, he was surprised by the shopping bags piled inside.

If I remember correctly, they were only separated for a few hours. Did Nia and the others buy out every store?


In the alley next to the music restaurant, a translucent portal suddenly opened in the void, and then several people wearing cloaks walked out of it.

Luo took out the [Ghost Cry] in his hand from the scabbard and threw the scabbard behind the door. A light blue halo of light flickered in his other hand.

Peijin took a few deep breaths, and her tightly clenched palms slowly became moist.

Xia Qi's chest expanded slightly, then returned to its original state, and a terrifying impact was brewing in his body.

Genos took out a one-handed ax from his arms and a dark red firearm from his other hand.

The staff knife in Brooke's hand was half raised, and his right hand was holding the handle of the knife tightly.

Bebo geared up and followed Luo.

"Woof woof~~"

Sissi squirmed restlessly in Kosa's arms.

Kosa was once again excluded from the battle and instead took on the responsibility of caring for Sissy.

Bang! !

Luo kicked open the door of the restaurant and his eyes fell on the girl with red twin tails.

The girl was still savoring the donuts while muttering to herself about the box in front of her.


The blue halo of light spread instantly, and Luo applied his ability to the box in front of the girl.

According to what Kosa said, Nia and the others were put in that box by the opponent's ability.

No matter what, let’s get the person back first.


The girl with twin tails slapped the box in front of her and looked at Luo with an unkind expression.

"What do you want to do to my baby?"

‘Ability failed! ’

A drop of sweat slipped from Luo's forehead.

Only in one case will the ROOM transfer capability become invalid.

That is, the opponent has stronger domineering power than him!

"Destroy them, doll soldiers!"

Following the girl's voice, figures suddenly appeared in the restaurant, crowding the already small restaurant.

boom! !

With a violent noise, the restaurant instantly collapsed and turned into ruins, and several figures emerged from the ruins.

Luo held Gui Cry in his hand and looked forward cautiously.

The girl was still sitting at the dining table, with the box containing Nia and the others in front of her, and dozens of burly figures guarding her.

Only then did Luo clearly see the appearance of those figures. They were doll-like things. Different from ordinary dolls, these dolls all had knotted muscles. But what was a little strange was that these dolls all had the same body shape. A completely mismatched handsome head.

"Not bad, I still have two brushes."

The girl looked at Luo and the others with slight surprise.

"But that's it."

While speaking, the girl waved her hand, and except for the two larger dolls guarding her, the rest of the doll soldiers rushed forward.

"Explosive punch!"

Peijin stepped forward, and when he hit the doll with his fist, a violent explosion suddenly erupted, blowing the doll's body apart.

"Explosive impact!"

Xia Qi was also not to be outdone. With a burst of distance impact, several dolls were pushed back.

"Bi Ge Sanding·Arrow tail chop!"

A cold light flashed, Brooke's staff and sword sheathed, and several dolls fell down instantly.


Bebo nimbly shuttled among the crowd, each punch carrying powerful force, beating back the puppet soldiers around him.

"So cute!"

The originally cold-faced girl's eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at the spinning and jumping Bei Bo in surprise.

"I like it very much!"

"Hey hehe~~"

Bebo keenly caught the girl's compliment, a hint of blush appeared on his face, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

‘Not good! ! ’

Robin's expression changed when he saw this scene in the box.

The next moment, the girl made a heart gesture towards Bebo with her index finger and thumb.

"Love you~"

A pink love flew out from the girl's fingertips and landed on Bebo's body.


Beibo was slightly dazed.

"Come in!"

The girl patted the box, and a light pink light flashed.


Luo's expression changed drastically, and his ability was activated instantly, swapping positions between himself and Beibo. His domineering aura was instantly stained with ghost cries, and he suddenly swung down in front of him.


Beibo, who was switched places by Luo's ability, was slightly stunned. Before he could react, a faint pink light appeared on his body, and then his whole body turned into a ray of light and fell into the box in front of the girl's eyes.

"You bastard!"

Luo's eyes flashed with anger, and a trace of lightning flashed on Gui Cry.


