One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 197 Luo's Actions

"The clothes here are pretty good."

Riruka looked at the clothes she saw with a critical eye.

She is a fashion designer herself and has her own ideas about clothing design. Although the clothes in front of her are relatively novel in design, they are not too stunning.

However, it can be considered remarkable.

"Of course it's far behind compared to you."

Baccarat chuckled softly, and she and Riluka walked into the store to try on clothes.

Putting aside everything else, she approved of Riluka's fashion aesthetic.

"However, I'm afraid you don't have much time to make clothes recently."

According to Rhodes, Riluka is just a handyman on the ship now.

The New Polar is built according to the standards of large sea ships, directly matching the large warships of the Navy. Although Gray's technology has made many functions of the ship automated, even a dozen of them can operate it, but Many functions still cannot be used.

Just cleaning the hull is a big problem.

After Riluka took up the job as a handyman on the Polar Ship, all these problems were solved.

The dolls she made can clean the ship without sleep, and are fully capable of performing some daily maintenance on the ship's hull.

In the original plan, Rhodes planned to recruit a group of sailors to board the ship in the Capital of Seven Waters and Chambord. Those who could sail there were barely qualified to board Rhode's ship.

However, after having Riluka, Rhodes gave up his original plan.

It is difficult to say how much role the pirates or sailors in the first half of the Grand Line will play after entering the new world. Ordinary sailors are not like these cadres who can grow quickly and keep up with Rhodes.

"There will be time soon!"

Riruka picked up a dress and gesticulated on her body.

"After working overtime recently, I have completed 300 doll soldiers, which is basically enough."

Putting the dress she was quite satisfied with aside, Riluka picked up another piece of clothing.

"After that, as long as I make some more dolls, I can give you some nice clothes."

The movements of Riluka's hands paused slightly, and her eyes shone slightly.

"Although I can't keep you inside the doll forever and change your clothes at will, it might be better to try it on with real people."

Riruka's face turned slightly red and she let out a suspicious laugh.

"You are the pervert, why do you smile like this as a girl?"

Baccarat looked at Riluka, her tone slightly helpless.

After being in contact with it for a while, she discovered that this [Doll Princess] was just like a child who had not grown up, full of weird ideas.

Just like now, she didn't know what she thought of, and the smile on her face was even more idiotic than an idiot.

"It's nothing, just come on and let me control you."

Riruka wiped the non-existent saliva and blurted out.


Baccarat looked at the other party with a slightly dangerous look.

"Ah! Sorry, I forgot that you are not my doll."

"Why are you so obsessed with dolls?"

Baccarat probed a little.

"Because only dolls can always stay with me."

Riluka happily picked out nice-looking dresses, and at the same time thought, if these clothes were slightly modified, they would look good on her dolls.

"Whether it's family, friends, or other people I like, they will leave me because of various things, but there are only dolls. No matter where I go, dolls will always be with me. Of course I like dolls the most. ah."

Baccarat looked at this lively girl. She was walking around in the store with light steps, choosing beautiful clothes one by one. Judging from the size of the clothes she picked, she was choosing more of herself. clothes.

The red twin pony tails jumped in step with Riruka, as excited as her mood.

Although she stayed on the Polar Ship as a handyman, and her heart was still in Luo's hands, it could be said that her life was completely in the hands of others, but the girl did not seem too worried or depressed.

Baccarat could feel that the other party was even enjoying his current life.

"Can you tell me about your past?"

Baccarat picked out a few pieces of clothing, and walked to the dressing room with Riluka. The door was closed, and the two people in the small dressing room were slightly close. Riluka picked up a piece of clothing and handed it to Bakara. Kara, looking expectant.

"You come and try on the clothes first."

Riluka stared at Baccarat intently and talked about her past.

"Actually, there is nothing to say. I have always liked good-looking dolls and clothes. When I was a child, I would make some dolls myself, give them good-looking clothes, and play some dress-up games, just like an ordinary little girl."

