One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 184 Playing with fire? Who can't?

boom! !

With a violent roar, the nearly century-old building collapsed instantly.

tread! tread! tread! tread!

Facing the fearful eyes of everyone around him, a tall figure slowly walked out of the smoke from the collapsed building.

This is a tall, muscular man with short red hair. He wears a white scarf around his neck, covering the lower part of his face, and his eyes are revealed with a chilling look. of indifference.

"Lord Katakuri!"

The pirate on the side stepped forward and looked at Katakuri with fervent eyes.

"I have already asked clearly. It is [Hegemony] Rhodes from the Seven Martial Arts Under the King. They are going to the Champs Elysees now."

Katakuri nodded slightly and walked towards the port with his long legs.

Puki's officials who were originally responsible for connecting with the Big Mom Pirates to donate flour have all been killed, and the municipal building has also been destroyed.

However, there is no way to explain it to ‘Mom’ just like this.

It takes someone with more weight to calm down 'Mother's' anger.

Shichibukai, barely enough!

After loading all the flour processed from [Golden Wheat] onto the ship, the Big Mom Pirates' pirate ship sailed towards the Champs Elysees Islands.

Katakuri stood on the bow of the ship with his arms folded, staring ahead.

In this sea, no one can be safe after provoking the Big Mom Pirates, not even the Shichibukai!


Champs Elysees Islands, in Liluka's castle.

The lightning transformed by Neilu wandered around the castle, looking for the right moment to take action.

With natural devil fruits, especially fruits with huge destructive power like the Thunder Fruit, as long as the power is fully activated, the castle in front of you will be destroyed in an instant.

However, Neru also tried to use his ability to bombard the castle, but to no avail.

If he attacked with all his strength without reservation, it might be possible to smash the castle to pieces, but that would not guarantee the safety of the rest of the people in the castle.

The suppressed power cannot cause harm to the castle at all.

"It's useless, this is my dollhouse!"

Riluka watched with interest the thunder and lightning flashing around the castle.

She is a user with the [Doll Fruit] ability. She can set whatever she likes into a 'doll house'. The doll house is her domain. No one can leave the doll house unless she gives her permission!

And in her 'doll house', there are countless doll soldiers guarding her.

"You absolutely cannot leave without my permission!"

"Even if you can use your elemental abilities to keep moving, when your physical strength is exhausted, you will be caught by me."

Neru looked at Riruka below, thinking of ways to do it.

With his physical strength, if he didn't fight and just used his elemental abilities to move around the castle, even three days and three nights wouldn't be a problem.

However, he came to rescue his companions!

"Want to attack?"

As if she noticed Nailu's emotional change, a smirk flashed on Riluka's face, and she pointed at the dolls beside her.

"You tried it just now, right? If it were a small-scale precision attack, you wouldn't be able to successfully attack me given my visibility."

"And if you want to use a natural attack with a large range, your companions will not be immune."

Four doll soldiers stood around Riruka.

Compared with ordinary doll soldiers, they are taller and the aura exuding from their bodies is more powerful.

The most important thing is that these dolls bear the faces of Peijin and others.

"How about it? I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to tell the identities of your companions, so I printed their faces on the doll's face."

Neru remained silent.

The doll soldiers surrounding Riluka bear the faces of Luo, Pekin, Shaqi, and Genos respectively. They are not simply pinched doll faces. Naru can see them through the doll's eyes. Luo and the others were indeed taken into the dolls by the other party using unknown means.

"But don't worry. These are just dolls I made casually. They are rough in every aspect. If it were you, I would make them carefully and make you the No. 1 work of art!"

Riruka said, raising the white bear in her hand.

"It's definitely more beautiful than this white bear!"


Nailu's mind was spinning rapidly.

This castle is within the scope of the other party's capabilities. It may be similar to Luo's 'ROOM' space, but the direction is different. Within this range, it is impossible to leave unless the other party's permission is obtained.

Judging from those dolls, Luo and the others may be in a similar situation, except that the scope they are restricted is not within the castle, but within the dolls.

Generally speaking, if a Superman-type Devil Fruit user loses consciousness, his abilities will lose their effect, so as long as he defeats that woman, whether it is the restraints of this castle or the restraints of their dolls, they should be able to be successfully released.

