One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 206 Thunderous Gossip!

"What's going on?"

"Damn, I got shot!"

"There's something wrong with that woman!"

There are also clever people among the pirates. They quickly discovered the culprit, and the remaining people continued to surround them with malicious intentions.

They are desperadoes seeking life on the edge of a knife, and this level of harm cannot scare them.

"It seems we need to deal with these people first."

Robin's expression remained calm.

She is not afraid of the human sea tactic.

However, the original plan was to complete the mission quietly, but unexpectedly, the sneak attack turned into a violent attack.

However, it's not bad, after all, the original mission assigned by Captain Rhodes was only to completely defeat the Don Quixote family.

Robin stretched out his hands and was about to activate his abilities to deal with the surrounding pirates.

"Oh, oh, just leave it to me."

Baccarat looked at the pirates surrounding them.

There are also many powerful characters with bounties on their heads, and they cannot be solved in a few clicks. If everyone stopped, there was no guarantee that their ultimate target would not escape early.

"It's rare to see you full of energy."

Robin teased Baccarat a little, and then continued forward with Kosha and Violet.

Their target, Sugar, is in the deepest part of this underground factory.

"Humph, you stinky woman, you asked Da Da to let all your companions leave. Now there is no one to help you."

A long-handed tribesman holding a long sword looked at Baccarat with a cruel face.

"You are a devil fruit user."

Nestor, the long-hand swordsman, was a pirate captain before joining the Don Quixote family, and he even had a bounty of 83 million Baileys. He has seen many people with Devil Fruit abilities, but those demons who rely on abilities Those with fruit abilities, after their abilities were discovered, all fell under his sword.

"I've seen it all. After you touched them just now, all kinds of strange things suddenly happened to them. It was like bad luck had come."

"But, as long as I don't get touched by you, that's fine!"

Nestor swung the sword in his hand and attacked Baccarat from various incredible angles.

As a long-handed person, his arms have one more joint than ordinary humans, which also allows him to have a longer attack range and more attack angles. It is with this sword skill that he can be defeated by Don Quixote. The De family took a fancy to him and became a small leader.

Although I don’t know the identity of these enemies in front of me, as long as I defeat and capture them, I can become a cadre with such merit!

Thinking of this, Nestor's eyes flashed with excitement.

"You are really underestimated."

She has also gone through hell-like training, and is no longer the person she was before who relied solely on her fruit abilities.

Feeling the contempt of the person in front of her, and recalling the days and nights of hard training on Cigu Island, Bakala narrowed her eyes slightly.

Facing Nestor's oncoming slash, Bacara's eyes flashed red, and domineering energy wrapped around her arms.

Although the power of Armed Color Haki is not very strong, with the help of the fruit ability, the probability of Bakala using [Bad Flash] is 100%!

Slightly turning sideways to avoid the slash, Baccarat swung his fist on the opponent's sword. With a "click" sound, Nestor's sword broke.

"Oh my, what a lucky man!"

Baccarat smiled and put her palm on Nestor's body when he was stunned.



"Let me tell you, let me tell you, do you really think you can defeat me with just a few of you?"

A slovenly-looking middle-aged man stood in front of Robin and the others. His whole body was sticky, and his nose almost dragged to the ground, which made Robin frown slightly.


Violet looked cautious.

This guy is the highest-ranking member of the Don Quixote family. He is deeply trusted by Doflamingo and is definitely a powerful enemy.

"Dazzling flowers!"

Robin's expression became solemn, and the petals flew into a huge arm, swinging it fiercely towards Torrebol.

Torebol still had a lewd smile on his face, but his movements were not slow at all. Large pieces of mucus were shot out from his body like cannonballs, tightly clinging to Robin's arm formed by his ability.

Robin frowned again as his arm was tangled in mucus and unable to move.

The arm made from [Flower Fruit] shares feelings with Robin, so she can obtain information through the ears or eyes that have grown out.

Likewise, if these parts that grew out of abilities were destroyed, Robin himself would feel the same level of pain.

And now the sticky feeling wrapped around her arm made her feel particularly uncomfortable.

However, the arms grown from the ability of [Flower Fruit] can be released at any time.

With a thought, Robin's arms formed by abilities turned into petals and dissipated in the air.

The restraints on the arms have indeed been lifted, but the physical strength consumed by using the ability will not be restored.