“Later, I accidentally ate the doll fruit and discovered that I could make the dolls I made move, which made me enjoy playing dress-up games with the dolls even more.

Especially after I accidentally discovered that I could put the person I like into a doll and make the doll's face look like that person!

My friends will cooperate with me in playing dress-up games, but after a while they won’t want to continue, but the same goes for dolls. No matter how long it takes, no matter what kind of clothes they are in, they can keep playing! "

At this point, Riluka's mood suddenly became high.

"Obviously as long as I put him in the doll, no matter whether it is hunger or fatigue, these negative feelings will disappear, and he can always change into all kinds of beautiful clothes and stay with me. Why don't everyone like it? !”

Snap! !

Baccarat suddenly snapped her fingers, awakening Riluka from her memories, then turned around to show off the clothes she was wearing.

"Very beautiful! Sure enough, my vision was right. You have such a good figure, you have to highlight it!"

Riluka looked at Bacara's clothes with excitement.

"Then, you put your family and friends into the dolls?"

After Riluka's mood recovered a little, Bacara continued to ask.

She had been hit by Riruka's ability before.

She has two abilities.

One is to put the person into the doll box. In that case, she is just smaller, but all the feelings are still there.

But the other ability to put people into dolls is different. After being put into the doll, although you can see outside through the doll's sight, it is true that as Riluka said, no matter whether it is hunger , still tired, all these physical feelings disappeared.

It was a very special experience. You could see things and hear sounds, but other than that, you couldn't feel anything else, and you couldn't even feel your own existence.

This kind of contradictory feeling, if you are a mentally fragile person, you may go crazy.

"I put my best friend into the doll. She obviously said she wanted to be with me forever!"

"But as soon as I released her, I knew I had lost this friend forever."

Riruka's voice was slightly lowered.

"To this day, I still remember the way she looked at me, that kind of fear and alienation..."

Baccarat patted Riluka's head, and her twin ponytails were drooping listlessly.

She seems to be just a girl who has mastered the power, but is a bit delicate.

"Your friend likes you very much, otherwise he wouldn't have said that he would stay with you forever."

"It's just that she is just an ordinary person. After being put into the doll by your ability, the feeling of nothingness will make people crazy. She is just a little scared because she has just experienced your ability."

"Did you reconcile later?"

Baccarat comforted Riruka softly.


Riruka's voice came.

"Later, she died!"

Bacara's hand on Riluka's head stopped immediately, subconsciously preparing to activate her own abilities and let the goddess of luck bless her.

"Killed by pirates."

Riluka's voice continued, and the ability that Baccarat had just prepared to use was withdrawn.

"Because I couldn't stand the eyes of my best friends, I locked myself in a doll house and completely closed myself off. However, after I recovered my mood and came out of the doll house, no matter it was my friends or my family, they all was killed."

"Of course I know that my friend doesn't really hate me, but if I hadn't let her out of the doll, wouldn't she have died? If I had put all my family members in the doll, Are they not going to die?"

"Human beings are too fragile!"

"Only dolls can stay with me forever!"

"You are too extreme!"

The door to the dressing room was suddenly opened, and Nia's palm slapped on Riluka's shoulder.

"Why did you just open the door and come in?"

Baccarat covered her body a little. The clothes Riluka chose for her just now were a little too revealing.

"You two have been in there for too long, and I heard your voice outside!"

Nia's eyes swept over Baccarat's body, her eyes red with jealousy.

"Are the people put into the doll still themselves? What you end up with is just a doll with the same appearance as the person you like! What you need is a friend, a companion, not a group of dolls!"

Nia squeezed Riluka's shoulder with her palms slightly harder.

During her childhood training, she had experienced countless separations and farewells from her partners, and she could understand Riluka's feelings of losing her friend.

However, people always have to look forward!

"Besides, I remember you said at the beginning that you wanted us to stay with you forever. Now we are all together, even in the room, everyone is close to each other."