However, as the other party said just now, her vision is quite good and she may have touched the legendary [predicting the future]. Nailu's many previous attacks have failed to work.

And if she wanted to rely on a large-scale attack to saturate her, the dolls surrounding her would make Nairu throw a bullet.

If the doll is destroyed, what will happen to the companions who were placed inside the doll?

Will it be released, or will it suffer the same harm?

Naru's eyes fell on the doll where Genos was.

Otherwise, let’s test it out a little bit.

Judging from Genos's physical condition, even if he is seriously injured, his life will not be in danger...


boom! ! !

The impact of the fist and the impact of Haki burst out at the same time. The terrifying power seemed to destroy everything in front of him. Bowness's face changed slightly, and the blood in his body began to flow rapidly, inciting his muscles to condense, Haki and Devil Fruit. His abilities are also stretched to the limit in an instant.

"Iron block·kill people·hardened weapons!"

Bowness' whole body was shining with a dark luster, and he was holding on to the iron fist that soared from the sky.


The autumn water in Rhodes' hand was instantly unsheathed and placed on top of Rhodes' head. The terrifying slash was held in place, competing with Garp's punch and resisting the force.

"Lieutenant General Garp!"

The beautiful navy girl holding a Western sword caught up from behind. Looking at the scene in front of her, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.

Under Lieutenant General Garp's fist, the familiar figure was struggling to withstand the impact, and the face that had always been smiling was now full of ferocity.

Too bad!

As a naval hero, Lieutenant General Garp, when he encounters Ace, a pirate, he will definitely attack without mercy.

"Fire Fist!"

Ace gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words from his mouth. With his hot breath, a huge flaming fist rose into the air and collided with Garp's fist.

Tick ​​tock!

A drop of blood slipped from the corner of Bowness's mouth, but his eyes were extremely bright.

This was an attack from a naval hero, and he blocked it!

"Pfft, hahahaha, they are all amazing!"

Garp landed on the ground, looked at the people in front of him with his mouth wide open, and clenched his fists.

"Then let's have a taste of my iron fist again!"

‘If we continue, I’m afraid we will be directly defeated by Lieutenant General Garp. ’

Lieutenant Iska looked at Ace, and such thoughts flashed through his mind.

‘No matter what, I still don’t want him to be arrested by others. ’

"It hurts, Grandpa!"

Just when Iska was thinking about how to deal with the next situation, Ace shouted something that caused her to shut down on the spot.


"Can't you stand this, you brat?"

Garp clenched his fists and looked at Ace with evil eyes.

This disobedient brat has obviously been teaching them to become outstanding sailors, but whether it's Ace or Luffy, they all clamor to become pirates.

This kid Ace even went to sea while he was away and made quite a name for himself.

However, his life as a pirate is about to end!

"You'd better be a good Marine and become a Marine!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Garp, who was laughing, rushed directly in front of Ace, and suddenly swung his domineering fist at him.

"How could I possibly be in the navy?"

A smile also flashed across Ace's face, and flames flashed on his body.

"Mirror Fire Flame!"

Terrifying flames suddenly erupted from Ace's body and were swung mercilessly at the grandfather in front of him.

Rhodes glanced at the battle over there, turned around and continued walking towards Riluka's castle.

He didn't want to get involved in other people's housework.

"Yan Shangzhang!"

Accompanied by Ace's voice, blazing flames suddenly erupted, and a huge wall of flames suddenly rose in front of Rhodes. The wall of flames quickly spread, forming a huge circular area, trapping Rhodes and his party. in it.

Rhodes turned to look at Ace.

"You guy, you destroyed my pirate ship!"

Ace wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

There was no moisture in this smelly old man's fist, and the terrifying power was poured into his body without any reservation. Even himself, a natural ability user, was severely injured in an instant.

However, no matter what, this guy who destroyed his own pirate ship must not let him go!

"Don't even think about just walking away!"


A chuckle suddenly burst out from Rhode's mouth.

"Sure enough, it's just that the name of the Shichibukai can't calm people down at all, no matter who they are, they dare to grin in front of me."

