One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 29: Bounty (New book, please read!!)


After ordering all 80 kinds of food and eating them one by one, the people who had been dominated by various fish for several days felt like they had been reborn.

It should be said that the food made by the automatic food processor far exceeded that of the few of them.

"By the way, where are we now?"

After cleaning up the things on the table, the people who were full of food and wine simply gathered around the table to discuss the current sailing progress.

"This is the map of the North Sea, this is Speda Miles where we left before, and this is the approximate location we are now."

As a navigator, Neru took out the map and spread it on the table, pointing it out for everyone.

Because they were still drifting on the sea and had no specific reference, Neru could only circle a rough location for everyone.

"Our ultimate goal is to enter the Grand Line. To enter the Grand Line from the four seas, we need to pass the Upside Down Mountain, which is here.

If we sail at the current speed, it will take about ten days to reach the Upside Down Mountain."

"However, although we have replenished a lot of supplies in Speda Miles before, based on the consumption on the ship, it can only last for 20 days at most."

"Is it consumed so quickly?"

"It could have lasted for about thirty days, this is my latest calculation."

Neyru glanced at the automatic food processor on the kitchen wall and added.

"Considering this dream machine that Gray has just made, the consumption in the next few days may be even worse, which means that the supplies on the ship may not even last for 20 days."

"Ahahaha! There is no way, the food is too delicious!"

Hearing Neyru's words, everyone laughed, and the room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"So, our original plan to rush into the Grand Line in one go has failed."

"Before entering the Grand Line, we still need to replenish our supplies. After all, it is the most dangerous route in the world. No one knows what we will encounter, and the necessary supplies must be prepared in sufficient quantities."

"Then should we go to Holgus Town for supplies? That is the town closest to the Grand Line, which can guarantee the supplies on the ship to the greatest extent after we enter the Grand Line."

"No! The Navy and the Seven Warlords must have thought of the situation we have considered, so they are likely to set up an ambush there and wait for us to fall into the trap."

Rhodes stood up and swiped his finger across the map.

"Our destination is here!"

"Tiger Shark Island!"

Looking at the place where Rhodes' finger fell, Nia muttered softly.

"It belongs to the lawless place."

Tiger Shark Island is a well-known and veritable lawless place in the entire North Sea.

It is not under the jurisdiction of any naval branch, nor is it under the jurisdiction of any country or force. The unspoken rules of the underground world maintain the fragile order there.

"That's right. That's why neither the navy nor the Seven Warlords would have thought that we would go to such a place. After all, it takes almost a day longer to get to the Upside Down Mountain from Holgus Town."

"After we get there, we shouldn't stay too long. We should hurry up to complete the supply of supplies and then head straight to the Grand Line."

"In that case, I'll renovate the warehouse to ensure that the food can be stored for a longer time."

"Boss Rod!"

Pekin suddenly rushed in with excitement on his face.

After eating just now, he volunteered to serve as a lookout, responsible for observing the situation on the sea.

"It's a bounty!"

"We've been bountied!"


Looking at the newspaper and bounty held in Pekin's hand, everyone was excited.

In this world, even ordinary people are full of interest in bounties, and they are very interested in the bounties of various pirates, not to mention those who have chosen to be pirates.


Without further suspense, Pei Jin directly slapped several bounties on the table, and everyone leaned over to look. Even the always cool Luo leaned forward a little.

"First, Boss Rhodes, Mad Blade Rhodes, bounty of 71 million Baileys! As expected of Boss Rhodes, this amount of money can be offered for the first time. Even in the entire North Sea, he is definitely the leading pirate!"

The bounty showed a photo of Rhodes carrying Bastiu's [Shark Slash] sword. With a height of just over two meters and a large saw blade of more than four meters, he really looked full of oppression.

As for the photo that Colonel Barrow took out before, considering the face of Major General Bastiu, it was not used as a bounty.


"Who gave me this nickname? It's too embarrassing!"

Rhodes was instantly furious. This Mad Blade Rhodes sounded like a small role, and there was no difference between him and those machetes.

"Black Gun·Nero, bounty of 44 million Baileys!"

"That sounds about right, and who took the photo? Why is it so handsome!"

The bounty order shows Nero holding a black gun and aiming. His green eyes are very sharp, forming a sharp contrast with his handsome and soft face. He looks very handsome.

"Death Surgeon·Ro, bounty of 42 million Baileys."

The photo on Luo's bounty order is taken in a standard way, just a close-up headshot.

"Catwoman·Nia, bounty of 28 million Baileys."

"It's a beautiful photo!"

Looking at the heroic image of herself in the bounty order, Nia nodded with satisfaction.

"That's all."

After showing the bounties of several people, Pei Jin's mood suddenly became depressed.

"I'm not wanted, and it's not even mentioned in the report..."

"Woo, woo, don't I even qualify for a bounty..."

Xia Qi hugged Pei Jin, and the two of them cried together.

"Neither is Xiong..."

Bebo was about to hug and cry with the two of them, when he suddenly glanced at a bounty under the newspaper, and it was his own photo printed on it.

"Xiong is also wanted!"

Excitedly picking up his own bounty, Bebo happily turned around, squatted in front of Pei Jin and Xia Qi, and showed his bounty.

"Look, look, Xiong's bounty!"

Xia Qi looked up and saw a photo of Bebo posing in the "White Crane Spreading Wings" pose, and the whole person fell into depression again.

"Why does Bebo have it, but I don't!"

"Eh? Wait..."

After a second of depression, Xia Qi suddenly reacted and looked at Bebo's bounty again.

"The bounty is 200 Baileys!!"

"What did you say!"

Bebo was shocked, turned over his bounty, looked at it carefully, and was instantly broken.

"Why does Xiong only have a bounty of 200 Baileys!"

"Hahaha, Bebo, your bounty doesn't seem to be enough to print it."


Bebo apologized habitually, and then sobbed again.

"Wuwuwu... Obviously Xiong also fought bravely."

Thanks to the book friend 20190822191225428 for the monthly ticket, and thank Lao Cui Sheren for the reward!

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