One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 195 Kaido's Attention

three days later

Gray completed the coating of the Polar while the others enjoyed three days on the Chambord Islands.

The Chambord Islands are indeed the last islands in the first half of the Grand Line. Countless merchants and pirates have gathered together. Rhodes and the others have seen many things on them for the first time, and because they are close to the Grand Line, not many people dare to be here. A big fight, Luo cutting off Island No. 1 some time ago was a rare event in recent years.

However, because the Tianlong people were not involved and the incident happened in a lawless area, under the protection of Rhodes's status as a Qibukai, the navy just called him and gave him a gentle reprimand.

“Does this really allow you to dive?”

On the Polar Ship, Pei Jin uneasily poked the layer of bubbles wrapped around the Polar Ship with his hand.

Can such a thing really ensure that the pirate ship can dive to the bottom of 10,000 meters?

"We are all Devil Fruit users. If it breaks accidentally, it will be over."

"Don't worry!"

Gray patted his chest.

"I'm a genius scientist. Do you think I just coated the Polar Ship with a coating?"

"I made 6 emergency plans!"

"It's so reliable!"

Xia Qi patted Gray's shoulder hard.

"Then, let's move towards Fish-Man Island!"

Following the record pointer, the Polar Ship dived into the seabed and headed towards the Fishman Island 10,000 meters below.

And at the same time that the Rhodes Pirates' Polar Ship was diving, news about them quickly spread to all parts of the world.


New world, golden city.

This is the largest entertainment city in the world. Since its official opening half a year ago, this place has quickly become the most popular place in the world. No matter what kind of entertainment projects, you can find them all here, from civilians to pirates. The top leaders of the world government and even the world's noble Celestial Dragons will all visit this place.

The most important thing is that pirates can appear here openly without being pursued by the navy.

This is the power of the man who controls 20% of the world's Baileys, the Golden Emperor Tezoro!

"It's finally here, Rod!"

In the highest room of the Golden City, Tezzoro stood by the window, looking at the brightly lit Golden City below, the red wine glass in his hand swaying gently.

It has been nearly a year since he left Lavis Island. The Golden City planned by Tezoro has been put into use and brought him greater power. Rhodes, who he decided to follow in the first place, is finally going to Entering this sea.

"You've really done a great job!"

In Tezoro's hand, there are several pieces of information, which are information he obtained through his connections within the World Government.

Under his financial offensive, officials within the World Government easily disclosed important information.

"Historical texts, ancient weapons, and other histories buried in the past. It turns out that you have been pursuing such dangerous things."

The blank hundred years is something the world government strictly prohibits from studying.

And these things that Rhodes is chasing undoubtedly point to the blank hundred years.

According to the information Tezoro received from the World Government, the World Government has been secretly investigating information related to the Rhodes Pirates. Judging from the information currently available, the Rhodes Pirates have the only remaining in the world that can decipher ancient texts. Nicole Robin has also explored things about historical texts in many places.

These two points alone are enough for the world government to take action against them.

Not to mention, there are some unclear points, it seems that the Rhodes Pirates have come into contact with other places that have touched the sensitive nerves of the World Government.

"Come on, Rod!"

Tezzolo brought the wine glass to his lips and swallowed the bright red wine bit by bit.

"I can't wait to see the scene where those people who are so high on the top are pulled down!"


The red earth continent, the holy land of Mary Gioia.

"Rhode, is he really studying the blank hundred years?"

In a room, several CP0 agents were analyzing the intelligence of Rhodes and his party.

"Not sure."

An agent put down his information.

"However, he recruited Nicole Robin, the only person who can decipher the historical text. Moreover, according to the intelligence we have previously detected, the reason why Crocodile is operating in Alabasta is that he got some information about Alabasta. Stan has a historical text that records the whereabouts of ancient weapons.

Crocodile was later defeated by Rhodes and went to the New World, but the historical text of Alabasta probably fell into the hands of Rhodes. "

"This can only be regarded as speculation."

Another cp0 agent said.

Different from the previous missions they carried out, this was a Shichibukai after all, and he was considered a powerful being among the Shichibukai. He was not someone they could just arrest casually.

Without definite evidence, they couldn't even report the matter to their superiors.

"They also came into contact with Espagu in the Capital of Seven Waters!"