Rhodes turned slightly sideways, stretched out his left hand, and stopped his fist just in front of the flame wall.


Without any movement, a terrifying shock wave was suddenly released from Rhodes' fist, leaving a huge gap in the giant flame wall.

"You go first and fight carefully."

Rhodes gave orders to Minina and the others, and they nodded and ran through the giant flame wall towards the distant castle.

Kosha has already told them most of the information about the enemy, and Nailu has already gone there first. They only need to cooperate with Nailu in the battle.

As for the battle here, Captain Rhodes never needed them to worry.

"Portcas D. Ace."

After Minina and the others left, the flames spread again, covering the gap left by Rhodes. The huge wall of flames completely surrounded Rhodes, Ace and Garp.

Rhodes turned to look at Ace, with a hint of chill in his voice.

"It seems that no one has taught you to be in awe of this sea."

The autumn water hanging from his waist slowly came out of its sheath, and a cold aura emanated from Rhodes' body, making the area shrouded in flames seem to become cooler.

"In that case, let me teach you a lesson!"

Domineering instantly covered the blade of Qiushui. The originally pitch black blade became darker and darker. Black lightning flickered on the blade. With a violent roar, the ground under Rhodes' feet cracked inch by inch, and the sharp blade appeared directly. In front of Ace, a powerful sense of oppression came from all directions, making Ace's body unable to move. The domineering energy released at an unknown time oppressed his body, making him unable to even transform into elements. .

"One Sword Style·Dragon Slaying!"

'it's over! ’

Ace's pupils were filled with sharp daggers, and a picture flashed through his mind.

People like him, who have inherited a sinful bloodline, should not live in the world in the first place. Maybe dying like this is a good ending.


The picture in his mind froze, and Ace seemed to see his younger brother wearing a straw hat and smiling silly all the time.

I can't see you again, Luffy...

Bang! ! !

An iron fist suddenly hit the blade, blocking the oncoming slash. Horrible vibrations and impacts erupted from the place where the fist and blade met, and then Ace felt a sharp pain coming from his head.

"Why did you hit me again, you stinky old man!"

After recovering from the revolving door, Ace covered his head and looked at Garp who was standing in front of him.

"Hahahaha, you useless brat, were you frightened by the enemy's attack?"

Garp punched Ace on the head, then threw him aside, looking at Rhodes with a wild smile on his face.

"That's awesome, boy Rhodes!"

Garp glanced at the faint sword mark left on his fist.

The last time I was injured in battle seemed like a long time ago.

This kid is so awesome!

"Let me play with you!"

"The younger ones were beaten, and here comes the older ones."

Rhodes glanced at Ace, who was thrown aside by Garp.

"Since when did pirates become a game for the second generation?"

"This guy is my enemy!"

Ace stood up, straightened his hat, and looked at Rhodes.

"Don't interfere, Grandpa."

Second generation or something...

He is just a pirate with sinful blood flowing through his veins.

Garp looked at Rhodes, then at Ace, sat cross-legged, crossed his arms and looked at them.

Anyway, if he was here, Ace would never be killed.

If that's the case, let this brat [Ba Fist] teach Ace a lesson.

In this case, he might be able to get him back into the Navy's camp.

"Great Flame Ring: Emperor Yan!"

A steady stream of flames were released from Ace's body, and the scorching flames turned into huge fireballs under his ability, like a burning sun held above Ace's head.

"It's not enough."

Rhodes looked at the big fire ball in Ace's hand and thought of the Brontosaurus that Enel used before.

This kind of attack formed purely from elements, whether it's thunder, lightning or fire, can't hurt him at all!


Domineering energy once again covered Qiu Shui's blade. Rhode's muscles squirmed, and the power in his body gathered little by little. Under his terrifying grip, Qiu Shui's blade even glowed with a faint red light.

"Playing with fire? Who doesn't?"

Qiu Shui slashed suddenly in his hand. At the extreme speed, Qiu Shui's sword glowed with a red light. Under Rhode's swing, it seemed like a meandering fire dragon, roaring and biting towards the big sun. go.

"One-sword style Flame Dragon!"

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