"I said, I said."

Torebol sniffed.

"It's just that you won't be able to escape for long. And you, Violet, you actually betrayed Dover!"

Torebol suddenly raised his hand while speaking, and a stream of slime shot out from his hand and instantly stuck to Violet's body.

"Traitors are unforgivable! I don't even want to turn you into a toy! Guys like you who betrayed the family must be executed!"

The mucus that stuck to Violet turned into a chain. As Torrebol waved his hand, a huge force came from the chain, pulling Violet to fly towards Torrebol.

"A Hundred Flowers·Gentian!"

Countless arms grew out of the ground, grabbed Torrebol's body and rotated, as if to twist his body in an instant.

"A Thousand Colors·Giant Tree·Slap Palm!"

At the same time, countless arms combined together and turned into an extremely huge palm, slapping Torrebol's body hard.


Facing Robin's attack, Torrebol's body flashed quickly. He looked like a sloppy and wretched man, but his movements were not slow at all. Moreover, with the help of the mucus, his movements were more agile. Even if he took off into the air and then fell directly from a high altitude, he was still unscathed under the cushioning of the mucus.

"Sticky Meteor!"

Torrebol landed safely, then swung his arm violently, throwing Violet, who was bound by the mucus, to the ground fiercely.

"Colorful Spider Web!"

Robin activated his ability, forming a huge net with his arm below to catch Violet's body, but the power from the mucus instantly destroyed Robin's arm, turning it into petals and dissipating in the air.

'This guy is just like a monster. He has extremely terrifying power with a casual attack, and according to the information given by Rhodes, his mucus will explode after encountering fire. '

Robin's mind turned, and his ability was activated again.

"Colorful Giant Fist!"

A huge fist appeared behind Robin, with domineering aura wrapped around it, and the fist was instantly dyed black.

The next moment, the huge fist swung down at Torrebol.

"Hehehe, useless, useless."

Torrebol's mucus surged on his body, and then it was fired like a cannonball, and the dense mucus balls shot towards Robin with a terrifying momentum.


The originally huge fist split into countless normal-sized fists in an instant.

Although it is impossible to rely on luck like Bakara to ensure that every punch can hit the critical hit effect of [Bashan], as long as the frequency of attack is increased, [Bashan] can always be hit!

A wisp of black lightning suddenly appeared in the void, turning into a series of iron fists that hit Torrebol.


Kosha's eyes lit up.

When Robin was fighting, he had already discovered their ultimate target, a little girl with green hair.

A door opened in front of him, Kosha passed through the space door, appeared silently behind the little girl, and stabbed the other party with the anesthetic needle in his hand.


Sugar showed a sly smile on her face.

How could she not know that someone was watching her.

At the moment Kosha took action, Sugar turned around and reached out to grab Kosha.

As long as she touches it, her fruit ability can be activated, and then the other party will become a toy, disappear from everyone's memory, and will only obey her orders and work all the time.

Sugar's palm stretched out to Kosa, and touched his body in Kosa's unbelievable eyes.


Accompanied by the sound of the door opening, the part of Kosa's body that was caught was suddenly pushed back by Sugar like a door, and Sugar's body fell into the alien space behind the Door-to-Door Fruit.

"Capture successful!"

Kosa touched the head of Sissi in his arms.

Now, in the alien space behind the door, only Sugar and the various strange things that were put in before are left.

As long as he does not open the door again, the other party will stay in the alien space with those rare beasts.

The next moment, the toys that were originally working according to the program suddenly changed. Their bodies suddenly expanded and turned into human appearances. They were stunned for a while, and then their eyes were full of gratitude for surviving the disaster and anger towards the Don Quixote family.

At the same time, all over the world, countless people suddenly had some memories that had been erased, which made them confused in an instant.

Especially in Dressrosa on the ground, countless people suddenly remembered their parents, lovers, children, brothers... The whole city was filled with various voices.

"It seems that the plan was successful!"

As long as the Childlike Fruit ability user faints, the ability will be lifted!

In order to achieve this goal smoothly, Kosha put a lot of rare and exotic animals in the space behind the Door-Door Fruit. The more thrilling and terrifying the better.

Sure enough, everything was the same as his plan. After Sugar was sent into the space, she fainted in a flash, and her ability was lifted, allowing countless victims around the world to be reborn.


