One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 20 The Righteous Navy Passing By (New book, please read!!)

Just as Rhode and his group were making a scene at Spedamis, a warship was sailing on the sea not far away.

On the deck, in addition to the marines who were doing their own jobs, at a table in the middle, several naval officers wearing [Justice] cloaks were drinking afternoon tea.

"What are your plans after reporting back to the headquarters this time?"

One of the burly marines put down the cup in his hand and turned his head to look at a marine sitting next to him.

It was a pretty female marine with short light pink hair, a cigarette in her mouth, and a cold temperament. She was wearing dark purple gloves on her hands on the table.

Although he said "you", his eyes were always on the female marine next to him, and his eyes were full of heat.

"I will stay in the Grand Line."

The female marine did not speak, but frowned slightly and took a deep breath. Instead, a marine sitting opposite her spoke.

It was a calm young man with an [X]-shaped scar on his chin.

Although it was a relatively relaxing afternoon tea, the navy sat upright with a serious expression on his face.

"Okay, I get it, Colonel Drake. So, what about you, Lieutenant Colonel Hina! I guess you also want to stay in the Grand Line. Have you decided which naval branch to go to? If you have any ideas, I can help you."

The burly navy responded casually, without even turning his eyes, still staring at Lieutenant Colonel Hina, and pretending to casually reveal some information.

"After all, Vice Admiral Jonathan of the G8 Fortress has been a good friend of my father for decades."

Reaching out to take the cigarette and pressing it into the ashtray, the female navy named Hina sighed.

"Hina is very irritable!"

Lieutenant Colonel Hina stood up, pressed down the brown sunglasses stuck on his head, then pulled his gloves, left several colleagues sitting at the table, walked to the side of the ship by himself, and looked at the sea from afar.

I should have taken my own warship to the headquarters.

Such a thought flashed through Hina's mind.

In recent years, the situation in the North Sea has gradually calmed down. Doflamingo led the Don Quixote family to the New World and became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. The Germa led by the Vinsmoke family reached some agreement with the World Government and became a member of the government again.

After several years in the North Sea branch, she received a transfer order from the headquarters after accumulating enough merits. She went to the Marine Headquarters in Marinford with several people from other branches to report on her work.

Unexpectedly, Colonel Monte Barrow has been pestering her since he boarded the ship. She has also heard about his situation. He is probably a model of military rank higher than ability. Because of the taboo of Vice Admiral Monte Giles standing behind him, Hina has been enduring and not erupting.

However, it is really difficult to suppress her disgust.

"Is it boring to be on the boat for too long? The sea is so boring, but we will arrive soon. I will get you a glass of wine."

Colonel Monte Barrow was unaware of it. He ran to the kitchen happily and brought fruit wine to Lieutenant Colonel Hina.

"Hina doesn't want to drink. Take it!"

If she wasn't worried that the other party might make trouble in the subsequent report to the headquarters, Hina would just want to pour the wine directly on his face.

However, she is not a person like Smoker after all. After years of training, she knows the destructive power of this kind of playboy.


Just when Hina was annoyed by Colonel Barrow's persistence, a violent sound came from a distance.

"That direction is..."

The violent explosion attracted the attention of everyone on the ship. Colonel Drake also walked over from the table, glanced at the faintly visible island in the distance, and thought about it for a while.

"That should be Spadamiles Town. There is such a loud noise from such a distance. What on earth happened there?"

As a native of the North Sea, he followed his father to wander on the sea for several years when he was a teenager. He is very familiar with most of the important towns in the North Sea.

"Do you want to go and take a look?"

"To be able to make such a big fuss, it is definitely not an ordinary small character, but I haven't heard of any powerful pirate groups in the surrounding waters."

"Of course we have to go! We are the navy of justice. How can we turn a blind eye to the evil happening in front of us!"

Colonel Barrow's voice was sonorous and powerful. It would be better if he hadn't been secretly glancing at Lieutenant Colonel Hina while speaking.

"Major General Bastiu, what do you mean?"

Drake set his sights on the last navy, a tall navy wearing a horn mask and holding a huge long-handled saw in his hand.

This is Major General Bastiu from the Navy Headquarters. He came to the North Sea a few months ago to deal with an important incident in the Kingdom of Dawson. After that, he conveyed the headquarters' order to the three of them and took them to the Navy Headquarters to report on their duties.

Without a doubt, only he can decide the course of the warship.

"The territory of the Seven Warlords of the Sea?"

Bastiu muttered in a low voice.

As a rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters, he naturally has the right to know the information about the Seven Warlords of the Sea. This small town called Speda Miles is the place where Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, made his fortune, and is also the base of the Don Quixote family in the North Sea.

Although I really don’t want to have anything to do with the King Shichibukai, especially Doflamingo, who is the most troublesome among them.

However, as Lieutenant Colonel Barrow said, the cloak of justice behind him made it impossible for him to turn a blind eye to what was happening in front of him!

"Turn towards Spadamiles, all soldiers at the ready.

Major Corlaw, organize your manpower and prepare for evacuation later; Captain Barstow, you will lead two teams of soldiers to receive and treat the wounded on the island; the others will follow me and prepare to fight! "

Major General Bastiu looked at the small island in the distance. His vision was not very good and he was unable to perceive the current situation on the island.

However, there was a feeling in his heart that there was a troublesome guy waiting for him on that island.



"Sure enough, Hailoushi's handcuffs are not so easy to find."

After rummaging through the Don Quixote family's warehouse, Rhodes sighed.

"That kind of treasure should only be encountered after traveling to the Grand Line."

Nailu next to him smiled and handed the last box of food to Rhodes.

"You can help me too. You've been wandering around here. I think you just want to be lazy."

"How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air..."

Rhodes took the box and the two walked towards the port together.

After Gladius and Adorade Manudo were dealt with, the remaining members of the Don Quixote family quickly fled, while Rhodes and the others happily enjoyed the victory. Box link.

It should be said that it was the Don Quixote family. Although they did not find the various weapons that Gray wanted, the various other treasures collected in the manor still frightened Rhodes and the others.

Nia, in particular, happily rushed back and forth between the Polar Ship and the manor, almost undertaking more than half of the transportation work.

However, after all the valuables were plundered, Nia couldn't get off the boat.

One moment he said that he would stay on the ship to take care of the injured Gray, and the next moment he said that he would guard the Polar to prevent thieves from boarding the ship and stealing things. In short, he just wanted to guard the treasures.

So the food supplies could only be transported by Rhodes and Nailu.

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