One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 209: More vs. Less, More vs. Less

Entrance to the underground factory.

Weber's body was covered in bruises and bruises, and he was breathing heavily.

At his feet, Onisel lay limp.

Weber looked down at Onisel.

The opponent has a Devil Fruit ability and can move freely through objects like swimming. This ability is perfect for sneak attacks.

However, the opponent did not do this. Instead, he punched him head-on, fighting to the end.

This kind of tough duel gave Weber a sense of appreciation for Onisel.

"Hey, it seems the battle here is over."

Several figures climbed up from the ground. Brooke turned the crutch in his hand in a circle, pulled it out into a stick, and looked at Weber.

"Has your mission also been completed?"

"Of course it was done with luck."

Baccarat chuckled and followed.

Robin and Kosha also walked out, and Violet covered her arms and followed behind them.

She was injured by Torebol's attack, but at this critical moment, no matter what the situation, she must persist to see the final outcome.

"Bring everyone with you."

Snow fruit, slime fruit, childlike fruit, plus this water fruit.

There are really many espers in the Don Quixote family.

Speaking of the captured people, Robin and his party walked towards the middle area of ​​Dressrosa.

Sugar is still locked in the alien space behind Kosha's [Menmen Fruit], so it is inconvenient to use her abilities. If she wakes up again, with her dangerous abilities, it will be risky after all.

It would be safer to find Riluka and ask her to lock these people in the doll house.

"Hey, Riruka!"

After a moment, several people saw Gray and Riluka in their sights.

However, in addition to companions, there seem to be enemies!

Looking at the people who were rushing toward Gray and the others using the Moon Steps, Weber knocked his foot, and his power shoes led him forward quickly, blocking in front of the opponent, and punched with strength.

"Iron boxing technique!"


Weber only saw a black light flash before his eyes, and his body flew backwards helplessly.

"The first one!"

Vergo let out a cold voice, then exerted force on his feet again, rushing toward the people in front of him at a faster speed.

Not only Mahabas and the others, but even Torebol also lost to them.

In this case, it means that sugar is also in the hands of this wave of people who appeared later?

With this thought in his mind, Vergo's body suddenly turned and rushed towards Robin and the others at a faster speed.

"You're being underestimated!"

Robin stretched out his hands, countless petals flying, forming a huge palm, and slapped Vergo fiercely.

Vergo's expression remained unchanged, and powerful domineering energy poured out from his body, turning his entire body black. His muscles bulged, and he swung his heavy fists towards the giant palm facing him.

boom! !

The giant palm in front of him turned into petals and dissipated at the moment of the bombardment, but two giant hands appeared again, slapping Vergo hard on the left and right.


Vergo's body fell to the ground, and then disappeared instantly.

The shave used on the ground is much faster than the moon step.

"This guy is wearing a navy uniform. Aren't we already the Shichibukai? Will the navy actively attack us?"

Brooke looked at Vergo in surprise.

"I'm afraid he is the undercover agent of the Don Quixote family."

Rhodes and Luo told them most of the information about the Don Quixote family. Although there was no specific photo of the so-called [Red Heart], seeing the person in front of him, how could Baccarat not know about him? identity.

"In other words, they are enemies, right?"

Brooke's figure flashed, the staff and sword in his hand were unsheathed, the light of the sword flashed, and chills filled the air.

"Bige Sanding Swallowtail Slash!"


The slash hit Vergo's domineering body, but failed to break through his defense, and the coldness also failed to break through his domineering defense.

"We have clearly entered a new world, but you still don't understand. With my domineering power, you have no chance of winning!"

Vergo looked at the people in front of him proudly.

Although in the new world, most people have mastered Haki, Haki also has strengths and weaknesses.

The warrior on the empty island just now had just mastered his domineering power, but he was knocked away by him as soon as he came face to face with him.

The remaining few people are probably nothing to fear.

