One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 33: The Watching of the Baroque Studio (New book, please read it!!)

Tiger Shark Island

This is a lawless place

It has been in a state of anarchy for a long time, and the island is full of violence and fighting.

But on this island, there are also unwritten rules, that is, no one is allowed to rob shops.

Even the evil pirates have to spend money to buy things after coming to this island. Fighting and killing are limited to each other, and will not affect the merchants on the island.

On the one hand, this is a customary rule in the underground circle. If pirates rob here at will, they will be spurned by everyone, and there will be no place for them to safely supply in the future; on the other hand, there are no simple characters who can open a store on such an island.

"Very good, very energetic!"

The Polar Ship slowly docked at the coast. Feeling the killing and fighting on the island, Rhodes licked his lips.

What he lacks most now is fighting!

But, too weak.

"I'll stay and watch the ship."

Luo, who was covered in bruises, took the initiative to speak.

God knows how much he has suffered in the past two days.

However, Rhodes never speaks nonsense about such things. After several days of tempering, he seems to have vaguely felt a force.

"Xiong, let's stay and watch the boat together."

Looking at Luo, who was covered with bruises, Bepo hesitated and spoke.

Although Luo said that he was fine, he still had to accompany him.

Hehe, Xiong is so reliable.

"Then, Pekin, Xiaqi, Gray, Nia, the four of you go to purchase supplies, and hurry up. Neru and I will go to find out the news and see if we can find a chef."

"Should I go too! I want to stay on the boat!"

Just standing on the boat, Gray could hear all kinds of gunshots from the island, as well as screams of dying. Not to mention the smell of ammunition drifting in the wind, and the smell of blood.

"What are you talking about? We don't understand mechanical things. You have to buy the materials you need for your research yourself."

Nia waved her hand, took them off the boat, and walked towards the island.

Pei Jin and Xia Qi looked at each other, and one on each side protected Gray as he got off the ship.

In fact, they were also somewhat familiar with mechanics, after all, they had helped Dr. Wolfe with some things.

However, since Boss Rhodes had spoken, Gray would naturally be taken with him.

Moreover, Gray also needed a little training. Although he was not a combatant, he could not be too weak. This sea was very dangerous, and their goal was to conquer it.

"Let's go too. - I'll leave the Polar to you, Luo."

Watching Nia and the other four leave, Rhodes waved to Luo, and then took Neru to another direction.

In his perception, there were many people with relatively strong auras in that direction, and they should have more information.

"Is this pirate flag them?"

On a hillside not far away, a man and a woman were lying there, holding binoculars in their hands, looking at the pirate ship that had stopped on the coast.

"Crossed swords and guns, and fists on top of them, yes, it's the Rod Pirates!"

The man looked at the booklet in his hand again, and his tone became excited.

"This is a big fish, the bounty of the whole group has reached 185 million Baileys!"

"Wrong! It's 185 million and 200 Baileys!"

"Don't count the decimals."

"Be rigorous in your work! Xiuji!

When will you get promoted with this attitude? The reason why I chose to partner with you is that I saw your potential and thought you have the hope of getting promoted soon. But if you can't correct your attitude and maintain a rigorous work attitude, I will have to change your partner!"

The pretty and hot woman looked at her partner with a serious expression.

"Yes, yes, I know! Margaret!"

Looking at his partner beside him, Xiuji nodded frequently.

They are members of the Baroque Works, but they are only the lowest members.

The Baroque Works, where they are, is a powerful force from the Grand Line. The company has a clear hierarchy, from top to bottom, including the president, chief commander, executive commander, billion messenger, and million messenger.

They are now the bottom-level employees at the level of million messengers.

As long as they can be promoted to chief commander, they can enjoy the high benefits brought by the company, and they only need to go out when they encounter difficult tasks, and they can also command the billion messengers and million messengers under their command at will.

However, promotion within the company is very difficult, and there must be clear merits to be promoted, and the chief commander and executive commander need to be re-selected when there are vacancies.

However, there is a great opportunity in front of them!

As long as the intelligence of the Rod Pirates is reported, and the company dispatches senior cadres to capture them, the two of them who first discovered the prey will also receive corresponding rewards and credits.

As for whether such a high bounty can be successfully captured?

They are forces from the Grand Line. The pirates in the North Sea must have committed very bad crimes to be rewarded with such a high amount by the Navy. As for their real strength, they may not have much.

It just so happens that Mr. 11, the company's executive commander, is on the island right now because of something.

"Shuji, use Den Den Mushi to contact Mr. 11 immediately. I'll watch over them."

Because of her outstanding appearance, Margaret was chosen by the executive commander, and was given a Den Den Mushi that they could contact directly, which was convenient for them to report intelligence.


Shuki took out a Den Den Mushi from his arms and dialed Mr. 11's number.

Bru~ Bru~ Bru~

"Wait, where are the people!"

Margaret, who looked through the telescope again, was slightly dazed.

While they were talking, the people who were originally on the ship disappeared, leaving only the polar bear with a bounty of 200 berries on the ship, babbling and gesticulating, and no one knew what he was doing.

Not to mention the people who were originally taken away by Catwoman Nia, judging from the direction they were heading, they were most likely going to resupply and buy supplies, and they could be found in the commercial district later.

But where are their captains, the mad sword Rod with a bounty of 71 million berries, and the black gun Neru with a bounty of 44 million berries? I clearly saw them just now.

Turning the telescope around, but unable to find the two people, Margaret's face was full of anxiety.

They won't run away, will they?


"This is Mr. 11, what's the matter?"

"We are the Million Envoys, Shuki and Margaret, we found the traces of the Rhodes Pirates on the west coast."

"Hahahaha, this is a pirate group with a total bounty of 185 million and 200 Baileys, you keep an eye on them, and your credit will not be lost after the success."

Mr. 11 laughed happily, and after giving some instructions, he hung up the Den Den Mushi.

"We have a chance to be promoted!"

After hanging up the phone, Shuki couldn't hide his excitement, but found that his partner was looking at him with sweat on his face.

"What's wrong, Margaret."

"You are looking for me."

Margaret didn't speak, and a slightly low voice sounded behind Shuki.

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