One Piece: Fist of the World

Chapter 36 The Chief Commander Arrives (New book, please read!!)

Tiger Shark Island, Central Business District, North Sea Style Bar.

"I was lucky to find the popular Rod Pirates!"

After hanging up the phone, Mr. 11 took a sip of wine, with a look of relief on his face.

A month ago, he received a task from above to come to North Sea to invite someone to join Baroque Works.

With the reputation of Baroque Works, he thought this task was a sure thing, but who knew that the other party would directly reject him, even if he used all kinds of means, he could not get the other party to agree.

In fact, Baroque Works' normal invitation is nothing more than two ways-coercion and inducement!

However, no matter what promises he made, the other party was indifferent, and even had no reaction, just wanting to live a stable life.

When inducement failed, he wanted to coerce.

It's a pity that he couldn't beat him!

It should be said that he is a monster specially invited by the company headquarters to join. His swordsmanship, which he is proud of, is completely no match for the opponent. Not only that, his partner Ms. Thursday was also injured and is still lying in bed.

So, two days ago, he received a call from the headquarters again, asking him to continue to pay attention to the opponent's movements on Tiger Shark Island.

The company headquarters sent the chief executive to take over this task.

According to the company's rules, those who fail the mission will be severely punished. Knowing the company's strength, he knew that there was no possibility of escape, so he could only indulge in beauty and wine every day to numb himself.

Now it seems that the goddess of luck is still on his side.

With the total bounty of 185,000,200 Baileys from the Rod Pirates, it should be enough to offset the punishment for his failed mission, and he may even get the reward from the boss.

Thinking of this, Mr. 11's face was even more relaxed.

"You are so relaxed, Mr. 11! The mission failed and we need to deal with the follow-up, but you dare to enjoy the wine here with peace of mind."

A cold voice sounded, and then the door of the compartment was kicked open, and a man with a big hair and sunglasses walked into the room.

"You have disgraced the company!"

"Mr. 5!"

Looking at the man who pushed the door in, Mr. 11's face changed slightly.

"Ahahaha, why don't I kill him too, such a shameful guy."

A female voice sounded immediately, and a tall woman with short golden hair followed and walked into the room. Although she was indoors, she was still holding an umbrella.

"Ms. Valentine's Day!"

Looking at the two people who came in, Mr. 11's face changed drastically at first, and then he remembered something, and his face returned to calm again.

Although the attitude of these two people was not good, and they looked like they were going to kill him, but he now had more important information, which was important news that was enough to benefit them all.

"You two might as well sit down and have a drink. Although the matter about the monster has not been handled well, I now have reliable information. If you can help us, we will definitely make greater contributions to the company!"

Inviting the two chief commanders to sit down, Mr. 11 personally poured wine for them, waved his hand to signal the beauties accompanying the wine to go out, and installed the door that was kicked.

After hearing what Mr. 11 said, Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine also sat down.

What they said just now was just a means for them to take the initiative.

Although the chief commander's rank is higher than the executive commander, the other party is at least a small cadre of the company. Even if he wants to punish the other party, it will be arranged by the boss, not by the two of them.

What's more, if this mission is to be successfully completed, the cooperation of the other party is needed.

In addition, before coming, they also learned about the mission objectives of this time. According to the latest reported intelligence, it has indeed exceeded the ability of the executive commander. According to the boss's meaning, the failure of the mission is not Mr. 11's fault.

In this case, why not listen to the merits that the other party has said.

"What! The total bounty of the Rod Pirates is 185,200,000 Baileys!"

Hearing the information from Mr.11, Mr.5's face changed drastically, and he took a sip of wine to calm down.

"Did you make a mistake, Mr.11?

Although the merits are very attractive, with our strength, we can't deal with enemies of this level at all."

A pirate group with such a high bounty is rare even in the Grand Line.

Even for them, the most powerful pirates they had dealt with before, the bounty was only 41 million Baileys.

And the bounty of the captain of the Rod Pirates is as high as 71 million Baileys. In addition to the captain, there are two other tough guys with bounties exceeding 40 million Baileys.

"Don't worry, I know about their situation."

Mr.11 filled Mr.5's glass again, his face full of confidence.

"It's just a fledgling pirate group, and they don't have any outstanding achievements. This kind of pirate group that only wanders around the world, even if it has some strength, is very limited. It must be because they have committed some unforgivable crimes that the navy offers a high reward."

Mr.5 nodded. He was just shocked by the other party's bounty just now. After calming down and thinking about it, he didn't think that this fledgling pirate group would be very strong.

"With your strength, it's as easy as taking something out of your bag to deal with them. This is the credit given to us by God!"

Pick up the wine poured by Mr.11, Mr.5 took a sip and smiled.

"It's our credit!"

"Ahahaha! That's right, it's just our credit."

Ms. Valentine, who was sitting next to him, took over Mr.5's words with a bad smile on her face.

"Don't worry, I will explain the situation for you in the mission report. I believe the company will not pursue the fact that you failed to complete the mission."

These two guys!

Looking at the couple in front of him, Mr.11 was full of anger.

He actually planned to take the credit for the reward.

However, the situation is stronger than people, and he was incompetent in the first place. Even if he wanted to resist, he was not their opponent.

Unfortunately, Ms. Thursday was injured and can't move now.

Thinking of his partner who was knocked down and still lying in bed to recuperate, Mr.11 was even more angry with Genos.

"Thank you very much, Mr. 5."

With these thoughts flashing in his mind, Mr. 11 did not show it on his face and poured another glass of wine for Mr. 5.

I can also submit the mission report myself!

As long as I contribute in the battle, no one can erase my credit!

With these thoughts flashing in Mr. 11's mind, he made up his mind that when dealing with Genos and the Rod Pirates in the future, he must choose the right time to sneak attack the other party.

He also needs to arrange for someone to take photos, so as to ensure that his credit will not be erased.

"The Rod Pirates will deal with it later. Before that, let's deal with the zombie man Genos first. Where is he now?"

Putting down the wine glass, Mr. 5 asked.

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