Another agent spoke.

"We all know that Espagu is a disciple of Tom the Fishman. The design drawings of the legendary ancient weapon [Pluto] are said to have been passed down from generation to generation in the hands of shipwrights."

"Furthermore, hasn't Gray, the [evil scientist] under Rhodes, always wanted to build a super battleship comparable to [Pluto]?"

"Anyway, it's still a bit far-fetched."

Guernica stopped the discussion among his men and put the dozen materials on the table.

At this current point in time, the top leaders of the world government do not want to see any changes in the Shichibukai policy.

If you don't have some absolute certainty and clues about Rhodes, it's best not to report it to the superiors.


Guernica thought of the information she had recently received about Ace, the latest Shichibukai [Fire Fist].

The Navy seems to be secretly investigating the information about [Fire Fist] Ace.

Could it be said that this new Shichibukai also hides some secrets?

Really, why don’t any of these pirates be honest?


New World, Wano Country, Onigashima.


Along with a burst of laughter, terrifying thunder exploded over Onigashima.

"Phantom beast species!"

The burly Kaido held a wine gourd in his hand, took a few sips, and then continued to look at the two photos in front of him.

Those were Nia with black flames dancing on her body, and Genos with red eyes.

"Brother Kaido, you can tell it's JOKER's conspiracy just by looking at it."

[Fire Calamity] Jhin, who had wings on his back, glanced at the two photos in front of Kaido and reminded him.

"Of course I know!"

Kaido put down the wine bottle in his hand and burped, with a trace of blush on his face.

"That JOKER guy must know that he is no match for that dominating brat, so he deliberately released information about these two people to lure me into action."

Although he looks rough, Kaido's mind is not confused at all. Even after drinking a lot of wine, his thinking is still very clear.

"But, these are two phantom beast species!"

Kaido looked at the photo of Nia and Genos again.

"These two people are born to be the leaders of our Beasts Pirates!"

"Besides, I have also seen it. The Rhodes Pirates have many powerful cadres. If I can recruit them all, I will be able to bring about four disasters!"

"I heard that Lingling planned to turn her third dessert star into a fourth dessert star some time ago, but because Katakuri lost to Fist Lord, she was deprived of the title of general. As a result, she is still a dessert star now. "Three generals."

"As long as I can surrender Baquan Rhodes, not only will he become the fourth disaster under my command, but other people under him can also turn my 'Flying Sixth Cell' into a 'Flying Ten Cell'!"

"However, people like him may not be easily conquered."

Jhin was not as optimistic as Kaido and calmly analyzed the situation.

"New pirates like them all have the dream of becoming the [Pirate King]. I'm afraid they won't be conquered so easily by you, Brother Kaido."

"Uh-huh-huh-huh! I'm a beast!"

Kaido grabbed his mace, and with a loud shout, his powerful domineering force was released without any concealment, as if he was going to blast away the thunder clouds above his head.

"Jack, take a few people and set off with me!"

"The expedition of the beasts will be led by me personally this time!"


Rhodes and his group knew nothing about what happened in the new world. They were currently wandering on the bottom of the sea, looking at the Fish-Man Island that appeared in their sights in shock.

It was an island wrapped in bubbles. From a distance, it looked like bubbles suspended in the sea. Under the sunlight transmitted by the 'Yang Tree Eve', the Fish-Man Island looked like a bubble in the deep sea. Pearl.

“How spectacular!”

Everyone on the Polar Ship looked at the Fish-Man Island in the distance in surprise. Driven by the current, the Polar Ship slowly approached the Fish-Man Island, and finally passed through the bubble outside the Fish-Man Island and entered the island.


As the ship entered the Fishman Island, the original coating shattered instantly. Under the influence of gravity, the Polar Ship suddenly fell.

"It's going to fall!!"

Bebo let out an exclamation.

"don’t worry!"

Gray said calmly, and then a stream of faint blue light suddenly erupted from the bottom of the Polar Ship. Under the influence of the air currents, the landing trend of the Polar Ship suddenly stopped, and the entire ship floated in mid-air, and then followed Following Gray's operation, the Polar flew forward.

"Is this still a boat?"

Pekin lay on the side of the ship, looking at the ground below, and then at the Polaris floating in the air, feeling a little confused.