Swapping his body with the chair not far in front of the twin-tailed girl, Luo swung the flashing Ghost Cry towards the other party.

"High-frequency scalpel!"

This is a new move developed by Luo after seeing Neru's Thunder Fruit. It can wrap the high-frequency electric shock generated by the surgical fruit around the ghost cry to attack.

The enemy hit by this move will be heated and cut in an instant, and if hit by this high-frequency electric knife, an untrained person will lose consciousness in an instant, and even the Devil Fruit ability cannot be used.

when! !

A doll soldier guarding the girl stepped in front of her. His arms were instantly dyed black, and he crossed them to block Luo's slashing. The blade collided with the opponent's body, but a crisp golden sound was emitted. The sound of iron clashing.

‘It actually blocked it! ’

A flash of shock flashed in Luo's eyes.

After the doll soldier blocked Luo's attack, his whole body suddenly turned around and kicked Luo violently.

The ability was activated instantly, and Luo appeared slightly far away, looking at the girl in front of him with a solemn expression.

The other party's face is quite recognizable. Why have I never seen any information about the other party before?

Are there so many powerful people hidden in this sea?


An ax smashed the head of the doll in front of him. Genos also noticed the current situation. He pulled out the ax and hit the chest of another doll soldier who rushed over, nailing it to the ground.

"Just leave these dolls to me."

Bang! !

The dark red gun in his hand roared, and the head of a doll soldier was instantly penetrated.

Genos's arm twisted unnaturally, but returned to its original position in the next second.

"You go deal with the two bigger dolls."

Genos grabbed a charging doll and allowed the opponent to pierce the weapon in his abdomen. Genos showed no emotion and twisted the opponent's head off, threw it to the ground and crushed it, then crushed the immobile doll. The doll soldier pushed away.

"Yohohoho~~ That's right, just leave these dolls to the two of us, and you go and deal with the real enemy."

The sword in Brook's hand swung out again and again, stabbing down the doll soldiers one after another.

"No problem?"

Peggin glanced at the doll that was getting up again.

These things are just dolls and cannot be measured against human conditions.

Even if the head is twisted off, even if the body is penetrated, as long as it is not completely damaged and unable to move, it will get up again and again to continue fighting. Even if it cannot stand up, it will crawl on the ground to attack.

To some extent, this is much scarier than a living enemy.

"What are you talking about? Of course there is no problem with this kind of thing."

Genos lifted his windbreaker and took out another firearm.

"On the contrary, it's okay for you. Those two large dolls look completely different from these dolls."

"Of course there is no problem with this kind of thing!"

An explosion sounded, and Peijin's figure instantly appeared in front of the girl with two ponytails. Her arms were slightly red, and at the same time, she was tinged with a dark domineering aura.


Peijin's arms suddenly swung out, and the violent roar instantly drowned the doll in front of him.


Xia Qi's figure flashed to the other side, his arms expanded abnormally, and exploded the moment he punched.


Seeing the two dolls being led away by Peijin and Xia Qi, Luo's ability was activated again, and a light blue halo enveloped them.

Nia and the others are still in the hands of the other party. Not only that, Bebo was also locked into the box by the other party's ability just now. Without knowing the specific ability of the other party, they still focus on catching it instead of directly attacking. kill.

In that case, punch her heart out!

The next moment, Luo used his ability to flash in front of the girl with twin tails, and reached out to hit her chest.


A red light flashed in the girl's eyes, and she calmly took out a pink toy pistol from her waist, held it with both hands, and buttoned it down the moment Luo's ability appeared in front of her eyes. The trigger of a toy gun in hand.

‘Toy gun? ’

A trace of doubt flashed in Luo's eyes.

It even looks like a child's pellet gun.

Is this the opponent's weapon?

In Luo's puzzled eyes, a small marble shot out of the gun.

Then, the moment it left the muzzle of the gun, the bullet suddenly expanded hundreds of times and hit Luo directly.


Luo even clearly heard the sound of his arm bones breaking.

"You just wanted to hit me in the chest."

The girl crossed her arms in a defensive posture.

"So perverted!"

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