As expected, Torebol and the others have declined in terms of domineering and skills because they have been at peace in the family for a long time.

Bang! !

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, an iron fist came from beside him. Vergo confidently stretched out his hand to block, but was knocked back several steps in an instant. Not only that, a force also broke through his domineering force. Destroying his body.

"Domineering, show off!"

Vergo looked at Baccarat in surprise.

The same weapon-colored domineering energy can be used in a variety of ways.

Wrap, harden, and lay out.

These are the three main ways to use Armament Haki.

However, for most physical experts, whether it is attack or defense, they mainly use the hardening of Haki.

As for techniques such as playing outside, Vergo also knew something about it, but he was not proficient in it.

If it is simply the release of domineering power, it is not necessarily much stronger than hardening. Only by combining the release of domineering power with the power of attack can the power of release be truly exerted.

But what happened to that red-haired woman?

Can this level of power also exert the power of release?

"Ah~ Aiya~!"

A white figure flashed by, and the bear's paw fell on Vergo's body. A trace of light blue lightning flashed, making his body slightly paralyzed.


Brooke looked at Bepo.

The opponent's attack just now contained lightning, right?


Bepo rubbed his head.

"When I was fighting just now, I don't know why I could suddenly use this power."

"Fur tribe."

Vergo looked at the people who gathered around him, his face still calm, and he drew out his ghost bamboo, and the domineering power quickly wrapped around it, dyeing it black.

Rao G, Diamante, and Pica, the three of them were still fighting with the enemy.

The members of the Rod Pirates in front of him didn't seem to be any great guys.

As long as they were all dealt with, and then Diamante and the others defeated the enemy, the battle here would be completely stable.

Thinking of this, Vergo swung the ghost bamboo in his hand fiercely at Bepo behind him. Under the entanglement of the armed color domineering, the weapon became indestructible.


Minina grabbed Vergo's ghost bamboo and held it tightly.

Can't pull it!

Vergo's expressionless face couldn't help but flash a trace of surprise.

What's wrong with this pink-haired girl? She is so small, why does she have such great power.

"Don't attack our companions casually."


Minina suddenly exerted force, and cracks appeared on the ghost bamboo covered with armed color, and then it suddenly shattered.


Vergo put away his astonishment and threw away the ghost bamboo that was only half left in his hand.

"You were the first to attack my family!"

Bang! !

Minina's fists collided with Vergo again, and the strong impact broke out, causing Vergo's clothes to tear apart, but Minina's expression did not change at all.

The next moment, the two fists kept hitting each other, and bursts of explosions were heard.

"It seems that I don't need to intervene."

Robin looked at the battle situation, then lowered her head and looked at the captives lying at her feet.

There are too many devil fruits now, and there are not so many capable cadres in the pirate group.

According to Rhode's meaning, after this battle, everything of Doflamingo will be taken away directly, whether it is Dressrosa or the network of relationships that the other party operates in the underground world, all of them will be wiped out.

If you really want to start developing your power, you must recruit a lot of people.

Moreover, Dressrosa is now a member of the World Government, and how to deal with the World Government is also a headache.

Robin looked at Violet.

I wonder if this former royal princess can play a little role.

Boom! !

The sturdy figure fell from the air.

Even if Robin did not attack, Vergo had no power to resist under the righteous siege of the remaining members of the Rod Pirates.

"How to deal with him?"

Minina stepped on Vergo.

On the opponent's body, there were injuries from Minina's heavy punches, Brook's sword wounds, and other injuries caused by Gray's weapon. Under the beating of everyone, Vergo had little strength left.

"Just kill him!"

Pekin came over with the bald man in a tights in his hand, and while speaking, he broke the opponent's neck.

The battle with Rao G made him feel very satisfied. After the old man used all his strength, both his physique and skills were very strong, which caused him a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, he was the final winner!

And killing the enemy completely is the greatest respect for him.

"He is not a person with special abilities either."