"So, stop being obsessed with your dolls, we can always be your partners as long as you want!"

Behind Nia, Minina was holding a watermelon, a specialty of Fish-Man Island, chewing on it. She nodded sharply in agreement when she heard the words.


Riruka raised her head and looked at the three new friends in front of her.

"I want to hold you and sleep together."

"You guy,"

Baccarat put on her clothes and took a step back. Nia's eyes were slightly alert.

"He is indeed a pervert!"

Boom! !

A violent explosion suddenly came from a distant place. Nia and the others looked at each other in bewilderment.

It was hard for them not to think of Pekin and Xiaqi with the sound of this explosion.

However, didn't they go to see the mermaids? Why did they make such a noise?

"What's that sound!"

"Are the pirates coming in?"

"Where are the troops of Ryugu Castle!"

"It seems to be the noise coming from Fishman Street."


Hearing these sounds, Nia and Bakara looked at each other and turned to walk outside.

"Ladies, these clothes?"

"Pack them all up!"

Nia waved her hand and packed all the clothes she had picked up before. Liluka took out a small shoulder bag and used her ability to put all the clothes in front of her into the bag.

"The explosion came from that direction."

Nia identified the direction, and the four of them rushed to the direction of the explosion.


A few hours ago.

Southeast of Fishman Island, Coral Hill.

This is the prosperous port town of Fishman Island, where the famous Fishman Cafe is located.

"This is heaven!"

In the cafe, Pekin looked at the mermaid sisters coming and going.

"Unfortunately, there is no meat here."

Weber looked at the mermaid sisters coming and going, and while complaining about the food, he couldn't help but sigh at the fate of life.

He is a Shandian who lives 10,000 meters above the sky. He didn't expect that one day he would go to the sea 10,000 meters below and meet many completely different races here.

"That's because we mermaids don't eat meat and fish."

A mermaid sister with long smooth golden hair presented them with snacks and fruits, and explained after hearing Weber's words.

"However, the snacks of our Fishman Island are unique, completely different from the snacks you have tasted before, you can try it."

"Yohohoho, what a kind and beautiful lady."

Brook held the coffee and looked at the mermaid sister standing in front of him.

"Can I see your underwear?"


The mermaid looked at Brooke strangely, holding the tray in her arms, tilting her head to look at the skeleton in front of her.


"Is that so? So it's not possible."

Brooke looked frustrated.

"Because I'm not wearing underwear."


A strong airflow sprayed out of Brooke's nostrils, and the faces of Pei Jin and Xia Qi flushed instantly.

"No... No... No..."

Brooke felt like he had seen heaven.


Luo Yi held his forehead with his hand and pulled up Pei Jin's clothes.

"You saw the mermaid too, now it's time to get down to business."

"Wait, Luo! Didn't you hear that she wasn't wearing..."


Luo couldn't help but want to pry open his head to see if everything inside had turned into explosives.

"She's a mermaid, and her lower body is a fish!"

Pei Jin and the others were petrified instantly.

"Let's go."

Pekin, Xiaqi and Brook stood up mechanically and followed Luo out of the cafe.

"Wait, what are we going to do? Didn't boss Rhodes let us move freely?"

After walking out of the cafe, Pekin suddenly reacted and looked at Luo strangely and asked.

Even if the mermaids have fish tails in their lower body, it doesn't affect their cuteness!

"Of course it's important."

Luo's mind flashed back to what Rhodes told him when he was diving.

If the previous voyage was an adventure and entertainment voyage, then from now on, they officially started the struggle for hegemony.

Therefore, every bit of power is what they need to fight for!

"We are going to Fishman Street, meet some people, find out some things, and then gain some support."

Luo glanced at the three people who followed him out.

With their help, it should not be difficult to do what Rhodes asked.

If things are really as Rhodes said, they may be able to conquer Fishman Island in one fell swoop and bring this power under control!

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