Seeing Sugar being caught, many toys in front of her suddenly turned into human appearances, and many memories suddenly appeared in her mind. How could Trebol not know what happened, and her heart was suddenly filled with strong anger.

Protecting Sugar was the mission Dover gave him, but he failed because of these guys. He couldn't explain this matter anyway!

"Don Quixote family cadres!"

"Damn bastards!"

"I've been turned into a toy for three years. Do you know how I've been through these three years?"

"Kill him!"

Before Trebol could make a move, the pirates who had turned back into human form because of Sucrose fainted and the others took action first, picked up their weapons and attacked Trebol fiercely.

"Sticky chain!"

The mucus sprayed out from Trebol's body, locking up all the mobs in front of him, and then slammed heavily to the ground.

"Although it's not bad to let you fall into the human wave tactics, this is a declaration of war by the Rhodes Pirates against the Donquixote Family, especially cadres like you, who must be defeated by me personally."

"A Thousand Colors·Giant Blooms!"

Behind Robin, a huge figure suddenly appeared. It was a huge figure made up of her Flower-Flower Fruit, with a much larger body and destructive power than the giants.

"The Vision of the King!"

The huge figure stretched out his hand to grab Torrebol. On the ground under Torrebol's feet, countless arms grew out, waving to grab the opponent's body and restrict his movements. Then the huge [Vision of the King] grabbed Torrebol's body.


On the ground

"I don't have a chance to attack at all."

Liluka looked here and there.

All the slightly skilled enemies that appeared were taken down by everyone. She could only release the dolls to clean up the bottom minions of the Don Quixote family.


The white figure suddenly flew over from a distance and fell to the ground. Liluka stepped aside two steps in advance, letting Bepo fall beside her.

"Little Bepo, can you do it?"

"You are not allowed to call me Bepo!"

Bepo stood up and grinned at Liluka.

"Little white bear, if you can't do it, just retreat quickly. Since you are a white bear, I can spare your life, ah~"

A Douyu fishman wearing hot pants and red high heels looked at Bebo with a smile.

He looks like a child, but relying on his strong physical talent, he has a strong fighting power. Even Bebo was kicked away by the opponent just now because of his carelessness.

"The bear doesn't need your mercy!"

Bebo jumped up and shouted at the opponent.

"So, the bear won't spare you later!"

"Ah ah~!"

Bebo took a stance and rushed towards Deringer randomly.

The slightly fat body was extremely agile, almost turning into a white lightning. The body moved and turned, and it could continue to attack while avoiding Deringer's attack.

It seemed that some power was about to burst out of the body.

While fighting, Bebo was looking for that feeling.

After being frequently shocked recently, he seemed to have a special feeling about electric shocks.

It was as if he could also release similar energy.

What on earth was it! ?

The more Bepo fought, the more he felt that the power seemed to surge out of his body.




Another violent roar sounded, and then a figure fell heavily from the sky like a cannonball, hitting the ground hard, leaving a deep hole.

"It feels so good!"

Rod's clothes were torn and there were scars on his body, but his face was full of excitement.

The battle with Kaido, the beast, can be said to be the most enjoyable battle he has ever had since he went to sea!


Kaido's burly body also fell from mid-air, slammed on the ground, carrying his mace on his shoulders, and burst into laughter.

"You are also very powerful, little Rod!"

There was a deep knife scar on Kaido's chest, with blood and flesh rolling, looking extremely ferocious.

"I don't know how long it has been since someone could leave a scar on me!"

"Does it make you so happy just to leave a scar on you?"

Rod wiped the corner of his mouth.

"But the warm-up is over!"

The beard at the corner of Kaido's mouth fluttered.

"Since you are still unwilling to surrender to me, I will knock you all down first and then take you back!"

While speaking, Kaido's body changed, blue dragon scales appeared on his body, the horns on his head also changed, and his hands and feet almost turned into ferocious dragon claws.

Fish-fish Fruit·Phantom Beast·Blue Dragon Form!

This is Kaido's devil fruit ability. After entering the human-beast state, all aspects will usher in a huge breakthrough in speed, strength, explosiveness, and recovery.

"But don't blame me if you can't even withstand my attack!"

Kaido raised the mace in his hand high.

"Thunder Bagua!!"

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