While speaking, Pekin threw the body of Lao G next to Vergo, then looked at him and broke his neck neatly.

There was no room for negotiation between them and the Don Quixote family. The safest way to deal with such physical enemies was to kill them directly.

"You are so decisive, Pekin!"

Kosha glanced at Pekin.

This kind of decisiveness was also something he had to learn.

"We really got into a good show, Snag!"

"That's right, that's right."

Two voices suddenly came from the side of the crowd, and Pekin turned his head abruptly.


Just as he turned his head, a flash of knife light flashed in front of his eyes, as if to split him in half.

Dang! !

Brook stood in front of Pekin, holding a sword in one hand and pressing the back of the knife with the other hand, using both hands to block the opponent's slash at the same time.

"A hundred flowers in disarray!"

The petals fluttered, forming several huge arms, which slapped the enemy fiercely.

While attacking, Robin also created several large arms, captured the captives of the Don Quixote family, and led them to retreat together.

Sword Qi flew, and the giant hands Robin slapped were torn apart by the sword Qi in an instant, and turned into petals and dissipated in the air. The severe pain from her arms made Robin's face twitch slightly.

After destroying several of her arms, the sword Qi continued to attack several people.

Boom! !

Minina punched out, and a strong shock wave hit the sword Qi, instantly blasting it away, but her body was also shocked by the power and retreated one after another.

"Big Mom Pirates, three dessert generals!"

Robin and his friends didn't look at the two enemies who suddenly appeared until they were out of their attack range.

Although it was the first time they saw them, Robin had seen the bounty order for them a long time ago.

"Why, you are here!"

Robin's forehead was covered with cold sweat.


The bearded man holding a long sword looked at Robin and his friends.

"Haven't you declared war on us!"

Cracker looked at the group of people in front of him with a cruel expression on his face.

"Since they are enemies, they must be completely eliminated. Don't you understand this principle?

Just now, you killed the members of the Don Quixote family very neatly. Why can't you understand it when it's your turn?"

"Of course, the world of pirates is the law of the jungle!"

Pekin's palm glowed red.

The two enemies in front of him are not at the same level as the members of the Don Quixote family they had dealt with before. The three generals of Dessert are well-known pirates even in the New World!

"But it's not certain who is stronger!"

Accompanied by a roar, Pekin took the initiative to attack.

Snag swung the long sword in his hand and collided with Pekin's fist. The explosion sounded instantly, but it did not break his long sword. Domineering energy was entangled on his long sword.

"Swallowtail Slash!"

Brook pierced with the long sword in his hand, and whispered sorry.

"Yohohoho, sorry."

"However, according to Captain Rod's order, there is no need to pursue a one-on-one situation in the battle."

"It doesn't matter, no matter how many people you have, I will defeat you all!"

Snag's expression did not change, but the long sword in his hand danced more frequently.

He was just promoted to the three generals of the dessert by his mother, and his position was not very stable. Many brothers and sisters were a little dissatisfied.

If this time, the spirit of the Rod Pirates was severely dampened, and at least a few of the opponent's cadres were killed, they would definitely earn reputation in the family.

"Two against one."

Cracker took a look at the battle on Snag's side.

"I thought you would go with two more people. The rest of you are going to fight with me. You really value me."

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven."

Cracker stretched out his fingers and counted one by one.

"Fighting with more people against fewer."

"Facing a strong enemy like you, we dare not be careless."

Robin's heart was alarmed.

The shadow of a person's name and tree, being able to serve as the highest cadre in the Four Emperors is definitely not an easy person.

Not to mention the other dessert three generals, Katakuri, who left a deep impression on her.

"Sorry, you may have misunderstood."

Cracker smiled faintly.

"I'm talking about more, not you."

The next moment, people who look exactly like him appeared in front of Robin and the others.

"It's me!"

Dozens of Crackers surrounded Robin and the others and spoke to them in the same voice.

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