"Of course, this is the modification I made on the Polar Ship by referring to the design drawings of the Ark [Proverbs]. The current Polar Ship has three functions of sailing, diving, and flying at the same time."

"Awesome, awesome!"

Pekin and Xia Qi clapped their hands perfunctorily, then each took out a telescope and lay on the side of the ship to look down.

Compared to Gray's explanation, they wanted to see the cute and sexy mermaid girl!

"What's that?"

"Pirate ship?"

"Why are pirate ships flying in the sky!"

"Come quickly, pirates have invaded!"


Below, seeing the giant ship flying in the sky as if it was blocking out the sun, the residents of Fish-Man Island exclaimed in surprise, and some quickly contacted the guards of Dragon Palace City.

"Looks like we're not going in quite right."

Hearing the murlocs' discussion keenly below, Nailu understood instantly.

It seems that the way they entered was not the conventional way of entering the country, which may have caused panic among many residents of Fishman Island.

"But it seems that someone is coming."

As soon as Neru finished speaking, a loud voice came from below.

"It turned out that the Rod Pirates had come. If you don't mind, let me entertain you and show my hospitality."

The people on the Polar followed the voice and saw a blue-skinned, burly fishman standing on a stone not far away, looking at the Polar.

"Sea Knight Jinbei!"

Rod recognized the other party's identity at a glance and signaled Gray to lower the height of the Polar.

"I didn't expect that our first meeting would be under such circumstances."

"It can actually fly in the sky. What an amazing ship!"

Jinbei first praised the Polar, then set his eyes on Rod, with a cautious tone.

"This should be your first time to Fishman Island, so how about I take you on a tour?"

"My other crew members might want to have a good time on their own."

Rod smiled kindly at Jinbei.

"As for me, there is indeed a place where I need to trouble Mr. Jinbei to take us."

Rod waved his hand, indicating that everyone could move freely, and then called Robin over.

"I heard that there are historical texts on Fishman Island. My companions are very interested in the historical texts, so please trouble Mr. Jinbei to take us to see them."

"Historical texts?"

Jinbei glanced at Robin, then at Rhodes, and nodded slightly.

He was originally on the ship of Father Whitebeard during this period.

As the person who protected Fishman Island, Whitebeard was respected by most people on Fishman Island, and Jinbei was no exception.

Although he did not join the Whitebeard Pirates for various reasons, but became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Jinbei always respected Whitebeard very much and always called him Daddy.

It was precisely because of the news that the Rod Pirates appeared in the Sabaody Archipelago and might soon go to Fishman Island that Jinbei hurriedly led his companions of the Sun Pirates back from the New World to personally welcome Rod, fearing that he would have a conflict with Fishman Island.

"Come with me."

Signing his companions to report the situation here to King Neptune, Jinbei led Rod and Robin to the distance.

"Let's move freely."

Nero did not leave with Rod and the others, but looked at the streets in the distance.

The Fishman Island, 10,000 meters under the sea, has a completely different humanities and scenery from the above, which makes Neru feel a little curious.

"Mermaid Cafe!"

"Miss Mermaid!"

Pekin and Xiaqi walked towards the distant street with anticipation, Brook pulled Kosa behind, and even Genos and Webber followed them to the distance.

"Wait for me, I have to find a place to park the Polaris first."

Gray stood on the deck, wishing he could grab Pekin and the others.


Liluka stretched out her hand and snapped her fingers. A heart flew out from her fingertips and shot at the Polaris. The next moment, the Polaris hull shrank rapidly and was finally collected by her in a small bottle.

"That's it."

Liluka handed the bottle containing the Polaris to Gray.

"As long as the bottle is broken, the Polaris can be released again."

"That's great. I have a new respect for you."

Gray looked at Liluka and forced a smile on his face.

He had never liked this woman. After all, he didn't care about clothes at all.

However, the other party's move made him smile to her.

After all, such an ability seems to be very useful.


Liluka proudly shook her twin ponytails and followed Nia and the others.

"Let's go shopping. I heard that the clothes on Fishman Island are very designed."

"Let's go, now we don't need to bring Kosa with us."

The crowd split into several teams and walked in different directions, starting their respective trips to Fishman Island.

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